1960s Review Packet Explain the significance of 1968

1960s Review Packet
1. Explain the significance of 1968-1969 as a turning point in U.S. History
a. Martin Luther King Jr. assassination
b. Robert Kennedy assassination
c. 1968 Election and Nixon’s Southern Strategy
d. U.S. lands on the moon
2. Describe John F. Kennedy's role in:
a. Cuban Missile Crisis
b. Bay of Pigs
3. Analyze the major issues and events of the Vietnam War
a. Tet Offensive
b. Agent Orange
c. Escalation of forces
d. Ho Chi Minh Trail
e. Vietcong
f. Vietnamization
g. Fall of Saigon
h. Mai Lao Massacre
4. Describe the public and government responses to the Vietnam War:
a. War draft
b. 26th Amendment
c. Role of the media
d. Credibility gap
e. Silent majority
f. Anti-war movement
g. Pentagon Papers (1971)
h. Kent State Tragedy
5. Identify the roles of significant leaders and groups who supported various rights movements
a. Betty Friedan
b. Black Panthers
c. Cesar Chavez
d. Dolores Huerta
e. Hector P. Garcia
f. Malcolm X
g. Martin Luther King Jr.
h. Rosa Parks
i. Roy Benavidez
k. United Farm Workers
6. Compare and contrast the approach taken by some civil rights groups such as the Black Panthers with the
nonviolent approach of Martin Luther King Jr.
7. Analyze the impact that the writings by Martin Luther King Jr. had on the civil rights movement
a. "I Have a Dream" speech
b. "Letter from Birmingham Jail"
8. Describe presidential actions and congressional votes to address minority rights in the United States
a. 15th Amendment
24th Amendment
Desegregation of the armed forces
Civil Rights Act of 1957
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Voting Rights Act of 1965
9. Describe the role of individuals and groups that sought to maintain the status quo
a. George Wallace
b. Orval Faubus
c. Lester Maddox
d. Congressional bloc of southern Democrats
10. Evaluate changes and events in the United States that have resulted from the civil rights movement
a. Increased participation of minorities in the political process
b. 1963 March on Washington
c. SNCC Voter Education Project
d. Selma March
e. Stonewall Riots
11. Analyze the effects of the following court cases
a. Plessy v. Ferguson
b. Brown v. Board of Education
c. Mendez v. Westminster
d. Hernandez v. Texas
e. Delgado v. Bastrop I.S.D.
f. Edgewood I.S.D. v. Kirby
g. Sweatt v. Painter
h. Tinker v. Des Moines
i. Wisconsin v. Yoder
j. White v. Regester
12. Describe the economic impact of defense spending on the business cycle and education priorities from 1945 to
the 1990s
13. Identify actions of government and the private sector to create economic opportunities for citizens and analyze
the unintended consequences of each
a. New Frontier
b. Peace Corps
c. Great Society
d. Affirmative Action
e. Title IX
14. Explain constitutional issues raised by federal government policy changes during the 1960s and reasons why
the constitution has been amended
15. Describe the impact of events on the relationship between the legislative and executive branches of
a. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
b. War Powers Act
16. Describe both the positive and negative impacts of cultural movements in art, music, and literature
a. Chicano Mural Movement
b. Woodstock
c. Haight Ashbury
17. Explain how space technology and exploration improve the quality of life (new technology, adaptations to
technology used in daily life, etc.)