The Sui Dynasty A.D. 581-618

By Tate
The Sui dynasty was located on the Eastern
border. It was in both the Northern and
Southern regions.
This was a very short dynasty and only had
two leaders.
The two leaders were Emperor Wen Ti (also
called Yang Jian) and his son Sui Yangdi.
The Sui Dynasty had many accomplishments,
one of the greatest though-in my opinion-was
uniting Northern and Southern China after
almost 400 years of Civil War.
Emperor Wen Ti, also issued a new law-code
and helped lower taxes for the poor farmers.
Wen Ti built a capital near Xi’an and promoted
Buddhism in his kingdom.
Sui Yangdi also helped contribute to the
dynasty’s accomplishments.
His people built the first Grand Canal, which
was 1,200 miles long and stretched all the way
from Hangzhou to Luoyang.
His people also helped to repair the great wall.
The downfall of this kingdom happened
because of Sui Yangdi’s attempts to expand the
The Sui army tried to conquer Korea and was
defeated by the Korean army in 612
At this point the Chinese people became
dissatisfied with their emperor and started a
In 615 the Sui army suffered a defeat from the
Eastern Turks.
Yangdi retreated to the South after that and
was assassinated in 618, marking the end of the
It is thought that Sui Yangdi murdered his
father to inherit the throne.
While Wen Ti was very well loved by his
people, Sui Yangdi was generally hated by all.
Carr, Dr. Karen. “Sui Dynasty.” Kidipede. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar.
China_610.svg. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2010.
Hardy, Grant. “The Sui Dynasty.” World Book Online. N.p., n.d.
Web. 15 Mar. 2010.
Museum, E. “Sui Dynasty.” Emuseum. Minnesota State University,
n.d. Web. 22 Mar. 2010.
“Sui Dynasty.” Think Quest. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2010.