Context Clues Lesson Plan

I. Task Analysis
SOL Objective:
4.6 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of how to use context clues
for unfamiliar words.
a) using context clues, such as a restatement, a synonym, an example, or a direct
description or definition included in the sentence or paragraph, to clarify the meaning of
unfamiliar words or phrases.
Background Knowledge:
Students understand and can identify what a synonym and antonym is.
Students can effectively use examples and explanations to assist them in reading
difficult material.
Lesson Objective:
Tuesday - By the end of today’s lesson, students will be able to list the four context
clues, see how each one works, and identify the differences between them.
Wednesday - By the end of today’s lesson, students will be able to use context clues to
effectively read a passage and make predictions and inferences.
Friday - By the end of today’s lesson, students will be able to continue using context
clues to finish the passage.
Tuesday 
Context Clues: hints on clues in a sentence or paragraph that helps you
determine the meaning of an unknown word
Synonym: a word with the same or similar meaning
Antonym: a word with a different or opposite meaning
Explanation: The word might be explained in the sentence before or after the
unfamiliar word
Example: Sometimes, right after the word, an example will be given.
Wednesday 
Unknown words from the story
Friday 
Unknown words from the story
Resources and Technology:
Tuesday 
Interactive Notebook set
Nonsense words worksheet
Wednesday 
Context Clues Pirate Game
(Masterminds and Flames) The Lost Treasure of the Ruby Dagger
(Sea Monsters) Free Speech at School
Friday 
Tic Tac Toe Game
(Masterminds and Flames) The Lost Treasure of the Ruby Dagger
(Sea Monsters) Free Speech at School
Differentiation: I will differentiate based on reading level and passage. The Masterminds and
The Flames will receive a (4/5th) grade reading level passage to use context clues with while The
Sea Monsters will receive a (3rd/4th) grade reading level passage to do the same with.
Assessment: No formal assessment for this unit.
II. Sequence of Lesson
Anticipatory Set:
Tuesday - What are some context clues we talked about yesterday? Who do they each
Wednesday - Someone name a context clue for me.
Friday - Take a look at these cards - work with a partner and figure out what the word
means and tell me what strategy you used.
Guided Practice:
Tuesday - Quickly cut out all of the context clues and glue them down to your sheet of
paper. This paper will be your cheat sheet.
Wednesday - Okay, so yesterday we worked with nonsense words. Today we are going
to look at pirate words. What do we think “avast” means? Why?
Friday - N/A
Check for Understanding:
Monday - Let’s look at the sentence beside synonym. The word we are focusing on is
vital. What is the synonym for vital? Highlight both essential and vital.
Look at antonym. The word we are focusing on is exterior. What is an antonym for
exterior? Highlight both exterior and inside.
Look at explanation. The word we are focusing on is confession. What is the explanation
for confession? Highlight confession and told about everything I had done wrong.
And the last one examples. The focus word is marsupials. What is the example?
Highlight marsupial and kangaroos, koalas, and wallabies.
Tuesday - What about “doubloons”, “me hearty”, “sea rovers”, “blimey”, and “booty”?
Friday - N/A
Teacher Input and Modeling:
Tuesday - Now we are going to do something a little strange today. We are going to use
context clues with nonsense words. Look at the first example. Based off the other clues
in the sentence what do we think “toota” stands for? How do we know that?
Wednesday - So now we are done with the crazy stuff and we are getting right to
Friday - N/A
Check for Understanding:
Tuesday - Okay what about the second one? What do we think “slutaying” means? Why
do we think that?
Wednesday - Take a look at the first paragraph. I will read it aloud. The word
“unsettles”, who can tell me what they think it means based off the context clues?
Friday - N/A
Independent Practice:
Tuesday - Go ahead and finish the worksheet.
Wednesday - I want you to read this story and STOP where the mark is. Use the
worksheet to right down any unfamiliar words, what you think they mean, and the
strategy you used.
Friday - Okay, today we are going to finish up our story.
Tuesday - Go over the worksheet and any questions.
Wednesday - Go over the worksheet and any questions. Make a prediction!
Friday - Go over the worksheet and any questions. Where your predictions true?
**Time Permitting: Personification Jar