Here is your Topic Question for your Mini

Here is your Topic Question for your Mini-Research project:
Research one of the gods or goddesses from the play and give a presentation to the class, using any
form of visual media of your choice to show the class. The ones that are alluded to are as follows:
1. Diana (1. 1. 94): Roman name of Artemis, goddess of the moon and the hunt.
2. Cupid (1. 1. 175): Roman name for the Greek god of love, Eros, who shot arrows at humans to wound
them with love.
3. Venus (1. 1. 177): Roman name for the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. She was the mother of
4. Dido (1. 1. 179): Dido is not referred to by name but by the designation Carthage queen, meaning she
was the queen of the North African country of Carthage. She appears in Virgil’s great epic.poem, The
Aeneid. Dido falls desperately in love with The Aeneid’s main character, Aeneas, after he stops in
Carthage on his way from Troy to Italy. But after he abandons her, she kills herself by.falling on a sword.
At sea on his ship, Aeneas can see Carthage glowing with the flames of Dido’s funeral pyre.
5. Aeneas (1. 1. 180): See Dido, above.
6. Ariadne (2. 1. 84): Daughter of King Minos of Crete. She gave Theseus a thread that enabled him to
find his way out of the labyrinth, a .maze constructed to house the Minotaur, a creature with.the head of a
bull and the body of a man.
7. Neptune (2. 1. 131): Roman name of Poseidon, god of the sea.
8. Apollo and Daphne (2. 1. 239): Apollo–god of poetry, music, medicine, and the sun–pursued the
nymph Daphne, daughter of a river.god. After she prayed for a way to escape Apollo, her father changed
her into a laurel tree. Apollo later used the leaves of the laurel in .wreaths with which victors of various
contests were crowned.
9. Hercules (4. 1.98): Greek demigod known for his feats of strength.
10. Cadmus (4. 1.98): Son of the king of Phoenicia and founder of the Greek city of Thebes.
11. Jove (5. 1. 181): One of two Roman names for Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods. The other
Roman name is Jupiter.