FARE Guidelines for New Investigator and Mid-Career Awards Follow-Up Request for Food Allergy Research & Education, Inc. Research Support FORMAT: Read and follow the instructions carefully to avoid delays, misunderstandings and possible return of your application. The print must be clear and legible. Use standard size, black letters that can be clearly copied. The application must adhere to the following requirements: 1) The height of the letters must not be smaller than 10 point Helvetica or Arial and 12- point is the suggested font size; 2) Margins, in all directions, must be at least ½ inch. Figures, charts, tables, figure legends, and footnotes may be smaller in size but must be readily legible. Deviations from the font size specifications and page limitations will result in the return of the entire application without review. The application should consist of the following items: I. A completed “Follow Up Request Cover Sheet for Research Support” using the template provided. Under "Co-Investigators," list all investigators (if any) who will receive a salary or project support from the proposed project, excluding research fellows and research assistants or technicians. In the space provided, list any Collaborators or Investigators who will not receive support from the Award, but who will work on the project. II. An Abstract of 250 words or less. The abstract should include the specific aims/goals of the proposal. III. A Lay Language Summary of 250 words or less. IV. A Biographical Sketch (form attached) for the Principal Investigator (P.I.) and for each CoInvestigator named on the Application Cover Sheet for Research Support. Limit bio-sketch to four (4) pages per investigator. If applicable, the P.I. must also include pending support, and total direct costs (not annual) for each active award or application listed. If there is no other active support or pending applications, state "None.” If any grant may have a potential for overlap, a detailed explanation of the overlap area(s) must be provided, along with copies of the budget pages for those applications. These extra pages will not be counted against the total. Failure to provide other support information will result in the return of the application without review. Applicants who are approved for support will be asked to update their "other support" prior to funding. Research Department – FARE New York Office 515 Madison Avenue, Suite 1912 New York, NY 10022-5403 212-207-1974 phone 917-338-5130 fax research@foodallergy.org V. A Narrative, in plain English, limited to seven (7) pages, not counting references cited. There is no required format, but the Narrative should include (suggested length guidelines are given): A. Hypotheses/Overall Objective and Specific Aims (1 page); B. Rationale and Background, as they relate to the specific proposal (1 page); C. Preliminary Results (if any) (1 – 1 ½ pages); D. Research Plan (3 - 4 pages); E. Significance of Projected Results (½ page), and F. Long-term plans, including plans for long-term support if required (½ page). VI. Human and Animal Studies: Studies involving human or animal subjects and materials must be approved and governed by the sponsoring institution. Written documentation of approval by the sponsoring institution’s appropriate Committee on Human Research (CHR), Institutional Review Board (IRB), etc. must be received by FARE prior to the initiation of studies, should FARE award a grant. In addition, the proposal must include the following language, specifically: • “I, <name>, attest that any and all studies involving human or animal subjects and materials will be approved as required by <the sponsoring institution> prior to initiation of such studies.” VII. Methodologies (optional): Since the application is brief, a detailed description of methodologies is NOT required. A reference will suffice if the methods have been published in previous literature. If the methods are novel, the applicant should include a brief description. VIII. An optional Appendix, limited to four (4) pages, may include illustrations, figures, and tables, but not methods or other details required for evaluation of the application. Figure legends should be kept to a few words. Explanation of figures should be in the Narrative section. IX. Other Attachments: • Co-Investigator Letters: A brief credential letter from each Co-Investigator named on the Application Cover Sheet for Research Support should be included with the application. • Credential Letters from Collaborators are suggested but not required. Letters will not count toward the 4-page limit for the Appendix. • Do not send reprints or pre-prints of manuscripts. X. Budgetary information: Please provide the dollar amount within each major category listed below, along with sufficient details over the length of the project. (1-2 pages and form attached). Please note that FARE will fund limited overhead with 10% being the maximum allowed. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Personnel (break down by individual) Supplies (break down by major categories) Equipment Animal costs Travel Consultant cost Other (List) XI. ASSEMBLY: Assemble the application in the following order: A. Follow-Up Request Cover Sheet for Research Support (form page); B. Abstract; C. Lay Language Summary; D. Biographical Sketches (for P.I. and for each Co-Investigator named on the Application Cover Sheet); E. Narrative (limit 7 pages, excluding references cited); F. Animal and Human Studies Statement; G. Methodologies (optional); H. Appendix (optional, limit 4 pages); I. Other attachments; J. Co-Investigator letters (required), K. Collaborator letters (optional), and L. Budgetary information (1-2 pages is suggested) For Canadian institutions: a copy of the determination letter from the U.S. IRS documenting the applicant institution's public charity status is required. XII. SUBMISSION: All proposals should be emailed to research@foodallergy.org in either MS Word or PDF format, followed by a signed, hard copy sent to: Research Department FARE New York Office 515 Madison Avenue Suite 1912 New York, NY 10022-5403 XIII. REVIEW PROCESS: Proposals will be accepted annually through our annual RFP New Investigator and Mid-Career Program application. XIV. AWARDING OF SUPPORT: FARE will contact the Principal Investigator regarding the awarding of support and/or the need for further information to complete the application. XV. QUESTIONS: If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact: Mary Jane Marchisotto Senior Vice President of Research mjmarchisotto@foodallergy.org 212-207-1974 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Provide the following information for the Senior/key personnel and other significant contributors. Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES. NAME POSITION TITLE EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable.) DEGREE INSTITUTION AND LOCATION MM/YY FIELD OF STUDY (if applicable) NOTE: The Biographical Sketch may not exceed four pages. Please follow the formats and instructions below. A. Personal Statement Briefly describe why your experience and qualifications make you particularly well-suited for your role in the project that is the subject of the application. B. Positions and Honors List in chronological order previous positions, concluding with the present position. List any honors. C. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications The individual may choose to include selected publications (up to 15) based on recency, importance to the field, and/or relevance to the proposed research. Most relevant to the current application: Additional recent publications of importance to the field (in chronological order): D. Research Support List both selected ongoing and completed research projects for the past three years. Begin with the projects that are most relevant to the research proposed in the application. Briefly indicate the overall goals of the projects and responsibilities of the key person identified on the Biographical Sketch. Do not include number of person months or direct costs. E. Pending Support List pending applications. Include total direct and indirect costs of each award. BUDGET FOR ENTIRE PROPOSED PROJECT PERIOD DIRECT COSTS ONLY BUDGET CATEGORY TOTALS INITIAL BUDGET PERIOD 2nd ADDITIONAL YEAR OF SUPPORT REQUESTED 3rd ADDITIONAL 4th ADDITIONAL 5th ADDITIONAL YEAR OF SUPPORT YEAR OF SUPPORT YEAR OF SUPPORT REQUESTED REQUESTED REQUESTED PERSONNEL: Salary and fringe benefits. Applicant organization only. CONSULTANT COSTS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES TRAVEL INPATIENT CARE COSTS OUTPATIENT CARE COSTS ALTERATIONS AND RENOVATIONS OTHER EXPENSES DIRECT CONSORTIUM/ CONTRACTUAL COSTS SUBTOTAL DIRECT COSTS F&A CONSORTIUM/ CONTRACTUAL COSTS TOTAL DIRECT COSTS TOTAL DIRECT COSTS FOR ENTIRE PROPOSED PROJECT PERIOD JUSTIFICATION. Follow the budget justification instructions exactly. Use continuation pages as needed. $