WRS Specifications


Pill Assisted Living (PAL)

WRS Document 4.2

Daniel Zinni

Nicholas Charlton

Brendan Shaklovitz

Camron Salisbury

Garrett Leach

Kevin Mott

Jonathon Kozak

Jia You (Justin)

Eric Hsu

Team URL: http://utdallas.edu/~drz100020/

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Revision History

1. Introduction

2. Issues with Preliminary Definition Given

2.1 Domain, Stakeholder, Functional and Non-Functional Objectives – Issues

2.1.1 Memory Lapses

2.1.2 Pill Management

2.1.3 Graphical Complexity

2.1.4 Technological Hindrance

2.1.5 Data Privacy

2.2 Software System Functional Requirements – Issues

2.2.1 Pill Alarm Images

2.2.2 Pill Lookup

2.3 Software System Non-Functional Requirements – Issues

2.3.1 Interface

2.3.2 Separation of Environment

3. WRS

3.1 W - World

3.1.1 Problem

3.1.2 Goal

3.1.3 Improved Understanding

3.2 RS - Requirements Specifications

3.2.1 Use-Cases

3.2.2 Future Functional Requirements

3.2.3 Implemented Functional Requirements

3.2.4 Class Diagram

3.2.5 Sequence Diagram

3.2.6 Activity Diagram

3.2.7 Non-Functional Requirements

4. Preliminary Prototype and User Manual

4.1 Prototype Mockup

4.2 User Manual

5. Traceability

6. Application Superiority




Creeping Rates

Revision History


Name Date


Rough Interim Phase I WRS 10/3/12

Final Interim Phase I WRS

Updated Phase I WRS

Rough Final Phase I WRS




Final Final Phase I WRS

Updated Phase II WRS



Rough Interim Phase II WRS 11/11/12

Final Interim Phase II WRS

Updated Phase II WRS

Rough Final Phase II WRS




Reason For Changes

More details added

Edited and revised

Final of phase I has begun

More details added

Edited and revised

Phase II has begun

More details added

Edited and revised

Final of phase II has begun

More details added

Edited and revised













Final Final Phase II WRS 12/4/12 No Changes 4.2

1. Introduction

We will develop a smartphone application to help schedule what pills an elderly end-user needs to take and when. The application allows quick and efficient setup of a pill schedule to tell users when medications must be taken.

2. Issues with Preliminary Definition Given

2.1 Domain, Stakeholder, Functional and Non-Functional Objectives - Issues

2.1.1 Memory Lapses

The elderly user may suffer from loss of memory, and can forget to use or how to use their pill schedule. Use of the application must not be dependent on a consistent memory. Pill Entry

Users may not remember what pills they had entered previously


■ Information entered is saved so that the user does not need to remember what they had entered previously.

■ Users must write down or have someone else remember what they had entered previously.

A user should not have to remember what information they had entered previously into the application. The application will save any pill information entered by the user. Pill Taking

Users may not remember to check their phone when they should take a scheduled pill.


■ A pill alarm will be activated whenever a pill is scheduled to be taken.

■ Users should set an alarm clock to remind them to check the application for pills to take.

A pill alarm should be implemented into the pill scheduling application and set during pill entry. This ensures that the users are correctly reminded to take their pills based on their pill entries. Errors may occur if a user had to set a different alarm clock reminder multiple times a day.

2.1.2 Pill Management

An elderly user may have problems managing multiple complex medications using the application.


■ A separate pill entry will be created for each medication, and relevant information about the medication will be stored along with the pill entry.

■ A single list of pills and their information will be stored in the application.

It is inefficient and overly complicated to store all the pills for a pill schedule in a single list. Each pill added should be a separate entry in the application to ensure simplicity and ease of understanding.

2.1.3 Graphical Complexity

Users may not be able to see small or complex graphics clearly on a smartphone screen. This may lead to confusion or misinterpretation of application functions.


■ The application interface should use large and simple graphics to clearly convey functions.

■ The application should describe complex graphics in a separate section to be used as a reference guide.

Describing complex graphics in a reference unnecessarily complicates the use of the application. Large, simple graphics offer a feasible solution to the issue while preserving usability and aesthetics.

2.1.4 Technological Hindrance

Users may not be technically inclined enough to easily use the application Access

Users may not know how to download and install the smartphone application


■ The application should be available download through the already existing Google Play Store, and is automatically installed after downloading.

■ The application should be available to download by visiting a website URL on the smartphone, and must be installed manually.

Making the application available on the Google Play Store makes it easier to download and install. The Google Play Store is included with all

Android smartphones, so this further expands availability. This also allows developers to focus on feature implementation instead of ease of download and installation. Navigation

Users may not be familiar with Android development standards, or how to navigate a complex Android application.


■ Use simple, large buttons that clearly communicate how to navigate and use the application

■ Include additional documentation inside the application detailing how to navigate a complex application interface

Navigation should be easy and pleasing to the eyes, so large, simple buttons with easy to understand functions should be implemented.

Additional documentation is not necessary, and a complex interface could prolong implementation.

2.1.5 Data Privacy

Users may be vulnerable to other people using their smartphone and accessing sensitive medication information.


■ The pill scheduling and pill taking functions of the application should be separate and sensitive information should be protected with a password if the user requests it

■ Users should implement a lock screen on their smartphone to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive pill information

We should not assume that a user will have a lock screen on their smartphone, especially if the user is not technically inclined enough to set up a lock screen.

We can feasibly implement separate environments for the pill scheduling and pill taking functions of the application.

2.2 Software System Functional Requirements - Issues

2.2.1 Pill Alarm Images

When there are multiple pill images on an alarm, we need an efficient way of representing the pills without overcrowding the interface


■ Use scrollable pill images and allow the end-user to confirm each pill individually.

■ Use a single pill image which must be confirmed before the next pill image is shown.

The most feasible option is to use individual pill images which must be confirmed one at a time. This increases the simplicity and easy to use aspect of the product and reduces possible confusion of missing one of the pills.

2.2.2 Pill Lookup

There should be a way for someone to look up a pill that may not have a bottle to identify it.


■ A pill lookup feature will link with an online pill database where a user could search for pill colors, codes, and shapes.

■ A large pill reference listing could be included in the default pill database including possibly outdated pill information.

The most feasible thing to do is to link to an online pill database through the application. This reduces development time in looking up and adding a large amount of pills for reference, and reduces the overall size of the application.

2.3 Software System Non-Functional Requirements - Issues

2.3.1 Interface

The interface needs to be easy to read and understand. A user should not have to go through a complicated process to learn how to use the system.


■ Large text and a simple interface.

■ A “simple” version of the application and a “complex” version of the application to support different users of different skill levels.

Using large text and a simple interface is the more feasible option in order to ensure readability and an easy understanding of the system. It would significantly increase development time if two separate versions of the applications had to be implemented.

2.3.2 Separation of Environment

There needs to be a separate environment for a user entering pill information, and a user interacting with alarms and viewing the weekly calendar.


■ Develop separate applications for those interacting with alarms and those interacting with the scheduler.

■ Include a “Settings” section for users to enter pill information, and have the weekly pill calenda r on a separate screen. Allow users to “lock” the advanced pill scheduling features to prevent accidental changes to the schedule.

It is more feasible to “lock” advanced features like pill scheduling once the schedule has been entered instead of developing separate applications. This reduces overhead and development time when we start to implement the system.

3. WRS

3.1 W - World

3.1.1 Problem

It is important for those needing daily medication to take it regularly and correctly, but this doesn’t always happen. Those taking the medication may have trouble remembering to take the pills they need, or it can be complicated for them to manage multiple medications. Because medications may be missed or forgotten, the health of those taking the pills can be at risk.

3.1.2 Goal

We will develop an application aimed at reducing the complexity of remembering and maintaining a pill schedule. Once set, a pill schedule in our system will keep track of a wealth of information related to the medications and only require the end-user to confirm that they took the pills entered in the schedule.

3.1.3 Improved Understanding

For desired functionality, our PAL system shall take into consideration memory impairments of the elderly when using the application. Information entered into the application should be saved for later reference, and an alarm should activate when a pill needs to be taken. Each pill reminder shall be entered and should be saved separately. The interface shall include simple and easy to see graphics, as well as large buttons to clearly communicate application functionality. The

application shall also be easy to download using the Google Play Store and should offer privacy in the form of password protection.

3.2 RS - Requirements Specifications

3.2.1 Use-Cases Diagram

Figure 1: Use Case Diagram

These are the main use cases we have prepared for our product. They are deconstructed into individual requirements below.

3.2.2 Future Functional Requirements

Due to the time constrained deadline of December 4th, not every feature will be able to be implemented in the first release of the application. Those features that will not be included in this first release, but still plan to be included in future releases are listed below. Paired App

There will be a “Pro” version of our application that will consist of an additional paired application to be used by a caretaker (in a hospital or nursing home). The caretaker’s application could keep track of multiple p atients’ application and give notifications when help was requested.

However, due to the time constraints we have decided that we will not be able to implement this feature during Phase II. While useful, it is not an essential requirement and as such will have to be implemented in future phases. Below are the various features the Paired Application is intended to perform. When a user can’t find the required pill

● Input: A user chooses the option on the alarm screen that they “can’t find the pill” twice, once for initial confirmation on the alarm screen, once for final confirmation on a subsequent screen.

● Output: A paired app notification, text message notification, email, or automated phone call is activated to let an outside entity know a pill was not taken because the user couldn’t find it.

When an alarm is activated and a user chooses the option on the alarm screen that they “can’t find the pill” and they confirm this selection, a notification will be sent (via a paired app notification, text message, email, or automated phone call) to let an outside entity know the pill was not taken because the user couldn’t find it.

Note: this could require an internet connection. When a user ran out of the required pill

● Input: A user chooses the option on the alarm screen that they “ran out of the pill” twice, once for initial confirmation on the alarm screen, once for final confirmation on a subsequent screen.

● Output: A paired app notification, text message notification, email, or automated phone call is activated to let an outside entity know a pill was not taken because the user ran out of it. An automatic refill request is made to an associated pharmacy.

When an alarm is activated and a user chooses the option on the alarm screen that they “ran out of the pill” and they confirm this selection, a notification will be sent (via a paired app notification, text message, email, or automated phone call) to let an outside entity know the pill was not taken because the user couldn’t find it.

If the application is setup with prescription refill information and a pharmacy location, the prescription refill request is processed automatically for pickup at the pharmacy via an available internet connection.

If internet access is limited, the application can queue notifications that require internet connectivity, such as sending an email or notifying a paired app. If the user is interacting with the application through a tablet without a dedicated data connection, the user must eventually gain internet access to send pill notifications. Feedback

In future releases, we will implement feedback for a caretaker to be notified when a pill has been consumed.

● Input: A user confirms that they took the pill using the system interface twice, once for initial confirmation on the alarm screen, once for final confirmation on a subsequent screen.

● Output: A paired app notification, text message notification, email, or automated phone call is activated to let an outside entity know a pill has been taken and not missed.

When an alarm is activated and a user confirms twice that they took the pill associated with the alarm, a notification will be sent (via a paired app notification, text message, email, or automated phone call) confirming that the user took the associated pill. Backup Data

The option to save the data from the application to a backup location will be added in future releases.

● Input: A user clicks the “Backup” button in the “Security Options” section of the application.

● Output: A file containing the user’s application data is saved locally to the phone and may be exported.

When the user wants to save their pill and schedule information, they may backup their data to a local file that is stored on the phone and may be exported to an external server or device for safekeeping and restorative purposes. Accessibility Features

After several e-mail correspondences, we were able to set up a meeting with Kerry Tate at the Student AccessAbility Department on the 4th of

December. She liked the features implemented so far for the first release of the application, especially the simplicity of design and clarity of content.

She said she was excited about the features we planned to implement for future releases of the application.

She suggested a few features to consider including in future releases of the application including alarm vibration, text-to-speech readouts of alarm text, as well as pill nicknames to identify medication in addition to actual pill names (for example: "the big blue pill" as a nickname for heart medication).

She also said that our application could feasibly widen its scope of users to include children wanting to handle their medications independently,

people with a low level of reading comprehension, people with English as their second language, EMT's and physicians that want to access medications of their patients, people recovering from head injuries, as well as social workers preparing patients for outpatient treatment.

She mentioned that we could widen our scope regarding items added to the customizable schedule. She suggested that we could allow elderly users to take pictures and write descriptions of other items they use daily that aren't medications. For example, an elderly user or a caretaker could take a picture of their hearing aid and include it's location in an entry to be stored by the application. When the elderly user wanted to find their hearing aid, they could open our application and see where it was located.

She urged us to present our application to the Baylor Rehabilitation

Hospital in Dallas, because she believes our application could generate a lot of interest in the industry. She also suggested we try to apply for grants or research opportunities related to our application.

The meeting with Kerry Tate was extremely informative and generated many new ideas for future application features. Although the features discussed at the meeting will not be implemented for the first release of the application, they will be considered for future releases. Security

As new features are added, more security will be needed. We will add a locking feature to lock the medical information portion of the application so that only approved persons can access it.

● Input: Password and User ID

● Output: Access to secure areas of the Application Alarm Ringtone and Vibration

The alarm will be customizable to change the alarm sound or vibration in future releases.

● Input: Custom alarm ringtone and vibration selection

● Output: Custom alarm ringtone and vibration activated when a pill alarm is activated Alarm Service

The alarm service will be able to activate custom pill alarms automatically in future releases.

● Input: Pill information from the customizable schedule, including time to take a pill.

● Output: An audible alarm is activated for a pill is scheduled to be taken.

The current application release can manually activate the alarm screen, but automatic activation using the alarm service is not implemented. An alarm should be activated whenever a pill has been scheduled to be taken. Pill Schedule

A weekly view of pills to take will be displayed on the home screen in future releases.

● Input: Pill picture, time to take the pill, and pill name (from information entered by the user)

● Output: Pill picture, time to take the pill, and pill name will be shown on their appropriate days in a weekly calendar view on the home screen

3.2.3 Implemented Functional Requirements

These are the features that are included in the first release of the application. Create Pill Entry

The Create Pill Entry use case has three parts. The user shall be able to specify the pill name, color, location, and dosage information, as well as provide instructions on what the pill should be taken with. There will also be an option for a picture to be taken of the pill.

Specific pill color, location, and dosage information:

● Input: Pill name, color, location, and dosage information is added by the user to the associated pill.

● Output: Pill name, color, location, and dosage associated with a pill are displayed when an associated alarm screen is activated.

There shall be options to add specific pill information, like name, color, location, and dosage to the schedule that will be shown whenever an alarm associated with a pill is activated.

Instructions on what to take pills with:

● Input: Instructions about how to take the pills correctly (with food, water, etc.) are added by the user to the associated pill.

● Output: Instructions associated with a pill are displayed when an associated alarm is activated.

There shall be options to add specific instructions on how to take a certain pill to the schedule that will be shown whenever an alarm associated with a pill is activated.

Take a Picture of the Pill:

● Input: Picture of the pill is taken at time of creation of pill (or added later)

● Output: Pill picture is displayed when an associated alarm screen is activated.

There shall be an option to take a picture of the specific pill to make identification and location of a pill at the time of the alarm even easier. Pill Schedule

Customizable schedule for multiple kinds of pills:

● Input: When a pill needs to be taken, and what kind of pill needs to be taken, as entered by the user.

● Output: The time a pill needs to be taken and what kind of pill needs to be taken, along with any other associated pill information, shall be displayed when an associated alarm is activated.

A user shall be able to enter multiple pills into the schedule to be taken at multiple times during the day or week. Alarm

Audible alarms that let end-users know when to take their medications.

● Input: Pill information from the customizable schedule

● Output: An audible alarm is manually activated for a pill

The alarm should display the information about a pill entered by the user into the pill schedule.

The current application release can manually activate the alarm screen, but automatic activation using the alarm service is not implemented. For more information about the alarm in future releases, please refer to section 3.2.2 (Future Functional Requirements). Pill Lookup

Pill lookup for pills without bottles

● Input: Information about an unknown pill (name, color, shape, numbers).

● Output: Online search results that most closely match the unknown pill information.

When a pill doesn’t have a bottle, or information about it is missing, a user shall be able to look up a pill based on its name, color, shape, and numbers on the pill. The application shall connect to an online pill database so users can easily identify outdated or unknown medication.

An internet connection is required to use the pill lookup feature. Tutorial

Brief guide to the application

● Input: A user clicks the “About” button on the home screen.

● Output: A tutorial describes the application interface and usage.

When a user wants more information about the application, they can click the “About” button on the home screen to be directed to a simple and clear guide on how to navigate and use the application’s features.

3.2.4 Class Diagram

Figure 2: Class Diagram

This diagram represents associations and dependencies between classes. The solid lines represent the associations between classes, while the dotted lines represent realization

(implementation). The circle represents Interface, and the boxes represent classes.

3.2.5 Sequence Diagram

Figure 3: Sequence Diagram

The sequence diagram shows how the PAL application works internally by calling methods to other classes in order to carry out functions.

3.2.6 Activity Diagram

Figure 4: Activity Diagram

The “Check Alarm” subactivity checks if a pill alarm should be activated, and activates the alarm screen if a pill should be taken. For a more detailed view of what each screen does, please refer to the User Manual (section 4.2).

3.2.7 Non-Functional Requirements

Figure 5: Availability, Compatibility and Affordability NFR Framework Model Availability, Compatibility and Affordability


Our system needs to be widely available and easily accessible.

■ We will develop it on the Android platform and release it in the Google

Play store.

■ An internet connection is not required to use the main features of the application like pill scheduling and alarms, so the application is available without a live connection.


The system we are developing needs to be compatible with multiple device types.

■ The application will be compatible with both smartphones and tablets.


The application we develop must be affordable in order to prevent people who could greatly benefit from the application from refusing to use it based on how expensive it is.

■ We will moderately price the application.

Figure 6: Usability and Aesthetics NFR Framework Model Usability and Aesthetics


The system interface must be easy to understand and use, and must require a minimum learning curve for a user to navigate the application.

■ All essential application services (view schedule, alarm and confirmations, tutorial) are 0-2 clicks away from the main screen.

■ Advanced services (set schedule, lock application, pill lookup) are 1-3 clicks away from the main screen under “Settings”.


The system interface must be simple and easy to read for all users.

■ Large fonts and buttons will be used.

Figure 7: Separate Environments NFR Framework Model Separate Environments

These nonfunctional requirements are based on features that will be implemented in future releases of the application. As they are not in the current version, they are marked as denied. For more details, please refer to Future

Functional Requirements (section 3.2.2)

Separate Environments

The advanced pill scheduling part of the application must be separate from the weekly calendar view and alarm functions of the application.

■ We will include a “locking” feature which will prevent accidental changes to the schedule once it is entered.

■ A password will be set by the user for the locking feature

■ Granularity of control will be implemented by a set of locking options

4. Preliminary Prototype and User Manual

4.1 Prototype Mockup

The prototype screenshots are shown below:

Figure 8: The Home Screen of the application.

Figure 9: The Settings Screen of the application, reached through the Home


Figure 10: The Add A Pill Screen of the application, reached through the Settings


Figure 11: The Change Schedule screen of the application, reached through the

Settings Screen

Figure 12: The Alarm Screen of the application, activated by the pill schedule when a pill must be taken.

Figure 13: The Confirmation Screen of the application, shown when the user selects an option from the alarm screen.

4.2 User Manual

4.2.1 Implemented

The following list includes all screens and features implemented in the current application release:

Home Screen

When you open the application, you will see the Home Screen (Figure 8). The current date, the PAL logo, and two buttons labeled About and Settings are on the home screen.


When you tap About , the phone’s internet browser will be opened and you can download a short tutorial about how to use the application.


When you tap Settings , you will see a screen with a variety of advanced options

(Figure 9). These options include Add A Pill , Change Schedule , Pill Lookup , and Contacts . If you want to return to the Home Screen , tap the Home Screen button.

Add A Pill

When you tap Add A Pill on the Settings screen, you will see a screen with options to add a pill to your pill schedule (Figure 10). You can take a picture of the pill, specify pill name, what time to take the pill, instructions on how to take the pill, and other pill information (including pill location, dosage, and color). If you want to return to the Home Screen , tap the Home Screen button.

Change Schedule

When you tap Change Schedule on the Settings screen, you will see a screen with a list of pills from your pill schedule (Figure 11). When you select a pill to edit, you will see a screen similar to the screen shown on the Add A Pill screen.

You may then edit the pill information and save it. If you want to return to the

Home Screen , tap the Home Screen button.

Pill Lookup

When you tap Pill Lookup on the Settings screen, a pill lookup website will launch in your device’s internet browser. You may enter pill information into the website’s search to look up a pill.

Alarm Screen

When the alarm is manually activated (by tapping the PAL logo), the Alarm

Screen is activated (Figure 12). The alarm screen shows the pill name, current alarm time, a picture of the pill, instructions on how to take the pill, and the location of the pill. To turn off the alarm, you must tap the I took this.

, Can’t find it!

, or the I’m out! button. When the I took this.

button is tapped, you will be asked if you are sure you have taken the pill by a Confirmation Screen . If you confirm the decision (by selecting “Yes”), the confirmed pill will be removed from the alarm screen, and any remaining pills to be taken at the current time will be displayed. If you cancel the confirmation (by selecting “No”), you will be returned to the alarm screen.

Confirmation Screen

When the I took this.

button is tapped on the Alarm Screen , the Confirmation

Screen will be shown (Figure 13). The Confirmation Screen will ask you to confirm the I took this. button decision you made on the Alarm Screen . You may tap the Yes or No buttons to confirm or cancel your previous button decision.

4.2.2 Not Implemented

As seen in Section 3.2.2, there are many features that will be added in future releases of the application. While they are not yet implemented, the following is an idea of what they will look like and what they will accomplish in addition to the implemented features.

Home Screen

The home screen lists the weekly pill schedule, as well as what pills you have scheduled to take today.

Security Options

When you tap Security Options , you will see a screen with option buttons labeled Backup Data , Set Password , and Locking Options . If you want to return to the Home Screen , tap the Home Screen button.

Backup Data

When you tap Backup Data , you will be prompted to choose the location where you would like your data to be backed up to on your device. When you choose a location, the data will be saved to that location on your device. If you want to return to the Home Screen , tap the Home Screen button.

Set Password

When you tap Set Password , you will be prompted to enter and confirm a password to lock the application with. After specifying a password and confirming it, you will be required to enter the password whenever you try to access sections of the application specified in the Locking Options section. If a password is already specified, you will be notified with the message: “There is already a password set. Go to Locking Options to change your settings”. If you want to return to the Home Screen , tap the Home Screen button.

Locking Options

When you tap Locking Options , you will see a screen with checkboxes labeled

Password Active , Lock Home Screen , and Lock Settings . The Password

Active checkbox specifies if a password is currently set for the application. The

Lock Home Screen checkbox specifies if the Home Screen requires a password to access. The Lock Settings checkbox specifies if the Settings screen requires a password to access. By default, Password Active is not checked, Lock Home Screen is not checked, and Lock Settings is checked. If you want to return to the Home Screen , tap the Home Screen button.

Alarm Screen

The alarm service will automatically activate an alarm associated with a pill that needs to be taken at the current time. The alarm will be activated for a maximum of 10 minutes. If the alarm is not turned off within 10 minutes, the pill(s) that the alarm is associated with will be marked as “Not taken” on the weekly calendar on the Home Screen , and the application will return to the Home Screen . If the

Can’t find it! button is selected and confirmed, an automatic notification will be sent to a contact specified previously in the application options. If the I’m out! button is selected and confirmed, and automatic refill request will be made to a pharmacy specified previously in the application options, and an automatic notification will be sent to a contact specified previously in the application options.

5. Traceability

For our application, our goal is to guarantee both forward and backwards traceability. For this phase of the project, the traceability is between our domain problems, user requirements, system requirements, design specifications, and coding components.


ID Description Forward




P1 Problems remembering to take medication.

P2 Problems managing multiple mediations.

P3 Problems seeing small graphics on screen.

U1, U2



Meeting 2

Meeting 2

Meeting 3

P4 Problems using complicated technology. U3, U4

P5 Problems with others finding out their medical information U5

User Requirements

ID Description Forward


Meeting 3

Meeting 3



S1, S3, S4 P2 U1 Create pill entry for each medication that stores relevant information

U2 Be alerted when a pill should be taken

U3 Availability

U4 Usability and Aesthetics

S1, S2




S7, S8, S9 P3, P4

S5, S6 P5 U5 Separate Environments/Security

System Requirements/Features

ID Description

S1 Customizable schedule for multiple medications

S2 Alarms that let notify when to take medication

S3 Pill information includes name, color, dosage, location, picture, and instructions on what to take the pill with

S4 Pill lookup for pills without bottles

S5 Backup functionality

S6 Password options

S7 Tutorial





D1, D3, D4 U1, U2

D4, D7














System must be easy to navigate

System interface must be simple and easy to use.

S1, S2

D1, D2, D3,

D4, D5, D6,

D7, D8, D9

S10 Release the application in the Google Play store for free. Released in

Google Play store for free

Design Specification

ID Description

(all are screens of the application)

D1 Home






C6, C7



S1, S8, S9

D2 Settings

D3 Add a Pill

D4 Change Schedule

D5 Pill Lookup

D6 Security Options

D7 Alarm

D8 Confirmation

D9 About

Coding Component

ID Description



C4, C8





C3, C4


S8, S9

S1, S3, S9

S1, S2, S9

S4, S9

S5, S6, S9

S2, S9


S7, S9

C1 AboutActivity.class

C2 AddPill.class

C3 AlarmMain.class

C4 AlarmService.class

C5 GeneralSettings.class

C6 MainActivity.class

C7 Receiver.class

C8 ListPills.class




Add Pill Screen

Alarm Screen

Manual Alarm


Settings Screen D2

Home Screen D1

Running in



Schedule Screen D4





D7, D8

D4, D7, D8

C9 PalDB.class

C10 Pill database webpage link

Saving Data D6

Link to Pill Lookup D5

6. Application Superiority

For our application, we focus on a specific user group: the elderly. We concentrate on usability and functionality issues that directly affect this user group, and do not sacrifice quality of the application for a larger scope. Some groups implementing similar features to ours have stated

that they aim their application at a large range of users, including vastly different ages and different comfort levels with technology. We feel that even if they were to implement all of the same features that we have, they would suffer from deterioration in the overall quality of the application because of their wide scope. Our team believes that large differences in the users an application is aimed at will result in many people not getting what they want or need out of the application. Elderly users may need larger text and buttons in order for them to be comfortable using an application. Those who are not that technologically savvy will feel alienated by an application that is too complex for them. On the other hand younger users may want more content on the screen at once, and those comfortable with technology will crave more complexity in the application. Teams that make their scope of users too large are unlikely to please everyone. Since our application is focused on a specific user group, we feel that we will be able to make the majority of our users very satisfied with our application. We can efficiently design an application to accommodate our user group very well, instead of trying to cater to interests that may be vastly different.

Similarly, some teams decided to design an application with a suite of features in different categories of aid. While they may be able to implement all of their planned features, they will likely not have the time or resources to implement all of the features with a high amount of quality. It is more plausible that they will do many things OK, instead of doing one thing very well. We believe that by focusing our attention on an application to solve a specific problem we will be able to efficiently alleviate health risks related to pill management.

Finally, we chose to address the problem of pill management because of its health implications.

There are many people who have a complex, confusing pill schedule. And they may not always be able to execute their schedule correctly due to time constraints, lack of organization, or a failing memory. When someone doesn’t take a pill that they need in order to maintain good health, they are putting themselves at risk of harm or death. We felt that the health of the elderly was the most important issue for us to tackle with our application.

References http://www.utdallas.edu/~chung/CS4351/syllabus.htm


Compatibility: The system we are developing needs to be compatible with multiple device types.

Availability: Our system needs to be widely available and easily accessible.

Affordability: The application we develop must be affordable in order to prevent people who could greatly benefit from the application from refusing to use it based on how expensive it is.

Usability: The system interface must be easy to understand and use, and must require a minimum learning curve for a user to navigate the application.

Aesthetics: The system interface must be simple and easy to read for all users.

Separate Environments: The advanced pill scheduling part of the application must be separate from the weekly calendar view and alarm functions of the application.


Creeping Rates

We anticipated a creeping rate of 62.5%, because we were prepared to accommodate changes to five out of eight of our functional requirements. We decided this by dividing our functional requirements into two categories: critical and noncritical. Critical application features are required in order for the application to function correctly. Noncritical application features enhance the application’s scope and usefulness, but are not required for functionality.

The critical (those required for the application to function) features included:

● Custom pill schedule: Needed to manage multiple medications.

● Pill alarm: Needed to remind the user about multiple medications.

● Pill name, color, location, and dosage information: Needed to inform the user about how to identify multiple medications.

The non-critical (those that enhance the application but are not necessary for functionality) features included:

● Instructions on how to take the pills: Redundant information that is also on the pill bottles.

● Feedback services: Additional information provided to and from an outside entity, but not a required function for the critical features of managing and maintaining a pill schedule.

● Pill lookup: Useful for identifying unknown pills, but most pills will already have a bottle, and pill lookup does not directly relate to the critical features.

● Security: Prevents accidental or intentional changes to a set schedule, but not a requirement to satisfy the critical features.

● Tutorial: Helps users find their way around the application, but not needed for the critical features to work.

For the first release of the PAL application we were able to implement most of the non-critical features except for Feedback and Security features (See section 3.2.2 for more detailed information).

We were not able to fully implement the pill alarm critical feature. In the current release, the alarm screen for a pill may be activated manually, but the alarm service does not activate the alarm screen automatically when an associated pill needs to be taken. Time constraints were the main cause of this.

Consequently, we were able to achieve an actual creeping rate of 37.5% because we were able to substantially implement five out of eight features while accommodating changes to three out of eight features. Even though we could not fully implement the automatic pill alarm, we still achieved a better creeping rate than our original estimate of 62.5%.
