Chapter 5 - Bakersfield College

Identifying Good Measurement
© 2012 by W. W. Norton & Company
Detailed Learning Objectives
1. Recognize the difference between a conceptual
variable and its operationalization.
2. List three ways psychologists typically operationalize
variables: self-report, observational, and physiological.
3. Classify variable scales as categorical or quantitative.
4. Describe the difference between the validity and the
reliability of a measure.
5. Identify three types of reliability (test-retest,
interrater, and internal), and know when each type is
Detailed Learning Objectives
6. Review scatterplots, focusing on how scatterplots show
the direction and strength of a relationship.
7. Apply the correlation coefficient, r, as a way to describe
the direction and strength of a relationship. (In this
chapter, r is relevant as a common statistic to describe
reliability and validity.)
8. Identify face and content validity.
9. Identify predictive, concurrent, convergent, and
discriminant validity.
10. Describe how scatterplots, r, and known groups can
be used to evaluate predictive, concurrent, convergent,
and discriminant validity.
Ways to Measure Variables
Ways to Measure Variables
• Conceptual and operational variables
• Three common types of measures
• Scales of measurement
Constructs and Operationalizations
No. of
Brain scan
Three types of operationalization
– Self-report
– Observational
– Physiological
Scales of Measurement
• Categorical
• Quantitative
– Ordinal (meaningful values but unequal intervals
between units)
– Interval (equal intervals between units but no
meaningful zero)
– Ratio (equal intervals and a meaningful zero)
The claim:
“College students are getting
more narcissistic.”
NPI Example Items: Forced-Choice Format
(Ames, Rose, & Cameron, 2006)
Narcissistic response
Non-narcissistic response
I like to be the center of
I prefer to blend in with the
I think I am a special person.
I am no better nor no worse than
most people.
I know that I am good because
everybody keeps telling me so.
I insist upon getting the respect
that is due me.
When people compliment me I
sometimes get embarrassed.
I usually get the respect that I
Everybody likes to hear my
Sometimes I tell good stories.
I am going to be a great person.
I hope I am going to be
Reliability of Measurement
Reliability of Measurement
• Three types of reliability
– Test-retest
– Interrater
– Internal
• Using a scatterplot to evaluate reliability
• Using the correlation coefficient r to evaluate
Reliability of Measurement
Reliability of Measurement
When is each
kind of reliability
Why is reliability
an empirical
What does
reliability tell us?
Test-retest reliability
Interrater reliability
Internal reliability
Test-Retest Reliability: Consistent scores
every time we test
Interrater Reliability: Consistent scores no
matter who is rating
Interrater Reliability Example
Demo of interrater reliability
Pair up:
Three kids 0:38 to 2:02
Girl in pink
Girl in yellow
Girl in blue
Two people in each group count:
How many times does she look away from the teacher?
How many times does she clap?
How many times does she put her hands in her lap?
Internal Reliability: Consistent scores no
matter how you ask
Internal Reliability
Internal reliability
(not to be confused with internal validity!)
The extent to which multiple measures, or items, are
all answered the same by the same set of people.
Cronbach’s alpha: An average of all of the possible
item-total correlations.
Narcissistic response
I know that I am good because
everybody keeps telling me so.
When people compliment me I
sometimes get embarrassed.
I like to be the center of
I prefer to blend in with the
“The NPI-16 had an alpha of .72, while the full 40-item
measure revealed an alpha of .84” (Ames et al., 2006, p.
I think I am a special person.
I am no better nor no worse than
most people.
I insist upon getting the respect
that is due me.
I usually get the respect that I
Everybody likes to hear my
Sometimes I tell good stories.
I am going to be a great person.
I hope I am going to be
Validity of Measurement
Validity of Measurement
Measurement validity of abstract constructs
Face validity and content validity
Predictive validity and concurrent validity
Convergent validity and discriminant validity
Relationship between reliability and validity
Validity of Measurement
Validity of Measurement
Subjective forms
Empirically derived forms
Face and Content Validity
Face validity: Does it look like a good measure?
(often assessed by asking experts)
Content validity: Does it include all the
important components of the construct?
Predictive and Concurrent Validity
Correlation method
Predictive and Concurrent Validity
Known groups method
Predictive and Concurrent Validity
Known groups method
Convergent and Discriminant Validity
Convergent and Discriminant Validity
Homework: Reliability
What kind(s) of
reliability would
need to be
Draw a
scatterplot or
describe a result
that would
indicate that the
measure has
good reliability
and one that
shows it has
poor reliability.
1. Researchers place unobtrusive video
recording devices in the living rooms of 20
children. Later, coders view tapes of the
living areas and code how many minutes
each child spends playing video games.
2. Clinical psychologists have developed a 7item self-report measure to quickly identify
people who are at risk for panic disorder.
3. A restaurant owner uses a response card
with four items in order to evaluate how
satisfied customers are with the food,
service, ambience, and overall experience.
Homework: Validity
4. Clinical psychologists have
developed a 7-item self-report
measure to quickly identify people
who are at risk for panic disorder.
5. A restaurant owner uses a response
How might
card to evaluate how satisfied
you show that
this measure
customers are with the food. It
contains one item, “Please rate the
quality of the food:” on a scale from
1 (very dissatisfied) to 4 (very
How might
you show that
this measure
has predictive
Relationship Between Reliability and
Can a measure be reliable but not valid?
• Shoe size as an intelligence test (reliable, not valid)
• Number of children you have as a measure of interest in
children (reliably measured, but correlated with interest?)
Can a measure be valid but not reliable? (No)
Reliable and valid
Reliable but not valid
Not reliable and not valid
Reliability Is Necessary, But Not Sufficient for, Validity
Interrogating Construct Validity
as a Consumer
Interrogating Construct Validity as a
• Diener’s measure of
• Gallup poll’s measure of
Correlations of the 16-item NPI with:
Ames et al.
(2006, p. 444)
What kind of
validity are
40-item NPI:
Belief in a just world:
Reliability in articles
“The NPI-16 had an alpha of .72, while the full
40-item measure revealed an alpha of .84”
(Ames et al., 2006, p. 442).