Fixed Form Poetry IT’S A CLOSED CASE Form: A poem’s overall structure or shape Free Verse or Open Form A poem free of a prescribed pattern Still has Fixed Form A poem that follows a prescribed pattern of lines, meter, rhyme, or stanza structure Poets may write in fixed form, yet vary it slightly for effect Regardless of form: intentional choices made by poet to create effect Stanza A grouping of lines in poetry Typically set off by space Similar to prose’s paragraph Rhyme Scheme A pattern of end rhymes Identify rhyme scheme by using lowercase letters to mark similar sounds Stanza Vocabulary—two Couplet 2 lines (couple) that usually rhyme and share a meter Heroic Couplet A couplet with rhymed iambic pentameter Stanza Vocabulary—three Tercet 3 line stanza Triplet A rhyming tercet Terza rima Interlocking 3-line rhyme (aba, bcb, ded) “Acquainted with the Night” (page 923) Stanza Vocabulary—four Quatrain Most common stanzaic form in English language 4 line stanza “Upon Julia’s Clothes” Discuss answers with partners Be prepared to share out