ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE LARYNX February 3, 2014 WHY DO WE NEED TO KNOW THE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE LARYNX A solid understanding of normal structure and function of the larynx basis for Evaluating larynx and phonatory function Impact of specific pathologies Interpretation of evaluation findings Development of appropriate voice treatment plans LARYNX Larynx ( &feature=fvsr), ( LARYNX Cartilaginous tube Connects to the respiratory system (trachea and lungs) inferiorly Superiorly to the vocal tract and oral cavity Position important because of its relationship and integration between three subsystems Pulmonary power house Laryngeal valve Supraglottic vocal tract resonator Lungs are the power supply for aerodynamic (subglottic tracheal) pressure that blows vocal cords apart – sets them into vibration Vocal cords oscillate in a series of compressions and rarefactions Modulate the subglottic pressure or transglottal pressure of short pulses of sound energy to produce human voice LARYNGEAL VALVE Complex arrangement of muscles, mucous membrane, and connective tissue Soft tissues responsible for airway preservation Cartilage serves as a protective shield Muscles and cartilages create three levels of folds or sphincters for communication and vegetative body functions Epiglottis folds posteriorly and inferiorly over the laryngeal vestibule – separates the pharynx from the larynx – first line of defense for preserving the airway LARYNGEAL VALVE Second sphincter is formed by the ventricular folds (not active during phonation) become active during hyper function or effortful speech production and extreme vegetative closure Cause increase in intra-thoracic pressure by blocking outflow of air from lungs Tight compression with rapid contraction of the thoracic muscles during sneezing and coughing Longer durations to stabilize the thorax during physical tasks (e.g., lifting, childbirth, defecation, etc.) LARYNGEAL VALVE Third and final layer is the true vocal cords Vibration for speech production Close tightly for non-speech and vegetative tasks such as coughing, throat clearing and grunting Angles of closure are multidimensional Horizontal (lateral to medial) Vertical STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FOR THE LARYNX Larynx is suspended from a single bone – hyoid or superior border Six laryngeal cartilages Three unpaired (epiglottis, thyroid and cricoid) Three paired (arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform) Hyoid bone articulates with the superior cornu of the thyroid cartilage via the thyrohyoid membrane Epiglottis cartilage – leaf shaped- attached to the inner portion of the anterior rim of the thyroid cartilage Made up of elastic cartilage - does not ossify or harden with age – remains flexible to allow a pliable free edge to assist in closing airway and diverting foods and liquids towards the esophagus STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FOR THE LARYNX Thyroid cartilage – three sided, saddle shaped curve Anterior attachment of the true vocal cords at the internal rim of the anterior curve Posteriorly are two cornu or horns that extend upward to articulate with the hyoid bone and inferiorly to articulate with cricoid cartilage Made up of hyaline cartilage that ossifies – limits flexibility with age Lateral walls form quadrilateral plates or laminae – meet in the midline in a thyroid notch or prominence In newborns, the laminae form a curve of 130 degrees – angle becomes more acute with age A fully matured thyroid cartilage is 90 degrees in males (Adam’s apple) and 110 degrees in females STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FOR THE LARYNX Cricoid cartilage – hyaline cartilage – below the thyroid Signet ring shaped – narrow anterior curve and broad posterior back Two sets of paired facets (flat surfaces) that articulate with adjacent thyroid and arytenoid cartilages The cricothyroid joint connects the lateral edges of the cricoid to the inferior cornu of the thyroid Cricothyroid joints are positioned on the top of the posterior cricoid rim Both joints are lined with a synovial membrane (or connective tissue cushion for the joint, supplies secretions for lubrication, blood supply, adipose cells and lymph tissue) Do not display age related deterioration and gender differences Inferior to the cricoid cartilage are the tracheal rings STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FOR THE LARYNX Arytenoid cartilages are pyramidal in shape Four surfaces – anterior, lateral, medial and a base Anterior angle projects forward at the base forming the vocal process Hyaline cartilage except for vocal process which is made up of elastin Vocal process is the cartilaginous portion of the vocal folds Lateral arytenoid angle is the muscular process – intrinsic muscles for abducting and adducting the vocal folds Medial angle faces its arytenoid pair forms an even surface for midline glottic closure Base is concave to allow smooth articulation with the humped (convex) surface of the posterior cricoid cartilage (half cylinder over a bar) STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FOR THE LARYNX Cricoarytenoid joint – two basic motions Rocks anteriorly and posteriorly over the cricoid surface It also slides laterally Causes adduction, abduction and stabilizes the vocal folds Vocal process tips can be pulled medially or laterally to determine the size and shape of the glottis Tips directed medially causes the vocal folds to meet in midline and close or adduct When the vocal process tips are pointed laterally the vocal folds are drawn open and abduction occurs STRUCTURAL SUPPORT FOR THE LARYNX Corniculate cartilages (cartilages of Santorini) are attached by a synovial joint to the superior tip of the arytenoids The cuneiform cartilages (cartilages of Wrisberg) are embedded in the muscular complex superior to the corniculates Hyaline cartilages Add structure and stability to preserve the airway EXTRINSIC AND INTRINSIC MUSCLES Extrinsic laryngeal muscles - attached to a site on the larynx and an external point (hyoid bone, sternum, mandible or skull base) Major function – to change the height and tension as a gross unit (swallowing, lifting, phonating and other vegetative acts) Also alter the shape and filtering characteristic of the supraglottic vocal tract – modifies vocal pitch, loudness and quality Intrinsic muscles – both ends attached within the larynx Primary function – alter shape and configuration of the glottis to modify the position, tension and edge of the vocal folds Adduction (closing), abduction (opening) and modifying vocal fold length, tension and thickness Both sets of muscles also help with ventilation, airway protection, communication and laryngeal valving EXTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES Suprahyoid (above the hyoid bone) and infrahyoid (below the hyoid bone) Identified based on their names which describe their anatomical attachments Knowing the attachments one can predict the effect of the individual muscle contraction (shortening) between the sites Stylohyoid (styloid process of the temporal bone to the hyoid bone) raises the hyoid bone posteriorly Mylohyoid (mandible to the hyoid bone) – raises the hyoid bone anteriorly Digastric anterior belly (mandible to the hyoid) – raises the hyoid bone anteriorly Digastric posterior belly (mastoid process of the temporal bone to the hyoid) – raises the hyoid bone posteriorly Geniohyoid (mandible to the hyoid) – raises the hyoid bone anteriorly Raises the larynx during swallowing to protect airway Laryngeal elevation during phonation is a sign of excessive extrinsic laryngeal muscle tension and a sign of hyperfunctional voice use EXTRINSIC MUSCLES OF THE LARYNX Infrahyoid muscles Sternohyoid (sternum to hyoid bone) – lowers the hyoid bone Sternothyroid (sternum to thyroid cartilage) – lowers the thyroid cartilage Omohyoid (scapula to the hyoid cartilage) – lowers the hyoid bone Thyrohyoid (thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone) – shortens the distance between the thyroid and hyoid bone Sternocleidomastoid (forms a sheath between the mastoid process and the sternum) Lower the larynx in the neck EXTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES INTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES 5 intrinsic muscles attaches to cartilages to modify the cricothyroid and cricoarytenoid joint relationships Affect the position, length and tension of the vocal folds Changing the position of the cartilage framework that house the vocal folds Altering the shape and configuration of the glottis, the opening between the vocal folds INTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES Cricothyroid – broad, fan-shaped muscle – inferiorly to the cricoid cartilage and superiorly to the thyroid cartilage – decreases the distance between the two cartilages – lengthening the vocal cords Pars recta (vertical belly) Pars oblique (angled belly) Reduces the vibrating mass of the vocal folds by increasing the longitudinal tension, limits the vibrations to the thinnest portion of the vocal fold located at the medial edge Greatest contributor to the fundamental frequency control – higher tones INTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES INTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES Thyroarytenoid – attached anteriorly to the internal angle of the thyroid cartilage and posteriorly to the vocal process of the arytenoid Two compartments Thyromuscularis lateral component – adduction of the vocal cords – fast acting muscle fibers Thyrovocalis (vocalis) medial component – greater control over phonation – slow acting muscle fibers Body of the vocal fold – contraction shortens the fold length by pulling the arytenoid cartilages anteriorly and thickens the vocal cords by increasing the mass of the vibrating medial edge Lowers the fundamental frequency, increases loudness and tightens the glottic closure Control over the vocal fold shape and edge and glottic closure patterns INTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES INTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle – broad fan-shaped muscle – lateral side of the cricoid to the arytenoid muscular process Rocks the arytenoids anteriorly and slides them laterally Redirects the vocal process medially brings the membranous vocal folds to midline or adduction Strongest vocal fold adductors Interarytenoid muscles – two bellies Transverse portion (only unpaired intrinsic laryngeal muscle) attaches to the posterior plane of each arytenoid Oblique portion (crossed bellies) attached at a 45 degree angle from the inferior border of one arytenoid to the superior border of its contralateral pair Shortens the distance between the arytenoid cartilages causing adduction – forceful closure of the posterior glottis INTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES Posterior cricoarytenoid – sole abductor of the vocal folds Posterior lamina of the cricoid and the muscular (lateral) arytenoid cartilage Contraction causes abduction (opens) the vocal folds When the arytenoids rock posteriorly to redirect the vocal processes laterally and separate the membranous portions of the vocal folds Abducts for respiration and quick glottal opening gestures during unvoiced sound productions INTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES INTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES Exceptional rules All muscles are paired (right with a left) except for the transverse interarytenoid which functions as one unit, bringing the arytenoid cartilages together All intrinsic muscles server as adductors except for posterior cricoidarytenoid muscles or the sole abductor All muscles are innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve except the cricothyroid which is innervated by the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve INTRINSIC LARYNGEAL MUSCLES VOCAL CORD MICROSTRUCTURE Membranous portion of the vocal folds – 5 histologically discrete layers – vary in composition and mechanical properties Membrane oscillates to create sound Integrity of the vibration pattern for phonation relies on the pliable elastic structure Different layers provide variable amounts of flexibility and stability VOCAL CORD MICROSTRUCTURE 5 layers are epithelium, 3 layers of the lamina propria (superficial, intermediate and deep) layers, and the vocalis muscle Epithelium – mucosal covering of stratified squamous cells that wraps over the internal contents, thinnest layer, consists of 6-8 cell layers, described as a pliable capsule – needs a thin layer of slippery mucous lubrication to oscillate VOCAL CORD MICROSTRUCTURE Next 3 layers form the lamina propria Loose extracellular tissue (extracellular matrix) composed of lipids, carbohydrates and specialized proteins The lamina is slightly more dense than the epithelium but still flexible and loose Superficial layer or Reinke’s space is a gelatinlike soft, slippery substance which allows it to vibrate significantly during phonation which is violated by vocal cord pathology, forceful abduction Intermediate layer is composed principally of elastic fibers which can stretch to twice its length VOCAL CORD MICROSTRUCTURE Deep layer of the lamina propria is still denser and composed of collagen fibers Tissues of the third and fourth layers form the vocal ligament-not present in the new born – appears between 1-4 years and continues to develop until maturity at puberty Deep layer is interspersed by muscle fibers to join vocalis muscle and the deep layers together VOCAL CORD MICROSTRUCTURE The fifth layer or the vocalis muscle forms main body of the vocal fold Provides tonicity, stability and mass It is the only true “active” tissue and is the only portion of the vocal cord that can contract and relax in response to neurologic control The lamina propria and epithelium layers vibrate passively in response to aerodynamic breath support VOCAL CORD MICROSTRUCTURE Extracellular matrix of the lamina propria Composed of fibrous proteins, interstitial proteins, carbohydrates and lipids Fibrous proteins consists of elastin and collagen found in different concentration in different layers of the lamina and contributes to the vibratory properties of the vocal fold cover VOCAL CORD MICROSTRUCTURE Elastin fibers predominate in the superficial and intermediate layers, collagen in the deep layer Elastin lets the layers stretch and then return to its original shape Collagen does not stretch easily but tolerates stress but offers strength to the extracellular matrix VOCAL CORD MICROSTRUCTURE Interstitial proteins Consists of proteoglycens and glycoproteins Role in vocal cord vibration is related to control of tissue viscosity, layer thickness and internal fluid content Hyaluronic acid appears in greater concentration in the intermediate layer Attracts water to form large, space filling molecules that creates a gel – acts as a cushion and resists compressive and shearing forces during vibration VOCAL CORD MICROSTRUCTURE Also protects cells from deterioration, assists in tissue repair and clotting Exceeds in males to females (3:1) Glycoproteins, lipids and carbohydrates Consists of fibronectin found in normal and injured vocal cords – plays a role in wound healing VOCAL CORD MICROSTRUCTURE Body cover theory of vocal fold vibration (Hirano) Three vibratory divisions Cover (epithelium and superficial layer of the lamina propria) Transition (intermediate and deep layer of the lamina propria) Body (vocalis muscle) VOCAL CORD MICROSTRUCTURE The vibrating cover forms the compliant, fluid oscillation seen in the vocal vibratory patterns while the body provides stiffer underlying stability of the vocal fold mass and tonus The transition serves as coupling between the superficial mucosa and the deep muscle tissue of the vocal folds during vibration Undulation or oscillation of the superficial vocal fold layers creates a ripple of tissue deformation and recoil VOCAL CORD MICROSTRUCTURE Three vibratory phases of wave motion seen in endoscopy Horizontal (medial to lateral movements) as seen in the open and closing patterns of vibration – 1-2 mm Longitudinal (anterior and posterior – zipperlike wave) seen in front-to-back travelling wave 3-5 mm Vertical phase (inferior to superior opening and closing of the vocal folds) as seen in an upper versus lower lip differences – mostly unseen FOLDS AND CAVITIES OF THE LARYNX Major folds are true vocal folds Superior and lateral to the true folds are the false or ventricular folds Do not actually vibrate in normal voice production except at very low fundamental frequency (below 50 Hz) Few muscle fibers – very difficult to regulate their tension, mass and length Aryepiglottic folds form a sphincter enclosing the entrance to the larynx During swallowing and protective acts these folds contract to reduce the diameter of the laryngeal entrance to protect the airway FOLDS AND CAVITIES OF THE LARYNX Supraglottal cavity Lies above the vocal folds Superior border is the aryepiglottic sphincter Acts as a resonator of the sound produced by the vocal cords Subglottal cavity Lies beneath the vocal folds Lower boundary is the first tracheal ring Pressure increases beneath the closed vocal folds until it becomes sufficient to force the folds open and begin phonation FOLDS AND CAVITIES OF THE LARYNX Ventricles Paired cavities lying above and slightly lateral to the true vocal cords Opening is very small and little effect on the sound produced However in some conditions of singing the opening is sufficient to permit meaningful resonance adding to the glottal tone DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGES Newborns the larynx is situated high in the neck – cricoid positioned at the level of C3 to C4 Newborns breathe only through nasal passages in the first few months of life allowing them to breathe and swallow simultaneously During the first year the larynx begins its descent in the neck as the pharynx lengthens and widens By puberty the larynx is at the level of C6 or C7 Accompanied by skeletal facial growth and development, creates an expanded vocal tract which contributes a drop in fundamental frequency DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGES Intrinsic larynx also undergoes dramatic changes from birth through puberty Vocal fold length of boys and girls is similar until 10 years Gradual and consistent gender development changes vocal cord length and ratio between membranous to cartilaginous portions of the vocal cords In males with the rise in testosterone at puberty stimulates the anterior growth of the thyroid notch and wide growth of the pharynx In newborns have no vocal ligament (intermediate and deep layers of the lamina propria) and therefore little stability, the greater ratio of cartilage to membrane length provides protection of the airway (vocal ligament emerges between 1-4 years) DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGES GERIATRIC VOCAL FOLD Deterioration in voice quality, pitch and loudness range and endurance among geriatric speakers Common appearance of thinned (bowed) vocal folds in elderly patients with no other pathology except advanced chronological age Described by the term “presbylaryngeus” Intermediate layer of the geriatric vocal folds was observed to be looser and thinner causing loss of tissue bulk, resulting in bowed appearance Studies confirm that the lamina propria decreases in flexibility and elasticity with age due to increased cross-linking of fibers PHYSIOLOGY OF PHONATION Theory of vibration Based on physical process of flow-induced oscillation A consistent stream of air flows past the tissues creating a repeated pattern of opening and closing Van den Berg’s aerodynamic myoelastic theory At the onset of phonation, subglottal pressure rises as expiratory forces are met by resistance from the adducted vocal folds When the pressure rises to overcome the resistance the folds are blown and subglottal pressure diminishes creating an increase in flow through the glottis Because air pressure and flow are inversely proportional, when flow increases, air pressure decreases between the vocal folds (Bernoulli Principle) The elastic tissue recoil pulls the vocal cords back toward midline completing the cycle of vibration PHYSIOLOGY OF PHONATION Self oscillating system by Titze Respiration is the driving force that sets the vocal folds in motion and kept in motion as follows: In the subglottal region the leading edge of the vocal folds are blown apart and set into motion by subglottic pressure and translaryngeal (glottal flow) is positive Intraglottal space or the small space directly between the vocal folds – intraglottal pressure keeps the vocal folds oscillating by alternating exchange of airflow and pressure peaks – when the vocal cords close the pressure is negative but rises as the air flow is cut off by the closing glottis PHYSIOLOGY OF PHONATION Supraglottal air column located at the outlet of the glottis immediately above the vocal folds – air molecules are compressed or rarified in a delayed response to the alternate pressure and flow puffs modulated by the vibrating vocal folds (molecules are pushed and released in response to the sound energy pulses released from the oscillating vocal folds) causing transfer of energy from the fluid or air pressure to the tissue or upper lip of the vocal folds and assists in sustaining the oscillation MECHANISM OF VOCAL FREQUENCY CHANGE The physical properties that determine the frequency of a vibrating string also determine the vibrating frequency of the vocal cords Determined by length, tension and mass Total mass is not important but the mass vibrating is more important Amount of mass set into vibration depends upon fundamental frequency, intensity and mode of vibration and length of the vocal cord As the band is stretched, the thickness of the band decreases VOCAL FOLD LENGTH AND FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY Three voice register with respect to pitch Pulse register or glottal fry Modal register Falsetto In the pulse register vocal folds are closed 90% of the cycle (60Hz) In the modal register, as the vocal length increases, frequency increases Vocal cords are closed 50% of the time In the falsetto or upper register the fundamental frequency appears to decrease as vocal fold length is increased Opposite to that predicted by that of a vibrating string The vocal cords also do not seem to adduct completely during phonation Length is not the sole mechanism of fundamental frequency VOCAL FOLD TENSION AND FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY As tension increases the frequency increases (similar to that of a string) Difficult to measure tension Indirect evidence must be obtained Largest variations occur in the upper frequencies or in the falsetto register Very little variation in the frequencies heard in speech Tension is not the only determinant but mass per unit length has a pronounced influence on the fundamental frequency of vibration In the modal register the mass is an important factor however, in the falsetto register, tension is a determinant factor Mass per unit length more important than just tension or mass VOCAL FOLD MASS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY Vocal frequency decreases as mass increases (similarly to the vibrating string) FREQUENCY AND AIR FLOW Airflow is another contributing factor – sign of an inefficient system The speed of the airflow also causes variations in frequencies in voice production However excessive airflow makes the system inefficient resulting in breathiness All three factors important in voice production Mass Tension Air flow MECHANISM OF LOUDNESS CHANGE Wide range of vocal intensities (exceeding 60 dB) Additional changes of intensity result from variation in the size and shape of the vocal tract which acts as a resonator Combination of airflows and pressure Increased pressures below the vocal folds when released by the folds would produce a greater intensity Controlling mechanism of vocal intensity is not subglottal air pressure rather it is degree and time of closure of the vocal folds Maintaining closure of the vocal folds there is more time to build up pressure beneath them MECHANISM OF LOUDNESS CHANGE More intense sound results when the subglottal air pressure is sufficient to overcome the resistance of the vocal folds The more vocal fold resistance there is to opening the greater the pressure disturbance when the resistance is overcome and folds are forced to open Intensity is often controlled by the vocal folds through variation of glottal resistance (which is ratio of the pressure divided by the airflow) Glottal resistance is a major controlling factor in the lower frequencies At higher frequencies (in the falsetto range) airflow becomes a major variable Very little variation of intensity in the falsetto range MECHANISM OF LOUDNESS CHANGE Intensity is also dependent upon velocity of closure of the vocal folds Glottal power is directly related to the rate of change of the airflow pulse at the moment of the closure This rate of change of airflow is called airflow closing slope (page 395) Steeper the slope the greater the increase in frequency Intensity control therefore depends upon two factors – glottal resistance and rate of airflow change at the moment of closure MECHANISM OF LOUDNESS CHANGE In an attempt to speak at a normal vocal intensity, patients increase air pressure by increasing the expiratory force from the thorax-abdomen system The patient may attempt to increase glottal closure in an effort to increase glottal resistance and to maintain an adequate level of tension in the vocal folds These increase in muscle activity causes vocal fatigue as well as excessive air rushing across the vocal folds (causing an increase in noise levels) Vicious cycle ensues, vocal fatigue results in poorer vocal fold adduction and the greater need for even greater effort on the patient’s part leading to poorer voice MECHANISMS OF LOUDNESS CHANGE Variation of the frequency composition of a tone also varies its intensity Adding frequencies or varying the amplitude of the components of the tone affects the intensity of the complex tone Spectrum of the vocal folds can be varied (within limits) and thus alter the overall intensity of the vocal fold tone Speed of closure affects the spectral features of the glottal tone Number of frequency components in the pathological voice is smaller than in the normal voice MECHANISMS OF LOUDNESS CHANGE Lower intensities are used to compensate for the different spectral characteristics and their effect on intensity A patient may also try to increase subglottal pressues or adductory forces – results in an increase in strain and abuse to the vocal folds Loudness is the perceptual correlate of intensity but intensity is not the only factor that affects loudness Pitch of the voice and its spectral composition also affects perceived loudness Other factors include distance from the speaker, room acoustics, interference at may affect the loudness of a voice as perceived by a listener MECHANISM OF QUALITY VARIATION Identifies an individual and sets him or her apart from another Spectrum determines voice quality It refers to number and amplitude of the frequencies present in a complex tone (vocal fold tone) Vocal fold produces many different vocal qualities each with its own spectral characteristics Shape and configuration of the vocal tract (length, cross-sectional area, ratio of oral to pharyngeal cavity size, etc.) determine the voice quality Physiological changes in laryngeal and vocal tract configuration produce different voice qualities Change in voice quality can signal benign or a life threatening condition NEUROANATOMY OF THE VOCAL MECHANISM Volitional control rests in the brain Many points in the cortex, subcortical areas, midbrain, and medulla play an important role in the ultimate control of phonation Cerebral cortex responsible for conceptualization, planning and execution of speech act including phonation 3 major areas of cortex responsible for vocalization Precentral and postcentral gyrus (Rolandic area) Anterior (Broca’s) area Supplementary motor area NEUROANATOMY OF THE VOCAL MECHANISM Speech can be initiated, stopped, slurred or distorted Result of stimulation in the dominant or non-dominant hemisphere Control of the motor acts occur in the cortex, individual muscle control occurs at a much lower level NEUROANATOMY OF THE VOCAL MECHANISM Subcortical mechanisms Motor cortex has numerous connections to the thalamus, metathalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus, and subthalamus Thalamus has numerous connections to the cerebellum and midbrain Ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus was responsible for initiating speech movements, control of loudness, pitch, rate and articulation NEUROANATOMY OF THE VOCAL MECHANISM Thalamus acts as not only a relay station but is also involved in maintenance of consciousness, alertness, attention and integration of emotion into the speech act Thalamus also integrates sensory information, coordinating outgoing information from the cortex and other areas of the brain and adding the emotionality to speech and voice NEUROANATOMY OF THE VOCAL MECHANISM Midbrain structures Structures that connect the cerebrum with the brainstem and spinal cord Four rounded areas called colliculi on the posterior surface Superior colliculi assoicated with vision Inferior colliculi concerned with audition Stimulation of the cavity or cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius and grey matter dorsal to the aqueduct or periaqueductal gray (PAG) produces activity in the laryngeal muscles Lesions in this area also causes mutism Control muscles of respiration, vocalization and orofacial region NEUROANATOMY OF THE VOCAL MECHANISM Brainstem Nucleus ambiguus, nucleus tractus solitarii, reticular formation have connections to the motor roots of the vagus and the PAG area Neurons in this area responsible for control of respiration Cerebellum Control and planning stages of a movement Without this control the cerebral cortex could not function and would be ineffective Acts to regulate motor movement continuously and regularly Coordinates muscles of the larynx PERIPHERAL CONNECTIONS: THE VAGUS NERVE Vagus provides sensory and motor fibers Start in the caudal portions of the nucleus ambiguus Vagus emerges from the surface of the medulla between the cerebellar penduncle and the inferior olives in the midbrain and exist the skull through the jugular foramen After exiting the skull, the vagus divides into many branches that serves the head, neck, thorax and abdomen PERIPHERAL CONNECTIONS: THE VAGUS NERVE After exiting a small filament or the meningeal filament exits the nerve to serve the Dura mater on the posterior fossa of the base of the skull The auricular branch provides sensory fibers to the skin behind the pina and to the posterior par of the external auditory meatus The pharyngeal branch provides motor fibers to the muscles of the pharynx and the soft palate PERIPHERAL CONNECTIONS: THE VAGUS NERVE The major portions of the vagus serving the larynx are the superior laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal nerves Superior laryngeal – primary sensory nerve – arises from the inferior ganglion of the vagus and descends along the side of the pharynx behind the internal carotid artery where it sends off two branches The external branch descends along the side of the larynx to serve the cricothyroid muscle The internal branch descends to an opening in the thyrohyoid membrane and enters the larynx to serve the mucous membrane of the larynx down to the true vocal folds, big SENSORY PERIPHERAL CONNECTIONS: THE VAGUS NERVE The recurrent laryngeal nerve follows a different course on either side of the body On the right side the recurrent descends in the neck to loop around the subclavian artery (just below the clavicle) and then ascends alongside the trachea to serve the remaining intrinsic muscles of the larynx On the left side the recurrent laryngeal nerve takes a more circuitous route Descends into the thorax, loops around the aorta and then ascends alongside the trachea until it reaches the larynx It provides motor fibers to the remaining intrinsic laryngeal muscles PERIPHERAL CONNECTIONS The extrinsic muscles of the larynx are innervated by several nerves Anterior belly of the digastric – mylohoid branch of the inferior alveolar nerve Posterior belly of the digastric – 7th cranial nerve (facial) Mylohyoid muscle – mylohyoid branch of the inferior alveolar nerve Geniohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, and omohyoid by the ansa cerivcalis PERIPHERAL CONNECTIONS Protective reflexes of the larynx used to protect the airway and sustain life Sensory endings collect information from larynx and respiratory system Transmit this information through reflexes arcs and directly to the CNS Responds to changes in mechanical forces and air pressure Send information to the CNS as well as to the joints of cartilages that discharge Affect the electrical activity of some intrinsic laryngeal muscles Stretch receptors in the muscles also discharge when the muscle is stretched or contracts