Index, Volume 3 - Louisiana State University

Volume Three – Fall 2011/Spring 2012
Administrator in the Spotlight
o Jacqueline Craddock, Director of Development, Swine Palace and LSU
o Mary Feduccia, Director, Career Services...3:2:2
o Brian Broussard, Assistant Athletic Director, Ticket Operations...3:3:2
o Jason Tolliver, Director, Auxiliary Services...3:4:2
o Brian Bichols, Interim CIO...3:5:2
o Jason Soileau, Assistant Director, Planning, Design, and Construction...3:6:2
o Beth Paskoff, Dean, School of Library and Information Science...3:7:2
o Fred Cerise, Vice President, Health Affairs and Medical Education...3:8:2
Alexandria Summit
o Gubernatorial candidate Tara Hollis meets with educators at “Alexandria
o March 17 Alexandria Summit is productive; keynote speaker is A. G.
o Dayne Sherman Delivers Keynote on May 12 ALFS Alexandria summit...3:8:4
American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
o AAUP report on Ivor van Heerden and the Homberger case is released...3:1:7
o Investigating firings in the UL System...3:2:2
o Transfer of UNO to UL system; AAUP asks SACS for conditions...3:3:5
o to probe UL system following firings at Northwestern and Southeastern...3:7:4
Association of Louisiana Faculty Senates (ALFS)
o guest article by ALFS President, James Robinson...3:2:6
o co-sponsors October 12, 2011 gubernatorial debate along with the LSU Faculty
Senate, LSUnited, Louisiana Ass’n of Educators, American Ass’n of University
Women, AAUT, Southern University Faculty Senate, and Louisiana Statewide
Colleagues Collaborative; hosted by Jim Engster...3:2:6
o ALFS and LSCC hold joint meeting in Alexandria; Commissioner of Higher
Education Jim Purcess delivers keynote address; Natalie Lenard and Mary
Thevenot, Richard Eustis, Tammy Dugas and Mike Mathis, Sudhir Trivedi, Mike
Russo, and Stephen Rushing all presented...3:3:3
Auxiliary Services—Jason Tolliver; campus mail policy problem...3:3:4
Board of Regents
o office hijacks common course numbering initiative...3:3:1
o Governance commission recommends budget allocation be overseen by Board of
o “Core 4” admissions standards; high school level art courses are lacking...3:3:5
o LSUE performance results; Chancellor Bill Nunez; LA GRAD Act; LSU System
President John Lombardi...3:4:4
o Commissioner Purcell proposes a “faculty bill of rights”; invites ALFS VicePresident Kevin Cope to a preliminary planning meeting...3:4:3
o selective retention raises; Shreveport and New Orleans medical schools benefit
o collaborates with PARCC, receives three-year grant from Rockefeller Foundation
in sum of $200K per year to develop “core to college” program; will allocate
$33,500.00 to each participating university for “CITAL” funds to provide
professional development to faculty...3:5:1
o directs university system heads to develop “admission criteria transition
o proposes more cuts to gen-ed requirements under guise of common course
o releases preliminary estimates of support fund distribution...3:7:3
o faculty input is left out of common course numbering scheme...3:8:3
Carville, James—appears on WWL radio; voices opinions regarding university
governance; advocates for more centralized authority in Baton Rouge...3:4:2
Conference of Louisiana Colleges and Universities (“CLCU”)—annual conference
hosted by Southern University in Shreveport; key topics include Governor Jindal’s lack
of concern for issues of higher education in Louisiana...3:6:3
East Baton Rouge Parish Sewer Commission—LSU Chancellor Mike Martin; LSU
Board of Supervisors approves agreement allowing Swer Commission to update area
plumbing system...3:4:6
Financial Aid—Consulting firm Noel-Levitz issues report showing that increased
availability of financial aid encourages student retention...3:3:3
Fulbright Program—LSU Chancellor Mike Martin sponsors program program on the
possibilities presented by the Fulbright Program...3:8:4—tip of the month: May, 2012...3:8:5
Graduate School Council—branch of Student Government at LSU has planned several
initiatives to address challenges experienced by graduate students...3:2:4
Gregory, D. Matthew, PhD, Associate Dean/Director; Student Advocacy &
Accountability—guest article: “Moving from Judicial to Educational: Addressing
Student Behavior in Today’s Academic Climate”...3:4:4
Hill Memorial Library—collection contains rare work of Mark Catesby; image is
reproduced on stationery found at The Fresh Market...3:4:4
Hires, Will—spearheads initiative to create an institutional repository for scholarship
produced by LSU faculty...3:3:6
Jim Engster Show, The
o co-sponsors October 12, 2011 gubernatorial debate along with the LSU Faculty
Senate, LSUnited, Louisiana Ass’n of Educators, American Ass’n of University
Women, AAUT, Southern University Faculty Senate, and Louisiana Statewide
Colleagues Collaborative; hosted by Jim Engster...3:2:6
o Newsletter movie reviewer Carl Freedman appears on The Jim Engster Show to
promote his book, The Age of Nixon: A Study in Cultural Power...3:5:3
o ALFS Vice-President Kevin Cope appears on the show...3:6:2
Jindal, Bobby
o issues executive order 11-23...3:3:4
o proposes plan to fund state retirement systems...3:4:3
o sponsors legislation which proposes undesirable changes to state employee
retirement regimes...3:5:1
o appoints Jack Lawton to Higher Ed Board...3:5:2
o administration-sponsored ethics training workshop...3:6:3
Keppler, Kurt
o LSU Vice-Chancellor for Student Life and Enrollment Services begins process to
standardize international academic credit along with Harald Leder and Marina
o LSU Supervisors approve design for 350-bed residence hall; architecture receives
lukewarm review...3:6:9
Klei, Tom—LSU University Planning Council leader...3:1:7
Kurpius, David—invigorates dual enrollment programs...3:3:2
Lamar Advertising
o heir Sean Reilly is granted an honorary degree from LSU; nominated by Lamar
board of directors and LSU Provost John Hamilton and Manship Dean Jerry
Cepoos, and an endorsement from LSU Foundation Director Lee Griffin, Henson
Moore, Donna Brazile, and New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu; faculty was not
o company’s stock increases in value in spite of investor trepidation regarding
corporate governance...3:6:1
Leitz, Robert C. III—Guest Column: “Be True to Your School”...3:6:4
Lifestyle Feature
o The Academic Food Supply in Baton Rouge...3:1:7
o The Ten Most Tedious Holdovers...3:2:7
o Pizzerias of Baton Rouge...3:3:6
o The Grand Boulevards of Louisiana...3:4:7
o Cultivating for the Cultured, or, the Seeds of Affluence...3:5:5
o My Way and the Highway: Rest Areas and Related “Facilities”...3:6:5
o The Coffee Houses of Baton Rouge...3:7:4
o Saving the Sloppy Seven...3:8:5
Lombardi, John
o fired as LSU System President; associated controversy...3:7:3
o visits LSU-A on April 10, 2012 along with representatives of the Board of
o publishes critique of LSU system administration in Inside Higher Ed blog...3:8:5
o comments on Chronicle of Higher Education blog show support...3:8:3
LOUIS—statewide library information network; International Coalition of Library
Consortia (ICOLC); director Sara Zimmerman; faculty boycott led by STEM professors
against big-budget publishers and soaring access fees...3:5:3
Louisiana Ethics Board
o sets maximum lobbyists may spend on restaurant meals for legislators at
o ethics training workshop...3:6:3
Louisiana Tech University
o President Dan Reneau and rumors of higher education institutions in North
Louisiana merging...3:1:4
o Proposed merger with LSU-Shreveport...3:2:1
o proposals are unveiled for consolidation with LSU-S...3:5:5
o former UL-Monroe business deal and president Dwight Vines casts skeptical eye
at LaTech-LSU-S merger...3:7:2
LSU Admissions, Standards, and Honors Committee—endorses new policy regarding
readmission standards for re-entering students...2:5:3
o Chancellor David Manuel; new multipurpose building features works of art...3:1:7
o midyear budget cuts hit LSUA...3:4:8
o some faculty are required to perform cleaning duties...3:8:2
LSU Athletic Director Joe Alleva—Salary increase...3:1:3
LSU Board of Supervisors
o raises for women’s golf coach Karen Bahnsen, offensive coordinator Greg
Studrawa; lack of equity between male and female salaries...3:2:1
o approves construction of Memorial Plaza, other sundry improvements to Tiger
o approve design for 350-bed residence hall; architecture receives lukewarm
o releases capital outlay priority list...3:4:7
o LSU Chancellor Mike Martin; LSU Board of Supervisors approves agreement
allowing Sewer Commission to update area plumbing system...3:4:6
o visits LSU-A on April 10, 2012 along with former LSU System President John
LSU Faculty Senate Meeting—November, 2011; Resolution 11-18 sponsored by
Fereydoun Aghazadeh is successful, does away with 10 minute delay before or after
classes; University Registrar Robert Doolos; Resolution 11-03, a reconfiguration of the
Thanksgiving Holiday is unsuccessful; Senate Vice-President Ken McMillin, Resolution
11-17, passed...3:3:2
LSU Faculty Senate Executive Committee
o will review PS-104, “Dismissal for Cause for Faculty,” and PS-48, which governs
appeals procedures for students...3:3:5
o meets with LSU campus Traffic and Parking Director Gary Graham; Hart Lot;
Profssor Luigi Marzilli...3:3:5
o Investigates graduate faculty, student compensation issues; Faculty Senate
Executive Committee members George Stanley and Bill Daly...3:4:6
LSUHSC-Shreveport—begins study of faculty and staff compensation and pay policies
at Louisiana campuses; discovers Louisiana schools are running $20-$30K behind the
salary averages for each and every rank at each kind of institution...3:4:3
LSU Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED)
o Office of Diversity issues diversity report; Office of Research and Economic
Development; Matthew Lee and Tom Klei...3:4:1
o releases booklet on response to Deepwater Horizon oil spill...3:6:4
LSU Provost—draws Faculty Senate ire by creating dean positions without adequate
notice; Lauray Lindsay...3:4:5
o Proposed merger with Louisiana Tech University...3:2:1
o Noel Collection; Robert C. Leitz and Laura McLemore; archival material
digitized and made available through the cloud...3:4:4
o proposals are unveiled for consolidation with Louisiana Tech...3:5:5
o releases chronology of statewide program to curtail success at LSU-S...3:7:6
o former UL-Monroe business deal and president Dwight Vines casts skeptical eye
at LaTech-LSU-S merger...3:7:2
o storm blows out generators; Longview, Texas helped put the lights back on...3:6:1
o LSU Faculty Senate votes in favor of a resolution to support; Presentations at
BRCC, Southern, and Grambling...3:1:2
o draws crowds at LSU-S, LSU-HSC Shreveport, and Southern; collective
bargaining; Tony Massar...3:2:2
o Update from Mike Russo; member Patrick McGee’s resolution; encounter with
chancellor during fall fest...3:4:2
o to hold elections...3:4:5
o Library Journal names founder Mike Russo as one of its “Movers and Shakers”
and “Change Agents” for year 2012...3:6:4
o hosts John P. Leavey, Vice-President of the United Faculty at the University of
Florida; talk deals with collective bargaining...3:6:6
o co-sponsors forum featuring Representative Kevin Pearson and Senator Elbert
Guillory regarding pension reform; Pearson and Guillory are no-shows...3:7:2
o article featuring founder Mike Russo appears in The Chronicle of Higher
Education and discusses the stagnation of professional salaries...3:7:3
o issues new edition of its newsletter...3:7:2
o sponsors event; Dyane Sherman speaks about state retirement plans...3:7:3
o LSU College of Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Senate passes resolution
concurring in support of LSUnited...3:7:7
LSU Police
o Changes to parking ticket appeals procedure...3:1:1
LSU Student Government Association—partners with the LSU Faculty Senate to create
a revised Code of Student Conduct...3:2:5
LSU System
o unveils new website...3:2:4
o proposes north Louisiana higher-ed merger involving LSU-S, LaTech, and
o releases commitment plan...3:7:3
LSU University Council on Women (“UCW”)—leadership of Maribel Dietz; seeks
faculty governance representation; Jeff Davis to join UCW council subject to ratification
from LSU Office of Academic Affairs; Graham Bodie is alternate...3:4:4
McGehee, Carruth—sponsor of Resolution 03-04; “nine years in the drawer”...3:4:1
McLemore, Laura—archivist in charge of LSU-Shreveport collection; creates a list of
contradictory language used regarding higher education...3:2:2
McNeese State University
o Historic Kaufman Hall murals...3:1:4
o McNeese Faculty Senate Vice-President Janet Allured revitalizes faculty
governance that that institution...3:1:4
o Commissioner of Higher Education Jim Purcell snubs faculty on “listening
o Faculty Senate President Linda Larson; Vice-President Janet Allured; officer
Connie Kersten; LSU Faculty Senate President Kevin Cope visits and gives an
informational lecture about the state of the ORP and TRSL, and the retirement
fund scandal...3:3:8
o ADA compliance part of Board of Supervisors Emergency Projects...3:4:7
Mendez, James, Physics Instructor and Faculty Senate President at Sowela
Technical Community College in Lake Charles—guest column: “Louisiana
Community and Technical College System, an Insider’s Perspective”...3:8:3
Miles, Les—LSU head football coach; appears onstage with Jindal in apparent forbidden
political act of a state employee...3:2:5
Monaco, A.G.
o HRM Matters article; precursor of later “Ask A.G.” column...3:2:5
o “No Hire is Always Better Than a Bad Hire”...3:3:2
o HRM Matters article...3:4:6
Moodle—calls from retention experts to use Moodle gradebook; Melody Childs...3:2:3
Movie Review by: Carl Freedman
o The Descendants (Alexander Payne, 2011)...3:5:3
o Newsletter movie reviewer Carl Freedman appears on The Jim Engster Show to
promote his book, The Age of Nixon: A Study in Cultural Power...3:5:3
o Game Change (Jay Roach, 2012)...3:6:3
o Young Adult (Jason Reitman, 2011)...3:7:4
o The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (David Fincher, 2011)...3:8:4
Museum and Performance Task Force—R.P. “Ravi” Rau gives final report to Faculty
National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS)—report
calls for a restructuring of Louisiana high ed; is received with skepticism...3:4:6
NCAA—Professors Kelly Rusch and Stacia Haynie, and LSU Faculty Senate President
Keven Cope and Faculty Senate Secretary George Stanley work to be pro-active towards
NCAA policies for stuend-athletes...3:5:5
Office of Group Benefits (“OGB”)
o insurance plan rate hike...3:3:7
o Commissioner of Administration Paul Rainwater receives criminal charges for
reckless operation of a vehicle and DWI first offense...3:4:7
Ohio University—releases faculty governance survey...3:7:5
Pennington Biomedical Center—establishes Faculty Advisory Council...3:2:7
Purcell, Jim
o Commissioner of Higher Education; engaging in “cherry-picking”
o “listening tour” arrives in Baton Rouge; fields questions from the Southern, LSU
Faculty Senates...3:3:5
Rau, Ravi—Faculty senator and advocate; has his acting debut in LSU’s production of
o LSU acquires new commencement regalia...3:1:2
o turns heads...3:4:6
o LSU University Relations credits faculty governance for debut of new regalia at
May commencement...3:8:2
Resolution 12-3—resolution to solidify class attendance requirements is passed in the
LSU Faculty Senate...3:6:4
Retention Committee—Saundra McGuire to deliver final report at December 2011 LSU
Faculty Senate meeting.
Rhorer, Donna—ascends to associate dean’s chair at ULM in spite of her willingness to
publicly hold dissenting views...3:5:3
Rolen, Rhonda—guest article...3:3:4
Santorum, Rick—presidential candidate visits LSU baseball facilities...3:6:4
Schwartz, Richard A., President of Faculty Senate in Southeastern Louisiana
University—Letter to the Editor: RE: Southeastern Provost Attempts to Align Tenure
Evaluation with LAGrad Act Criteria...3:5:4
Seifried, Chad, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology—Letter to the Editor: Re Penn
SACS/SACSOC—develops new regulations triggered by expansion in online
Southeastern Conference (SEC)—SEC faculty achievement award draws ire of ALFS
Vice-President Kevin L. Cope...3:7:2
Southern University
o Faculty Governance Staves off Southern Administrative Plans for Exigency and
Furloughs; LSU Faculty Senate President and ALFS Vice-President Kevin Cope
issues emergency letter to Board of Supervisors discouraging exigency plans;
James Llorens; Southern University Faculty Senate President Sudhir
o Southern University System President Ronald Mason...3:1:7
o Board of Supervisors vote to declare financial exigency...3:2:1
o Backhoe blunder causes $269K in damages...3:2:7
o Provost Janet Rami announces faculty has 36 hours in which to submit feedback
for reorganization plan; Architecture Chair Lonnie Wilkinson offers evidence of
“cherry picking” of faculty...3:3:3
o System officials host reception amidst financial exigency crisis...3:3:6
o SUNO faculty rejects contract with Education Online Services; claim contract
violates faculty rights, contravenes faculty control over curriculum, makes
‘unrealistic’ revenue projections, and ignores critical elements in the contract,
including the question of faculty compensation...3:5:5
o fires architecture professor John Delgado without medical benefits...3:6:6
o SU Faculty Senate elects a new slate of faculty governors; Thomas Miller; Sudhir
Trivedi; Diola Bagayoko; Osman Kandara...3:7:4
o Chancellor calls for action interval...3:8:3
o Southern faculty raise $10K for defense fund; Faculty Senate President Sudhir
Trivedi; attorney Jill Craft...3:6:1
Shorty’s Travel Service
o allows “simple international reservations” to be made online; State travel service
o poorly designed hotel booking site causes mishap for LSU agriculturalist Philip
Task force on a Tobacco-Free Campus
o formed...3:1:1
o report presented and debated at Faculty Senate meeting...3:3:2
Task Stream—LSU receives software package and gains economic benefit...3:4:2
Teachers’ Retirement System of Louisiana (“TRSL”)
o Governor Jindal proposes plan to fund state retirement systems...3:4:3
o issues Survey Monkey survey of ORP clients...3:4:6
o representatives answer questions at event co-sponsored by the LSU Faculty
Senate and LSUnited...3:5:6
o datacruching reveals staggering sums of money diverted form retirement plans
over 20 year period; over $733 Million...3:7:2
o LSU Chemistry Department Chair Luigi Marzilli’s preliminary audits indicate
that a plan participant is not fully vested in TRSL until ten years of service have
been completed...3:8:2
Thompson, Sheri J.—guest article introducing readers to WordPress...3:3:4
Tigerware—software bank provides licensed software free of charge; Interim Chief
Information Officer Brian Nichols...3:3:3
Tims, Eugene—former LSU professor dies in car accident in downtown Baton Rouge,
February 4, 2012...3:5:6
Twitter—LSU Athletic Department monitors student-athletes’ ‘tweets’—associate atletic
director Michael Bonnette...3:5:4
UL System
o AAUP investigates firings at Northwestern State University and Southeastern
Louisiana University...3:2:2
o search for new president of the University of New Orleans...3:2:3
o UL Intellectual Property Policy Proposed Without Faculty Input...3:5:2
o Southeastern Provost Tammy Bourg creates committee to “align” tenure,
evaluation, and promotion criteria with LA GRAD Act...3:4:4
o Nicholls State University’s John Folse Culinary Institute’s namesake becomes
spokesperson for Lodge cast iron...3:4:5
o Midyear budget cuts - Northwestern State University halts maintenance projects;
McNeese State undergoes a hiring freeze, a moratorium on the purchase of new
equipment, and a total elimination of travel...3:4:8
o UL implements intellectual property policy without faculty input; UL System
Brad O’Hara...3:5:2—related: fomer LSU System President Bill Jenkins; LSU
System document PM-35; refutes O’Hara’s claims that proposed UL Policy
resembles LSU policy...3:5:5
o policy number FB-IV.VII-1 governs dispensing of alcoholic beverages on UL
o AAUP investigates following firings at Northwestern and Southeastern...3:7:4
University Laboratory School—LSU Faculty senate forms panel to investigate the
school, and consider the merits of FS Resolution 12-5 “Explaining Responsibility for the
Lab School.”...3:6:5
Voss, Brian—former LSU Chief Information Officer; now University of Maryland VicePresident and CIO; won election to the EDUCAUSE Board of Directors;
Woodchuck Hard Cider—April, 2012, Tip of the Month...3:7:7
Zadina, Janet—gives lecture on retention strategies; LA GRAD Act...3:4:9