High School Curriculum List 2012-2013 River’s Edge Christian Academy High School Curriculum List 2012-2013 Estimated Retail Cost of Curriculum You Will Order: $54.50 Textbooks purchased by the parent: WORLD HISTORY HIS0900 ALGEBRA 1 MAT0900 Bob Jones Press 267807 World History Student Text (3rd Edition- student activities included in text ) Glencoe McGraw-Hill Lease: Glencoe McGraw-Hill Algebra I ISBN: 978-0-07-888480-1 ISBN: 978-1-59166-984-5 Grade 10 244681 World History Teacher’s Edition ISBN: 978-1-59166-731-5 (recommended) $56.50 $45.00 $56.00 $28.00 Bob Jones Press GEOMETRY MAGE231 Glencoe McGraw-Hill Lease: Glencoe McGraw-Hill Geometry, Student Edition ISBN: 978-0-07-8884849 250936 Cultural Geography Teacher’s Edition (recommended) Optional: CD-Rom Geometry – 257873 Student Activity Manual Answer Key (optional) UNITED STATES HISTORY HIS 1100 Bob Jones Press ALGEBRA 2 MAT1000 $30.00 parents can purchase $49.98 ISBN: 978-0-07-888-8558 Glencoe McGraw-Hill Lease: Glencoe McGraw-Hill Algebra 2, Student Edition (2008) ISBN :007-8-73-830X Optional Resource: On-line Teacher Edition Lease(grades:9-11) https://www.mheonline.com/discip line/narrow/2/16/169/ 1 $30.00 parents can purchase $49.98 ISBN: 978-0-07-888534-1 E- Solutions:(on-line) solutions to these problems(9th-12th grades) are accessible online at Hotmath.com, using the following login: http://hotmath.com/login.html With login: reca. 268961 US History Student Text (4th Edition) $45.00 Amount owed to RECA: Optional: CD-Rom Algebra 1 – WORLD & CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY HIS1000 231514 Cultural Geography Student Text(3rd Edition) 250928 Student Activity Manual $23.00 Parents will need to lease/purchase these math textbooks from RECA: $30.00 optional High School Curriculum List 2012-2013 $23.00 $56.00 268979 US History Activity Manual 269001 US History Teacher’s Edition with CD 2 vol. (recommended) 268995 US History Activity Manual Answer Key (optional) ENGLISH 9 ENG0900 Bob Jones Press - Literature 259960 Fundamentals of Literature Student Text (2nd Edition) 259986 Teacher’s Edition with CD (recommended) Little, Brown Handbook, 11th Edition $28.00 $48.00 $53.00 $84.00 (Depending on which on-line retailer you use, it can be purchased for much less) Novels $8.99 ISBN 978-0-205-65171-9 (may be purchased in either paperback or hardback (recommended) from various online retailers, including Amazon.com and www.mypearsonstore.com) ** Will be used 9th-11th grades** See separate novel listing Vocabulary Power Plus (Prestwick House) Vocabulary Power Plus for the New ACT Book One #308105 ENGLISH 9 ENG0900H See separate novel listing ENGLISH 10 ENG1000 Bob Jones Press - Literature 277624 Elements of Literature Student Text (2nd Edition) 277625 Teacher’s Edition with CD (recommended) Little, Brown Handbook, 11th Edition Novels $44.00 $53.00 $84.00 (Depending on which on-line retailer you use, it can be purchased for much less) ISBN 978-0-205-65171-9 (may be purchased in either paperback or hardback (recommended) from various online retailers, including Amazon.com and www.mypearsonstore.com) **Will be used 9th-11th grades** Novels See separate novel listing Vocabulary Power Plus (Prestwick House) Vocabulary Power Plus for the New ACT Book Two $8.99 #308106 2 High School Curriculum List 2012-2013 $57.00 Novels ENGLISH 10 ENG1000H See separate novel listing ENGLISH 11 ENG1100 Bob Jones Press- Literature 273714 American Literature Student Text (2nd Edition) 188920 Teacher’s Edition(recommended) See separate novel listing $84.00 Little, Brown Handbook, 11th Edition Novels $44.00 (Depending on which on-line retailer you use, it can be purchased for much less) ISBN 978-0-205-65171-9 (may be purchased in either paperback or hardback (recommended) from various online retailers, including Amazon.com and www.mypearsonstore.com) **Will be used 9th-11th grades** Vocabulary Power Plus (Prestwick House) Vocabulary Power Plus for the New ACT Book Three $8.99 #308107 ENGLISH 11 ENG1100H See separate novel listing BIOLOGY SCI1000 Apologia Biology Exploring Creation with 2-Book Set 2nd Edition (Textbook & Solutions Novels $85.00 Manual) ISBN 978-1-932012-57-6 (Children’s Books offers a 20-30% discount off the retail price: www.childsbooks.com or 1-800-3443198. The set is $63.75) Lab fee $25.00 3 High School Curriculum List 2012-2013 $30.00 lease $25.00 CHEMISTRY SCI1100 Glencoe Matter and Change ISBN 978-0-07-896405-3 Parents will need to lease/purchase this textbook from RECA Lab fee PHYSICAL EDUCATION &WELLNESS HEA0900 ABEKA 174157 Health in Christian Perspective (new edition) Get Healthy for Heaven’s Sake Author – Lisa Morrone ISBN 978 0736 927 048 COMPUTER SCIENCE INTRO TO MULTIMEDIA COM0900 Glencoe Introduction to Multimedia Student Edition ISBN: 978-00-789-42716 $22.30 Novel $11.99 $51.51 (may be purchased at https://www.mheonline.com ) Students taking this course will need to provide their own laptop with these specifications: Windows XP or higher and RAM 512 or higher. The software is provided with the curriculum. COMPUTER SCIENCE INTRO TO WEB DESIGN 1 COM1000 Glencoe Introduction to Web Design Using Dreamweaver®, Student Edition © 2007 ISBN: 978-00-787-29898 $58.74 Introduction to Web Design Using Dreamweaver®, Student Workbook © 2007 ISBN: 978-00-787-36872 $31.59 4 Students taking this course will need to provide their own laptop with these specifications: Windows XP or higher and RAM 512 or higher. The software is provided with the curriculum. High School Curriculum List 2012-2013 PERFORMING ARTS DRA1000 Bob Jones Press 183442 Performing Literature Oral Interpretation and Drama 1st semester ISBN 978 1579 246 228 $33.33 BHpublishinggroup.com Secrets of Great Communicators Author Jeff Myers 2nd semester ISBN 978-0-8054-6880-9 $17.99 Can be purchased at Cedar Springs Christian Bookstore or Amazon FOREIGN LANGUAGE SPANISH 2 SPA1000 Houghton Mifflin Lease: DIME Book 1 ISBN: 9780669433289 Apologia may be ordered directly through the publisher at 1-888-524-4724 or www.apologia.com or through discount publishers such as Children’s Books at 1-800-344-3198 or www.childsbooks.com. BJU may be purchased from www.bjupress.com or 1-800-845-5731 or from www.childsbooks.com 5 $10.00