Timeline assignment 2015

AP European History
Timeline Assignment
Assignment: You will create a timeline of at least 75 dates from period 1, 75 dates from period 2, 125 dates
from period 3, and 125 dates from period 4. This will total 150 dates from the fall semester in AP European
History (1450-1815) and 250 dates from the spring semester (1815-present). By the time you sit down to review
for the AP exam, you will have a beautiful study tool consisting of 400 dates from 1450 to present.
Due Dates:
- Period 1 timeline (75 dates): October 8 by 5:30pm in haiku dropbox
- 150-date periods 1 and 2 timeline: December 15 by 12:30pm in haiku dropbox
- Period 3 timeline (125 dates): February 29 by 5:30pm in haiku dropbox
- 250-date periods 3 and 4 timeline: April 29 by 5:30pm in haiku dropbox
- Each date must have the following essential information: date (exact or year), where, event/what
happened, and significance (relate the date to the past and, where appropriate, the future – just saying
what happened is not enough! Stretch your mind!).
Content and Format Requirements:
- Each date must have the following essential information: date (exact or year – NO TIME PERIODS
except wars), where, event/what happened, the Thematic Learning Objective (TLO) to which the event
belongs, and significance (this should relate the date to the past and, where appropriate, the future – just
saying what happened is not enough! Stretch your mind!)
- I repeat: you must also include the Thematic Learning Objective “code” with the “what happened”!
- I require a four-column format in Excel or a Word table. I do NOT recommend a table in OneNote –
create your timeline in World or Excel and then submit to the AP Euro dropbox in Haiku . The
following are examples of good dates:
Westphalia; PanEurope
What Happened
Peace of Westphaliaend of the 30 Years’
War (SP)
Versailles; PanEurope
Treaty of Versailles;
ends First World War
(with Germany) (SP)
Includes Calvinism in 1555 Peace of Augsburg
settlement, official decline of Spain and
disintegration of HRE, semi-independence of
German states. Will usher in Absolutism to
France. Shakes up political system in Europe as
a whole- new order and separation of religion
and politics (rise of secularism)
Peace settlement of the First World War;
includes extremely harsh reparations, war guilt
clauses, and the Weimar Republic; will damage
not only the economy, but also the morale of
Germany, which will result in their embracing
intense nationalism and the charismatic leader
of the National Socialists, Adolf Hitler. Shows
lasting divide in European powers that will
color the alliances of the Second World War.
Complete sentences NOT required!  Feel free to use arrows, dashes, semicolons, etc. You just need to
show cause and, most importantly, effect. Consider what is most effective for your studying.
Do NOT leave this until the week before your timeline is due or you will be in big trouble. Try to work
on it daily by highlighting dates in your textbook or notes and each weekend by entering a few dates
onto your timeline in your “spare time”.
This assignment is an individual assignment and will be worth the same as a major paper. It is not meant
to be a “stressor” but a useful study tool when you need a quick reference as you study for the College
Board’s exam in May. I still have mine that I made in AP Euro and I used it all the way through college!
In the words of a former AP Euro student, “My timeline helped me make friends in my history classes in
college!” Another former student begrudgingly admits, “It was actually the most helpful thing I did to
study for the AP.”