Grad Staff Workshop - Memorial University of Newfoundland

SGS Admin Staff Workshop
Room IIC-3001
Bruneau Centre for Research & Innovation
1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
November 22, 2011
Funding and scholarship matters
 Academic matters
 Q&A
Funding and scholarships - Agenda
Payroll Form Checklist
 Payroll calculator
 Review of SGS guidelines regarding
Payroll form checklist
Please ensure you have all information complete including:
◦ Name; Last, First (as entered in Banner)
◦ Employee ID number (please request a Dept Listing if you don’t
have a copy already) – write NEW if new set-up
◦ SIN – all Canadian or; International with Graduate Assistantships
◦ attach SIN & Study Permit copies with new International students
◦ Graduate Assistantships – Both Bi-Weekly & Lump Sum payments
require the number of hours and Lump Sum Amounts also requires
days those hours were worked. Rate of pay is $20.33 as of Sept
◦ Department signature required
◦ Payroll forms are to be submitted to Graduate Studies
◦ Account Codes Review and Earn Types (GAS, GSS, DGS)
◦ Only GSS funds use the 413xx org number
◦ One copy only required (original not necessary)
The standard GAship is still 56 hours per 14-week semester. The
University can assign non-standard GAships amounting to fewer or more
than 56 hours. (Article 13.01) The minimum is 2 hours per 14-week
semester. (Article 13.01)
Grads can hold more than one GAship, as long as they don’t work more
than 24 hours per week, “…unless otherwise approved by the Dean of
Graduate Studies” – for extenuating circumstances only. (Article 13.02)
(h) “Graduate Assistantship” shall be a contractual agreement between
the University and a full-time graduate student for a specified number
of hours of teaching support and/or research support delivered over
the course of a semester. Article 3.01
Teaching Assistantships can only be set up on a semester basis.
Research Assistantships can be set up for more than one semester.
Article 12 and 26 – Appointments and Wages
Payroll calculator
Excel Spreadsheet Instructions:
 Enter Start and Stop Date
 Enter P.A. rate if known
 If P.A. rate not known, enter desired cost
into “expenditure” cell to generate p.a.
rate calculation
SGS guidelines - Fellowships
All Full time graduate students are not permitted to work more than 24
hours per week.
 Funding caps for students receiving Fellowship only. $27,500 – Master’s,
$35,000 PhD. Exception made for RDC recipients
 Program of Study is only needed to adjust funding for students that have
not arrived on campus. Current students funding can be adjusted with a
payroll form
 Change of Status form requires an explanation of whether the student is
working more than 24 hours
 For submission of requests to Payroll, Department of Human Resources,
the deadline is the Wednesday two weeks prior to the requested payday.
Therefore, any requests to Graduate Studies must be received by the
Friday previous to that Wednesday. Requests received after this day will
be processed only if time and resources allow.
Academics - Agenda
Recruitment and marketing
 Admissions
 Registration
 Fees
 Requirements and progress
 Outreach
 Completion
 Misc items
Recruitment and marketing
Staff roles:
◦ Recruitment and Retention Coordinator: solicits and fields
inquiries, enrolment and TTC reports, GRIP administrator
◦ Marketing Coordinator: manages marketing materials,
website, MUNlive, social media, campaigns
Social media profile
Email marketing
Foreign social media: RenRen, Mixi, Naver, Orkut
Webinars – regular information sessions through webinars
MUNlive – live support
Information sessions and fairs –
International – DFAIT workshops, international MOUs,
cotutelle agreements
Staff roles:
◦ Records and Registration Officer: assigns Memorial student
numbers and pushes web applications
◦ Applications Officers (2): processes applications and supporting
documents, advises applicants on requirements and instructions
◦ Admissions Officer: supervisor for admissions unit, oversees
applications, processes admissions, verifies supporting documents
◦ Web application only
◦ Application fee: $40 for Canadians and permanent residents; $80 for
◦ Supporting documents by email to (transcript, test
scores, and degree confirmation must be sent by mail)
◦ Applicants can check status of supporting documents and application
◦ Acknowledgement and decision by letter
Application processing:
Applications and supporting documents processed within 3-5 business days of receipt
Academic unit notified by email of web applications to be printed
Paper applications and supporting documents sent by internal mail
Grad WWW Applicants and Admission App Detail Self-Service reports
Departmental graduate studies committee meets to review files
Tools for assessment of transcripts:
Admission requirements: (1) undergraduate degree of second class standing, (2) and minimum two
years relevant employment experience.
Decisions normally made 1-2 months after a deadline has passed
Admissions: Program of Study form
Rejections: Graduate Application Not Accepted for Admission form
Reason for decision
Application recommendation (close file or offer reconsideration for later semester?)
Applicants not accepted notified by letter from SGS
Graduate admissions:
Conditional admissions – admission pending receipt of supporting documents, completion of degree
program, etc.); applicant is sent letter only
Full admission – applicant fully admitted to program, sent full offer letter, program of study form,
and new student checklist; applicant is able to access Self-Service and register on appropriate date
SGS carries out verification of supporting documents
◦ Select payment plan (A or B)
◦ New student website:
◦ Accept/Decline form must be completed and returned to SGS
by all fully admitted applicants
◦ The Guide for New Graduate Students
◦ Decline offer of admission or request deferral of admission if
◦ Register for courses (including GRIP) and graduate registration
(SUBJ 9000/9900) (international students must submit valid
study permit to SGS before they can register)
◦ Pay fees by deadline
◦ Graduate Student Orientation
◦ Departmental orientation
Electronic offer letters for international admits
◦ Letter to CDN Embassies December 2011
◦ CIC confirmation that all CDN Embassies are to accept
electronic offer letters
Form integration with graduate web application
(consolidation of departmental forms, writing sample,
resumes/CVs, etc.)
Job evaluation for admissions staff
Additional staff hire for peak season
Enhanced post-admission communications (incl/ postadmission orientation by webinar)
Eye to:
◦ Electronic document management through OnBase CMS
◦ Departmental deadlines management
Staff roles:
◦ Records and Registration Officer: Ensures ESL requirement, maintains student
files and records, administers leaves and withdrawals
◦ Programs Officer: Oversees transfer of credit and academic changes to programs
 Relevant dates:
◦ Automatic roll of 9000/9900 and start of registration roughly 5 weeks before start of
◦ Email to account notifying eligibility to register (3 weeks before registration)
◦ Deadline of fees payment: start of classes
◦ Last day to register: 2 weeks after start of classes
◦ Last day to withdraw: 3 weeks after start of classes
◦ Last day to drop courses: 7 weeks after start of classes
◦ Confirmation of enrolment emails to
Must register for 9000/9900 in first semester or at end of leave of absence
Register for program courses
After 2 weeks, must register through Course Change form
Retroactive registration of courses requires letter or note from instructor
Only 9000/9900 registration needs approval from SGS
Transfer of credit:
If course not on program, submit Change of Program form first (for open electives, please define
through CoP form before registration)
If taking multiple non-program courses or second program, Dean’s permission required
Recommendation from head (through Change of Program form), official transcript, course syllabus
30% cap, 7 year limit, unused credits (General Reg.
Visiting Research Students:
Requirements: 1) letter from home university confirming grad student status, 2) letter from
Memorial faculty member agreeing to supervision, 3) VRS application form, 4) Program of Study
Registers for GRAD 9900 for each semester in residence (study permit may be required)
Charged health insurance each semester
Payment plan selected at time of admission (fixed after 1st
semester) unless Change of Route or transfer
For late registrants: 48 hours to pay fee (or complete payroll
deduction form) after initial registration and charge
To opt out of recreation fee, complete Recreation Fee
Exemption form and submit to Cashier’s Office
To opt out of GSU health and dental insurance, submit form
by appropriate deadline (3 weeks after start of classes) to
Retroactive leaves or withdrawals result in refund of only
program or continuance fees ($25 admin fee also charged)
Change in status will automatically affect fees
Fees Committee
Requirements and progress
Non-academic requirements:
◦ GRIP: Please ensure students register for and complete in semester, and GRIP Completion
Form submitted to SGS
◦ English Placement Test (and possibly ENGL 102F and ENGL 9992) required for all grad
students with TOEFL or IELTS
◦ Second language requirement (PhD)
◦ Animal Care Seminar
Adjustments to programs:
◦ Changes in status requires Change of Status form
◦ Changes to courses, committee membership, research title on Change of Program form
◦ Changes to route (thesis, course, internship, etc.) requires Change of Route form
◦ Transfer (MEd CTLS to MEd PSS, master’s to PhD, etc.) requires Program of Study form
Leave of Absence: students must submit Leave of Absence form to SGS by last day to withdraw
Extension: Request for Extension form submitted at start of last semester in program
Withdrawal: letter to Dean of Graduate Studies (last day to withdraw 3 weeks after start of
Requirements and progress
Annual Progress Report: must be submitted once
a year
Failed grades: if no departmental regulations,
allowed 1 repeat of failed course (or substitution
for elective) with recommendation from head
Exam/paper rereads: application plus $50 to
Registrar’s Office within 1 month of grade release
Incomplete grades: Head can permit INC grade
up to one semester; further extension requires
approval from ACE
Termination of program
Staff roles:
◦ Senior Career Development Coordinator: career advising, resume edits, interview
prep, 1-1 and workshop
◦ Marketing Coordinator: manages marketing materials, website, MUNlive, social media,
Graduate Student Orientation: normally September each year; email invitations
◦ Webcast of 2012 Orientation
◦ Pre-orientation webinars in Spring 2012
GradShare ( online forum for Q&A and expert advice for grad students in
US and Canada
E-Newsletter (The Edge): information on scholarships and awards, academic deadlines and dates,
professional development opportunities, general resources
Career and Professional Development Services
◦ Workshops:
◦ 1-1 sessions for graduate students
◦ Services for distance graduate students
◦ Alignment of EDGE with CAGS 2008 statement on professional skills development for
graduate students
◦ Proposal (with International Centre) to develop entrepreneurship training program for
international graduate students
Staff roles:
◦ Programs Coordinator: supervisor for programs unit, manages ethesis and
edefence projects
◦ Programs Officer: processes master’s and PhD exams, arranges for oral defences,
oversees academic changes to programs, assists with Convocation
◦ Programs Assistant: processes appointment of examiners letters, processes results
of thesis exams, prepares brochures for and assists with oral defences
Comprehensive exams: Recommendation for Comp Exam form; results
Guidelines for theses:
Master’s exam procedures:
PhD exam procedures:
Graduate students must apply to graduate for Spring or Fall through SelfService (at time of thesis submission to supervisory committee)
Recommendations for Award of Degree: financial audit, academic audit,
completion, overnight notification to Registrar’s and Cashier’s Office
Full suite of e-theses templates available:
 Google Docs environment for online thesis
collaboration available Fall 2011
 Electronic thesis submission Winter 2012
 e-defence:
◦ Departmental procedures:
To discontinue for Fall 2012 admissions
 Graduate students conducting research involving human
subjects will have to complete Course on Research
Ethics (CORE) developed by Interagency Advisory Panel
on Research Ethics
◦ Complies with TCPS-2 (December 2010)
 Additional programming being developed to address TriCouncil Policy Statement on Integrity in Research and
Scholarship (January 1994)
◦ IP
◦ Plagiarism
Dean’s Awards
The Dean's Awards for Service Excellence recognize the work and
contributions of graduate staff members (administrative/support and
academic) that exceeds the expectations for those positions. The following
criteria are used to select two candidates each year for this honour:
Job performance
Service to the School of Graduate Studies
Service to graduate students, faculty, and staff
Commitment to quality and/or innovation in the workplace
Contributions to achievement of goals of graduate department or program
Contributions to raising profile of graduate program(s) locally, nationally, and
A maximum of two awards will be granted each year, one each to an
individual who is:
◦ An administrative or support staff member
◦ A graduate officer or person holding an equivalent position
Nominations must be emailed to SGS by February 1, 2012.
Details online:
Thank you! Questions?