721201 Electrical and Electronic Equipment Assembler (Railway Signalling Maintenance Official) SECTION 3: CURRICULUM COMPONENT SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 3A: KNOWLEDGE MODULE SPECIFICATIONS List of Knowledge Modules for which Specifications are included 721201001-KM-01, Introduction to railway signalling, NQF Level 2, Credits 5 721201001-KM-02, Basic Principles of Health, Safety and Quality, NQF Level 3, Credits 4 721201001-KM-03, Occupational health, safety and environment , NQF Level 3, Credits 3 721201001-KM-04, Railway signalling tools, measuring equipment, materials and techniques, NQF Level 3 , Credits 15 721201001-KM-05, Electrical systems and basic electronic, hydraulic and pneumatic principles, NQF Level 3, Credits 40 721201001-KM-06, Symbols in railway signalling technology, NQF Level 4, Credits 5 721201001-KM-07, Railway signalling technology for assembling, NQF Level 4, Credits 47 721201001-KM-08, Railway signalling technology for wiring, NQF Level 4, Credits 47 721201001-KM-09, Railway signalling technology for installation, NQF Level 3, Credits 77 721201001-KM-10, Railway signalling technology for maintenance, NQF Level 4, Credits 50 721201001-KM-11, Railway signalling technology for fault finding, NQF Level 4, Credits 30 Page 1 of 50 1. 721201001-KM-01, Introduction to Railway Signalling, NQF L2, Cr 5 1.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to understand railway signalling. The knowledge acquired will enable the learner to demonstrate an understanding of the railway signalling, single, double and uni/bi-directional lines, crossings, turnouts and train control methods, points and signals used in railway signalling systems, track vacancy detection and interlocking systems as well as methods of control used in railway signalling. The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 6.25 days. KM-01-KT01: Introduction to railway signalling (20%) KM-01-KT02: Single, double and uni/bi-directional lines, crossings, turnouts and train control methods (20%). KM-01-KT03: Points used in railway signalling systems (20%). KM-01-KT04: Signals used in railway signalling systems (10%). KM-01-KT05: Track vacancy detection system used in railway signalling (10%). . KM-01-KT06: Interlocking systems used in railway signalling (10%). KM-01-KT07: Methods of control used in railway signalling (10%). 1.2. Guidelines for Topics 1.2.1. KM-01-KT01: Introduction to railway signalling (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0101: Overview of railway industry KT0102: Legislation related to railway signalling KT0103: Structure of the network KT0104: Role of railway signalling maintenance official Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0101 List legislation related to railway signalling IAC0102 Outline and discuss the structure of the network IAC0103 Discuss the role of railway signalling maintenance official (Weight 20%) 1.2.2. KM-02-KT02: Single, double and uni/bi-directional lines, crossings, turnouts and Train control methods. (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0201: Train operating/control methods Page 2 of 50 KT0202: Telegraph order KT0203: Wooden train staff KT0204: Van Schoor token KT0205: Radio train orders KT0206: Track warrant system KT0207: Pilot working Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0201 Discuss and explain train control/operation methods IAC0202 Describe features an uses of train control systems (Weight 20%) 1.2.3. KM-01-KT03: Points used in railway signalling systems (20%). Topic elements to be covered include: KT0301: Definition of points KT0302: Types of points KT0303: The position, purpose, function and methods of operating points Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0301 Define points IAC0301 List and explain types of points IAC0301 Discuss the position, purpose, function and methods of operating points (Weight 20%) 1.2.4. KM-01-KT04: Signals used in railway signalling systems (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0401: Definition of signals KT0402: Types of signals KT0403: Functions, purpose, position and methods of operation of signals Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0401 Define signals IAC0402 List type of signals IAC0403 Discuss functions, position, purpose and methods of operating signals (Weight 10%) Page 3 of 50 1.2.5. KM-01-KT05: Track vacancy detection system used in railway signalling (10%). Topic elements to be covered include: KT0501: Safety bars KT0502: Traction return leg KT0503: Track circuits KT0504: Identification of jointed and joint-less track circuits KT0505: Types of track circuits KT0506: Axle counters (Single section) KT0507: Axle counters (Multi-section) KT0508: Advantages and disadvantages of jointed and jointless track circuits and axle counters Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0501 Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating safety bars IAC0501 Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating traction return leg IAC0502: Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating track circuits IAC0503: Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating identification of jointed and joint-less track circuits IAC0504: Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating types of track circuits IAC0505: Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating axle counters (Single section) IAC0506: Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating axle counters (Multi-section) IAC0507: List and discuss advantages and disadvantages of jointed and jointless track circuits and axle counters (Weight 10%) 1.2.6. KM-01-KT06: Interlocking systems used in railway signalling (10%). Topic elements to be covered include: KT0601: Mechanical interlocking KT0602: Relay interlocking KT0603: NFG interlocking KT0604: Spoorplan relay interlocking Page 4 of 50 KT0605: Solid state interlocking KT0606: Hybrid interlocking KT0607: Advantages and disadvantages of the various interlocking systems Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0601 Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating mechanical interlocking system IAC0602 Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating relay interlocking system IAC0603 Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating NFG interlocking system ISC0604 Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating spoorplan relay interlocking system IAC0605 Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating solid state interlocking system IAC0606 Discuss features, position and operation methods of operating hybrid interlocking system IAC0607 List and explain advantages and disadvantages of various interlocking systems (Weight 10%) 1.2.7. KM-01-KT07: Methods of control used in railway signalling (10%). Topic elements to be covered include: KT0701: Methods of control KT0702: Advantages and disadvantages of the methods of control Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0701 Discuss methods of control IAC0702 List and explain advantages and disadvantages of the methods of control (Weight 10%) 1.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria Physical Requirements: Learning materials Access to tools, components, equipment and systems Human Resource Requirements: Page 5 of 50 Trainers should be in possession of ETDP National Certificate Level 4, a relevant trade test with competencies related to railway signalling and at least 5 years experience working within a railway signalling environment Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 20 Legal Requirements: Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements Compliant with the relevant railway umbrella (Act 16) Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements 1.4 Exemptions None Page 6 of 50 2. 721201001-KM-02, Basic Principles of Health, Safety and Quality, L2, C4 2.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to understand basic principles of health, safety and quality. The knowledge acquired will enable the learner to demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics and functions of personal protective equipment, ways of communicating safety and health issues, safety and health terminologies, environment and awareness, basic principles of fire fighting and the theories and concepts of hazard identification and risk assessment. The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 5 days. The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of: KM-02-KT01: Characteristics and functions of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (20%) KM-02-KT02: Ways of communicating Safety and Health issues (20%) KM-02-KT03: Safety and health terminologies, environment and awareness (20%) KM-02-KT04: Basic principles of fire fighting (20%) KM-02-KT05: Theories and concepts of hazard identification and risk assessment (20%) 2.2 Guidelines for Topics 2.2.1. KM-02-KT01: Characteristics and functions of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0101 Concepts of PPE KT0102 Purpose and uses of PPE KT0103 Types of PPE KT0104 Conditions and environment for use of PPE Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0101 List the different types of PPE used in the railway environment and discuss procedures to determine if its fit for use IAC0102 Discuss and explain the purpose of safety equipment and procedures IAC0103 Identify and describe personal protective clothing and equipment for different situations IAC0104 Identify the importance of proper maintenance and storing of PPE (Weight 20%) Page 7 of 50 2.2.2. KM-02-KT02: Ways of communicating safety and health issues (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0201 Principles of Safety signals, safety procedures, and demarcated areas KT0202 Uses of safety signals, safety procedures, and demarcated areas KT0203 Concept and use of Material safety data sheets (MSDS) Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0201 Categorize a list of signs and procedures according to the various types of signs and explain the meaning of each individual sign and colour codes IAC0202 Identify and explain the purpose of demarcated areas, emergency stops, exits and first aid stations IAC0203 Explain how MSDS can be used to communicate health and safety information on materials used in railway (Weight 20%) 2.2.3. KM-02-KT03: Safety, health terminologies and environment (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0301 Basic concepts and terminology in safety, health and environment management KT0302 Concept of personal attitude in safety practices KT0303 Health and safety structures and standard procedures KT0304 Railway Safety Regulator (RSR) standards Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0301 Identify and explain the different terminologies and what they mean and what conditions/circumstances they represent IAC0302 Discuss the relationship that the concept “time” has with health and safety IAC0303 Explain how having a safe attitude impacts on costs involved with incidents, accidents, injuries and emergencies IAC0304 Identify what are hazards and what could cause hazardous situations IAC0305 Explain how health and safety structures and health and safety policies and procedures contribute to a safe working environment IAC0306 Explain the purpose of appropriate RSR safety standards (Weight 20%) 2.2.4. KM-02-KT04: Basic principles of fire fighting (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: Page 8 of 50 KT0401 Causes and types of fire KT0402 Fires Classification KT0403 Basic fire fighting equipment KT0404 Approaches to fire prevention Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0401 List and explain the causes of fire in accordance with industry practice IAC0402 List and explain the various classes of fires according to industry practices IAC0403 Identify and explain the equipment needed for prevention of fires IAC0403 Explain fire prevention in relation to industry practices (OHS ACT) 2.2.5. KM-02-KT05: Theories and concepts of hazard identification and risk assessment (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0501 Approaches to workshop and infrastructure safety practices KT0502 The role of various warning signs, posters, tags and labels KT0503 Safety approaches to hot work operations KT0504 Basic lock out concepts and applications Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0501 Identify hazards and risks in a fabrication workshop and on-board vessel/ship and describe safe work practices IAC0502 Explain the general hazards and risks related to confined spaces and working at heights IAC0503 Identify types of personal protective equipment (PPE), and safety equipment and describe their applications and limitations, including fall arrest equipment and fall protection IAC0504 Identify and explain safety signs, colour coding and lock out concepts and applications (Weight 20%) 2.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria Physical Requirements: Access to railway line Learning materials Access to tools, components, equipment and systems Human Resource Requirements: Page 9 of 50 Trainers should be in possession of ETDP National Certificate Level 4, a relevant trade test with competencies related to railway signalling and at least 5 years experience working within a railway signalling environment Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 20 Legal Requirements: Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements Compliant with the relevant railway umbrella (Act 16) Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements 2.4 Exemptions None Page 10 of 50 3. 721201001-KM-03, Occupational health, safety and environment, L3, Cr3 3.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to understand occupational health, safety and environment. The knowledge acquired will enable the learner to demonstrate an understanding of the theory and principles of relevant legislation, concepts, theories and principles of first aid, theories, concepts and principles of quality control in railway maintenance, incidents and accidents, breakdowns and mechanical failure as well as medical emergency. The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 3, 75 days. The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of: KM-03-KT01: Theories and principles of relevant legislation, (railway procedures, rules, regulations and channels of communication (25%) KM-03-KT02: Concepts, theories and principles of first aid (25%) KM-03-KT03: Theories, concepts and principles of quality control in railway maintenance (20%) KM-03-KT04: Incidents and accidents (10%) KM-3-KT05: Breakdowns and mechanical failure (10%) KM-3-KT06: Medical Emergency (10%) 3.2 Guidelines for Topics 3.2.1. KM-03-KT01: Theories and principles of relevant legislation, (railway procedures, rules, regulations and channels of communication (25%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0101 Elements of the specific Regulations applicable to railway industry KT0102 Aspects of the National Environmental Management Act applicable to railway KT0103 Aspects of the Occupational Health and Safety Act applicable to the railway environment KT0104 Aspects of the Energy efficiency legislation applicable to railway KT0105 Elements of the railway rules and regulations KT0106 Standards, guidelines and codes applicable to railway law KT0107 Describe hazard identification and risk assessment principles in the environment Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0101 Identify and explain relevant regulations within the railway industry IAC0102 Describe the implications of the SHERQ in a railway environment IAC0103 Explain the techniques of basic fire fighting IAC0104 Explain the impact of specific aspects of the Regulations on railway activities Page 11 of 50 IAC0105 Explain the impact of specific aspects of the National Environmental Management Act on railway activities IAC0106 Explain the impact of specific aspects of the Occupational Health and Safety Act on railway activities IAC0107 Explain the impact of specific aspects of the Energy Efficiency legislation on railway activities (Weight 25%) 3.2.2. KM-03-KT02: Concepts, theories and principles of first aid (25%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0201 Types of hazards and emergency situations KT0202 Types of workplace injuries KT0203 Principles of dealing with bleeding KT0204 Types of visible vital signs, signs of shock and first aid Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0201 Discuss how the potential hazards around an injured person can be identified IAC0202 Describe the possible visible vital signs of an injured person and what could be done to reassure and calm the injured person IAC0203 Explain the importance of not moving an injured person, having the contact details of various emergency services available and being able to access a first aid box IAC0204 Explain the most important issues to consider the most appropriate method, and correct procedure to control serious bleeding (Weight 25%) 3.2.3. KM-02-KT03: Theories, concepts and principles of quality control in railway (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0301 The value and function of quality assurance KT0302 Quality inspection and testing methods KT0303 Inspection and testing methods KT0304 Uses of inspection and testing methods KT0305 The importance of quality process KT0306 Control concepts and principles to verify compliance with design and code specifications procedures Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0301 Explain the applications and purpose of quality assurance and control IAC0302 Discuss codes and standards pertaining to quality control Page 12 of 50 IAC0303 List methods of inspection and testing and describe their characteristics, limitations and applications IAC0304 Describe procedures to perform final inspection for quality finish IAC0305 Discuss quality assurance system, quality objectives, standards and elements and quality requirements of work area IAC0306 Describe quality standards and procedures IAC0307 List types of non-conformances IAC0308 Discuss instruments and gauges related to quality processes IAC0309 Discuss quality problems (Weight 20%) 3.2.4. KM-03-KT04: Incidents and accidents (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0401 Differentiate between Incidents and Accidents KT0402 Preliminary actions for Incidents and Accidents KT0403 Incidents and Accidents investigation procedure KT0404 Preventative measures KT0405 Assess the impact of Incidents and/or Accidents Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0401 Explain the difference between incidents and accidents within the railway Industry IAC0402 Explain the incident or accident reporting procedure to the designated person/s IAC0403 Explain what actions should be taken to avoid incidents and accidents according to specific procedure IAC0404 Discuss the Incident and Accident procedure according to specific Railway Industry IAC0405 Describe the advantages to any organization ensuring incident and accident preventative measures within the Railway Industry IAC0406 Describe the importance of safe working practices (Weight 10%) 3.2.5. KM-03-KT05: Breakdowns and mechanical failure (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0501 Classification of emergency area KT0502 Concepts and approaches to breakdown and failure Page 13 of 50 KT0503 Problem solving techniques and approaches Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0501 Identify and discuss breakdowns and mechanical failure IAC0502 Discuss the levels of breakdowns IAC0503 Discuss approaches in the event of breakdowns or mechanical failure (Weight 10%) 3.2.6. KM-03-KT06: Medical Emergency (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0601 Theories and concepts of medical emergencies KT0602 Emergency reporting techniques KT0603 Categories of medical emergencies KT0604 Methods and approaches to accident investigation KT0605 Treatment methodologies Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0601 Discuss the principles of medical emergencies in terms of ethics and scope of practice IAC0602 List and explain the various categories of medical support and protocol on an accident scene IAC0603 Discuss the precautions taken during treatment of injured persons on and during a scene IAC0604 Explain the method of triage and treatment in accordance with the current and accepted protocol IAC0605 Discuss accident and incident procedures according to relevant legislation and policies IAC0606 Discuss and complete the relevant documentation during incident and accident reporting IAC0607 Discuss the mobilisation activities for emergency services, (Weight 10%) 3.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria Physical Requirements: Learning materials Page 14 of 50 Access to tools, components, equipment and systems Human Resource Requirements: Trainers should be in possession of ETDP National Certificate Level 4, artisan qualification related to railway signalling and at least 5 years experience working within a railway signalling environment Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 20 Legal Requirements: Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements Compliant with the relevant railway umbrella (Act 16) Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements 3.4 Exemptions None Page 15 of 50 4. 721201001-KM-04, Railway signalling tools, measuring equipment, materials and techniques, L2, C15 4.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to understand railways signalling tools, measuring equipment, materials and techniques. The knowledge acquired will enable the learner to demonstrate an understanding of the hand power tools and equipment in the railway industry, principles, theories and uses of measuring equipment and maintenance and railway equipment and their safe operating procedures. The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 18.75 days. The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of: KM-04-KT01 Hand power tools and equipment in the railway industry (34%) KM-04-KT02: Principles, theories and uses of measuring equipment and maintenance (33%) KM-04-KT03: Railway equipment and their safe operating procedures (33%) 4.2 Guidelines for Topics 4.2.1. KM-04-KT01: Types, purposes and uses of hand and power tools and equipment in the railway industry (34%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0101 Types of hand, power tools and equipment KT0102 Features and characteristics of hand, power tools and equipment KT0103 Purposes and use of the of hand, power tools and equipment KT0104 Principles of storage and handling of hand, power tools and equipment KT0105 Principles of cleaning and maintaining of hand, power tools and equipment KT0106 Principles of identification and selection of hand, power tools and equipment KT0107 Safety requirements on all hand and power tools Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0101 Discuss the critical issues related to the identification, safe use and maintenance of hand, power tools, machines and equipment IAC0102 Explain the purposes of each of the most commonly used hand and power tools IAC0103 Interpret the importance of hand, power tools and equipment requirements for storage and handling IAC0104 Explain the importance of cleaning and maintenance of hand, power tools and equipment Page 16 of 50 IAC0105 Define and describe the capability and operating procedures of the machines (Weight 34%) 4.2.2. KM-04-KT02: Principles of maintenance of equipment and maintenance (33%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0201 Principles, methods and maintenance of equipment KT0202 Methods and techniques in operation of equipment KT0203 Safety requirements on all hand and power tools Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0201 Discuss safety requirements with regards to tools IAC0202 Discuss consequences of using incorrect equipment IAC0203 Describe correct procedures when maintaining equipment IAC0204 Explain the process of identifying the damages on the equipment (Weight 33%) 4.2.3. KM-04-KT03: Railway equipment and their safe operating procedures (33%) Topic elements to be covered include: • KT0301 Principles, methods and maintenance of equipment • KT0302 Methods and techniques in operation of equipment • KT0303 Safety requirements on all hand and power tools Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight • IAC0301 Discuss safety requirements with regards to tools • IAC0302 Discuss consequences of using incorrect equipment • IAC0303 Describe correct procedures when maintaining equipment • IAC0304 Explain the process of identifying the damages on the equipment (Weight 33%) 4.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria Physical Requirements: Learning materials Access to tools, components, equipment and systems Human Resource Requirements: Trainers should be in possession of ETDP National Certificate Level 4, a relevant trade test with competencies related to railway signalling and at least 5 years experience working within a railway signalling environment Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 20 Page 17 of 50 Legal Requirements: Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements Compliant with the relevant railway umbrella (Act 16) Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements 4.4 Exemptions None Page 18 of 50 5. 721201001-KM-05, Electrical systems and basic electronic, hydraulic and pneumatic principles, NQF Level 3, Credits 16 5.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of electrical systems and basic electronic, hydraulic and pneumatic principles. The knowledge acquired will enable the learner to demonstrate an understanding of the electrical systems, basic electronics and basic hydraulics and pneumatics for railway signalling The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 18, 75 days. The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of: KM-05-KT01: Electrical systems in the railway signalling system (30%) KM-05-KT02: Basic electronics for railway signalling (40%) KM-05-KT03: Basic hydraulics and pneumatics for railway signalling (15%) KM-05-KT04: Fundamentals of electricity (15%) 5.2 Guidelines for Topics 5.2.1. KM-05-KT01: Electrical systems in railway signalling (30%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0101 Function of electrical systems in railway signalling KT0102 Construction and operating principles of railway signalling KT0103 Concepts, terms and terminology of railway signalling electrical systems KT0104 Construction of types of batteries KT0105 Wiring basics, including types, sizes, colour coding, connectors, terminals, fuses, relays, wiring diagrams KT0106 Wiring diagrams and schematics, symbols, codes, terminal designations KT0107 Names, locations, structure and functions of railway signalling components and parts KT0108 Specifications, parameters and calculations for railway signalling electrical systems KT0109 Maintenance requirements and methods for electrical systems KT0110 Safety, health and environmental issues related to electrical systems Page 19 of 50 Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0101 Describe concepts of various types of electrical systems, batteries and wiring systems in railway signalling IAC0102 Discuss the limitations of the various types of electrical systems and related safety, health and environment issues IAC0103 Identify, describe, with the aid of sketches where applicable, and explain the function of the electrical system components and parts IAC0104 Describe typical electrical faults, their causes, methods of testing and maintenance requirements for electrical systems (Weight 30%) 5.2.2. KM-05-KT02: Basic electronics for railway signalling (40%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0201 Principles of electronics KT0202 Types, functions and applications of resistors KT0203 Types, functions and applications of capacitors KT0204 Types, functions and applications of inductors and transformers KT0205 Types, functions and applications of diodes KT0206 Types, functions and applications of transistors and thyristors KT0207 Integrated circuits and circuit diagrams KT0208 Electronic applications in engines, vehicles and equipment KT0209 Electronic test equipment such as multimeters and oscilloscopes Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0201 Identify the electronic components used for railway signalling and describe their functions and applications IAC0202 Describe and explain the contents and layout of integrated circuits and integrated circuit diagrams (Weight 40%) 5.2.3. KM-05-KT03: Basic hydraulics and pneumatics for railway signalling (15%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0301 Pascal's law and basic principles of hydraulics and pneumatics KT0302 Hydraulic and pneumatic symbols KT0303 Reading and interpreting hydraulic and pneumatic diagrams KT0304 Purpose and functions of hydraulic components (including actuators, control valves, relief valves, flow meters, pressure gauges) Page 20 of 50 KT0305 Purpose and functions of pneumatic components (including actuators, control valves, relief valves, pressure gauges) KT0306 Construction and operation of hydraulic and pneumatic circuits KT0307 Hydraulic and pneumatic applications in railway signalling KT0308 Identification, function and maintenance of hydraulic accumulators KT0309 Safety, health and environmental issues related to hydraulic and pneumatic circuits Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0301 Explain Pascal's law and the basic principles of hydraulics and pneumatics IAC0302 Explain hydraulic and pneumatic symbols IAC0303 Read and interpret hydraulic and pneumatic diagrams IAC0304 Make freehand sketches of hydraulic and pneumatic circuits IAC0305 Identify hydraulic components and describe and explain their purpose and functions IAC0306 Identify pneumatic components and describe and explain their purpose and functions IAC0307 Describe and explain the construction and operation of hydraulic and pneumatic circuits and indicate the direction of air and oil flow IAC0308 Describe and explain hydraulic and pneumatic applications in railway signalling IAC03109 Describe safety precautions to be taken when working with hydraulic and pneumatic applications and explain the reasons for these IAC0310 Discuss the identification of typical faults and their causes, IAC0311 Describe tests and maintenance requirements for hydraulic and pneumatic circuits (Weight 15%) 5.2.4. KM-05-KT04: Fundamentals of electricity (15%) Topic elements to be covered include: • KT0401 Fundamentals of electricity, including current, voltage, resistance and power, alternating and direct current • KT0402 Conductors, insulators and semiconductors • KT0403 Working safely with electricity • KT0404 Simple circuits including types of circuit, circuit construction principles and circuit diagrams, Ohm's and Kirchhoff's Laws and basic circuit faults • KT0405 Electric circuit diagrams • KT0406 Basic electrical components, including batteries, switches, fuses, resistors, condensers, relays, lights, hooters, spark plugs Page 21 of 50 • KT0407 Electrical terms, notation and symbols and various national standards • KT0408 Measuring electricity, including units and measuring equipment • KT0409 Electrical calculations • KT0410 Common electrical faults and tests • KT0411 Magnetic fields, electro magnetism and applications, including electrical motors, generators and alternators • KT0412 Capacitance and various types and applications of capacitors • KT0413 Application of electricity in vehicles and equipment, and vehicle and equipment systems Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight • IAC0401 Define and explain electrical terms and electrical symbols • IAC0402 Describe, explain and discuss the basic application of electricity in vehicle and equipment systems • IAC0403 Describe and explain safe work practices for working with electricity • IAC0404 Identify components in electrical circuits, and describe the function of each component using the correct terminology • IAC0405 Identify and explain the terms, definitions and instruments used in testing electrical circuits • IAC0406 Describe common electrical faults and the process followed to diagnose electrical problems (Weight 15%) 5.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria Physical Requirements: Learning materials Access to tools, components, equipment and systems Human Resource Requirements: Trainers should be in possession of ETDP National Certificate Level 4, a relevant trade test with competencies related to railway signalling and at least 5 years experience working within a railway signalling environment Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 20 Legal Requirements: Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements Compliant with the relevant railway umbrella (Act 16) Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements Page 22 of 50 5.4 Exemptions None Page 23 of 50 6. 721201001-KM-06, Symbols in railway signalling technology, NQF Level 3, Cr 5 6.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to build an understanding of symbols in the railway signalling technology. The knowledge acquired will enable the learner to demonstrate an understanding of the symbols for circuit diagrams, classification of symbols for circuit diagrams, symbols for apparatus and equipment as well as additional abbreviations and new symbols. The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 6, 25 days.The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of: KM-06-KT01: Symbols for circuit diagrams (20%) KM-06-KT02: Classification of symbols for circuit diagrams (20%) KM-06-KT03: Symbols for apparatus and equipment (20%) KM-06-KT04: Additional abbreviations and new symbols (20%) KM-06-KT05: Labelling conductors (20%) 6.2 Guidelines for Topics 6.2.1. KM-06-KT01: Symbols for circuit diagrams (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0101 Written circuit symbols KT0102 Relays KT0103 Electric Lamp KT0104 Electric Bell KT0105 Push Buttons KT0106 Crank handle contacts Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0101 Explain symbols in a diagram IAC0102 Discuss symbols from equipments (Weight 20%) 6.2.2. KM-06-KT02: Classification of symbols for circuit diagrams (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0201 Alphabetical terms classification of symbols for circuit diagrams KT0202 Numerical terms classification of symbols for circuit diagrams Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight Page 24 of 50 IAC0201 Discuss two types of classification for circuit diagrams IAC0202 Explain the uses of the two types of terms classification (Weight 20%) 6.2.3. KM-06-KT03: Symbols for apparatus and equipment (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0301 Types of Apparatus KT0302 Functions and features of apparatus symbols Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0301 List different types of apparatus symbols IAC0302 Discuss the functions and features of apparatus symbols (Weight 20%) 6.2.4. KM-06-KT04: Additional abbreviations and new symbols (20%) KT0401 Additional abbreviations KT0402 New symbols KT0403 Comparisons between old and new symbols KT0404 Additional symbols Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0401 List new symbols given old ones IAC0402 Discuss the difference between new and old symbols in a diagram (Weight 20%) 6.2.5. KM-06-KT05: Labelling Conductors (20%) KT0501 Different ways of labelling conductors Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0501 Discuss different ways of labelling conductors (Weight 20%) 6.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria Physical Requirements: Learning materials Access to tools, components, equipment and systems Human Resource Requirements: Page 25 of 50 Trainers should be in possession of ETDP National Certificate Level 4, a relevant trade test with competencies related to railway signalling and at least 5 years experience working within a railway signalling environment Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 20 Legal Requirements: Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements Compliant with the relevant railway umbrella (Act 16) Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements 6.4 Exemptions None Page 26 of 50 7. 721201001-KM-08, Railway signalling technology for assembling, NQF Level 2, Credits 95 7.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to understand railway signalling technology for assembling. The knowledge acquired will enable the learner to demonstrate an understanding of the theory on railway signals assembling techniques, assembling of track circuit, assembling of t, rack vacancy detection system, railway signals, point machine, power supply, interlocking, remote control and methods, principles and techniques of communication. . The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 118, 75 days. The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of: KM-07-KT01: Theory on railway signals assembling techniques (20%) KM-07-KT02: Assembling of track circuit (10%) KM-07-KT03: Assembling of track vacancy detection system (10%) KM-07-KT04: Assembling of railway signals (10%) KM-07-KT05: Assembly of points machine (10%) KM-07-KT06: Assembly of power supply (10%) KM-07-KT07: Assembly of interlocking (10%) KM-07-KT08: Assembly of remote control (10%) KM-07-KT09: Methods, principles and techniques of communication (10%) 7.2 Guidelines for Topics 7.2.1. KM-07-KT01: Theory on railway signals assembling techniques (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0101 Storage procedures KT0102 Types of components used in assembling KT0103 Assembling techniques KT0104 Principles and practices of reading and interpreting engineering diagrams, drawings and specifications Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0101 Explain the procedures for storage of assembly components IAC0102 List and explain types of components for signalling IAC0103 Discuss principles and practices of reading and interpreting of engineering diagrams, drawings and specifications IAC0104 Describe components used on a assembly of signals Page 27 of 50 (Weight 20%) 7.2.2. KM-07-KT02: Assembling of Track circuit (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0201 - Principles of planning and procuring of track circuit KT0202 - Function of track circuit KT0203 - Types of track circuit KT0204 - Features of different track circuit KT0205 - Different track circuit components KT0206 – Process of restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0201 Discuss principles of planning and procuring IAC0202 List and explain functions IAC0203 List types of IAC0204 Describe features of different IAC0205 Discuss different components IAC0206 Explain the process of restoring site after (Weight 10%) 7.2.3. KM-07-KT03: Assembling of Track vacancy detection system (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0301 - Principles of planning and procuring of track circuit KT0302 - Function of train vacancy detection system KT0303 - Types of train vacancy detection system KT0304 - Features of different train vacancy detection system KT0305 - Identification of different train vacancy detection system’s components KT0306 – Process of restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0301 Discuss principles of planning and procuring for assembling track circuit IAC0302 List and explain functions of track circuits IAC0303 List types of track circuits IAC0304 Describe features of different track circuits IAC0305 Discuss different components track circuits IAC0306 Explain the process of restoring site after track circuits assembling (Weight 10%) 7.2.4. KM-07-KT04: Assembling of Railway Signals (10%) Page 28 of 50 Topic elements to be covered include: KT0401 - Principles of planning and procuring of railway signals KT0402 - Function of Railway Signals KT0403 - Types of Railway signals KT0404 - Features of different Railway signals KT0405 - Identification of different Railway signals KT0406 – Process of restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0401 Discuss principles of planning and procuring railway signals assembling process IAC0402 List and explain functions railway signals IAC0403 List types of railway signals IAC0404 Describe features of different railway signals IAC0405 Discuss different components railway signals IAC0406 Explain the process of restoring site after assembling railway signals (Weight 10%) 7.2.5. KM-07-KT05: Assembly of Points machine (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0501 - Principles of planning and procuring of points machine KT0502 - Function of points machines KT0503 - Types of points machines KT0504 - Features of different points machines KT0505 - Identification of different points machine’s components KT0506 – Process of restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0501 Discuss principles of planning and procuring of points machine assembling process IAC0502 List and explain functions points machine IAC0503 List types of points machine IAC0504 Describe features of different points machine IAC0505 Discuss different components points machine IAC0506 Explain the process of restoring site after points machine assembling (Weight 10%) 7.2.6. KM-07-KT06: Assembly of Power supply (10%) KT0601 - Principles of planning and procuring of power supply Page 29 of 50 KT0602 - Function of points power supply KT0603 - Types of points power supply KT0604 - Features of different power supply KT0605 - Identification of different power supply components KT0606 – Process of restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0601 Discuss principles of planning and procuring power supply assembling process IAC0602 List and explain functions power supply IAC0603 List types of power supply IAC0604 Describe features of different power supply IAC0605 Discuss different components power supply IAC0606 Explain the process of restoring site after power supply assembling process (Weight 10%) 7.2.7. KM-07-KT07: Assembly of Interlocking (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0701 - Principles of planning and procuring of interlock assembling process KT0702 - Function of interlocking KT0703 - Types of interlocking KT0704 - Features of different interlocking KT0705 - Identification of different interlocking components KT0706 – Process of restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0701 Discuss principles of planning and procuring interlock assembling process IAC0702 List and explain functions interlocks IAC0703 List types of interlocks IAC0704 Describe features of different interlocks IAC0705 Discuss different components interlocks IAC0706 Explain the process of restoring site after interlocks assembling process (Weight 10%) 7.2.8. KM-07-KT08: Assembly of remote control (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0801 - Principles of planning and procuring of remote control assembling process KT0802 - Function of remote control KT0803 - Types of remote controls Page 30 of 50 KT0804 - Features of different remote controls KT0805 - Identification of different remote control components KT0806 – Process of restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0801 Discuss principles of planning and procuring remote controls assembling process IAC0802 List and explain functions remote controls IAC0803 List types of remote controls IAC0804 Describe features of different remote controls IAC0805 Discuss different components remote controls IAC0806 Explain the process of restoring site after remote controls assembling process (Weight 10%) 7.2.9. KM-07-KT09: Methods, principles and techniques of communication (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0901 Methods and techniques of effective communications between project participants KT0902 Forms of communication and reporting KT0903 Elements of communication flows Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0901 Discuss the relationship between poor communication in all organisational levels and project structures and its impact IAC0902 Discuss the relationship between good communication and effective and efficient performance IAC0903 Discuss relevant communication principles, channels, mediums to be utilised for different scenarios IAC0904 Discuss the evaluation of the role of communication in a construction process or activity (Weight 10%) 7.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria Physical Requirements: Learning materials Access to tools, components, equipment and systems Human Resource Requirements: Page 31 of 50 Trainers should be in possession of ETDP National Certificate Level 4, a relevant trade test with competencies related to railway signalling and at least 5 years experience working within a railway signalling environment Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 20 Legal Requirements: Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements Compliant with the relevant railway umbrella (Act 16) Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements 7.4 Exemptions None Page 32 of 50 8. 721201001-KM-08, Railway signalling technology for wiring, NQF Level 2, Credits 95 8.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to understand railway signalling technology for wiring. The knowledge acquired will enable the learner to demonstrate an understanding of the types of conductors and connectors, wiring techniques, theory on plans/ diagrams used in wiring signalling systems, wiring of track vacancy detection system, railway signals, power supply, interlocking and remote control.. The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 118.75 days. The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of: KM-08-KT01: Types of conductors (10%) KM-08-KT02: Types of connectors (10%) KM-08-KT03: Wiring techniques (20%) KM-08-KT04: Theory on plans/diagram used in wiring signalling systems (10%) KM-08-KT05: Wiring of Track vacancy detection system (10%) KM-08-KT06: Wiring of Railway Signals (10%) KM-08-KT07: Wiring of Power supply (10%) KM-08-KT08: Wiring of Interlocking (10%) KM-08-KT09: Wiring of remote control (10%) 8.2. Guidelines for Topics 8.2.1. KM-08-KT01: Types of conductors (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0101: Insulated conductors KT0102: Stranded conductors KT0103: Solid conductors Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0101 Discuss features and function of insulated conductors IAC0102 Discuss features and function of stranded conductors IAC0103 Discuss features and function of solid conductors (Weight 10%) 8.2.2. KM-08-KT02: Types of connectors (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0201: Preparation and termination of cables and wires onto/into Clip-on terminals Page 33 of 50 KT0202: Preparation and termination of cables and wires onto/into Solder post, KT0203: Preparation and termination of cables and wires onto/into Threaded post KT0204: Preparation and termination of cables and wires onto/into Termination blocks/plugs KT0205: Preparation and termination of cables and wires onto/intoRelay backboards Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0201 Discuss preparation of cables and wires onto/into Clip-on terminals, Solder post, Threaded post, Termination blocks/plugs and Relay backboards IAC0202 Discuss termination of cables and wires onto/into Clip-on terminals, Solder post, Threaded post, Termination blocks/plugs and Relay backboards 8.2.3. KM-08-KT03 Wiring techniques (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0301: The termination of insulated solid core and Insulated multi stranded electrical conductors KT0302: The routing and harnessing of electrical wires, individual cores and cables according to railway signalling specifications. KT0303: Types of wiring diagrams Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0301 Describe and discuss termination of insulated solid core and Insulated multi stranded electrical conductors IAC0302 Describe and discuss the routing and harnessing of electrical wires, individual cores and cables according to railway signalling specifications. (Weight 20%) 8.2.4. KM-08-KT04 Wiring of Track vacancy detection system (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0401: Function of train vacancy detection system KT0402: Types of train vacancy detection system KT0403: Features of different train vacancy detection system KT0404: Different train vacancy detection system’s components KT0405: Planning and procuring processes KT0406: Process of restoring site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0401 Describe the purpose and function of IAC0402 List types of vacancy detection systems Page 34 of 50 IAC0403 Explain features of vacancy detection systems IAC0404 Describe the process for effective planning and procuring IAC0405 Describe the process of effective restoration of site (Weight 10%) 8.2.5. KM-08-KT05 Wiring of Railway Signals (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0501: Function of Railway Signals KT0502: Types of Railway signals KT0503: Features of different Railway signals KT0504: Identification of different Railway signals KT0505: Process of planning and procuring for railway signals wiring KT0506: Process of restoration of site after wiring railways signals Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0501 Describe the purpose and function of railways signals IAC0502 List types of railways signals IAC0503 Explain features of railways signals IAC0504 Describe the process for effective planning and procuring for wiring railways signals IAC0505 Describe the process of effective restoration of site after wiring railways signals (Weight 10%) 8.2.6. KM-08-KT06 Wiring of Points machine (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0601: Function of points machines KT0602: Types of points machines KT0603: Features of different points machines KT0604: Different points machine’s components KT0605: Process of planning and procuring for wiring points machine KT0606: Process of restoration of site after wiring points machine Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0601 Describe the purpose and function of point machine IAC0602 List types of points machine IAC0603 Explain features of points machines Page 35 of 50 IAC0604 Describe the process for effective planning and procuring for wiring point machines IAC0605 Describe the process of effective restoration of site after wiring points machine (Weight 10%) 8.2.7. KM-08-KT07 Wiring of Power supply (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0701: Function of power supply KT0702: Types of power supply KT0703: Features of different track circuit KT0704: Identification of different power supply’s components KT0705: Planning and procuring KT0707: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0701 Describe the purpose and function of power supply IAC0702 List types of power supplies IAC0703 Explain features of power supplies IAC0704 Describe the process for effective planning and procuring for wiring power supply IAC0705 Describe the process of effective restoration of site after wiring power supply (Weight 10%) 8.2.8. KM-08-KT08 Wiring of Interlocking (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0801: Function of Interlocking KT0802: Types of Interlocking KT0803: Features of different Interlocking KT0804: Different Interlocking’s components KT0805: Planning and procuring KT0806: Process of restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0801 Describe the purpose and function of interlocks IAC0802 List types of interlocks IAC0803 Explain features of interlocks IAC0804 Describe the process for effective planning and procuring for wiring interlocks IAC0805 Describe the process of effective restoration of site (Weight 10%) Page 36 of 50 8.2.9. KM-08-KT09 Wiring of remote controls (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0901: Function of remote controls KT0902: Types of remote controls KT0903: Features of different remote controls KT0904: Identification of different remote control’s components KT0905: Planning and procuring processes KT0906: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0901 Describe the purpose and function of remote controls IAC0902 List types of remote controls IAC0903 Explain features of remote controls IAC0904 Describe the process for effective planning and procuring for wiring remote controls IAC0905 Describe the process of effective restoration of site after wiring remote controls (Weight 10%) 8.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria Physical Requirements: Learning materials Access to tools, components, equipment and systems Human Resource Requirements: Trainers should be in possession of ETDP National Certificate Level 4, a relevant trade test with competencies related to railway signalling and at least 5 years experience working within a railway signalling environment Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 20 Legal Requirements: Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements Compliant with the relevant railway umbrella (Act 16) Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements 8.4 Exemptions None Page 37 of 50 9. 721201001-KM-09, Railway signalling technology for installation, NQF Level 3, Credits 77 9.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to understand railway signalling technology for installation. The knowledge acquired will enable the learner to demonstrate an understanding of the railway operating rules, installation specifications and standards, installation of track vacancy detection system, railway signals, points machine, power supply and remote controls. The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 96, 25 days. The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of: KM-09-KT01: Railway operating rules (20%) KM-09-KT02: Installation specifications and standards (20%) KM-09-KT03: Installation of track vacancy detection system (20%) KM-09-KT04: Installation of railway signals (10%) KM-09-KT05: Installation of points machine (10%) KM-09-KT06: Installation of power supply (10%) KM-09-KT07: Installation of remote controls (10%) 9.2. Guidelines for Topics 9.2.1. KM-09-KT01: Railway operating rules (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0101: Definitions and general operation rules KT0102: Theory on points and signals KT0103: Control of station KT0104: Protections of trains KT0105: Maintenance of perway and works KT0106: General train operation instructions KT0107: Control of trains over uni and bidirectional lines by means of colour light signals KT0108: General safety instructions related to trains and personnel Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0101 Define different trains working rules IAC0102 Explain and describe points and signals IAC0103 Discuss process of protection trains and personnel IAC0104 List reference of rules related to safe working environment in the train Page 38 of 50 IAC0105 Explain the general safety procedures to be adhered to IAC0106 Describe the effectively communicate process with role players IAC0107 Discuss the consequences of non-compliance with the safety rules IAC0108 Explain control of trains over uni and bidirectional lines by means of colour light signals IAC0109 Describe train operations rules (weight 20%) 9.2.2. KM-09-KT02: Installation specifications and standards (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0201: Installation techniques KT0202: Installation specifications and standards Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0201 Discuss installation techniques for railway signals IAC0202 List and explain installation specifications IAC0203 Discuss standards for compliance in installation of signals (Weight 20%) 9.2.3. KM-09-KT03: Installation of Track vacancy detection system (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0301: Process to plan and procure for installation of track vacancy detection systems KT0302: Preparation of work site KT0303: Installation processes KT0304: Functional and correspondence testing KT0305: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0301 Discuss the process to plan and procure for installation IAC0302 Explain the preparation of an installation site IAC0303 Describe the specification of installation of track vacancy detection systems IAC0304 Describe the process of functional and correspondence tests IAC0305 Discuss the process of restoration of site after installation (weight 20%) 9.2.4. KM-09-KT04: Installation of Railway Signals (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0401: Process to plan and procure for installation of railway signals Page 39 of 50 KT0402: Preparation of work site KT0403: Installation processes KT0404: Functional and correspondence testing KT0405: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0401 Discuss the process to plan and procure for installation IAC0402 Explain the preparation of an installation site IAC0403 Describe the specification of installation of railway signals IAC0404 Describe the process of functional and correspondence tests IAC0405 Discuss the process of restoration of site after installation (weight 10%) 9.2.5. KM-09-KT05: Installation of points machine (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0501: Process to plan and procure for installation of points machine KT0502: Preparation of work site KT0503: Installation processes KT0504: Functional and correspondence testing KT0505: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0501 Discuss the process to plan and procure for installation IAC0502 Explain the preparation of an installation site IAC0503 Describe the specification of installation of points machine IAC0504 Describe the process of functional and correspondence tests IAC0505 Discuss the process of restoration of site after installation (weight 10%) 9.2.6. KM-09-KT06: Installation of power supply (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0601: Process to plan and procure for installation of power supply KT0602: Preparation of work site KT0603: Installation processes KT0604: Functional and correspondence testing KT0605: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0601 Discuss the process to plan and procure for installation Page 40 of 50 IAC0602 Explain the preparation of an installation site IAC0603 Describe the specification of installation of power supply IAC0604 Describe the process of functional and correspondence tests IAC0605 Discuss the process of restoration of site after installation (weight 10%) 9.2.7. KM-09-KT07: Installation of Interlocking (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0701: Process to plan and procure for installation of track vacancy detection systems KT0702: Preparation of work site KT0703: Installation processes KT0704: Functional and correspondence testing KT0705: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0701 Discuss the process to plan and procure for installation IAC0702 Explain the preparation of an installation site IAC0703 Describe the specification of installation of track vacancy detection systems IAC0704 Describe the process of functional and correspondence tests IAC0705 Discuss the process of restoration of site after installation (weight 10%) 9.2.8. KM-09-KT08 Installation of remote controls (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0801: Process to plan and procure for installation of remote controls KT0802: Preparation of work site KT0803: Installation processes KT0804: Functional and correspondence testing KT0805: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0801 Discuss the process to plan and procure for installation IAC0802 Explain the preparation of an installation site IAC0803 Describe the specification of installation of remote controls IAC0804 Describe the process of functional and correspondence tests IAC0805 Discuss the process of restoration of site after installation (weight 10%) Page 41 of 50 9.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria Physical Requirements: Learning materials Access to tools, components, equipment and systems Human Resource Requirements: Trainers should be in possession of ETDP National Certificate Level 4, a relevant trade test with competencies related to railway signalling and at least 5 years experience working within a railway signalling environment Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 20 Legal Requirements: Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements Compliant with the relevant railway umbrella (Act 16) Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements 9.4 Exemptions None Page 42 of 50 10. 721201001-KM-10, Railway signalling technology for maintenance, NQF Level 4, Credits 83 10.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to understand railway signalling technology for maintenance. The knowledge acquired will enable the learner to demonstrate an understanding of the maintenance of track vacancy detection system, railway signals, point machine, power supply and remote controls The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 103, 75 days. The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of: KM-10-KT01: Maintenance of track vacancy detection system (20%) KM-10-KT02: Maintenance of railway signals (20%) KM-10-KT03: Maintenance of points machine(20%) KM-10-KT04: Maintenance of power supply (20%) KM-10-KT05: Maintenance of remote controls(20%) 10.2. Guidelines for Topics 10.2.1. KM-10-KT01: Maintenance of track vacancy detection system (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0101: Process to plan and procure for maintenance of track vacancy detection systems KT0102: Preparation of work site KT0103: Installation processes KT0104: Functional and correspondence testing KT0105: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0101 Discuss the process to plan and procure for installation IAC0102 Explain the preparation of an maintenance site IAC0103 Describe the specification of maintenance of track vacancy detection systems IAC0104 Describe the process of functional and correspondence tests IAC0105 Discuss the process of restoration of site after maintenance (weight 20%) 10.2.2 KM-10-KT02: Maintenance of railway signals (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: Page 43 of 50 KT0201: Process to plan and procure for maintenance of railway signals KT0202: Preparation of work site KT0203: Installation processes KT0204: Functional and correspondence testing KT0205: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0201 Discuss the process to plan and procure for installation IAC0202 Explain the preparation of an maintenance site IAC0203 Describe the specification of maintenance of railway signals IAC0204 Describe the process of functional and correspondence tests (weight 20%) 10.2.3. KM-10-KT03: Maintenance of points machine (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0301: Process to plan and procure for maintenance of point machines KT0302: Preparation of work site KT0303: Installation processes KT0304: Functional and correspondence testing KT0305: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0301 Discuss the process to plan and procure for installation IAC0302 Explain the preparation of an maintenance site IAC0303 Describe the specification of maintenance of point machine IAC0304 Describe the process of functional and correspondence tests IAC0305 Discuss the process of restoration of site after maintenance (weight 20%) 10.2.4. KM-10-KT04: Maintenance of power supply (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0401: Process to plan and procure for maintenance of power supply KT0402: Preparation of work site KT0403: Installation processes KT0404: Functional and correspondence testing KT0405: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0401 Discuss the process to plan and procure for installation Page 44 of 50 IAC0402 Explain the preparation of an maintenance site IAC0403 Describe the specification of maintenance of power supply IAC0404 Describe the process of functional and correspondence tests IAC0405 Discuss the process of restoration of site after maintenance (weight 20%) 10.2.5. KM-10-KT05: Maintenance of remote controls (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0501: Process to plan and procure for maintenance of track vacancy detection systems KT0502: Preparation of work site KT0503: Installation processes KT0504: Functional and correspondence testing KT0505: Restoration of site Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0501 Discuss the process to plan and procure for installation IAC0502 Explain the preparation of an maintenance site IAC0503 Describe the specification of maintenance of track vacancy detection systems IAC0504 Describe the process of functional and correspondence tests IAC0505 Discuss the process of restoration of site after maintenance 10.3. Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria Physical Requirements: Learning materials Access to tools, components, equipment and systems Human Resource Requirements: Trainers should be in possession of ETDP National Certificate Level 4, a relevant trade test with competencies related to railway signalling and at least 5 years experience working within a railway signalling environment Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 20 Legal Requirements: Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements Compliant with the relevant railway umbrella (Act 16) Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements 10.4 Exemptions None Page 45 of 50 11. 721201001-KM-11, Railway signalling technology for fault finding, L4, C83 11.1 Purpose of the Knowledge Modules The main focus of the learning in this knowledge module is to understand railway signalling technology for fault finding. The knowledge acquired will enable the learner to demonstrate an understanding the configuration methods for all signalling systems, fault finding of track vacancy detection systems, signals, point machine, power supply, interlocking and remote control The learning contract time, which is the time that reflects the required duration of enrolment for this module, is at least 103, 75 days. The learning will enable learners to demonstrate an understanding of: KM-11-KT01: Configuration methods for all signalling systems (20% KM-11-KT02: Fault finding of track vacancy detection systems (20%) KM-11-KT03: Fault finding of signals (20%) KM-11-KT04: Fault finding of points machine (10%) KM-11-KT05: Fault finding of power supply (10%) KM-11-KT06: Fault finding of interlocking (10%) KM-11-KT07: Fault finding of remote control (10%) 11.2. Guidelines for Topics 11.2.1. KM-11-KT01: Configuration methods for all signalling systems (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0101: Methods of configuration for all signalling systems KT0102: Indicators of descrepancies in configuration process Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0101 Discuss different methods of configuration IAC0102 Discuss indicators of discrepancies in configuration process (weight 20%) 12.2.1. KM-12-KT02: Fault finding of track vacancy detection systems (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0201: Fault finding techniques KT0202: Functional test procedures KT0203: Correspondence tests KT0204: Steps of repair process Page 46 of 50 KT0205: Safety elements related to repairs KT0206: Reporting process after repairing process Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0201 Discuss fault fining techniques IAC0202 List and explain the steps to repairing a fault IAC0203 Describe the safety elements with reference to faultfinding IAC0204 Discuss the process of communicating feedback after reporting a fault IAC0205 Describe the process of performing functional and correspondence test IAC0206 Discuss the process of restoring the site IAC0207 Discuss elements related to repairs (weight 20%) 11.2.3. KM-11-KT03: Fault finding of signals (20%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0301: Fault finding techniques KT0302: Functional test procedures KT0303: Correspondence tests KT0304: Steps of repair process KT0305: Safety elements related to repairs KT0306: Reporting process after repairing process Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0301 Discuss fault fining techniques IAC0302 List and explain the steps to repairing a fault IAC0303 Describe the safety elements with reference to faultfinding IAC0304 Discuss the process of communicating feedback after reporting a fault IAC0305 Describe the process of performing functional and correspondence test IAC0306 Discuss the process of restoring the site IAC0307 Discuss elements related to repairs (weight 20%) 11.2.2. KM-11-KT04: Fault finding of points machine (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0401: Fault finding techniques KT0402: Functional test procedures KT0403: Correspondence tests KT0404: Steps of repair process Page 47 of 50 KT0405: Safety elements related to repairs KT0406: Reporting process after repairing process Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0401 Discuss fault fining techniques IAC0402 List and explain the steps to repairing a fault IAC0403 Describe the safety elements with reference to faultfinding IAC0404 Discuss the process of communicating feedback after reporting a fault IAC0405 Describe the process of performing functional and correspondence test IAC0406 Discuss the process of restoration of the site IAC0407 Discuss elements related to repairs (weight 10%) 11.2.5. KM-11-KT05: Fault finding of power supply (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0501: Fault finding techniques KT0502: Functional test procedures KT0503: Correspondence tests KT0504: Steps of repair process KT0505: Safety elements related to repairs KT0506: Reporting process after repairing process Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0501 Discuss fault fining techniques IAC0502 List and explain the steps to repairing a fault IAC0503 Describe the safety elements with reference to faultfinding IAC0504 Discuss the process of communicating feedback after reporting a fault IAC0505 Describe the process of performing functional and correspondence test IAC0506 Discuss the process of restoring the site IAC0507 Discuss elements related to repairs (weight 10%) 11.2.6. KM-11-KT06: Fault finding of interlocking (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0601: Fault finding techniques KT0602: Functional test procedures KT0603: Correspondence tests KT0604: Steps of repair process Page 48 of 50 KT0605: Safety elements related to repairs KT0606: Reporting process after repairing process Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0601 Discuss fault fining techniques IAC0602 List and explain the steps to repairing a fault IAC0603 Describe the safety elements with reference to faultfinding IAC0604 Discuss the process of communicating feedback after reporting a fault IAC0605 Describe the process of performing functional and correspondence test IAC0606 Discuss the process of restoring the site IAC0607 Discuss elements related to repairs 11.2.7. KM-11-KT07: Fault finding of remote control (10%) Topic elements to be covered include: KT0701: Fault finding techniques KT0702: Functional test procedures KT0703: Correspondence tests KT0704: Steps of repair process KT0705: Safety elements related to repairs KT0706: Reporting process after repairing process Internal Assessment Criteria and Weight IAC0701 Discuss fault fining techniques IAC0702 List and explain the steps to repairing a fault IAC0703 Describe the safety elements with reference to faultfinding IAC0704 Discuss the process of communicating feedback after reporting a fault IAC0705 Describe the process of performing functional and correspondence test IAC0706 Discuss the process of restoring the site IAC0707 Discuss elements related to repairs 11.3 Provider Programme Accreditation Criteria Physical Requirements: Learning materials Access to tools, components, equipment and systems Human Resource Requirements: Page 49 of 50 Trainers should be in possession of ETDP National Certificate Level 4, a relevant trade test with competencies related to railway signalling and at least 5 years experience working within a railway signalling environment Trainer/learner ratio 1 to 20 Legal Requirements: Compliant with Safety, Health, Environmental, Risk and Quality (SHERQ) requirements Compliant with the relevant railway umbrella (Act 16) Compliant with Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) requirements 11.4 Exemptions None Page 50 of 50