Content Standard 2:

Content Standard 2:
The student will analyze the
expanding role of the United
States in international affairs
as America was transformed
into a world power in the late
19th and early 20th Centuries –
By: Becky Rampey
• The act of extending one country’s
influence into another territory.
– “influence” can be political, economic,
military, or cultural.
– Often includes the idea of establishing
– Policy by which one country takes control
of another either directly or through
economic or political dominance.
Up to the late
George Washington – “Stay out of the affairs of
James Monroe – “We don’t want your influence
in our part of the world”
• Monroe Doctrine – You stay out of our area
and we will stay out of yours!! (Division of
Eastern and Western Hemisphere)
• Roosevelt Corollary – Expansion of Monroe =
US has the right to intervene in Latin America
to preserve law and order!!
• Manifest Destiny – Responsibility of US to
civilize & take democracy to the rest of the
Why Imperialism
• Economic – New Raw Materials, New Markets to
sell manufactured goods.
• Religious Evangelism – spread ideology to
“unreached” people.
• Growing Navy – Fueling stations – Mahan (The
Influence of Sea Power Upon History), The GREAT
• Global Empire = POWER
• Conformity – Other Countries are doing it.
• White Man’s Burden – Poem – US Moral
obligation to “civilize and help lesser peoples”
Actions that Make us a
World Power
• Spanish / American War – 1898 – US goes to
war against Spain over Cuba. In the end gain
control of Guam, Philippines, and Puerto Rico
– Major influence in Cuba
– USS MAINE – Remember the Maine
– Yellow Journalism – Exaggerated Newspaper
publishing. Major Cause of the War.
• Open Door Policy – Equal access to trade in all
parts of China – forces that big imperialist
countries to recognize us.
• Panama Canal – Help with Revolution against
Columbia – to ensure access to build the
Canal. Gives us access to move our ships
around the world quickly.
• Other Territories – Samoa and Hawaii
– Banana Republics – US Businesses often grew rich
by exploiting cheap, foreign labor and stripping
poorer nations of valuable resources – US fruit
companies among most powerful – thus the name!
• Anti-Imperialist League – Those who believed
the US should not be involved in any other
Presidents and Imperialism
• Big Stick Diplomacy – Theodore Roosevelt –
“Speak softly, but carry a big stick”
Isolationism = Speak Softly – Imperialism =
“Carry a Big Stick” – be ready to protect / take
what is yours!!
• Dollar Diplomacy – William Howard Taft –
trade bullets for Dollars – start investing
money in these countries rather than military.
• Missionary/Moral Diplomacy – Woodrow
Wilson – Goal to set up Christian Democracy
throughout Latin America.
• Neutrality – U.S. position – not
to take a side – but sell supplies
to Britain which looks like we
took a sign.
• Unrestricted Sub-Marine
Warfare – German attacks on
Neutral ships really upsets the
• Zimmerman Note – Germany
asks Mexico to attack US –
President Wilson announces
“Neutrality is no longer
• America Goes to War –
– Draft – start calling up men between 18-26 to
serve in the armed forces.
• Our guys – Unprepared!
– Wartime Industry – Government takes control of
industries that effect the war.
– Women go to work.
• Wilson’s Peace –
– Fourteen Points – Wilson’s plan for creating a
lasting peace for the world.
– League of Nations – Peace organization that
would include all countries – goal to keep war
from happening again. US congress refuses to
US After the WAR
• Isolationism – US returns to idea of keeping to
themselves and not worrying about the rest of
the world.
• 1st Red Scare – In years following the war,
Americans became very suspicious and afraid
of anyone who might have communist or
socialist ties.