S PowerPoint - Books I-IV

Books I – IV Timeline
By Jason Xu
Council of
the Gods
Books I-II
Athena convinces
Telemakhos to find
his father
Athena visits
in the form of
warns the
weeps as she
listens to the
minstrel’s song
Eagles fly over
the crowd
calls an
assembly of
the Ithakans
Telemakhos tells
no one of the
journey except
Books III-IV...
Books III-IV
sees a grand
Nestor heard about
how suitors have
taken over the
palace in Ithaka
asks King
Nestor about
Back to Books I-II
reveals her
asks about
Menelaus and
Helen tell
arrives in Sparta
Suitors hear of
offer to stay
Council of the Gods
Zeus meditates on the fate of Agamemnon and the death of Aigisthos
and Klymenstra at the hands of Agamemnon’s son, Orestes.
Athena convinces Zeus to allow her to help Odysseus.
Athena visits Telemakhos in the form of Mentes
Athena, in the form of Mentor, an old family friend of
Odysseus, shows up at the gates of the palace.
Telemakhos welcomes her/him in and gives him/her food
to eat, showing much xenia.
“A maid brought them a silver finger bowl and
filled it out of a beautiful sprouting golden jug,
then drew a polished table to their side.”
(I, 5,169-172)
Athena convinces Telemakhos to find his father
Athena tells Telemakhos of the times he spent with Odysseus and tells
Telemakhos to tell the suitors to go “scattering to their homes.” (I, 10. 323).
Athena also convinces Telemakhos to search for his father:
“Then here’s a course for you, if you agree: / get a sound
craft afloat with twenty oars / and go abroad for news of
your lost father.” (I, 10. 324-326)
Penelope weeps as she listens to the minstrel’s song
The minstrel Phemios sings a song about the homecoming of the Greeks.
Penelope asks him to stop the tale. Telemakhos tells his mother wisely of
how Odysseus is not the only hero not to return home.
Shows Telemakhos’ wisdom:
“The lady [Penelope] gazed in wonder and withdrew, / her son’s clear wisdom
echoing in her mind. (I, 12. 408-409)
Telemakhos warns the suitors
Telemakhos informs the suitors that the next morning he will call an
assembly where he will tell all of the “insolent men” to leave the
“At daybreak we shall sit down in assembly / and I shall tell youtake it as you will- / you are to leave this hall. Go feasting
elsewhere, / consume your own stores. Turn and turn about, / use
one another’s houses.” (I, 13, 422-426)
Telemakhos calls an assembly of the Ithakans
Telemakhos calls an assembly the morning after Athena appears as
Mentes. This is the first assembly since Odysseus left for the Trojan
War. Telemakhos tells of how the suitors disrespect the palace and
“spend their days around our house / killing our beeves and sheep
and fatted goats, / carousing, soaking up our good dark wine, not
caring what they do.” (II, 20-21. 59-62)
The suitors also respond to him (with insults) and reveal some of
Penelope’s “trickery”
Eagles fly over the crowd
Eagles, sent by Zeus, appear over the crowd. Halitherses
reads this as an omen that Odysseus will return. The
suitors call this foolishness and the meeting ends.
“Now Zeus…sent a sign to him, launching a pair of eagles from a mountain crest in gliding
flight…wing-tip to wing-tip quivering taunt.
Athena encourages Telemakhos
Athena, once again appearing as Mentor, tells Telemakhos the journey
will be successful. Athena later takes the form of Telemakhos in
town and finds a crew and ship for the journey.
Telemakhos tells no one about the journey except
When Telemakhos leaves, the wise old nurse Eurykleia packs food for
the journey and vows not to tell his mother about the journey.
Telemakhos sees a grand sacrificing celebration
When Telemakhos reaches Pylos, he sees a grand sacrifice going on:
“On the shore / black bulls were being offered / to the blue-maned god:
/ nine congregations…led out nine bulls apiece to sacrifice, / taking
the tripes to eat, while on their altars / thighbones in fat lay burning
for the god.” (III. 35, 7-11).
Telemakhos asks King Nestor about Odysseus
Athena encourages Telemakhos, who has no experience in public
speaking, to ask the king about Odysseus. Nestor, however, does
not have any information about Odysseus. Nestor left with
Menelaus, who departed immediately. Odysseus stayed with
Agamemnon, who had waited a day before leaving to sacrifice to the
Nestor heard about how suitors have taken over the palace
in Ithaka
Nestor adds that he hopes Telemakhos brings honor to his home like
Orestes, son of Agamemnon, shows after the murder of his father.
Telemakhos asks about Agamemnon
Nestor explains how Agamemnon was murdered by Aigisthios, who
married Agamemnon’s wife, and would of taken over the kingdom if
Orestes, Agamemnon’s son, had shows up and killed Aigisthios.
Nestor says the courage of Orestes is the example Telemakhos
must follow.
Athena reveals her divinity
Athena shreds the form of Mentor and turns into an eagle…..
Before the eyes of the entire court of Pylos too…..
Telemakhos arrives in Sparta
Telemakhos arrives in Sparta, where the King Menelaus and his wife
Helen are celebrating the separate marriages of their son and
daughter. Telemakhos and Nestor’s son Pisistratus are welcomed.
They are invited to a feast where Menelaus recognizes Telemakhos
as son of Odysseus.
Menelaus and Helen tell stories
Menelaus tells his guests the story of the Trojan Horse, where
Odysseus’ cunning allowed the Greeks to win the war. Helen also
tells how Odysseus had dressed as a beggar to sneak into the city
walls. Many people start weeping after the stories. Menelaus also
tells the story of his return home, where he was stranded in Egypt
for some time.
Telemakhos refuses Menelaus’ offer to stay
Telemakhos respectfully tells Menelaus he must continue on his
journey to find Odysseus. Shows maturity and good public speaking.
“Lord, son of Atreus, no, you must not keep me. / Not that a year with
you would be too long: / I could never be homesick here – I find /
your tales and all you say so marvelous. / But time hangs heavy on
my shipmates’ hands at holy Pylos, if you make me stay.” (IV, 70.
Suitors hear of Telemakhos’ journey
The suitors figure out Telemakhos is not in Ithaka when Mentor is seen
in Ithaka when he was supposed to on the ship with Telemakhos. They
plan an ambush for him. Medon hears about the plan and warns