Greenberg 2014 Late Middle Ages to Renaissance: From Dark Age

Greenberg 2014
Late Middle Ages to Renaissance: From Dark Age to Rebirth?
Guiding Questions:
1. What cultural and intellectual features characterized the Renaissance?
2. How did changes in art mirror the changes in society?
3. How did monarchs gain and expand power during the Renaissance?
4. In what ways was the Scientific Revolution a result of the ideals of the Renaissance and how did it challenge
traditional systems?
5. How was the Age of Exploration an extension of Monarch’s consolidation of power?
Skills to use and improve: Thesis writing and art analysis
Wednesday 8/20
Overview of the Middle ages
Thursday 8/21
Assign “Paragone”
Overview of the course and letter to
DUE: Thesis #1
Themes of the Renaissance (“Isms”)
The Renaissance spreads to the
DUE: Syllabus signature
Power in the Renaissance: New
Monarchies and wealthy families
Northern Renaissance
Check in with partner on the
Monday 8/25
Tuesday 8/26
BLOCK 8/27-28
DUE: Thesis #2
Document Study: The Prince
DUE: Paragone activity
Friday 8/29
DUE: Thesis #3
Age of Exploration
Tuesday 9/2
Age of Exploration
Changes in Science
BLOCK 9/3-4
Changes in Science and Impact of
the Scientific Revolution. XYZ
Test: Renaissance, Science and
DUE: ALL HW questions. I also
collect some class work today.
Friday 9/5
Tonight’s HOMEWORK
1. PP 427-430 Describe the ideals of Renaissance Humanism
and how this era was a departure from the Middle Ages.
2. PP 430-436 Describe how classical models changed art and
music during the era of the Renaissance.
Thesis #1 (see handout) DUE FRIDAY 8/22
3. PP 436-443
a. Define the Hanseatic League
b. Select 1 large state and 1 republic and discuss how each
built and consolidated power. (Read all but summarize 1 of
each) Was there a difference in rule and power between the
Republics and the Large States?
Signed Syllabus DUE Monday 8/25
Don’t forget to work on Paragone – due BLOCK day
4. PP 444-446 and 475-476 Describe and explain the various
tools of power that monarchs used to extend their power and
finance their wars.
Thesis #2 DUE TUESDAY 8/26
5. PP 452-456 Explain how exploration was used to expand
their power and provide specific examples of this practice.
6. PP 456-458 Describe, using specific examples, the impact
of exploration and the rise of the Columbian Exchange.
Thesis #3 -DUE FRIDAY 8/29
Finish Paragone Assignment – Due BLOCK
PP 472-473 JUST READ
Understand how and why monarchs became significant
patrons of the arts.
7. PP 502-504 Using specific examples, explain what the
Scientific Revolution was, how it was a challenge to the
Catholic Church and how the church responded to this
PP 504-505 JUST READ and understand the changes that
come to medicine as a result of the Scientific Revolution
8. PP 505-507 Explain the significance of the development of
the Scientific Method and how this method led to the
important synthesis work of Sir Isaac Newton.
Study for test. Read handout given out in class to review the
Middle Ages in connection to the Renaissance.
Homework Questions
As you read be sure to look for key ideas/terms/events/people that are listed at the end of this document as these,
together with the homework questions, are the basis for the multiple-choice portion of the exams. Include these key
terms in your HW answers whenever possible.
Answer questions in detail. The more you process the reading, the more thoroughly you will understand the material.
When it states JUST READ you do not have to answer directly or take notes on those pages, however, you are still
held accountable for that information.
Homework is due the day after it is assigned. However, most work is collected on the day of the exam, unless
specified on the calendar (see thesis activity below). We will use HW in class often. Come prepared and having done
the reading.
Thesis Assignments
These thesis assignments are part of your regular homework but are due on the dates listed above. The purpose of these
assignments is to build your ability to write clear and well-developed thesis statements for the essays you will write in this class.
Key Terms:
Black Death
Renaissance Architecture
Leonardo da Vinci
Hundred Years War
Great Schism
Pico Della Mirandola
Lorenzo Ghiberti
Jan Van Eyck
Lauro Quirini
Sandro Botticelli
Baldassare Castiglione
Christine de Pisan
Music of the Renaissance
Niccolo Machiavelli
Northern Renaissance
Louis XI of France
Italian City States
Christopher Columbus
Hernan Cortes
Slavery in the new world
Estates General
Medici Family
Various Explorers
Francisco Pizarro
Castille & Aragon
Ferdinand and Isabella
Henry VII -England
Swiss Republics
Hanseatic League
Tools of Power Portugal
Treaty of Tordesillas
Columbian Exchange
Florentine catasto
religious persecution
Galileo Galilei
Vesalius Paracelsus
Francis Bacon
Renee Descartes
Tycho Brahe
William Harvey
Sir Isaac Newton
Johannes Kepler
Scientific Method