Cell and Cell Systems

Cell and Cell Systems
6 characteristics of living things
Composed of cells Blood cells, skin cells, etc.
Reproduce, grow, Have babies, Grow to adult, Wounds healing
Require energy
The reason we need to eat
Respond to their
Have a life span
Shiver when its cold
Produce waste
Kidneys remove waste
Average lifespan in Canada
Plant cell
Plant cell
Plant cell
Animal Cell
Animal Cell
Animal Cell
Animal Cell
• Definition: When molecules move from an
area of high concentration to low
concentration. (used to move materials inside
of cells)
• Definition: When water moves through a
selectively permeable membrane.
Permeable 3 types
• Permeable: Lets things pass through
• Impermeable: Does not let things pass
• Selectively Permeable: Lets some things pass
Turgor Pressure
• Definition: The pressure on pushing on the cell
wall from the inside of the cell.
• Water enters the cell by osmosis this causes
the vacuole and cytoplasm to swell and push
against the cell wall.
Cell Organisation
• Tissue: Group of cells with similar structure and
– Epithelium (skin)
• Organ: Tissue that has formed into a larger
structure. May contain more than one type of
tissue. Each organ has at least one function.
– Lungs, heart, bone
• Organ systems: groups of organs with a related
– Stomach + intestine + esophagus + liver =Digestive
Organ Systems of the Human body
1) Circulatory system
2) Digestive system
3) Nervous system
Organ Systems of the Human body
Circulatory system
Digestive system
Nervous system
Excretory system
Respiratory system
Endocrine system
• Definition: single celled organisms from the
kingdom protista (not plants, animals or fungi)
2 types of protist:
• Plant like protists:
• Animal like protists:
• Definition: single celled organisms from the
kingdom protista (not plants, animals or fungi)
2 types of protist:
• Plant like protists: Although they are NOT
PLANTS they still use chlorophyll to make their
own food like plants do.
– Examples: Diatoms, Algae
• Animal like protists:
• Definition: single celled organisms from the
kingdom protista (not plants, animals or fungi)
2 types of protist:
• Plant like protists: Although they are NOT
PLANTS they still use chlorophyll to make their
own food like plants do.
– Examples: Diatoms, Algae
• Animal like protists: Must get their food from
other living things (may be living or dead food)
– Examples: amoebas, Paramecium
How Do Amoebas eat?
• Definition: An amoeba is a blob like single cell
organism. It moves by stretching out “legs”
called pseudopods and pulling itself along.
• How do they eat:
How Do Amoebas eat?
• Definition: An amoeba is a blob like single cell
organism. It moves by stretching out “legs”
called pseudopods and pulling itself along.
• How do they eat: It wraps itself around the
food using pseudopods and closes in around
• Once it has covered its prey it creates a food
vacuole with the prey inside it
• .
Questions on Worksheet
• Use today’s notes to answer the questions. All
the answers are in the notes
• Ms. Krom is Cool😎