Riverside Academy West MEMORANDUM TO: Riverside Academy West Staff FROM: Nour Altahif RE: Fall 2011 Professional Development Activities: Using Weebly for WebQuest and Classroom Website DATE: December 9, 2011 Dear Former Colleagues, During the Fall 2011, I have developed and implemented a professional development related to the use of Weebly, which is a website creation tool. The sessions concentrated on ways Weebly can be used for instructional purposes. The following report contains information about the activities that were conducted and implemented. The surveys and instructional handouts that were administered to the participant throughout the sessions are also included in this report. Thank you for your time, Nour Altahif Needs Assessment The initial stage of planning for the professional development consisted of looking over the school’s technology plan to determine a focus area for the professional development. I also engaged in informal conversations with some of the teachers regarding technology implementation and different tools they use. This led to discussing areas of interest related to instructional technology integration in which they would like to explore. I then had the teachers complete a needs assessment survey which helped with determining a focus area for the professional development. The teachers had an interest in website creation for their classroom. Since the teachers wanted to learn how to create website pages, I decided that learning how to create a WebQuest, which is an online based project, would be an appropriate area to focus on. Once I had determined the focus area for the professional development, I had the teacher conduct a competency survey. The competency survey was conducted to assess teacher’s level of technology competency related to the focus area. After looking over the surveys, I was able to generate goals that will help to establish a productive professional development. You will find the surveys in Appendix A. Professional Development Proposal The professional development proposal was written based on the Components of an Effective Professional Development For Technology Use (North Central Education Laboratory, 2000). Some of the components the proposal was based on are: connection to student learning, variety of learning experiences, curriculum specific applications, new roles for teachers, active participation of teachers, on-going process, built in evaluation, and adequate resources. The sessions consisted of a mixture of observing, mentoring, modeling, discussing, practicing, evaluating, and reflecting. Before the participant created her WebQuest, I was able to show the teacher an example of an online-based project that I completed through Weebly. This helped her to generate ideas on different uses of Weebly for instructional purposes. Since she has become familiar with Weebly, she is able to apply what she has learned in the classroom and can show other teachers how to move away from the traditional format of conducting projects and move towards creating an online based project. Once teachers understand how to use Weebly and create different pages, they can take what they learned and use Weebly for different instructional purposes. They can broaden their knowledge and present their new skills to other staff members. The teachers can peer mentor each other and contribute to each other’s learning. One of the main goals of the professional development was to have teachers develop an online based project or activity using Weebly to engage students and encourage them to be active participants in their own learning. Being able to create an online based project and have students participate in it allows the students to collaborate with each other and use critical thinking skills. The hands-on approach will accommodate the different learning styles and gives both teachers and students an understanding about technology integration and how it can have a positive impact on student’s learning. It will take time and effort for a professional development to be successful. A professional development is not done once the sessions are complete. It is an ongoing process and there are follow up activities, evaluations and discussions. The school does have the adequate resources to support such a tool for integration and helpful all teachers can benefits from using this tool. Implementation The implementation of the profession development sessions were conducted on October 24, October 15, and November 1. The sessions were conducted in the participant’s classroom. The first session was an introduction to Weebly and how it can be used for instructional purposes. I started the session by having her navigate through an online based project (WebQuest) that I have created and discuss what she notices. This allowed her to get a better idea of which project she wanted to convert to online-based. I showed her different features of Weebly and from there on, we set up an account for her. The second session consisted of designing and creating the WebQuest using Weebly. We went over different features of Weebly including how to add pages, blogs, images, and how to publish the site once it is completed. The teacher utilized her time wisely and was able to complete most of her WebQuest during the session. In the last session, we moved away from the instructional use of Weebly and focused on using Weebly to create a classroom website. The classroom website is for students to refer to at their own convenience for important dates, assignments, and resources. We are still keeping in touch and communicating about the follow up activities. Overall, the sessions were productive. Since I was working with just one teacher, the sessions ran smoothly and she was able complete the activities quicker than expected. I was available to assist her whenever she needed assistance. I provided her with an instructional handout which she referred to a few times. Appendix B contains the instructional handouts the participant was given to use as a guide while she conducted her activities. Evaluation Evaluations were conducted before, during, and after the sessions with the help of the Guidelines For Evaluating Professional Development (North Central Education Laboratory, 2000). Before the sessions began, the preformative evaluations were assessed to determine the needs for the professional development. Throughout the sessions, formative evaluation was assessed to determine any changes that need to be made. I would ask checkpoint questions in regards to the activities occurring during the sessions. I would also make sure the teacher was on the right track before I would move on to the next activity. The summative evaluation, which was conducted after the activities, was based on the Five Levels of Professional Development Evaluation (North Central Education Laboratory, 2000). The five levels were related to participants learning, organizational support and change, participant’s use of knowledge and skills, and student learning outcomes. Based on the data received by the participant, the sessions were productive and she learned a great amount of ways to utilize Weebly for instructional purposes. She also was impressed with the student’s learning outcome. Students also liked participating in the WebQuest that was created and liked the idea of working on a project in a different format rather than the traditional way. The evaluations helped with determining the overall success of the sessions and activities and helped me determine if anything needed to be done or changed for future sessions. You will find the evaluations below in Appendix A. As with any use of technology, there were drawbacks with using Weebly on the school’s computers. I wanted to play a video that presents information on how Weebly can be used for educational purposes it would not play because of a particular software that need to be downloaded and I did not have access to download it. We even tried to access and edit several Weebly pages on student’s computers that were in the classroom but were blocked from doing so which made us stick with working on just one of teacher’s computer. One recommendation on that issue is to uplift the filters for teachers or have a separate account for teachers on the student’s computer in case they want to use them. Also, as with any free tool, there were limitations we came across. She wanted to imbed a video and provide a powerpoint presentation as an example in one of the pages but could not do that (must pay for that). Reflection Overall, the sessions were a success. It was my first time designing and implementing a professional development and would hope to conduct more in the future. I enjoy teaching others things that I am interested in and that could make an impact on student’s learning. I would have hoped for more participants but yet I was quite pleased with the teacher’s enthusiasm and the motivation in trying to come up with different ways to enhance the learning process. It was a learning experience for both me and for the participant. References North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. (2000). Critical issue: Providing professional development for effective technology use. Retrieved December 3, 2011 from http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/methods/technlgy/te1000.htm. APPENDIX A Needs Assessment Survey Hello there! I would like to thank you in advance for willing to participate in the professional development related to technology integration. In order to come up with a productive professional development, I am going to need you to fill out this questionnaire to give me a better idea on what topic to focus on and to get a general idea of your technology skills. Thank You! 1. I would like the professional development to be related to the following area technology of integration: 2. It would be beneficial if I learned how to: 3. What would you say your weakest area of technology is? 4. Strongest area? 5. What technology tool do you like to use? 6. What technology tool would you like to learn to use? 7. What type of technology integration would you like your students to do or contribute to? (e.g. blogging, wikis, powerpoint) 8. List technology integration you use in your classroom. (can be tools, websites, etc..) 9. When would you be willing to participate in the professional development after school? Preformative Evaluation: Competency Survey I realized many had an interest in creating classroom websites and figuring out ways to how it can connect to student learning and the curriculum. Please take a moment to complete the following questions. Thank You! Name :________________________________ 1. I have created a website before: If so, explain: 2. I have created a webpage for my students to contribute to: If so, explain: 3. I had students participate in blogs or journal entries before: 4. I usually have students write journal entries: 4. I know how to upload files, videos, images, etc.. onto a webpage: 5. I am familiar with widgets: 6. I am familiar with webpage-making sites: 7. What would you like your students to see or do with the classroom website? How would you use the website to connect to student learning? 8. What do you hope to learn? 9. Are you familiar with WebQuests? Formative Evaluation: CheckPoints CheckPoint 1: Observing After viewing the video related to Weebly and its uses for educational purposes, I will ask the teachers the following questions: 1. What do you notice about this site? 2. Did it give you ideas to how you can use this site for instructional purposes? If so, explain. Hearing their answers to the questions will allow me to determine if the teachers understand what Weebly is about and what it has to offer for them in the classroom. CheckPoint 2: Modeling After showing teachers how to set up an account, navigating and modeling different features of Weebly, I will ask the teachers if they are ready to proceed with the hands on experience of creating one of their own. If the teachers are ready, they can proceed with the experience. If one of the teachers is not, I can reiterate some of the materials and provide better explanations to the procedures. CheckPoint 3: Sharing After completing their tasks, I will ask the teachers to share what they have developed. This will allow teachers to evaluate and reflect to each other and will also allow me to evaluate their work. Their discussions, self-evaluation and reflection will help me understand if there is anything that needs to be added or eliminated in other sessions. Five Levels of Professional Development Evaluation Summative Evaluation: Please answer the following questions: Level 1: Participants Reactions 1. Were the activities meaningful and productive? 2. Were the sessions worth the time? 3. Will the activities conducted be useful in practice? Level 2: Participants Learning 1. What did you learn about Weebly? 2. Explain how you will use Weebly in the teaching and learning process. Level 3: Organizational Support and Change 1. Do you have the resources to implement your online based-activity/project? 2. Were problems about using Weebly addressed efficiently and quickly? 3. Was administrative support public and overt? Level 4: Participants Use of Knowledge and Skills 1. Which feature of Weebly have you used with your students? 2. Have you created more online-based activities/projects using Weebly? If so, explain. Level 5: Student Learning Outcomes 1. Did creating an online based activity/project benefit the students in any way (academic, behavior,etc..)? Explain. 2. Did the students have a difficult time with the online-based activity/project? 3. Were there any unintended results? Anything else you would like to share: APPENDIX B Weebly for Instructional Use www.weebly.com Instructions: 1. After logging in, enter a title a title for your website and scroll down to education for type of title. 2. This page will show up next. You will choose a subdomain name which is free (new domain or one you already own are not free) for your site. 3. Whenever you log in, a “My Sites” page will appear that shows the sites you have created under that username. You will click on the one you would like to edit. 4. The following screen shows up when you begin to edit your site. The Elements tab contains the templates for the layout of the page. You can drag down the templates to each page. The Design tab provides design options on how you would like your page to look. You would simply double click on the design you would like. The Pages tab is where you would go to add different pages to your site and the Settings Tab provides your account information. How to … Add another website under the same username: Log in > my site page will come up > click on add site > name the site > proceed to developing/editing the new site Add a Page to a site: Pages > add a page > name the page> click save Delete a Page: Pages > delete page > save Add a Blog: Pages > add a blog > name it > click edit > new post > publish Edit an image already on the page Double click on the image > save Publish the Site Click on Publish on the right hand corner View the Published Site Once you have published your site, you may view it by typing in the subdomain name you created for it e.g. domainname@weebly.com Edit the Published Site Simply log in to Weebly.com and click on the edit button. Classroom Website Using Weebly 1. After logging in, the following page will display the name of the sites you have created. 2. Click on edit to edit the current site OR 3. Click on the orange button “Add Site” to create another website under the same username you logged in with. 4. Once you click on the “Add site” button, you will be asked to enter a title for your 2 nd website. 5. The rest of the procedures are the same as when you created your first site. Refer back to the first handout when needed. ·Potential Pages/Tabs to Add to your classroom website: Welcome Calendar Supplemental Materials Resources BlogPage ParentsPage StudentsPage Assignments News ShowCase Events LessonPlans Activities