2014-2015 UMKC All Faculty Meeting

2014-2015 UMKC
All Faculty Meeting
March 3, 2015
Chancellor’s Report
• Chancellor Morton
Budget Report
• Tony Luppino
Provost’s Report
• Cindy Pemberton
IFC Report
• Title IX documents posted online
UMKC Title IX Office website: http://info.umkc.edu/title9/
UM System Title IX: http://www.umsystem.edu/ums/hr/titleix
UMKC Faculty Senate website: http://www.umkc.edu/facultysenate/
• Title IX Committee needs
• Equity Resolution Panelists (10 faculty)
Senate Activities
• 2014-2015 Dean Evaluations
Conservatory of Music and Dance
School of Computing and Engineering
School of Law
• Upcoming in 2015 – 2016
College of Arts and Science
COACHE results
Online course / instructor certification
Evaluation of the Ability to Work CR (330.100)
Faculty Grievance Panel Oversight responsibilities
Senate Budget Update
• $15,000 allocated to Senate for the year.
• Through January:
• $3,500 for student assistant
• $2,056 for student aid
• $1,329 for business travel/meeting expenses
• YTD expended = $6,978
CRR Changes
• Buddy Pennington, Senate Secretary
• Senate has approved three revisions to the UMKC Faculty Bylaws (Collected
Rules and Regulations 300.020).
• These revisions will be distributed for approval to voting faculty via
Bylaws Revision 1
Current version: Those who are eligible to serve as representatives shall be
UMKC voting Faculty. Members of the Executive Committee must be regular
Revised version: Those who are eligible to serve as representatives shall be
UMKC voting Faculty. Members of the Executive Committee must be voting
Bylaws Revision 2
Current version: In the case of an IFC vacancy, nominations will be requested from among current or prior Senate
members, and a ballot containing the names of nominees will be sent to all voting Faculty. The person getting the
highest number of votes will assume the office for the duration of the unexpired term. Should that person be unable to
serve, the person with the next highest number of votes in that election will assume the office.
Revised version: Senate shall determine at a regular or special meeting whether to fill the vacancy temporarily or for
the duration of the unexpired term. For a temporary replacement, Senate shall elect a current or prior Senator to fill the
vacancy. For replacements for the unexpired term, nominations will be requested from among current or prior Senate
members, and a ballot containing the names of nominees will be sent to all voting Faculty. The person getting the
highest number of votes will assume the office for the duration of the unexpired term. Should that person be unable to
serve, the person with the next highest number of votes in that election will assume the office. In urgent cases, so as to
provide full representation at IFC, the Senate Executive Committee may appoint a current Senator to attend IFC
meetings until the Senate can address the vacancy at its next regular or special meeting.
Bylaws Revision 3
Current version: When committee nomination requests are received from the campus
administration or from the Student Government Association, the council will designate
nominees if it deems such action to be appropriate, following all applicable Collected Rules and
Regulations. The Senate shall report at the next general Faculty meeting all requests and actions
Revised version: When committee nomination requests are received from the campus
administration or from the Student Government Association, the Senate will designate
nominees if it deems such action to be appropriate, following all applicable Collected Rules and
Regulations. The Senate shall report at the next general Faculty meeting all requests and actions
• Ruth Cain – Director of Assessment
• Mikah Thompson – Title IX Coordinator
Cosco Update
• Ed Gogol
Campus Planning
• Bob Simmons
Campus Building Strategic Plan
• Bob Simmons, Associate Vice Chancellor