
CSSE501 Object-Oriented
Chapter 12: Implications of
 In this chapter we will investigate some of the
implications of the principle of substitution in
statically typed object-oriented programming
languages. In particular, we will consider:
 The impact on memory management
 The meaning of assignment
 The distinction between testing for identity and
testing for equality
Idealization of is-a Relationship
 A TextWindow is-a Window
 Because TextWindow is subclassed from Window, all
behavior associated with Windows is also manifest by
instances of TextWindow.
 Therefore, a variable declared as maintaining an instance
of Window should be able to hold a value of type
 Unfortunately, practical programming language
implementation issues complicate this idealized picture.
Memory Allocation - Stack and
Heap Based
 Generally, programming languages use two different
techniques for allocation of memory.
 Stack-based allocation. Amount of space required is
determined at compile time, based on static types of
variables. Memory allocation and release is tied to
procedure entry/exit. Can be performed very
 Heap-based allocation. Amount of space used can be
determined at run-time, based upon dynamic
considerations. Memory allocation and release is not
tied to procedure entry/exit, and either must be
handled by user or by a run-time library (garbage
collection). Generally considered to be somewhat less
The Problem with Substitution
class Window {
virtual void oops();
int height;
int width;
class TextWindow : public Window {
virtual void oops();
char * contents;
int cursorLocation;
Window x; // how much space to set aside?
TextWindow y;
x = y; // what should happen here?
Memory Strategies
 How much memory should be set aside for the
variable x ?
 (Minimum Static Space Allocation) Allocate the
amount of space necessary for the base class only.
 (Maximum Static Space Allocation) Allocate the
amount of space for the largest subclass.
 (Dynamic Space Allocation) Allocate for x only the
amount of space required to hold a pointer.
(Smalltalk, Java)
Minimum Static Space Allocation
 The language C++ uses the minimum static
space allocation approach.
 This is very efficient, but leads to some subtle
 What happens in the following assignment?
Window x;
TextWindow y;
x = y;
Assigning a Larger Value to a
Smaller Box
The Slicing Problem
 The problem is you are trying to take a large
box and squeeze it into a small space. Clearly
this won't work. Thus, the extra fields are
simply sliced off.
Question - Does this matter?
Answer - Only if somebody notices.
Solution - Design the language to make it difficult to
Rules for Member Function Binding
in C++
 The rules for deciding what member function to
execute are complicated because of the slicing
 With variables that are declared normally, the binding
of member function name to function body is based
on the static type of the argument (regardless
whether the function is declared virtual or not).
 With variables that are declared as references or
pointers, the binding of the member function name to
function body is based on the dynamic type.
void Window::oops()
printf("Window oops\n"); }
void TextWindow::oops()
printf("TextWindow oops %d\n", cursorLocation); }
TextWindow x;
Window a;
Window * b;
TextWindow * c;
a = x; a.oops(); // executes Window version
c = &x; c->oops(); // executes TextWindow version
Maximum Static Space Allocation
 A different approach would be to allocate the
Maximum amount of space you would ever
 Would nicely solve the slicing problem.
 Would often allocate unused space.
 Maximum amount of space not known until all classes
have been seen.
 For this reason, not used in practice.
Dynamic Memory Allocation
 In the third approach, all objects are actually
 Only enough space for a pointer is allocated at
compile time.
 Actual data storage is allocated on the heap at runtime.
 Used in Smalltalk, Object Pascal, and Objective-C,
 Requires user to explicitly allocate new objects and, in
some languages, explicitly free no longer used
 May also lead to pointer semantics for assignment and
equality testing.
Meaning of Assignment?
 What does it mean when an instance of a class is
assigned to another variable?
class Box { public int value;
Box x = new Box();
x.value = 7;
Box y = x;
y.value = 12; // what is x.value?
 Two possibilities:
Copy semantics. x and y are independent of each other, a
change in one has no effect on the other.
Pointer semantics. x and y refer to the same object, and
hence a change in one will alter the other.
Copy Semantics versus Pointer
 If a value is indirectly accessed through a
pointer, when an assignment is performed (or
equality test is made), is the quantity assigned
simply the pointer or is it the actual value?
Problems with Pointer Semantics
 If x is assigned to y and then changes are made to x,
are these changes reflected in y?
 If x is explicitly freed, what happens if the user tries
to access memory through y?
 In C++, programmer can make assignment (equality
testing) mean anything they want.
 Object Pascal, Java uses pointer semantics, no built-in
provision for copies.
 Smalltalk and Objective-C use pointer semantics,
have several techniques for making copies.
Equality and Identity
 A test for identity asks whether two variables refer to
exactly the same object.
 A test for equality asks whether two variables refer to
values that are equivalent.
 Of course, the meaning of equivalent is inheritently
domain specific. Object-oriented languages allow the
programmer to control the meaning of the equality test
by allowing the redefinition of a standard method. (for
example, equals in Java).
Paradoxes of Equality, Part 1
 But child classes cannot change the type signature of
overridden methods. This means the argument must
often be more general than one would like:
class Object {
public boolean equals (Object right) {
... }
class PlayingCard extends Object {
public boolean equals (Object right) {
... // right must be object even if we are only
... // interested in comparing cards to cards
Paradoxes of Equality, Part 2
 Because equality is a message sent to the left argument,
there is no guarantee that properties such as symmetry
or transitivity are preserved:
class Foo {
boolean equals (Object right) { ... }
Foo a, b;
if (a.equals(b)) // even if this is true
if (b.equals(a)) // no guarantee that this is true
Paradoxes of Equality, Part 3
 And if you add inheritance into the mix, the possibilities
for paradoxical behavior increase even more.
class Parent {
boolean equals (Object x) { ... }
class Child extends Parent {
boolean equals (Object x) { ... }
Parent p;
Child c;
if (p.equals(c)) // will execute using the parent method
if (c.equals(p)) // will execute using the child method
Chapter Summary
We have explored the implications that result from the
inclusion of the principle of substitution in an object
oriented programming language.
Because values are not known until run time, you either have
complex semantics (as in C++) or objects are dynamic (as in
Java and most other languages).
Because objects are dynamic, most object-oriented languages
end up using a garbage collection system.
Dynamic semantics naturally lean to pointer semantics for
Pointer semantics mean that equality and identity are two
different concepts
Since equality is domain specific, the programmer must be
free to redefine the meaning as appropriate
Because the programmer can redefine equality arbitrarily,
there is no guarantee that semantics of equals is preserved.