Faculty of Business and Law Postgraduate Certificate in Legal

Faculty of Business and Law
Postgraduate Certificate in Legal Practice Management
Postgraduate Certificate in Legal Practice Management
2015/16 cohort
Programme Reading List
Balmer, J. M. T. (2012) 'Strategic corporate brand alignment: Perspectives from identity based views of
corporate brands ' European Journal of Marketing. [Online] 7. [Accessed on 1 October 2014]
Barney, J. (1991) 'Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage.' Journal of Management. [Online]
1. [Accessed on 1 October 2014]
David J. Teece, G. P., Amy Shuen. (1997) 'Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management.' Strategic
Management Journal. [Online] 7. [Accessed on 1 October 2014] http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=01432095%28199708%2918%3A7%3C509%3ADCASM%3E2.0.CO%3B2-%23
Eisenhardt, K. M. and Martin, J. A. (2000) 'Dynamic Capabilities: What are they?' Strategic Management
Journal. [Online] 10/11. [Accessed on 1 October 2014] http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/10970266(200010/11)21:10/11%3C1105::AID-SMJ133%3E3.0.CO;2-E/abstract
George, J. (2000) Emotions and leadership: The role of emotional intelligence Human Relations. Vol. 53, p.
Goleman, D. (2000) 'Leadership that gets results.' Harvard Business Review. [Online] March-April [Accessed
on 1 October 2014] http://hbr.org/2000/03/leadership-that-gets-results/ar/1
Harreld, J. B., III, C. A. O. R. and Tushman, M. L. (2007) 'Dynamic Capabilities at IBM: Driving Strategies into
Action.' California Management Review. [Online] 4. [Accessed on 1 October 2014]
Harvard Business Review (Ed.). (2010). HBR'S 10 Must Reads: The Essentials. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business
School Publishing Corporation.
Jarrett-Kerr, N. (2009) Strategy for law firms – after the Legal Services Act. London: The Law Society.
Magretta, J. (2012) Understanding Michael Porter: the essential guide to competition and strategy. Boston,
Mass.: Harvard Business Review Press.
Maister, D. (1997) True Professionalism. New York: Free Press.
Maister, D. (2003) Managing the Professional Service Firm. New York: Free Press.
Mayson, S. (2007) Law Firm Strategy: Competitive Advantage and Valuation. Oxford: Oxford University
Otterburn, A. (2007) Profitability and Law Firm Management. London: The Law Society.
[Note this book is available from www.lawsociety.org.uk/bookshop and a 40% discount is available using
promotion code PLFMMET.]
© Manchester Metropolitan University
Faculty of Business and Law
Postgraduate Certificate in Legal Practice Management
Otterburn, A. and Wilkinson, S. (2009) From Recession to Upturn, Financial Management and Strategy for
Law Firms London: The Law Society.
[Note this is available for free in a slightly amended form electronically from The Law Society of Scotland:
Otterburn, A. and Westwood, F. (2010) From Recession to Upturn, Financial Management and Strategy for
Law Firms. Edinburgh: The Law Society of Scotland. [Online]. [Accessed on 1 October 2014]
Polden, D. J. (2012) 'Leadership Matters: Lawyers' Leadership Skills and Competencies.' Santa Clara Law
Review, 52 (Number 3 Article 6)
Porter, M. E. (1996) 'What is Strategy?' Harvard Business Review, (November-December)
[Note this is one of the articles reproduced in Harvard Business Review (2010) referred to above]
Susskind, R. (2010) The End of Lawyers – rethinking the nature of legal services. Oxford: Oxford University
Westwood, F. (2008) Accelerated Best Practice – implementing success in professional firms. Leicester:
Yukl, G. (2014) Leadership in Organisations. Essex: Pearson.
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