SYLLABUS: WRITING FUNDAMENTALS UC 0143 SPRING 2013 NOTE: NO CELL PHONES OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES, INCLUDING LAPTOPS, WILL BE VISIBLE OR AUDIBLE AT ANY TIME DURING CLASS. EACH VIOLATION MAY RESULT IN A DEDUCTION OF 5 POINTS FROM YOUR FINAL GRADE. NOTE: EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE FOR STUDENTS REGISTERED WITH THE DISABILITIES OFFICE, AS LONG AS STUDENT PROVIDES COPY OF FRONT & BACK OF DISABILITY ID CARD TO ME. Disruptive behavior will result in your being asked to leave class. A. TEXT & MATERIALS: (1) There will be no textbook assigned for this class. You will be required to study and learn materials from lecture notes presented as Powerpoint presentations. It is the student’s responsibility to print lecture notes and bring them to class. (2) Purchase online access to using a debit or credit card. There is a series of grammar and writing exercises that every student must complete to pass the course. To register, type the following online Course ID: Section 1 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday)—Course ID Section 2 (Monday, Tues, Wed, Friday)—Course ID B. INSTRUCTOR: Margaret McClain Office: mcclain01477 mcclain38777 318D Main Office phone: 972-2080; Direct Line & voice mail: 972-3250 – Email: (I prefer emails to phone calls.) ; fax: 870-972-3922 Office Hours: OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY 11:00 AM-1:00 PM; TUESDAY 9:20 AM-11:00 AM; WEDNESDAY 11:00 AM-12:00 NOON, 1:00 PM-2:00 PM; THURSDAY 1:20 PM-2:15 PM (OTHERS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST) C. ATTENDANCE: (10%) See the ASU freshman attendance policy stated in the online ASU Undergraduate Bulletin. People who have zero absences will not have to take the final exam—**BUT ONLY IF THEY HAVE A GRADE OF “A” or “B” BEFORE THE FINAL; HAVE TAKEN ALL TESTS AND QUIZZES ON SCHEDULED DATE, INCLUDING THE TABE PREAND POSTTESTS AND COMPASS POSTTEST; HAVE COMPLETED ALL HOMEWORK AND WRITING ASSIGNMENTS ON DUE DATE; COMPLETED ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN BY THE DUE DATES, AND MISSED NO MORE THAN 4 HOMEWORK/CLASSWORK ASSIGNMENTS. NOTE: IF YOU ARE CONSISTENTLY MORE THAN 5 MINUTES LATE TO A CLASS, YOU MAY BE COUNTED ABSENT. D. DAILY WORK—HOMEWORK AND CLASS WORK: (20%) Late homework will not be accepted. If you know you’re going to be absent, get the HW early. Call a classmate, have someone deliver your homework to the secretary in the main office or under my door (Room 318D); or fax it (870-972-3922) if you have to go off campus. You can also email me any assignments on the day they are due. NOTE: **4 HW/CLASSWORK GRADES WILL BE DROPPED AT THE END OF TERM (ONLY IF YOU HAVE DONE ALL HOMEWORK AND CLASSWORK.) E. MAJOR TESTS: (30%) If you know you are going to be absent, you may take a test early. If you miss a test, you may make it up BEFORE THE NEXT CLASS PERIOD in my office. **NO TEST GRADES WILL BE DROPPED. **IF ANY TEST IS MISSED, STUDENT WILL FAIL THE COURSE, REGARDLESS OF GRADE AVERAGE. **IF THE FINAL EXAM IS MISSED AND YOU ARE NOT EXEMPT FROM THE FINAL, THEN YOU WILL FAIL THE COURSE. **IF EITHER THE TABE PRETEST OR POSTTEST IS MISSED, THE STUDENT WILL FAIL THE COURSE. IF COMPASS TEST IS MISSED, STUDENT WILL FAIL THE COURSE. 50 points will be deducted off any test that is taken late, and all bonus points will be forfeited. Thereafter, 10% per day of your test grade will be deducted. E.1. TABE PRETEST AND POSTTEST: The improvement in your grade on the TABE Posttest will count as a major test grade. Your grade on the TABE posttest test will be determined by improvement as follows— improve +.1 to +1.0 GRADE LEVEL (75%) No increase or decrease in grade level (70%) improve +1.1 to +1.5 (80%) Decrease in grade level (65%) improve +1.6 to +2.0 (85%) improve +2.1 to +3.0 (95%) improve by more than 3 grade levels (100%) F. PARAGRAPHS AND ESSAYS: (20%) All paragraphs and essays will be typed and emailed to me in class. If you miss one, you must make an appointment and come to my office to make it up. I will look at your prewriting first. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL I ACCEPT AN ESSAY OR PARAGRAPH WRITTEN OUTSIDE OF CLASS. PARAGRAPHS AND ESSAYS TURNED IN WITHOUT THE PREWRITING WILL HAVE 50% OF THE GRADE DEDUCTED. *ONE ESSAY/PARAGRAPH GRADE WILL BE DROPPED (ONLY IF YOU HAVE DONE ALL WRITING ASSIGNMENTS.) IF ANY ESSAY OR PARAGRAPH IS NOT WRITTEN, STUDENT WILL AUTOMATICALLY RECEIVE A GRADE OF “F” FOR THE COURSE. G. (20%) Students are expected to spend several hours working on each set of exercises in Exercises must be completed by the due date, or a grade of zero (0%) will be assigned. H. ASU GRADING SYSTEM FOR NON-CREDIT COURSES: A=90-100%; B=80-89%; C=70-79%; F= Below 70% I. GRADE BREAKDOWN: NOTES 1. MAJOR TESTS (4) (Includes TABE Posttest; last test is final exam.) (NO TEST GRADE DROPPED) 2. DAILY WORK (HW & Classwork—4 GRADES DROPPED) 3. PARAGRAPH & ESSAY WRITING (4) (NONE DROPPED) 4. 5. ATTENDANCE ( 0-1 abs = 10 pts; 2 abs= 7.5 pts; 3 abs = 5 pts; 4 abs 2.5 pts; 5+ abs = 0 pts) = 30% = = = = 20% 20% 20% 10% SKILLS COVERED WEEK 1 JANUARY 14 Introduction to course and syllabus; register for; send instructor an email from ASU account for first homework grade TABE Pretest WEEK 2 JANUARY 21 Monday, January 21—Martin Luther King Holiday—no classes **WRITING ASSIGNMENT #1—Diagnostic Paragraph SENTENCE SKILLS: Sentence Fragments (W2.2) WEEK 3 JANUARY 28 SENTENCE SKILLS: Comma Splices and Runons THE CRAFT OF WRITING: The Topic Sentence (W2.3) (W5.5) WEEK 4 FEBRUARY 4 THE CRAFT OF WRITING: Recognizing a Paragraph (W5.4) PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT: Describing (and Prewriting) (W6.1) WEEK 5 FEBRUARY 11 SENTENCE SKILLS: Subject-Verb Agreement (W2.4) SENTENCE SKILLS: Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement (W2.8) **WRITING ASSIGNMENT #2--PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT: Writing a Descriptive Paragraph in Class (W6.1) WEEK 6 FEBRUARY 18 SENTENCE SKILLS: Diction: Standard and Non-standard English; Words Not to Use in Formal Writing TEST #1: SENTENCE SKILLS: Sentence Fragments; Comma Splices and Runons; PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT: Topic Sentences; Describing—similes, metaphors, personification; visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, and olfactory imagery WEEK 7 FEBRUARY 25 PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT: Illustrating (Examples) (and Prewriting) (W6.3) SENTENCE SKILLS: Tense; Consistent Verb Tense and Active Voice (W2.5) WEEK 8 MARCH 4 SENTENCE SKILLS: Tense; Consistent Verb Tense and Active Voice, CONTINUED (W2.5) **WRITING ASSIGNMENT #3--PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT-Prewriting for and Writing an Illustration (Example) Paragraph in Class (W6.3) WEEK 9 MARCH 11 SENTENCE SKILLS: Pronoun Reference and Point of View (W2.7) TEST #2: GRAMMAR: Subject-Verb Agreement; Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement; Consistent Verb Tense and Active Voice; Diction; Pronoun Reference and Point of View; PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT: Illustrating WEEK 10 MARCH 18 SPRING BREAK—1 WEEK HOLIDAY WEEK 11 MARCH 25 SENTENCE SKILLS: Capitalization (General) (W3.7) SENTENCE SKILLS: Capitalization and Punctuation in Titles (W3.7) THE CRAFT OF WRITING: Recognizing the Essay (W7.1) THE CRAFT OF WRITING: Thesis Statement (W7.2) WEEK 12 APRIL 1 PUNCTUATION, MECHANICS AND SPELLING: Commas (W3.1); Final Punctuation (W3.2) ESSAY DEVELOPMENT: Compare and Contrast (W7.5) WEEK 13 APRIL 8 PUNCTUATION, MECHANICS AND SPELLING: Quotation Marks (W3.3); Apostrophes (W3.5) **WRITING ASSIGNMENT #4 -- ESSAY DEVELOPMENT: Prewriting for and Writing a Comparison-Contrast Essay in Class (W7.5) WEEK 14 APRIL 15 PUNCTUATION, MECHANICS AND SPELLING: Semicolons, Colons, Dashes, Parentheses, and Other Punctuation Marks (W3.4) SENTENCE SKILLS: Parallelism (W2.10) WEEK 15 APRIL 22 Finish up MyWritingLab and other skills TEST #3: TABE Posttest (grade based on improvement) WEEK 16 APRIL 29 Monday—last day of class; receive grades and exemptions; receive study guides for final exam; receive TABE and COMPASS scores TEST #4: FINAL EXAM—SENTENCE SKILLS: Capitalization; Final Punctuation; Commas; Apostrophes; Quotation Marks; Semicolons, Colons, Dashes, Parentheses, and Other Punctuation; Parallelism; ESSAY DEVELOPMENT: Comparison-Contrast Assignments and Due Dates 1. I may not lecture over the online assignments. Therefore, it is up to you to view the instructional videos or check the goals of each lesson before attempting the exercises. 2. In each of the three areas below, do the number of required exercises. 3. However, if you have a failing average (below 70%), you should go ahead and do more exercises to raise your grade. 4. Check your Gradebook from time to time to see your averages for the online work. (NOTE: MyWritingLab gives averages only for the exercises you actually did. My gradebook may have a different average if the work is not complete.) 5. Access “Homework” in MyWritingLab. 6. For each skill, finish the following by the due date: a. Read the Overview—no grade b. Watch the Animation—no grade NOTE: I can tell exactly how many minutes or hours you spend on each exercise. c. d. e. f. If you do not spend an adequate amount of time on the Overview and the Animation, I will deduct 50 points off your final score for each failure to do these tasks. Do Recall 1. Do Recall 2. Do Apply. Do Posttest. W2 SENTENCE SKILLS 1. W2.2 Sentence Fragments 2. W2.3 Run Ons and Comma Splices 3. W2.4 Subject-Verb Agreement 4. W2.8 Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement 5. W2.10 Parallelism 6. W2.5 Consistent Verb Tense & Active Voice 7. W2.7 Pronoun Reference W3 PUNCTUATION, MECHANICS AND SPELLING 8. W3.7 Capitalization 9. Punctuation: W3.1 commas; W3.2 final punctuation; W3.3 quotation marks; W3.5 apostrophes; W3.4 other punctuation (e.g., semicolons, colons, dashes, parentheses, etc.) DUE DATES February 3 February 10 February 17 February 17 April 21 March 10 March 10 April 1 April 21 for all exercises W5 CRAFT OF WRITING 10. W5.4 Recognizing a Paragraph 11. W5.5 The Topic Sentence February 8 February 8 W6 PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT 12. W6.1 Describing 13. W6.3 Illustrating February 10 March 3 W7 ESSAY DEVELOPMENT 14. W7.1 Recognizing the Essay 15. W7.2 Thesis Statement 16. W7.5 Compare and Contrast April 1 April 1 April 7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR FUNDAMENTALS OF WRITING—UC 0143 I. REVIEW OF GRAMMAR STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO: Recognize major and minor grammar and mechanical errors in their own writing; edit writing assignments for errors; use technology to proofread for errors (spelling and grammar checkers, online dictionaries, ESL websites for standard American English usage); use traditional methods of editing written work (paper dictionaries, Thesaurus); answer grammar exercises on the topics listed below in with a score of 70% or higher. A. MAJOR a. Run-on Sentences and Comma Splices b. Sentence Fragments c. Agreement Errors: Subject-Verb and Pronoun-Antecedent d. Verb Errors: Tense; Consistent Verb Tense and Active Voice e. Pronoun Errors: Pronoun Reference and Point of View, B. MINOR a. Mechanics: capitalization and punctuation Standard and non-standard English b. Parallelism II. REVIEW OF RHETORICAL PATTERNS OF DEVELOPMENT STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO: Answer exercises based on rhetorical patterns in and score 70% or higher; demonstrate a working knowledge of the rhetorical patterns by writing five-paragraph essays using the following methods of development. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. III. Definition Description Process Narration Division/Classification Comparison/Contrast Cause-Effect Argument PARAGRAPH AND ESSAY WRITING STUDENTS WILL BE ABLE TO: Write a predetermined number of paragraphs and essays using four or more of the rhetorical patterns.