Vectors - spcbryce

Physics 30S
How to Get from A to B?
• Task: Measure the distance from the door
hinge to the supply room
• Materials:
– Metre stick
– Paper and pencil
How to Get from A to B – Part 2
• Task: Confirm your results by measuring again,
without a ruler. Your second measurement
should be within 5 cm. You may use the length
of the tile is ____________.
• Materials:
– Paper and pencil
– Calculator
Is it enough?
• Travel your measured distance.
• Are you back at the supply room?
• Will that distance always get you to the supply
What is a Vector?
• What is not a vector?
• Most numbers so far have not been vectors;
they are scalars.
– For example: 5, 7.5, ½, -13, π, etc
• Vectors are different because they have a
Vector Notation
• On paper, vectors are signified with a half
arrow above a capital letter
• In printed text, vectors are signified with a
bolded capital letter
• Scalar: magnitude only
– Example: 4 out of 5, 23°C, 3
• Vectors: magnitude and a direction, with a
– 3 tiles right, 5 metres left, 0.5 cm up
More about Vectors
• To specify a direction, we need a starting
point, called a reference point
• Reference point: zero location in a coordinate
system or frame of reference
• Position: the location of an object in relation
to the reference point
What’s the Difference?
• Total distance travelled: sum total of actual steps
taken; length of the path
– scalar
• Displacement: shortest distance back to the start
– vector
• Speed: how fast an object is moving
– scalar
• Velocity: how fast an object is moving in a
specified direction
– vector
1. Write out the directions for how you got to
school this morning. There should be enough
detail for someone to follow the directions on
a map!
2. Identify every vector in your writing in a list
following your directions. Label these vectors
D1, D2, D3, etc.
3. Vector Worksheet #1, 2
Significant Figures
• How long is the board?
Is there a difference?
Value measured for length
11.6 cm
11.6283476 cm
11.63 cm
Does it Matter?
Recreate the net.
Base of the square:
7.6 cm
Height of the triangle:
10.7 cm
Does it Matter?
Here are the actual
7.6 (7.6200)
10.7 (10.6680)
Significant Figures
• Significant figures are an attempt to know
how exact is a measurement
– AKA. Sig figs
• For example, is the measurement 10.7, 10.67,
10.668, or 10.6680?
• Definition: Significant digits are those digits in
a measurement that are known for certain
plus one uncertain digit.
• When taking a measurement, record the last
division plus estimate one more digit.
Practice Measurements
B) Width of your page
C) Overhead items
Rules for Sig Figs
1. All non zero digits are significant.
– 374 (3 sig figs)
– 8.1 (2 sig figs)
2. All zeroes between other significant digits are significant.
– 50407 (5)
– 8.001 (4)
3. Leading zeroes in a decimal are not significant.
– 0.54 (2)
– 0.0098 (2)
4. Trailing zeroes are significant if they are to the right of a decimal point.
– 2370 (3)
– 16000 (2)
– 160.0 (4)
5. Without a decimal, trailing zeroes are not significant.
– 37000 (2)
What to Do About Zeroes?
In general:
• If the zero is a placeholder, it is not significant.
• If the zero does not need to be there, then it is
Scientific Notation
What if we know 5000 to 4 significant figures?
Use scientific notation:
5.000 x 103
Rule: Count the significant figures in the
significand (leading number)
Practice Counting
A) 1174 km, N
C) 9.8 m/s2, down
E) 3.00 x 108 m/s, right
G) 6.0000 N, left
B) 5430 N, up
D) 0.006 N, down
F) 909 cm, left
H) 5060.050 μm, right
A) 4 B) 3 C) 2 D) 1 E) 3 F) 3 G) 5 H) 7
Using Sig Figs in Calculations
• The least number of sig figs given is the
number of sig figs that should be stated in the
• Always round sig figs at the end of the
question, not at each step!
Practice Calculations
5.2 x 10.3 =
19.6 + 2.1 =
65 – 0.090 =
678.00 / 60 =
(10.9 + 4) x 10.5 =
A) 54
B) 22
C) 65
D) 10
E) 200
• Pg.11 Glencoe Physics Study Guide
• Sig Figs Worksheet
– #4-14
Distance vs. Displacement
• Total distance travelled: sum total of actual
steps taken; length of the path
– Scalar
• Displacement: shortest distance back to the
– Vector
– Displacement is the final position minus the initial
Drawing Vectors
Vectors are represented by an arrow
Length of the arrow = magnitude
Arrow points in the direction of the vector
Must be drawn to scale
– Scale must be indicated
• Must draw a compass to indicate directions
1 cm = 5 N
Directional Notation
• Degrees direction (N/S) of direction (E/W)
– 25° S of E
• Direction (N/S) degrees direction (E/W)
– S25 ° E
• Standard position angle
Multiplying Vectors by a Scalar
• Multiplying by a scalar multiplies the
• Multiplying by a negative reverses the direction
a) A
b) 2A
c) –A
d) -3A
1 cm = 10 N
More Examples
1 cm = 3 m/s
a) A
b) 1.5 A
c) -2.5 A
• Learning Activity 2.2
– Pg. 15 Handout (Distance Ed)
Adding Vectors
Graphically (Tail to Tip method):
• Draw one vector.
• Draw the next vector at the tip of the first
• Draw a new resultant vector from the
reference point to the end of the last vector
• Measure the length and direction of the new
resultant vector
1 cm = 5 m/s
Add these vectors using the tail to tip method
a) A + B
b) A – C
c) A + B + C
Adding Vectors Algebraically:
1 Dimension
• Designate one direction as positive. All
vectors going in this direction will be positive.
• The opposite direction will be negative. All
vectors going in this direction will be negative.
• Sum the magnitude of the vectors together
and interpret the direction!
Let E be positive.
A is positive.
B is negative.
1 N - 2N = -1N
A + B = -1 N
A + B = 1 N, W
Add the following vectors using tail to tip method:
1. A + B
2. C + D
Add the following vectors algebraically:
3. A + C
4. B - D
Adding Vectors Algebraically:
2 Dimensional Perpendicular
• Think back to tail to tip method
We can solve for W by using
Pythagorean Theorem!
Step 1: Draw a quick sketch.
Step 2: Solve for the magnitude using
Pythagorean theorem.
Step 3: Sketch in the resultant vector.
Step 4: Solve for the direction using trigonometry.
Step 5: Remember sig figs!
Example 1
Step 1: Draw a quick sketch.
Step 2: Solve for the magnitude using
Pythagorean theorem.
Step 3: Sketch in the resultant vector.
Step 4: Solve for the direction using
Step 5: Remember sig figs!
Example 2
Example 3
• Assignment 2.1 (Distance Ed – P.45)
• #1,2
Vectors Lab
• A Vector Journey (Distance Ed. Pg. 49 -51)
• Done with Sig figs
• Sig fig practice
The Plan
• Max Classes: 8
1. What is a vector?
2. Sig figs
3. Drawing vectors/multiply by a scalar
4. Adding vectors (tail to tip and algebraic in one
5. Adding vectors (2D)
6. Vectors Lab and how to do a lab write up
7. Review
8. Test