Inflation and Unemployment The Phillips Curve Module 34 Inflation and Unemployment Inflation problems ◦ Inflation Tax Because we use fiat money, gov’t can print money to pay of debts (seigniorage) Ex – US gov’t debt purchased by the Fed Inflation and Unemployment In times of hyperinflation ◦ ppl hold less money ◦ Causes more shortages ◦ Less money transactions Gov’t turns to seigniorage, prints more, leading to more issues Who pays for inflation ◦ People who currently hold money – inflation tax Inflation and Unemployment Cost-Push inflation ◦ Caused by dramatic spike in price of input/commodity 1970s oil crisis Demand-Pull inflation ◦ Inflation caused by increase in AD “Too much money chasing too few goods” The Short Run Phillips Curve Negative relationship btw inflation rates and unemployment Factors: supply shocks, expected inflation (1960s) Used often in 50s and 60s to help determine economic policy Initially, some people believed accepting high inflation = low unemployment Where the Phillips Curve fails: Still the Phillips Curve Long-Run Phillips Curve (LRPC) ◦ Policy makers have two choices: unemployment or inflation? Not so much Natural Rate of Unemployment Natural Rate Hypothesis ◦ Reminder: Natural Rate = Structural + Frictional ◦ Unemployment rate must be high enough that the actual rate of inflation matches the expected rate of inflation If unemployment BELOW natural rate, inflation ever accelerates Rate ABOVE natural rate, decelerating inflation ◦ NAIRU (Non-Accelerating Rate of Unemployment) Long-Run Phillips Curve Relationship between unemployment and inflation in LR ◦ After expectations of inflation have had time to adjust ◦ Normal Human Terms: it is vertical, the LRPC shows limits to expansionary policies ◦ Any rate ABOVE, leads to decelerating inflation Inflation and Unemployment Disinflation and Deflation ◦ Disinflation – process of bringing down inflation that has become embedded in expectations ◦ Deflation – fall in the overall level of prices ◦ Monetary Shortcomings Zero Bound Liquidity Trap Zero Bound causes Liquid Trap