Hemostasis - BMC Dentists 2011



Presented by Dr

Azza Serry



 Definition .

 Clotting mechanism .

 What keeps blood in fluid status

 Control of blood clotting and fibrinolytic systems

 Haemostasis disorders


 Haemostasis is the arrest of bleeding.

 This requires the combined activity of vascular

,platelet ,and plasma factors .

 Vascular : vasoconstriction of injured blood vessel .

 Platelet : platelet plug formation .

 Plasma factors : clotting cascade activation .

 What keeps the body fluidity

 Endothelial cells secrets nitric oxide and prostacyclin which promote blood fluidity by : prevent platelet stasis dilate intact blood vessels .

 Endothelial cells expresses TPA and antithrombin III .

 These mediators are no longer produced when vascular endothelium is disrupted .

Coagulation cascade

 Clotting cascade

 Coagulation is activated by two mechanisms :

Extrinsic :initiated by activation of factor VII upon ad mixture of plasma and tissue factor (damaged tissue )

Intrinsic : initiated by activation of factor XII upon contact with non endothelial surface . ( glass )

 Regulatory feedback mechanisms counterbalance the tendency of clots to form :

① inactivation of coagulation factors , antithrombin III : inactivate thrombin , VIIa ,IXa , Xa ,XIa. protein C ,and S, inactivate factors Va and VIIIa .

Regulatory feedback mechanisms

 cells

② fibrinolysis , (tissue plasminogen activator TPA ) by endothelial

↓ plasminogen → plasmin

↓ fibrin → fibrin degradation products

③ Hepatic clearance of activated clotting factors

 Regulation of fibrinolysis : vascular endothelium and activated platelet release plasmin inhibito r .

 Haemostatic diorders

 Hypercoagulable state

: inherited due to deficiency of natural anticoagulant ( protein C and S)

 Acquired tendency to thrombosis in malignancy or contraception

Bleeding diathesis

: congenital or acquired

 Congenital :

 Acquired:

Haemophilia A and B

Von Willibrand disease

Bleeding diathesis

Congenital disorders


 Sex – linked disorder ,present by bleeding into soft tissues ,and weight bearing joints .

Haemophilia A : defect factor VIII

Haemophilia B : defect factor IX

 Treated by replacement .

Von Willibrand disease

 Von Willibrand factor : adhere platelet to subendothelium ,carrier of factor


Von Willibrand disease : Presents by menorrhagia ,epistaxis .

 Treated by factor VIII concentrate

Acquired disorders

 Thromocytopenia

 Causes : decreased production ,bone marrow aplasia .

increased consumption : splenomegaly .

 Non steroidal anti-inflammatory ,Aspirin ,interfere with platelet adhesion


Vitamen K deficiency

 Cofactor for production of factors II , VII ,IX ,X .

 Causes : hepatocellular disease ,malabsorption ,

 Treated by parenteral Vitamen K ,FFP ( fresh frozen plasma) .



Hepatic failure : decrease synthesis of coagulation factors except factor VIII,synthesis of inhibitors ( protein C ,S ) , decreased clearance of activated factors .

Renal failure : decrease aggregation of platelet .
