Spring 2016 Reading Seminar Syllabus


Honors Reading Seminar Syllabus

UH 2124 | CRN 18622, 18623 | Spring 2016

Reading Seminar Coordinator

Amber Z. Smith | Hillcrest 116

(540) 231-4591 | azsmith@vt.edu

Course Description

Honors Reading Seminars enable Honors students to read and discuss books of their choice, usually within a single topic or genre, supplemented by additional materials. Reading seminars meet for one hour once a week and are limited to 12 participants and the student seminar leader. Seminar leaders propose the seminar topic, facilitate class meetings, and undergo leadership development. Reading seminar participants earn one Pass/Fail Honors credit for each reading seminar taken. Students may take up to two reading seminars each semester.

Required Materials

Books and supplementary materials selected by your seminar leader

Two-Step Course Registration Process


Enroll in UH 2124 on Hokie Spa. If you are taking only one reading seminar, register for the first CRN. If you are taking two reading seminars, register for both CRNs. Check your schedule on Hokie Spa before the last day to add classes to make sure you are registered for UH 2124.


Sign up for one of the reading seminar topics being offered this semester by adding your name to the Google doc sign-up sheet. You can learn which topics are being offered and sign up at the Reading Seminar


Organizational Meeting on the first day of classes. After the meeting, the sign-up sheet will be e-mailed to the

Honors listserv.

Honors Reading Seminars are graded Pass/Fail. Students need to earn at least 80% to pass.

Attendance and Participation 50%

Context Presentation(s) 25%

Discussion Starter(s) 25%

Attendance and Participation: Expectations for class participation are standard: show up to all classes on time with all reading and homework complete, ready to actively engage with your classmates. The seminar leader will document all class activities and submit reports to the Reading Seminar Coordinator. This class adheres to the Virginia Tech Principles of Community and will not tolerate disrespect for others. www.diversity.vt.edu/principles-of-community/principles.html

Context Presentation(s): One or more times during the semester, each student will give a context presentation (around

10 minutes) on a topic of their choice that will enhance the class’s contextual understanding of some aspect of the literature. Some example topics include the author, the book’s setting (time or place), relevant political or cultural movements, or an in-depth look at anything tangentially brought up in the books. Context presentations are graded as full credit or no credit.

Discussion Starter(s): One or more times during the semester, each student will bring in a list of discussion starters to enhance conversation with questions or topics that they are interested in. Discussion starters can be questions based on the reading, external documents that connect to the text, or something else that will stimulate scholarly conversation.

Students bringing in discussion starters will help guide the discussion that week. Discussion starters are graded as full credit or no credit.

Disclaimer: This syllabus is subject to change at the Reading Seminar Coordinator’s discretion.
