Origin of Seeds

Good Morning
I will check your planners this morning. I will need
your “All About Me” poster. In addition any papers
you haven’t turned into me with emails, etc.
I will also check your journal page 3 and 4 for
Morning work and homework for tomorrow is journal
page7 and 8. You may work on it now.
We will begin with Science in about 15 minutes.
Origin of Seeds
Investigation 1
Describe the fruit
Something that you can see like color, texture, or
Bean Pod
What do you think you will find inside this pod?
Seeds & Fruit
• Seed - the part of the fruit that holds the young
• Fruit - the structure of a slowing plant where the
seeds are.
• Pods are part of the plant that holds the seeds
and scientifically we consider these fruits.
Scientific Method
Question: How are seeds similar and different in
different fruits?
Hypothesis: Write down your 4 fruits, how many
seeds you think you will find, and draw a picture
of what you think the seeds looks like.
Conclusion: how does your hypothesis compare
with your results
What are the properties
of the bean seeds?
Are they small or big, round or flat, rough or
smooth, hard or soft?
Other properties can include size, shape, color
texture, or smell.
Count the Seeds
• What was the most
common number of
seeds found in the
• If you opened one
more pod, how many
seeds do you predict
you would find inside?
Estimate - how much
or many without
actually counting.
Where are seeds found?
Seeds develop in the fruit of a plant.
With your group discuss the different properties
of these seeds such as size, shape, color, and
Seeds are living plants in a resting or dormant
If we wanted to grow these seeds, what would we
What do you think would happen if we just
watered these seeds instead of planting them in
the soil?
Do you think they would grow?
How can we find out?
Scientific Method
Question: What will happen to the seeds if we
just water them?
Hypothesis: what do you think will happen.
Conclusion: how does your hypothesis compare
with what really happened.
Good Morning
Today is a gold day.
If you have a stack of papers that
are graded on your desk please
pass them out.
Once you get your graded papers
put them in your folder to take
Jon Fuller please see me.
If you have MOOSE bucks on
your desk those are from the
questionnaire you brought back
to me last week.
Morning work is to read the
Science Story, “ Barbara
McClintock” and finish the sheet
in your science story book. Please
turn it in to me when you are
done. IT is for a grade.
You will have until 8:20 to
complete it.
Important words
The Sprouting Seed
Observe your seeds and record
Rinse your seeds with
water/bleach solution.
Place a filter paper in the container.
Put 6 bean, pea, popcorn, and sunflower seeds on
the filter paper for a total of 24 seeds.
Place your extra seed on the seed sprouting place
Place Mat
Draining the Sprouters
The sprouters must be drained or they will mold.
Class Sprouter
We will use the same water that I have prepared
for your sprouters that we will use for the class
We need to keep one of each seed out of the
water to compare back to.
We will keep the bean seeds in the top two trays
and the rest in the bottom tray.
In what ways does water affect seeds?
Seeds will swell up, may change color, smell, or
become slippery, and have structures growing
on them.
What changes do you think you might see in the
sprouters after 5 more days?
What could be causing the seeds to appear
If the seeds are soaking up water, how can we
find out how much water the seeds are holding?
What are some ways
that we could measure
the seeds?
What should we
compare the soaked
seed to?
dry Lima beans
Soaked Lima beans
Gram pieces
Does it make a difference where the beans or the
gram pieces are placed in the cups?
Does it make a difference if the gram pieces are
placed gently or dropped into the cups?
Weigh them again but this time record the weight
on page 6 under day 1.
Add water to your bean cup until they are just
covered with water.
Scientific Method
Question: How much will soaked seeds weigh
compared to dry seeds?
Hypothesis: what do you think will happen.
Conclusion: how does your hypothesis compare
with what really happened.
Estimate how much the beans have swelled.
Do you estimate the beans to be the same size,
twice as big, or more than twice as big as the dry
Now drain the excess water from the beans.
Now weigh the soaked beans and record your
findings on page 6.
Was anyone surprised by the result?
Why do you think the seeds soaked up so much
Remove the thin outer coating on the seed.
Open the two halves of the seed.
Using the hand lens, examine the inside surface
of the seed.
Share your observations with your group
Seed Parts
Seed coat - the thin white shell that comes off the
Cotyledon - the two halves of the seeds that
stores the food and energy for a young plant.
Embryo - the structure inside the seed that
contains the tiny leaves and root.
Is a seed alive? How can you tell?
Yes. Seeds begin to grow and develop when
placed in water.
What is inside a seed?
A seed holds the food for the plant embryo.