Budgets Andrew Graham School of Policy Studies Queens University Logic Model • First, define budgets, their form and some technical elements • Then, look at planning and budgetary processes • Issues of capital budgeting 2 What is a Budget? • The Budget process allows the Government to: – plan for the period ahead – allocate resources in line with policy priorities – seek authority from Parliament for spending. • For a not-for-profit organization in the public sector a budget: – Presents a financial plan for the period ahead – Assigns resources to projects, line items or programs – Sets out budgetary revenue and expenditure requirements 3 What is a Budget? • Not primarily financial documents but basis from which finances are settled • Future perspective: projection of future revenues and expenditures • Important benchmark to control the fiscal operations of a departments, unit or municipality or hospital • Assigns resources to objectives • Deals with both revenues and expenditures: on annual or multi-year basis 4 The Budget as an Instrument of Public Policy and Management • Planning Instrument:: Sets goals, priorities, and strategies and coordinates the government/agency resources into an expenditure plan identifying what program or activities will take place and at what levels. • Political Instrument: Involves competing interests attempting to influence a government or agency to form policy favourable to them. • Social Instrument: Provides a vehicle to grant and deny privileges and disburse burdens and benefits to individuals and businesses. • Economic Instrument: Offers powerful potential for affecting the growth and productive capacity of the community and its citizens. 5 The Budget as an Instrument of Public Policy and Management • Legal Instrument: Grants authoritatively the rights, responsibilities, power, and guidelines that regulate the budget format, timing and process. Source: Jerome B. McKinney and Lawrence C. Howard, Public Administration: Balancing Power and Accountability (Oak park, IL: Moore Publishing, 1979) 6 The Legal Basis of Budgets • The law or collection of laws authorizing expenditures, and/or the incurrence of obligations to make expenditures, to be financed from taxes or levies, as well as the specification of the sources of revenue from which expenditures are to be financed • The laws authorizing the expenditures or the incurrence of financial obligations are called appropriations laws 7 Functions of a Budget • Planning • Choosing goals • Reviewing options and predicting results • Deciding on options • Communicating and coordinating • Defines both objectives and spending limits • Produces benchmarks for monitoring compliance and progress • Evaluating performance 8 What is a Public Sector Budget? • Term is used for many different kinds of ‘budgets’: government-wide, departmental, branches, units – – – • • • The budget as an organization-wide policy and planning statement – legislative or organizational budget Budget as a specific spending plan – legislative, organizational and managerial budget Budget as a manager’s allocation of resources – managerial b budget Both a financial and a policy document as well as a management tool Legislative or organizational budget focuses on changes in spending, taxation, debt and regulations Best seen as a fiscal plan not just a spending plan since all spending is not it in and impacts go well beyond government operations, e.g. tax changes 9 What is a Public Sector Budget? • • Result of intense planning process, short-term decisions, roles of the dice and political nuance Budgets from Ministers of Finance, i.e. high level political documents not the sole source of program funding: – Statutory funding – Self-funded programs • Management budget sets limits, targets and authorities to get on with the work. 10 What is an Appropriation? An appropriation is a Parliamentary authorization for the allocation of resources to a Minister for a specified purpose. In the Estimates, Ministers specify how much they need to purchase particular outputs. The Government requests an appropriation for each class of outputs (whether to be supplied by a department or other organization), capital investment (capital contributions to departments, investments in other organizations and purchase or development of Crown capital assets), and other expenses. Appropriations are also made for benefits or other unrequited expenses, borrowing New Zealand Definition 11 What is an Appropriation? Definition: Appropriation: Approval by a legislative body of an organization’s budget. Appropriations create the authorization for spending the amount in the budget. 12 Types of Budgets • Operating Budget: – – – • also called recurrent budget funds designated to continuing operations Finkler: “Plan for the day-in and day-out operations of the organization. It is generally prepared for one year.” Capital Budget: – – – – budget for permanent works: defining permanent tends to combine current year and future year plans current year often transferred into Operating Budget Finkler: “Plan for the acquisition of buildings and equipment that will be used by the organization in one or more years beyond the year of acquisition.” 13 Types of Operating Budgets Budget Type Characteristics General Use Line Item Expenditures and revenues Control are related to commodities Performance Expenditures and revenues Management are related to workload efficiency Program Expenditures and revenues Planning and are related to public goals Impact 14 Line Item Operating Budget • • • • • • • Budget information organized according to types of expenses, expenditure or cost categories Generally on a cash basis Often detailed in object codes Cost category of capital outlay includes office equipment, furniture and vehicles Primary orientation is expenditure control and accountability: permits inter-budget cost comparisons, creates common reference points Relatively easy to prepare Does not provide any information regarding activities and functions of a program 15 Line Item Operating Budget - Example Budget of the Killaloe General Hospital for Fiscal Year 200X Object Code 100. Salaries 200. Supplies 300. Rentals 400. Professional Fees Budget 8,000,000 2,000,000 250,000 750,000 Total 11,000,000 16 Line Item Operating Budget - Example Revenue Net revenue Gift shop revenue Investment revenue Endowment Total revenue Expenses Salaries Supplies Bad debts Interest Rent Total expenses Surplus/Deficit $ 97,980,000 120,000 50,000 98,150,000 $ 78,900,000 15,400,000 2,200,000 400,000 3,100,000 $100,000,000 $ (1,850,000) 17 Responsibility Centre Budget • • • • Distributes budget to internal units: Responsibility Centre Important means of assigning resources to program objectives, specific offices and specific locations Seldom see this on its own for operational purposes Usually in combination with a line item approach A responsibility centre is part of the organization, such as a department or unit, for which a manager is assigned responsibility, usually with spending authority for the assigned budget as well as 18 responsibility for its proper use. Responsibility Center Budget - Example Budget of the Killaloe General Hospital for Fiscal Year 2005 Responsibility Centre Budget 01. Operating Room 4,000,000 02. Laboratory 1,000,000 03. Radiology 1,000,000 04. Patient Care 2,500,000 05. Outpatient Care 1,500,000 06. Administration 1,000,000 Total 11,000,000 19 Functional Budgets • • • • . Functional Budgets focus on the major functions performed by an organization. Combine elements of Line-Item and Responsibility Centered budgets This format is often used for external reporting Note the line item detail 20 Functional Budgets - Example Budget of the Killaloe General Hospital for Fiscal Year 2005 Responsibility Centre 01. Operating Room 100. Salaries 200. Supplies 300. Rentals 400. Professional Fees Total 3,250,000 250,000 50,000 450,000 4,000,000 02. Laboratory 550,000 350,000 25,000 75,000 1,000,000 03. Radiology 450,000 450,000 0 100,000 1,000,000 04. Patient Care 2,000,000 400,000 0 100,000 2,500,000 05. Outpatient Care 1,050,000 125,000 25,000 50,000 1,250,000 06. Administration 700,000 425,000 50,000 100,000 1,250,000 Total 8,000,00 2,000,000 150,000 850,000 11,000,00 21 Flexible Budget Organizations often experience more or less volume than budgeted. Flexible budgets look at expected revenues, expenses, and net income under different volume assumptions. The key to flexible budgeting is the identification of: Fixed Costs - which do not change with volume. Variable Costs - which do change with volume. Flexible budget results are normally shown in a sideby-side columnar format. A flexible budget is a form of "What if?" analysis. 22 Fixed and Variable Costs • Fixed costs are costs that do not change with volume changes with a normal range. • Variable costs will change as volume or use changes. 23 A ‘What If’ Flexible Budget - Example Revenue Camp tuition Church subsidy Total revenue Less expenses Campground rental Bus transportation Equipment rental Meals Total expenses Surplus/loss Budget 40 campers $5,200 500 $5,700 10% Increase 44 campers $5,720 500 $6,220 $ 350 1,225 1,600 2,600 $5,775 $ (75) $ 350 1,225 1,760 2,860 $6,195 $ 25 24 A ‘What If’ Flexible Budget - Example Hot Meals for School Flexible Operating Budget for 2006 300 Volume of Breakfast Provided[1] 450 600 Expenses Salaries 50,000 50,000 50,000 Supplies[2] 180,000 270,000 360,000 Rent 14,400 14,400 14,400 Other 5,000 5,000 5,000 249,400 339,400 429,400 Municipality 200,000 200,000 200,000 Fund raising 75,000 125,000 125,000 Total Revenue 275,000 325,000 325,000 Surplus/(Deficit) 75,000 (14,400) (104,400) Total Expense Revenues [1] Assuming that the service is provided 200 days a year [2] Assume the cost per meal is $3.00 with little flexibility for economies of scale. 25 Program Budgets • • • • Program budgets move closer to the realm of ‘telling a story’ and a greater linkage to the ‘what’ of expenditures More of a focus on expected results of services and activities to be carried out Usually organized around broad areas of expenditure and also overall financial performance But greater emphasis on results, especially in the further variation Performance Budgeting 26 Program Budgets Program budgets include both revenue and expenses for the major activities of an organization. Helps managers focus on sources of profits and losses (surpluses and deficits) of programs that could be discontinued. ($000’s) Oncology Rhinoplasty Cardiac Revenues $40,000 $ 8,150 Expenses 37,000 17,000 $ 3,000 $(8,850) Surplus/Defic it Total $50,000 $ 98,150 46,000 100,000 $ 4,000 $(1,850) 27 Program Budget - Example Bureau of Public Safety and Leisure Services FY 2003-04 Program Program Element 05 -Public Safety 0501-Fire Protection 3,500,000 0502 - Police 5,000,000 Subtotal 06 – Leisure Service Amount 8,500,000 0601 – Parks 2,000,000 0602 – Library 1,000,000 Subtotal 3,000,000 Total 11,500,000 28 Program and Line Item Budget - Example Bureau of Public Safety and Leisure Services Detailed Budget Information FY 2003-2004 Program 05- Public Safety Program Element 0501 – Fire Protection Responsibility Centre 050101- Central Office 050102 – Upper Level Station Line Expenditure Staffing 250,000 Supplies 500,000 Staffing Supplies 050103 – River Street Station Amount Staffing Supplies Total 1,250,000 150,000 1,200,000 150,000 3,500,000 29 Performance Budget • Focuses on work that it to be accomplished • Can be extensive, covering a full range of objectives and outcomes • Or, can be input oriented, i.e. how many units will be produces 30 Performance Budget - Example Road Maintenance Budget FY 2006-2007 Activity Cost Formula Amount Paving Roads Miles to be paved: 10 Cost per mile: $400K 4,000,000 Resurfacing Roads Miles: 5 Cost per mile: $150K 750,00 Total Road Maintenance Costs 4,750,000 31 Off-Budget Expenditures • Budget as a comprehensive document is a recent phenomenon • Seen as positive and useful in getting a government’s financial house in order • Not all spending authorizations within the budget 32 Off-Budget Expenditures • Introduction of accrual also highlights financial obligations of a non-cash nature that create potential liabilities for the government, e.g. loan guarantees • The main forms of off-budget expenditures are: – – – – off-budget funds; direct loans; guarantees; Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). • Main forms of “back door” expenditures are entitlements (financial obligations created by substantive law) and tax expenditures (tax relief's created by tax laws). 33 Off-Budget Expenditures • Entitlements and tax expenditures do not necessarily create a problem for the proper functioning of the budget as long as the budget procedure provides for the opportunity to change the substantive laws creating the entitlements and tax expenditures in the course of the budget process. 34 Off-Budget Expenditures • Off-budget funds are special funds owned by the government, that are not part of the budget and that receive revenues from earmarked levies, possibly next to other sources such as fees and contributions from the general tax fund. • Loan guarantees are guarantees by the government to non-governmental lenders in case of debtor default. Loan guarantees are supposed to include public insurance of loans by non-governmental lenders against an insurance fee. 35 Challenges of Off-Budget Funding for Voluntary Sector • Getting ‘off-budget’ assistance ‘onbudget’, and trying to get donors and NGOs to develop systems that synchronize activities with government systems, has become a major challenge for governments (and donors). 36 Challenges of Off-Budget Funding for Voluntary Sector • As project-driven systems become entrenched, so too do the incentives to remain separate, both for donors and for those involved in projects, within and outside of government. • Bringing financial flows ‘on-budget’ becomes increasingly difficult – one code for this is the lack of ‘sustainable funding’ • As a result, fiscal discipline is limited, policymaking remains ad hoc and driven by external resource flows, and it is difficult to set up any systematic planning and implementation across government.The longer this continues, the harder it is to change. 37 Funds in Budget Architecture A fund is defined as a fiscal accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equity or balances, and charges, which are segregated of the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attain certain objectives for which special regulations, restriction or limitations 38 apply. Funds in Budget Architecture • • Budgets will become more complex as the organization becomes more complex and the purposes for the funds become more diverse Often, special funds are created to segregate monies for programs for special purposes or as a result of unique designated revenue sources 39 Funds in Budget Architecture • • Often funds are managed and reported separately – leading to a separate set of financial statements The use of funds restricts budgetary flexibility but displays allocation for specialized purposes in a transparent way – funds are often mandated in accounting standards or law, e.g. for municipal governments 40 Funds in Budget Architecture • Use of funds varies with governments • Municipal governments tend to be built almost entirely around funds. • The federal government and provinces will create special funds for a variety of purposes, some that are linked to unique sources of funds through fees or special taxes, some of which are administered at arms length from normal practice. 41 Revolving Funds • A revolving fund is an authority, in the case of government usually a statutory one, to use the revenues generated from an activity to finance it. • This authority generally continues on a permanent basis from one year to the next without further authority being needed. 42 Revolving Funds • Always created through budgetary expenditure means, but then those funds move off-budget. • Although surpluses or deficits may occur from year to year, they are generally expected to balance out over time. • Many arrangements exist for the use of retained earnings, with the principle being that the fund retains its earnings unless some form of gain sharing is put in place. 43 Revolving Funds • Further, governments can “top-up” such funds through the budget if they have resource needs • Also called an Enterprise Fund • A revolving fund should support increased cost effectiveness, optimal use of resources, responsiveness to clients and good business practices, when used in conjunction with other appropriate arrangements. 44 Use and Application of Funds Accounts for Budgeting and Accounting – Voluntary Sector • • • • Restricted funds Unrestricted funds Endowment funds General funds 45 Municipal Fund Structures Fund Definition General Fund Consists of general revenue sources such as taxes, fines, licenses and fees.The general fund is usually the largest municipal fund. Special Revenue Fund Consists of resources that are restricted for special purposes. Examples would be special funds from other governments for special program funding, e.g. infrastructure improvement. Debt Service Fund Consists of resources used to repay long-term general obligation debt. 46 Municipal Fund Structures Capital Project Funds Consists of resources restricted for construction and acquisition of capital facilities. Fiduciary or Trust Fund Account for assets held by a governmental unit in a trustee capacity. Endowment Fund Usually a donated amount for specific purposes that is intended to earn income for the organization or university. Often government by separate governing board. Program Specific Fund Special purpose program, e.g. Millennium Fund, which manages its own resources and does not have to return those funds at the end of the fiscal period. To be used for intended purpose only. 47 Funds • • • Debate about whether enhance or hinder accountability. Generally held that they improve accountability as they provide specialized focus on one area. On the other hand, they often are subject to different accounting rules (carry forward of funds, private banking), cannot be reallocated to priority areas, and increase the complexity of government accounting and reporting 48 Non-Budgetary Expenditures • • • • Non-budgetary transactions are transactions in loans, investments and advances, in liability for the administration of public money received and collected for special purposes, in unmatured debt Difference from budgetary expenditures in that there is an expectation that the funds will be returned Not expected to affect the budget or encumber funds Has no impact on the calculation of the deficit 49 Zero-Based Budgeting • As much of a process as a budget format • Attacks concept of the incremental nature of most budgets • Can provide the basis for reallocation of resources to priority areas or to reduce overall costs 50 Zero-Based Budgeting Zero-Based Budgeting Incremental Budgeting 1. Evaluation of current activities and examination of alternatives leads to operational budget. 1. Operating budget is subject to series of incremental changes (increases or decreases) on a line item basis often with an overall budget increase set. 2. Ignores past behaviour and assumes a clean slate of activities let alone budget to support them 2. Accepts the existing base and estimates costs of new activities or changes including decrease 3. Creates cost/benefit analyses of all alternatives including the status quo 3. Focuses analysis and alternatives on changes to program and new activities 4. Point of departure is the program architecture and need to continuing with activities. 4. Focuses on costs and money rather than program continuity 5. Examine new means of delivery for continuing programs. 5. Budget process not used to reevaluate existing programming. 6. Decision makers faced with options, alternatives and different levels of services decisions within the budget package. 6. Little scope for examining alternatives. 51 Principles of Sound Budgeting • • • Universality Principle: all expenditures financed by taxes or levies and all revenues collected through taxes or levies should be in the budget Unity Principle: all expenditures in the budget to be made during a certain period of time (usually a year or a few years) and all revenues in the budget to be collected during that period should be presented to the budgetary authorities for the purpose of decision-making in a single document Specificity Principle: expenditures and revenues should be specified separately in the budget (“gross recording”) and at a level of detail required by the budgetary authorities 52 Source: OECD, Best Practice Guidelines, GOV/PGC/SBO (2004)6 Principles of Sound Budgeting • • • • • • • • Accuracy Comprehensiveness Consistency Honesty Judgement Legitimacy Timeliness Transparency 53 Factors Negatively Affecting Budgets • • • • • Unreliable Information Excessively optimistic revenue claims Excessive prudence Unpredictability Extra budgetary funds 54