Name: _______________________ Class Period ________ Due Date ________ Civil Rights Era (Unit 10) Test Review Analyze and evaluate the application of founding principles to historical events in the Civil Rights Era (US1B): The founding principal ________________________________________ is a central theme in the Civil Rights Movement Identify the major characteristics that define the Civil Rights Movement (US2A): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the significance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination (US2D): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe the roles of political organizations that promoted civil rights, including ones from African American, Chicano, American Indian, women’s and other civil rights movements (US9B): Political organizations: _______________________________________________________________________________ African American Chicano American Indian Women’s Rights Other - Human Rights Campaign: Identify the roles of significant leaders who support various rights movements, including Martin Luther King Jr., Cesar Chavez, Rosa Parks, Hector P. Garcia, and Betty Friedan (US9C): Marin Luther King Jr. – ______________________________________________________________________________ Caesar Chavez – ____________________________________________________________________________________ Rosa Parks – _______________________________________________________________________________________ Hector P. Garcia – __________________________________________________________________________________ Betty Friedan – _____________________________________________________________________________________ Compare and contrast the approach taken by some civil rights groups such as the Black Panthers with the nonviolent approach of Martin Luther King Jr. (US9D): Violent Protests: Nonviolent Protests Discuss the impact of the writings of Martin Luther King Jr. such as his “I Have a Dream” speech and “Letter of Birmingham Jail” on the Civil Rights Movement (US9E): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe presidential actions and congressional votes to address minority rights in the United States, including desegregation of the armed forces, the Civil Rights acts of 1957 and 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (US9F): Desegregation Civil Rights Act 1957 Civil Rights Act 1964 Voting Rights Act 1965 Describe the role of individuals such as governors George Wallace, Orval Faubus, and Lester Maddox and groups, including the Congressional bloc of southern Democrats, that sought to maintain the status quo (US9G): George Wallace: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Allen High School US History 2014 Orval Faubus : _____________________________________________________________________________________ Lester Maddox : ____________________________________________________________________________________ Describe how litigation such as the landmark cases of Brown v. Board of Education, Mendez v. Westminster, Hernandez v. Texas, Delgado v. Bastrop I.S.D., Edgewood I.S.D. v. Kirby, and Sweatt v. Painter played a role in protecting the rights of the minority during the civil rights movement (US9I): Brown v Board of Education Mendez v Westminster Hernandez v Texas Delgado v Bastrop ISD Edgewood ISD v Kirby Sweatt v Painter Identify actions of a government and the private sectors such as the Great Society, affirmative action, and Title IX to create economic opportunities for citizens and analyze the unintended consequences of each (US17D) Affirmative Action – ________________________________________________________________________________ Title IX – _________________________________________________________________________________________ Federal Housing Authority - __________________________________________________________________________ Head Start and upward bound – ________________________________________________________________________ Discuss historical reasons why the Constitution has been amended (US21B): 13th Amendment 14th Amendment 15th Amendment 19th Amendment 24th Amendment Identify and analyze methods of expanding the right to participate in the democratic process, including lobbying, nonviolent protesting, litigation, and amendments to the U.S. Constitution (US23A): Lobbying: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Non-violent protesting: ______________________________________________________________________________ Court decisions: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Litigation: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Amendments to the U.S. Constitution: ___________________________________________________________________ Evaluate the contributions of Thurgood Marshall (US24B): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe how the characteristics and issues in U.S. history have been reflected in various genres of art, music, film, and literature (US25A): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe both the positive and negative impacts of significant examples of cultural movements like the Chicano Mural Movement (US25B): Chicano Mural Movement: beginning in the 1960s, artists began using the walls of city building, housing projects, schools, and churches to depict Mexican-American culture Identify the political, social, and economic contributions of women to American society (US26D): Dolores Huerta: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Analyze how scientific discoveries, technological innovations, and the application of these by the free enterprise system, including those in transportation and communication, improve the standard of living (US28A): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Allen High School US History 2014