Star Student
Honors English 10
20 August 2012
The origin of the word is Greek: paradeigma means pattern.
“para” is a prefix meaning “beyond, past, next to, or by”
Example Word using prefix “para”—
paranormal: beyond normal
Can you think of other words that begin with the prefix “para”?
Paradigm is a noun. Paradigmatic is the adjective form.
A paradigm is an example serving as a model or pattern.
A paradigm is the norm, or accepted norms; a standard or ideal. Paradigm often refers to a set of norms for a given time period.
Synonyms: ideal, norm, standard, paragon
Antonym: atypical
used with the phrase, “paradigm shift,” which indicates a change in thinking or a change in what is accepted as the
“norm” or accepted
The paradigm governing international competition and competitiveness has shifted dramatically in the last three decades. This indicates a shift in the norms or standards of international competition; for example, in recent years, blood testing has become a standard for athletes—a result of the
“doping” phenomenon.
Can you think of a time where a paradigm
shift occurred or is occurring with regard to
American commerce, education, or political correctness? (One sentence per group)
Sentence Frame w/ Example:
A paradigm shift is occurring with the way
Americans choose automobiles—hybrids and
Smart cars are supplanting SUVs like gas guzzling
Hummers due to the rising oil prices and
America’s desire to depend less on foreign oil.
Explain paradigm shifts that have occurred with regard to race and/or gender in one or more of the three branches of government.
(Executive, Judicial, Legislative)
Is a paradigm shift indicative of a move in the right direction? Explain.
Choose the best synonym for paradigm:
Are there questions?