
Medical Math for Health Team
Know the abbreviations
o Length/Distance - Household
 inch (“ or in)
 foot (‘ or ft)
 yard (yd)
Metric System
• Distance/length: meter (m)
• Volume: liter (L)
• Mass/weight: gram (g or gm)
• Common metric prefixes
• Kilo: 1000 times
• Centi: 1/100(100 times)
• Milli: 1/1000
Capacity/Volume - Household
• teaspoon (t or tsp)
• tablespoon (T or tbsp)
• ounce (oz)
• cup (C)-8 oz = 1 C (KNOW)
• pint (pt)
• quart (qt)
»Mass/Weight - Household
• ounce (oz )
• pound ( lb )
Metric conversions
 1 m = 100 cm
 1 m = 1000 mm
 10 mm = 1 cm
 1 L = 1000 mL
 1 mL = 1 cc
 1 g = 1000 mg
 1 kg = 1000 g
Convert among metric and standard measurements.
 1 in = 2.5 cm
 39.4 in = 1 m
 1 tsp = 5 mL
 1 oz = 30 mL
 1 qt = 1000 cc
 2.2 lb = 1 kg
 Celsius to Fahrenheit (0C x 1.8) + 32 = 0F
 Fahrenheit to Celsius (0F – 32) / 1.8 = 0C
 Celsius to Fahrenheit (0C x 1.8) + 32 = 0F
 Fahrenheit to Celsius (0F – 32) ÷ 1.8 = 0C
Military Time
 Time expressed using 4 digits
 0100 = 1 am
 0530 = 5:30 am
 1200 = noon
 1400 = 2 pm
 2000 = 8 pm
 2400=midnight
 12 midnight on the dot is called 2400 (twenty-four-
 Once you are even a minute past, you use 0000, for this is
where the 24-hour clock officially starts.
 An example- let's say 15 minutes past midnight.You use
0015, and you pronounce it "zero-zero-one-five."
 The trick the soldiers learn, is that whatever number you
have, subtract 12 from it, and you have the regular time.
 Example: 1800 hours.. (18-12=6) So, 1800 hours is 6 PM.
 2230 Hours (22-12=10) 2230 hours is 10:30 PM
A Look at 2400 clock
What time is 11:00 a.m. in military time?
What time is 5:30 pm military time?
Roman Numerals
 Roman numerals are sometimes used for medications and
solutions as well as with organizing file systems in health
 I=1
 V=5
 X = 10
 L = 50
 C = 100
 D = 500
 M = 1000
Roman Numeral Rules
 No more than three of the same Roman Numerals should be
used in a sequence.
 When the same number is next to itself, you add them together.
(XX is 10+10=20)
 When a smaller number is before a larger one (such as in IV),
then the smaller number is subtracted from the larger one. (51=4)
 If a smaller number is after a larger one, then you add. VI would
be (5+1=6)
Practice Makes Perfect:
 What is the Roman numeral for 40?
 Use L for 50 and X for ten and remember your rules to place
them properly!!
 XL-subtract the smaller number X (10) from the larger
number L(50)- (50-10=40)
Lets practice again:
 You need to order LXVIII boxes of probe covers for your
thermometers in the medical clinical where you work.
How many is this?
VIII= (5+1+1+1)=8
Add all together 50+10+8=68
More Practice:
 You have CLXIV members of your high school club. How
many are there?
IV (remember I is smaller than V so you subtract V=5 and
I=1 so 5-1=4)
Add them all together 100+50+10+4=164