Практическая работа № 9. Из истории двигателя.

Автономное учреждение
профессионального образования
Ханты – Мансийского автономного округа - Югры
«Сургутский политехнический колледж»
Учебное пособие
ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
для обучающихся по программе подготовки специалистов среднего звена
Специальность: 190631 Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта
Сургут, 2015
Учебное пособие по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
обучающихся по программе подготовки специалистов среднего звена
Составитель: Л.П. Лашина, преподаватель
предназначено для студентовIII
курса очной формы обучения и
действующей программе и содержит методические рекомендации и систему
заданий для аудиторных практических работ.
Рекомендовано к печати методическим объединением «Иностранный язык»
Протокол № __ от «__» __________2015г.
профессионального колледжа
Протокол № __ от «__» __________2015г.
Пояснительная записка
4 стр.
Перечень практических работ
6 стр.
Содержание практических работ
8 стр.
Практическая работа № 1
9 стр.
Практическая работа № 2
10 стр.
Практическая работа № 3
12 стр.
Практическая работа № 4
13 стр.
Практическая работа № 5
14 стр.
Практическая работа № 6
15 стр.
Практическая работа № 7
16 стр.
Практическая работа № 8
18 стр.
Практическая работа № 9
19 стр.
Практическая работа № 10
20 стр.
Практическая работа № 11
21 стр.
Практические работы № 12- 13
22 стр.
Практическая работа № 14
24 стр.
Практическая работа № 15
25 стр.
Практическая работа № 16
26 стр.
Практическая работа № 17
27 стр.
Практическая работа № 18
28 стр.
Практическая работа № 19
28 стр.
Практическая работа № 20
28 стр.
Практическая работа № 21
29 стр.
Практическая работа № 22
30 стр.
Практическая работа № 23
30 стр.
Практическая работа № 24
31 стр.
Практическая работа № 25
32 стр.
Практическая работа № 26
33 стр.
Практическая работа № 27
34 стр.
Практическая работа № 28
35 стр.
Практическая работа № 29
36 стр.
Практическая работа № 30
37 стр.
Практическая работа № 31
39 стр.
Практическая работа № 32
39 стр.
Практическая работа № 33
41 стр.
Практическая работа № 34
42 стр.
Практическая работа № 35
43 стр.
Практическая работа № 36
44 стр.
47 стр.
Пояснительная записка
Целью данного учебного пособия по дисциплине УД ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный
фундаментальными знаниями, профессиональными умениями и навыками по
профилю изучаемой дисциплины, закрепление и систематизация знаний,
формирование умений и навыков и овладение опытом творческой,
исследовательской деятельности.
Практические занятия содержат тематические текстовые материалы,
упражнения на расширение словарного запаса и образование потенциального
задания для активизации знаний грамматических форм и синтаксических
Задачи практических занятий по УД ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык:
обобщить, систематизировать, углубить, закрепить полученные знания
по изучаемым темам;
- формировать умения применять полученные знания на практике;
выработать при решении поставленных задач таких профессионально
значимых качеств, как самостоятельность, ответственность, точность,
творческая инициатива.
Цель практических занятий по УД ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык:
- формировать у студентов навыки устной речи по профессиональной
- развивать умение высказываться целостно, как в смысловом, так и в
структурном отношении;
- развивать навыки чтения с полным пониманием основного
содержания текста;
- активизировать знание грамматических форм и синтаксических
оборотов, употребительных в специальной литературе.
В результате студент осваивает следующие общие компетенции:
ОК1.Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей
профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес;
ОК2.Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые
методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их
эффективность и качество;
ОК3.Принимать решения в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях и
нести за них ответственность;
ОК4.Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой
для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального
и личностного развития;
ОК5.Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в
профессиональной деятельности;
ОК 6. Работать в коллективе и в команде, эффективно общаться с
ОК7.Брать на себя ответственность за работу членов команды, за
результат выполнения заданий;
личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать
повышение квалификации;
ОК9.Ориентироваться в условиях частой смены технологий в
профессиональной деятельности.
В результате изучения УД ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык в соответствии
с ФГОС студент должен
– лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический
минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарём) иностранных
текстов профессиональной направленности.
- навыками разговорно-бытовой речи (нормативным произношением и
ритмом речи) и применять их для повседневного общения;
-понимать устную (монологическую и диалогическую) речь на
профессиональную тему;
-активно владеть наиболее употребительной грамматикой и основными
грамматическими явлениями, характерными для профессиональной речи;
- знать основную терминологию специальности;
- читать и понимать со словарем специальную литературу по профилю
- владеть основами публичной речи, делать сообщения, доклады и
презентации (с предварительной подготовкой);
- участвовать в обсуждении тем, связанных со специальностью
(задавать вопросы и отвечать на вопросы).
реферирования и перевода литературы по специальности.
Контроль и оценка результатов освоения УД ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный
язык осуществляется преподавателем в процессе проведения тестирования,
выполнения индивидуальных заданий внеаудиторных самостоятельных
обоснованность и четкость изложения ответа на поставленные вопросы,
оформление учебного материала в тетради для практических работ.
Форма оценивания – традиционная.
Перечень практических работ
Наименование тем практических работ
Раздел IV. Производство автомобилей.
Практическая работа № 1. Получение
профессии в колледже.
Практическая работа № 2. Сборка
ОК 2,3,6
ОК 2,3,6
Практическая работа № 3. Производство
Практическая работа № 4. Производство
автомобилей в Великобритании.
Практическая работа № 5. Производство
автомобилей в России.
Практическая работа № 6. Контрольная
работа № 1. Лексика.
ОК 2,3,6
ОК 1, 2,4,5
ОК 2,4,5
Раздел V. Устройства автомобиля.
Практическая работа № 7. Компоненты
Практическая работа № 8.Двигатель.
Практическая работа № 9. Из истории
10. Практическая работа № 10. Двухтактный
11. Практическая работа № 11.
Четырехтактный двигатель.
12. Практическая работа № 12. Бензиновый
ОК 2,3,6
ОК 2,3,6,7
ОК 2,3,6,7
ОК 1, 2,4,5
ОК 2,3,6
ОК 2,3,6
13. Практическая работа № 13. Дизельный
ОК 2,4,5
14. Практическая работа № 14. Карбюратор.
ОК 2,3,6
15. Практическая работа № 15. Инжектор.
ОК 2,3,6
ОК 1, 2,4,5
ОК 2,4,5
18. Практическая работа № 18. Стартер.
ОК 1,2,3,6,7
19. Практическая работа № 19.Трансмиссия.
ОК 1,2,3,6,7
20. Практическая работа № 20. Сцепление.
ОК 1,2,3,6,7
16. Практическая работа № 16.Система
17. Практическая работа № 17. Коробка
21. Практическая работа № 21. Механическая
и автоматическая коробки передач.
22. Практическая работа № 22. Ходовая
23. Практическая работа № 23. Система
24. Практическая работа № 24. Тормозная
ОК 1,2,3,6,7
ОК 1,2,3,5, 6,7
ОК 1,2,3,6,7
ОК 1, 2,4,5
ОК 2,4,5
ОК 2,3,6
ОК 1,2,3,5, 6,7
25. Практическая работа № 25. Колесо.
26. Практическая работа № 26. Контрольная
работа № 2. Лексика.
27. Практическая работа № 27. Панельная
прибор автомобиля.
28. Практическая работа № 28. Термостат.
29. Практическая работа № 29. Система
30. Практическая работа № 30. Как найти
поломку в автомобиле.
31. Практическая работа № 31.
ОК 1,2,3,6,7
ОК 1,2,3,6,7
ОК 2,4,5
Автомобильные инструменты.
32. Практическая работа № 32. Автомобиль
33. Практическая работа № 33. Светофоры.
34. Практическая работа № 34. Пользоваться
мобильным телефоном за рулем?
35. Практическая работа № 35.Итоговое
36. Практическая работа № 36. Контрольная
работа № 3. Лексика.
ОК 1, 2,4,5
ОК 2,3,6
ОК 2,4,5
ОК 1,2,3,6,7
ОК 1,2,3,5, 6,7
72 ч.
Содержание практических работ
Раздел IV. Производство автомобилей.
Цели и задачи раздела:
- формировать умение высказывать свое мнение по теме;
- формировать умение читать с полным пониманием прочитанного;
- формировать творческий подход к самостоятельной работе;
грамматических знаний.
Студент должен знать:
-типы вопросительных предложений;
-видовременные формы глаголов в действительном и страдательном залогах;
- употреблять модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты;
- вести диалог-расспрос;
- строить диалог с другом, используя выражения разговорного этикета по
разным темам;
- читать и понимать тексты по теме, используя знания лексики и грамматики.
РазделV.Устройства автомобиля.
Цели и задачи раздела:
- обучать применению знаний грамматики в беседе;
- формировать умение кратко передавать содержание текста, обобщать
информацию, полученную из разных источников;
- формировать творческий подход к самостоятельной работе;
- развивать умение студентов использовать внеязыковые средства, структуру
содержание текста по предваряющей информации.
Студент должен знать:
- значение, произношение и орфографию новых лексических единиц по
изучаемым темам;
Инфинитив и инфинитивные конструкции;
- сослагательное наклонение в условных предложениях. Сослагательное
наклонение «I wish».
- составлять предложения, употребляя времена активного и страдательного
залога группы простых времен;
- понимать на слух информацию по теме, читать тексты и вести диалоги;
- употреблять изучаемые грамматические явления;
- говорить о правилах технической безопасности своей профессии;
- уметь пользоваться инструкциями по техники безопасности;
- использовать полученные знания в разговорной практике.
Практическая работа № 1.
Studying at a polytechnical college.
1. Read the dialogue:
Ashton: Where do you study?
Barry: I study at a polytechnical college. I’m the third-year student.
Whom does the college train?
It trains specialists for the automobile industry.
A: Why did you decide to become a technician?
B: I enjoy working with machines. I enjoy learning about a car. I understand
every part of it.
A: What can you tell me about the car?
Well, the car of today must be rapid in acceleration; it must have dependable
clutch, brakes, and steering system, silent gearbox, be stable on the road and have
pleasant appearance.
Do you enjoy the course?
Yes, very much. I have learned a lot of things. For example, I know that the
production of the car comprises five phases.
What are they?
They are designing, working out the technology, laboratory tests, road tests,
mass production.
A: And why are laboratory and road tests needed?
B: The cars are subjected to tests in order to meet up-to-date demands.
A: And what are these demands?
B:They are high efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of maintenance
and so on.
A:I think you will become an expert in automobile engineering.
B:I'll try. The practice at a service station will help me to become a good
2. Find the words and word combinations in the dialogue:
Учусь в колледже, техник, люблю работать с машинами, современный
автомобиль, надежные тормоза, плавное сцепление, приятный внешний вид,
массовое производство автомобилей, стендовые испытания, отвечать
современным требованиям, долгий срок службы, легкость техобслуживания,
надежность, быстро разгоняться (приёмистость), подвергаться жестким
дорожным испытаниям.
3. Make questions to the sentences.
Simple Active
Continuous Active
Perfect Active
Present Wh+do (does) + S + V Wh+am/is/are+ S + Ving
Wh+have/has + S + V3
Wh+did + S + V
Wh+was/were + S +Ving
Wh+had + S + V3
Wh+will + S + V
Wh+will + S + be + Ving
Wh+will + S + have + V3
Simple Passive
Present Wh+ am/is/are + S +
Continuous Passive
Perfect Passive
Wh+am/is/are+ S +being+ Wh+have/has + S + been
Wh+ was/were + S +
Wh+was/were + S +
Wh+had + S + been +V3
being+ V3
Wh+will + S + be+V3
Wh+will + S + have been
+ V3
1. I’ll become a technician in automobile industry. (What…)
2. I study at the college. (Where…)
3. The car of today must have dependable clutch, brakes, and steering system,
silent gearbox and so on. (What qualities…)
4. I enjoy working with machines. (What…)
5. The cars are subjected to tests in order to meet up-to-date demands. (Why...)
4.Translate sentences and learn them by heart.
1.Я учусь на автомобильном факультете. Я студент второго курса.
2. Я стану техником.
3. Я люблю работать с машинами. Мне нравится изучать машины.
4. Современный автомобиль должен быть приёмистым, иметь плавное
сцепление, надежные тормозную и рулевую системы, бесшумную коробку
передач, быть устойчивым на дороге и иметь приятный внешний вид.
5. Я многое узнал об автомобиле. Например, производство автомобиля
включает в себя проектирование, разработку технологии, стендовые
испытания, дорожные испытания и массовое производство.
6. Автомобиль должен иметь высокую эффективность, долгий срок службы,
технику безопасность в вождении и простоту техобслуживания.
7. Практика на предприятии поможет мне стать хорошим специалистом.
Практическая работа № 2.
The assembly car production.
1. Read and learn new words:
assembling – сборка
forklift truck -
drive shaft – приводной вал
car assembly plant –
conveyor belt - транспортерная
автосборочный завод
bodyshop – кузовной цех
trim line – линия отделки салона
roller - роликовый конвейер
hose – патрубок, труба
attach - прикреплять
to pass a test – пройти тест
2. Read and translate the text. Make a title to each paragraph:
1. First, the parts are delivered by truck or rail to the delivery area of the car
assembly plant. From here, some parts are taken to the body shop, and other parts
are transported to the chassis line. The parts are carried around the plant by forklift
trucks or conveyor belts.
In the body shop, the panels are welded to the frame to form the body of the car.
This is done by more than 400 robots.
2. Then the body is taken to the paint shop. Here it is cleaned and painted by
robots. Special clothing is worn by the robots to protect the paint. After this, the
body is checked by human workers to look for faults.
3. Next, the painted body moves along a conveyor belt to the trim line and many
parts are added to it. For example, the instrument panel, the air conditioning
system, the heating system and the electrical wiring are all installed here. The
windscreen is inserted by robots using laser guides.
4. Meanwhile, in the chassis line, components are added to the chassis. First, the
chassis is turned upside down, to make the work easier. Then the fuel system, the
transmission, the suspension (подвеска), the exhaust system, the axles and the
drive shaft are all installed. Next the chassis is turned over (right side up). The
engine is lowered into the chassis and connected to it.
5. Now the chassis and the body move simultaneously to the final assembly line.
Here the body is attached to the chassis, and all the final parts are added. The tyres
and the radiator are added here. The hoses are connected, and the radiator and air
conditioner are filled with fluid. The car's central computer is also installed here.
6. Lastly, the finished car and all electrical systems are tested. The car is filled with
fuel and the engine is started for the first time. The car is put on special rollers to
test the engine and the wheels. If it passes the test, the car is finally driven out of
the assembly plant.
3. Match the assembly actions with their purposes:
Purpose of action
workers weld thin metal sheets to a frame
a) to check the movement of the wheels
they turn the chassis upside down
b) to make the car body
the robots wear special clothes
c) to inspect it for faults in the paint
they turn the chassis rightside up
d) to protect the wet paint from dust
workers put the finished car on rollers
e) to install the fuel system easily
workers check the car body by hand
f) to lower the engine into it
3. Use your plan and pictures below to retell the text.
Body Shop
Paint Shop
Assembly Room
Практическая работа № 3.
Automobile production.
1. Match English words with Russian ones:
1. mechanical engineering
1. долгий срок службы
2. to deal with
2.запустить в массовое производство
3. designing cars
3.подвергнуть испытанию
4. to put into mass production
4. плавное сцепление
5. long service life
5.отвечать современным требованиям
6. driving safety
6. иметь дело с кем-либо
7. to meet up-to-date demands
7. надёжные тормоза и
8. smooth-acting clutch
9. silent gearbox
8. безопасность езды (движения)
10.dependable brakes and steering 9. бесшумная коробка передач
11.to subject to tests
10. инженер- механик
11. конструирование автомобилей
2.Translate international words:
Mechanical, mechanism, specialist, industry, phase, technology, process,
laboratory, test, fact, automobile, engineer, method, principle, corrosion, type,
material, comfortable
3. Read and translate the text:
Specialists in automobile industry deal with designing and manufacturing cars,
they should know that the production of the automobile comprises the following
phases: designing, working out the technology of manufacturing processes,
laboratory tests, road tests, mass production (manufacturing). It is important to
know them as before the automobile (car or truck) is put into mass production, it
should be properly designed and the automobile must meet up-to-date
requirements. What are these requirements? The automobile must have high
efficiency, long service life, driving safety, case of maintenance and pleasant
appearance. In order to obtain all these qualities engineers should develop up-todate methods of designing cars, using new types of resistant to corrosion light
materials. Also it is important to know computer science because it is intended to
shorten the time between designing and manufacturing. Computers offer quick and
optimal solutions of problems. But before the car is put into mass production all its
units and mechanism are subjected to tests, first in the plant’s laboratory, then the
car undergoes a rigid quality control in road tests. Only then the car is put into
mass production. Why are these tests required? What qualities are required of the
automobile? The modern automobile must be rapid in acceleration, must have
smooth acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable brakes and steering system, as
well as pleasant appearance. Also it must be comfortable and have all
4. Answer the questions:
1) What phases does the production of the automobile comprise?
2) What requirements must the automobile meet?
3) Why are cars subjected to road tests?
4) What qualities are required of the automobile?
5) Why is it important for the specialists in automobile industry to know
computing methods?
5. Choose the right answer:
1. The cars are subjected to road tests in order …
a) to shorten the time between designing and manufacturing
b) to meet up-to-date requirements
c) to work out new technological processes
2. the car must have the following units …
a) high efficiency
b) long service life
c) driving safety and pleasant appearance
d) smooth acting clutch
e) silent gearbox
f) dependable brakes and steering system
Практическая работа № 4.
Automotive industry in the United Kingdom
1. Read the text. Find and write out all word combinations beginning with
the word ‘automotive’ and translate them.
The automotive industry in the United Kingdom is now best known for premium
and sports car brands including Aston Martin, Bentley, Daimler, Jaguar, Lagonda,
Land Rover, Lotus, McLaren, MG, Mini, Morgan and Rolls-Royce. Volume car
manufacturers with a major presence in the UK include Ford, Honda, Nissan,
Toyota and Vauxhall Motors (owned by General Motors). Commercial vehicle
manufacturers active in the UK include Alexander Dennis, Ford, GMM Luton
(owned by General Motors), Leyland Trucks (owned by Paccar) and London Taxis
In 2008 the UK automotive manufacturing sector had a turnover of £52.5 billion,
generated £26.6 billion of exports and produced around 1.45 million passenger
vehicles and 203,000 commercial vehicles. In that year around 180,000 people
were directly employed in automotive manufacturing in the UK, with a further
640,000 people employed in automotive supply, retail and servicing. The UK is a
major centre for engine manufacturing and in 2008 around 3.16 million engines
were produced in the country. The UK has a significant presence in auto racing and
the UK motorsport industry currently employs around 38,500 people, comprises
around 4,500 companies and has an annual turnover of around £6 billion.
The origins of the UK automotive industry date back to the final years of the 19th
century. By the 1950s the UK was the second-largest manufacturer of cars in the
world (after the United States) and the largest exporter. However, in subsequent
decades the industry experienced considerably lower growth than competitor
nations such as France, Germany and Japan and by 2008 the UK was the 12thlargest producer of cars measured by volume. Since the late 1980s many British
car brands have become owned by foreign companies including BMW, SAIC,
TATA and Volkswagen Group. Rights to many currently dormant brands,
including Austin, Riley, Rover and Triumph, are also owned by foreign companies.
Famous and iconic British cars include the Aston Martin DB5, Aston Martin V8
Vantage, Bentley 4½ Litre, Jaguar E-Type, Land Rover Defender, Lotus Esprit,
McLaren F1, MGB, original two-door Mini, Range Rover and Rolls-Royce
Phantom III.
2. Answer the questions.
1. What British car do you know?
2. In what year was Britain the second-largest manufacturer of cars in the world?
3. What countries are competitor nations in automotive industry?
4. What car companies can you name?
3. Translate the words into English and make sentences with them.
известный чем-либо; включать; транспортное средство; товарооборот;
последующий; владеть; автомобильная марка.
Практическая работа № 5.
Automotive industry in Russia
1. Read the text. Find and write down the answers to the questions:
What Russian experts in mechanics must be remembered in the history of
automobile engineering?
Who was the first Russian inventor of the automobile?
What did Mamin designed?
What did Blinov constructed?
From the History of Russian Automobile Engineering
The automobile industry in our country has been developed since 1916. Before that
time Russia had no automobile industry at all, technical schools had no
departments to train specialists in automobile engineering. But in the history of the
automobile such names as Shamshurenkov, Blinov, Mamin and other Russian
experts in mechanics must be remembered. The first automobile built by
Shamshurenkov, a Russian inventor, was put into motion by the pedaling of the
driver himself.
Blinov designed and constructed tractor driven by steam engine. Mamin was one
of the pioneers in Russian internal combustion engines. Today Russian
automobiles are engineered and built in such a manner that they are able to with
stand heavy loads for long periods of operation.
The modem automobile is much more than a means of riding from one place to
another. The passenger's safety and comfort must be considered as much as the
car's reliable performance and ability to travel on the highways.
The modern automobile must have a steel body and a steel roof and this roof must
be insulated against the summer's heat and winter's (old. Ventilation is also of great
importance. The comfort and convenience of the driver must be taken into
consideration too. The automobile must have a heater with special defrosting
devices which insure clear vision to the driver.
The automobile must have great power for riding, have dependable clutch and
brakes, have good riding qualities, good lights, dependable starting and ignition
systems, low fuel consumption, as well as long service life.
Практическая работа № 6.
Test yourself
1. Make up a dialogue using the phrases:
a) Fill it up, please; b) Here you are. Keep the change; c) Yes, please. And the
tyres, please; d) No, thanks a lot. How much do I owe you? e) Regular, please.
Here is the key to the tank; f) Sure. And the windscreen, can you clean it?
1) Driver:
Attendant:What kind of gas do you need? Regular, premium or super?
2) Driver:
Attendant:Would you like me to check the oil for you?
3) Driver:
Attendant:Certainly, sir. Would you open the hood for me?
4) Driver:
Attendant:Yes, sir. Anything else?
5) Driver:
Attendant: That'll be $21.45, sir.
6) Driver:
Attendant:Thank you. Have a good day!
2. Make up a dialogue between a driver and a police officer:
Driver: All right, but ...;
Police officer: And are you Mr. Robert
Of course.
Could you switch off your engine,
There you are, officer;
please, sir?;
Certainly, officer.
What's the registration number, sir?;
What's the problem?;
Is that your vehicle, sir?;
Urn, P341 DRU ... no, P3 I4DRU;
Come this way ... look at your rear
Yes, it is;
Yes. Thank you, officer;
That's all right, Bob. Just be more
Ah, I see. One isn't working;
careful in future;
Well, it was OK this morning ...
That's right, Robert; There's a motorway
I'm very sorry, officer. I didn't know.
service station two miles from here. I'll
drive behind you to the services. You
can get a new bulb there, Robert;
May I see your driving license, sir?;
Водитель: Да?
Полицейский: Не могли вы заглушить машину, пожалуйста?
Водитель: конечно, сэр. А в чём проблема?
Полицейский: Это ваша машина?
Водитель: Да.
Полицейский: Какой ваш номер авто?
Водитель: ммм..P341 DRU, а нет… P3 I4DRU
Полицейский: Могу ли я взглянуть на ваши права?
Водитель: Конечно, возьмите, офицер.
Полицейский: А вы Роберт Сэмсон?
Водитель: Да, я..но..
Полицейский: пройдите, посмотрите на ваши задние фары.
Водитель: Да, вижу. Одна не работает.
Полицейский: верно, Роберт.
Водитель: ну, утром все было нормально, мне жаль, офицер…я не знал.
Полицейский: в 2х милях отсюда есть СТО. Я поеду за вами до СТО. Там вы
можете купить новую лампочку, Роберт.
Водитель: Да, спасибо, офицер.
Полицейский: Все в порядке, Боб. Будь внимателен на будущее.
Практическая работа № 7.
Components of the automobile
1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:
1. body
a) тормоза срабатывают
2. car wheels
b) силовая передача
3. power train
c) главная передача
4. power plant
d) коленчатый вал двигателя
5. springs
нажимать педаль
6. steering system
силовая установка
7. clutch
колёса автомобиля
8. final drive
рама с осями
9. engine crankshaft
топливная система
10.push down the pedal
рулевая система
11.brakes are applied
12.frame with axles
вспомогательные устройства
13.fuel system
система смазки
14.lubricating system
2. Translate international words:
Automobile, chassis, speedometer, electric, system, cylinder, cardan, control,
hydraulic, pedal, accessories, differential.
3. Learn the picture and remember the main parts of the car:
rearview mirror, speedometer, odometer, indicator, horn, ignition, headrest, gas
pedal, break, CD player, air vent, dashboard, heater, seat belt, driver`s seat,
passenger seat, gear stick, handbrake, accelerator, fuel gauge, fan, bonnet,
carburetor, radiator, coil, header tank, dipstick, fan, windscreen wiper motor, air
filter, battery, oil filter, fuel pump, starter motor, engine, fan belt, alternator
4. Read and translate the text:
Basically, the automobile consists of three parts: the power plant or the
engine, the chassis and the body. To these may be added the accessories: the
heater, lights, radio, speedometer and other devices.
The power plant, or engine is the source of power that makes the wheels
rotate and the car move. It includes electric, fuel, cooling and lubricating systems.
Most automobile engines have six or eight cylinders.
The chassis consists of a power train, frame with axles, wheels and springs.
The chassis includes brakes and steering system.
The power train carries the power from the engine to the car wheels and
contains the clutch, gearbox, propeller or cardan shaft, differential and the final
The clutch is a friction device connecting (or disconnecting) the engine
crankshaft to the gears in the gearbox. It is used for freeing the gearbox from the
engine and is controlled by the clutch pedal.
Brakes are important mechanisms of the car. They are used to slow or stop
the car. Most braking systems in use today are hydraulic. The brake pedal operates
them. When the driver pushes down on the brake pedal, they are applied and the
car stops.
5. Answer the questions:
1) What are the main basic parts of the automobile?
2) What does the chassis consists of?
3) What units does the power train contain?
4) What is the function of the clutch?
5) Why are brakes needed?
6. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases:
1. The mechanism used for stopping the car is…
a. clutch
2. The mechanism used for changing the speeds is … .
b. gearbox
3. the mechanism used for connecting (or disconnecting)
c. brakes
the engine from the gearbox is … .
d. power train
4. the unit carrying the power from the engine to the car
e. speedometer
wheels is … .
5. the instrument measuring the speed of the car is … .
Практическая работа № 8.
The Engine
1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:
1. internal combustion engine
a. поршень
2. combustion chamber
3. stroke
c. четырёхтактный двигатель
4. piston
коленчатый вал
5. top dead center
отверстие клапана
6. bottom dead center
f. двигатель внутреннего сгорания
7. four-stroke cycle engine
нижняя мертвая точка
8. two-cycle engine
топливная система
9. crankshaft
i. такт впрыска( топлива)
10.intact stroke
j. двухтактный двигатель
11.valve opening
k. камера сгорания
12.fuel system
l. ход, такт( поршня)
13.power stroke
m. выхлоп
верхняя мёртвая точка
рабочий ход
2. Translate international words: cylinder, automobile, limit, center, cycle,
compression, gas.
3. Read and translate the text:
The engine is the source of power that makes the car move. It is usually
called an internal combustion engine because gasoline is burned within its
cylinders or combustion chambers.
Most automobile engines have six or eight cylinders. The operating cycle of
the four-stroke engine that takes place in the engine cylinder can be divided into
four strokes. The upper limit of the piston movement is called the top dead center.
The lower limit of piston movement is called the bottom dead center. A stroke is
the piston movement from the top dead center to the bottom dead center or from
the bottom dead center to the top dead center. In other words, the piston completes
a stroke each time it changes the direction of its motion. Where the entire cycle of
the events in the cylinder requires four strokes
(two crankshaft revolutions), the
engine is called four-stroke cycle engine. The four strokes are: intake,
compression, power and exhaust.
Two-cycles engines have also been made, and in such engines the entire
cycle of events is completed in two strokes or one revolution of the crankshaft. On
the intake stroke the intake valve is opened. The mixture of air and vaporized
gasoline is delivered into the cylinder through the inlet valve. On the compression
stroke the inlet valve is closed so that the mixture can be compressed. On the
power stroke both valves (inlet and exhaust) are closed in order to rise pressure
during the mixture combustion. On the exhaust valve is opened to exhaust the
residual gas.
4. Make 5 questions closely to the text.
Практическая работа № 9.
What the first engine was like?
1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:
1. water wheel
a.паровой двигатель
b.двигатель внутреннего сгорания
wind-power engine
с. лопасть
d. водяное колесо
steam engine
e. реактивный двигатель
f. ветряной двигатель
internal combustion engine
g. печь, топка
jet engine
h. топливо
2. Translate international words: ordinary, economical, boiler, machine,
airoplane, locomotive, kerosene, diesel, gas, temperature, metal
3. Read and translate the text:
The first engine was called the “water wheel”. This was an ordinary wheel with
blades fixed to it, and the current of the river turned it. These first engines were
used for irrigating fields. Then a wind-power engine was invented. This was a
wheel, but a very small one. Long wide wooden blades were attached to it. The
new engine was driven by the wind. Some of these one can still see in the country.
The water- and wind-operated engines are very economical, but they are dependent
on the weather. Many years passed and people invented a new engine, one
operated by steam. In a steam engine, there is a furnace and a boiler. The furnace
is filled with wood or coal and then lit. The fire heats the water in the boiler and
when it boils, it turns into steam which does some useful work. The more coal is
put in the furnace, the stronger the fire is burning. The more steam there is the
faster a train or a boat is moving. The steam engine drove all sorts of machines:
steam ships and steam locomotives. The first airplane built by A.F. Mozhaisky had
a steam engine. The steam engine had its disadvantages. It was too large and
heavy, and need too much fuel.
The imperfections of the steam engine led to the design of a new type. It was
called the internal combustion engine, because its fuel ignites and burns inside
the engine itself and not in a furnace. It is smaller and lighter than a steam engine
because it does not have a boiler. It is also more powerful, as it uses better-quality
fuel: petrol and kerosene. The internal combustion engine is now used in cars,
diesel locomotives and motor ships.
To enable airplanes to fly faster than the speed of sound another, more
powerful engine was needed. One was invented and it was given the name “jet
engine”. The gases in it reach the temperature of over the thousand degrees. It is
made of a very resistant metal so that it will not melt.
4. Answer the questions:
1) What the first engine was like?
2) When can you see some of the wind-power engines?
3) What disadvantages have the water- and wind-operated engines?
4) How does a steam engine work?
5) What vehicles did drive a steam engine?
6) What advantages has an internal combustion engine?
7) Where is now used the internal combustion engine?
8) What is made the jet engine of?
Практическая работа № 10.
Two-cycle principle
1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:
1. waste gases
a. насос
2. scavenging
b. поворот коленчатого вала
3. scavenger
c. продувка
4. working stroke
d. выхлопные газы
5. crankshaft revolution
e. продувочное устройство
6. pump
f. рабочий ход
2. Read and translate the text:
Most smaller motorbikes use two-stroke engines. These are lighter and smaller than
four-stroke engines, and therefore cheaper. The efficiency of such engines is less than
that of four-stroke engines, and therefore the power of a two-stroke engine is always
less than half that of a four-stroke engine of comparable size.
The general principle of the two-stroke engine is to shorten the periods in
which fuel is introduced to the combustion chamber. The suction and exhaust
strokes can be eliminated if, at the end of the power stroke, the two valves are opened
simultaneously and the fresh charge is forcibly blown in through the inlet valve driving
out the waste gases through the exhaust valve. Then the two valves are closed again and
the charge is ready for compression. A simpler way of doing the same thing is to provide
openings in the cylinder wall at the lower end in such a way that they are uncovered by the
piston as it nears the end of the power stroke. Valves are then no longer necessary. Since
the cycle can now be completed in two strokes, it is called two-stroke or two-cycle. A
two-cycle has a working stroke at every crankshaft revolution, and, therefore, gives
nearly twice the power of a four-cycle engine, which has a working stroke only at
every other crankshaft revolution.
The process of blowing out the spent gases by the incoming fresh charge is
called scavenging, and the fan or blower or pump required to force the charge in
is called the scavenger.
3. Find equivalents in English in the text:
1) Они легче и меньше, чем четырёхтактные двигатели, и поэтому дешевле
2) Основной принцип двухтактного двигателя - это сокращение периода в
который топливо поступает в камеру сгорания.
3) Более простой путь сделать то же самое - это сделать отверстия в стенке
нижнего края цилиндра таким образом, чтобы они открывались поршнем,
как только он приближался к концу рабочего хода.
4) Большинство маленьких мотоциклов используют двухтактные двигатели.
5) Процесс выдувания остаточных газов при поступлении свежей порции
топлива называется продувкой, а вентилятор, воздуходувка или насос,
4. Answer the questions:
1. What kind of land vehicles do two-stroke engines use?
2. Why are they cheaper than four-stroke engines?
3. Why the power of a two-stroke engine is always less than half that of a four-stroke
engine of comparable size?
4. A two-cycle has a working stroke at every crankshaft revolution or at every other
crankshaft revolution?
5. What process is called scavenging?
6. What is called the scavenger?
Практическая работа № 11.
Four-stroke engine
1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:
1. exhaust
a. коленчатый вал
2. working stroke
b. четырёхтактный
3. four-cycle
c. рабочий ход
4. suction
d. впускной клапан
5. inlet valve
e. выпускной клапан
6. exhaust valve
f. всасывание
7. combustion chamber
g. использованная порция топлива
8. spent or waste charge
h. камера сгорания
9. receding piston
i. порция топлива
10. the charge
j. зажигание
11. ignition
k. поршень, совершающий обратный ход
12. hot-air motor
l. поршень
13. piston
m. тепловая машина
14. reciprocating
n. выхлоп
15. crankshaft
o. возвратно-поступательный
2. Translate international words: Motor, function, compression, cylinder, cycle,
operation, product, revolution.
3. Put the appropriative word(s) :
1) The space between the piston and the cylinder head is …
a. the working cylinder
b. the combustion chamber
c. exhaust valve
2) At the very beginning of the return stroke … closes, and the charge is
a. inlet valve b. exhaust valve
c. combustion chamber
3) The process requires four piston strokes is called … .
a. two-stroke cycle
b. four-stroke cycle
4.Read and translate the text:
All cars and larger motor-cycles use 4-stroke engines. In the hot-air motor the
combustion piston performed its function in two strokes: suction of a fresh charge
on the forward stroke and compression on return. The expansion piston likewise
completed its duty in two strokes: expansion on its forward stroke and exhaust of
the spent charge on return.
By merging the two cylinders in one, the same functions are retained, so that now
the cycle of operation includes four strokes of piston. This is the way it is done:
We have now one cylinder with a piston reciprocating therein. The space between
the piston and the cylinder head is the combustion chamber. The first stroke is
forward. With a valve (called the inlet valve) open a fresh charge is sucked into the
cylinder from the outside by the receding piston. At the very beginning of the
return stroke the inlet valve closes, and then the charge is compressed. Just before
the end of this stroke ignition is made. On the next forward stroke the combustion
is completed and the products of combustion expand. This is the working or power
stroke. Last the exhaust valve is opened, and the piston on returning a second time
pushes out the spent or waste charge. The piston then is back where it started, and
the operation is repeated.
This process requires four piston strokes (two crankshaft revolutions) and is,
therefore, called four-stroke cycle, or just four-cycle.
5. Answer the questions:
1) What kind of land vehicles do four-stroke engines use?
2) How many strokes of piston does the cycle of operation include in one cylinder
3) What kind of strokes did compete its duty the expansion piston in a hot-air
motor in?
4) What is the combustion chamber?
5) Is the inlet valve closed or open at the very beginning of the return stroke ?
6) Where is ignition made?
7) Why is this process called four-stroke cycle?
Практические работы № 12-13.
The Gasoline Engine
1. Read and translate the texts. Make a title to each letter:
a) If the fuel (gas, oil) burns inside an engine cylinder, it is then called an
internal combustion engine. A gasoline engine is the perfect example. There are
two types of gasoline engines – the two-cycle and four-cycle engines. Both types
have pistons that move up and down in cylinders.
One cycle (or stroke) is one up movement or one down movement of a piston.
In a two-cycle engine, each piston goes down once and up once every time the
spark plugs ignite the fuel. Two-cycle engines are used where the machine needs to
be light in weight. A power lawn mower usually has a two-cycle engine. So does a
model airplane engine. Speed and efficiency are not too important.
Most larger gasoline engines, such as those in automobiles, are four-cycle. In
these four-cycle engines, each piston goes down twice and up twice while the fuel
is ignited once. A starter mechanism sets the pistons in motion. Once started,
explosions resulting from the spark plugs igniting the fuel help keep the pistons
moving. Each piston is connected by a rod to a crankshaft which transfers the
power to the wheels of the machine.
Every piston goes down twice and up twice (four cycles) to every explosion.
The strokes are called (1) intake, (2) compression, (3) power, and (4) exhaust. As
the drawing show, one down stroke draws in fuel (intake); one up stroke
compresses or squeezes the fuel into the top of the cylinder where it is ignited by
the spark plug (compression); a second down stroke uses the power of the
explosion to turn the crankshaft (power); a second up stroke drives the burned
gases out the exhaust valve (exhaust). This operation is, of course, repeated over
and over in every cylinder. The four strokes in one cylinder are completed in a
fraction of a second.
There are usually six or more pistons in a four-cycle engine. To get the most
power the explosions are timed to go off at different times in each cylinder.
b)The diesel engine is also an internal combustion engine. It works on the
same cylinder and pistons principal as a gasoline engine. There are, however, two
main differences between the diesel and gasoline engine. A diesel engine uses a
special grade of fuel oil – not gasoline. Hot compressed air – not the spark from a
spark plug – ignites this fuel oil.
There are two-cycle and four-cycle diesel engines. Let’s look at the operation
of the one cylinder in a four-cycle diesel engine:
A starter gets the piston moving. As the piston moves downward, it draws air
into the cylinder through an air valve. (In some engines, air is forced in by a
blower called a supercharger.) That completes one cycle (or stroke). The piston
then moves up compressing or squeezing the air into the top of the cylinder. As the
air is squeezed, its temperature is increased to about 900° F. this completes the
second cycle. Next the oil intake valve opens and oil is sprayed into the cylinder.
The heat from the air (like the spark in a gasoline engine) ignites the oil. The
resulting explosion forces the piston dawn ward. This third cycle is the power
stroke; it turns the engine drive shaft. Finally, as in a burned engine, the piston
comes back up and forces the burned or exhaust gases out of the cylinder through
an escape valve. This all takes only seconds and occurs in all the cylinders at timed
A diesel engine gets more energy out of its fuel than any other type internal
combustion engine. It is more efficient than a steam engine. The fuel is cheaper,
too, requiring less refining than gasoline. Much progress has been made in the
design of diesel engines in recent years so more and more of them are in use today.
This is especially true among automobiles and light trucks.
2. Answer the questions.
1. How do engines help you in your living?
2. What types of engines do you know?
3. What is an internal combustion engine?
4. What types of gasoline engines do you know?
5. Where are two-cycle engines used?
6. What is the function of four-cycle engine?
7. What is the stroke?
8. How many pistons are there in a four-cycle engine?
9. What is the difference between diesel and gasoline engine?
10. Is diesel engine an internal combustion engine?
3. Use task 2 as a plan and retell the texts.
Практическая работа № 14.
1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:
1. gas burner
a. летучий
2. volatile
b. газовая горелка
3. carburetor
c. капля
4. nozzle
d. жиклёр, форсунка
5. the engine inlet
e. карбюратор
6. jet of fuel
f. впуск двигателя
7. droplet
g. воздушная впускная камера
8. air intake tube
h. струя топлива
2. Translate international words: gas, ordinary, regulate,
temperature, alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, carburetor, center, minute.
3. Choose the right answer:
1. If the fuel is a volatile liquid like …, it may mixed with the air in a carburetor.
a. gas
b. kerosene
2. Carburetor consists essentially of a wide tube through which air is sucked into
the …
a. working cylinder b. engine inlet
c. gas burner
3. The liquid fuel is supplied to a small … .
a. nozzle b. tube
c. valve
4. Read and translate the text:
If the fuel is gas, it is as simple to mix it with the air, as in an ordinary gas
burner. The gas is piped to the air intake tube of the engine and a valve is
provided by means of which the proportions of air and gas can be regulated.
If the fuel is a liquid which can easily evaporate at ordinary temperatures (a
volatile liquid like alcohol, gasoline, or kerosene), it may mixed with the air in
a carburetor. This consists essentially of a wide tube through which air is
sucked into the engine inlet. In the center of this there is a small nozzle to which
the liquid fuel is supplied. The flowing air produces a suction on the nozzle, and
causes a fine jet of fuel to issue from it. This jet is picked up by the air and torn to
minute droplets, which evaporate and mix with the air. In the world today
carburetor engines far outnumber any other type of engines, and most of them
use gasoline for fuel. Their widest application is in the automotive field.
5.Answer the questions:
1) Where may mixed the fuel with the air if it is gas?
2) Where may mixed the fuel with the air if it is liquid?
3) What does a carburetor consist of?
4) Where is the liquid fuel supplied to?
5) What engines do outnumber any other type of engines?
Практическая работа № 15.
Injection engines
1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:
1. to evaporate
a. испаряться
2. to atomize
b. распылять
3. injection engine
c. двигатель с впрыскиванием топлива
4. intimate
d. однородный
5. uniform mixture
e. однообразная смесь
2. Read and translate the text:
There are many liquid fuels which are hard to evaporate. Such a fuel can be
utilized in internal combustion engines by spraying or injecting it directly into the
combustion chamber at the time
combustion is to begin- after the air is
compressed. In doing so, the liquid must be well broken up into small droplets(
atomized), and it must be made to penetrate evenly throughout the entire
combustion chamber filled with compressed air, in order to secure the most
intimate and uniform mixture which is so necessary for good combustion.
Injection engines can be of both the four- and the two-cycle types.
It is obvious that during scavenging in two-cycle engines a portion of the fresh
charge may be lost through the exhaust with the waste gases. In mixture engines of
the two-cycle type only air may thus be lost, since the fuel is not introduced until
after compression. From this is follows that mixture engines are best suited for
four-cycle operation while injection engines can be of both types, and that injection
engines are the only ones which will fully bring out the advantages of the twocycle principle.
3. Find the following sentences in the text
1. Инжекторные двигатели могут быть и двухтактными и четырёхтактными.
2. Из этого следует, что смешивающие двигатели
лучше подходят для
четырёхтактных процессов, в то время как инжекторные двигатели могут
единственными в своём роде, которые полностью выявляют достоинства
двухтактного принципа.
3. Есть много видов жидкого топлива, которое плохо испаряется.
4. Circle the correct word (s) in the sentence
1.A fuel which is hard to evaporate can be utilized in internal combustion engines
by spraying/mixturing.
2. The liquid must be well mixed/sprayed/atomized.
3. Injection engines can be of both types/of the four-cycle type/of the two-cycle
Практическая работа № 16.
1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:
1. ignition
a. щуп
2. electric spark
b. гнездо
3. sparkplug
c. электрическая искра
4. spanner
d. торцевой ключ
5. socket
e. зажигание
6. gap
f. свеча зажигания
7. gauge
g. Зазор
2. Read and translate the text:
After the charge is in the cylinder and after it is compressed in the combustion
chamber, it must be ignited. Nearly all modern mixture engines employ electric
ignition. It consists in making a hot electric spark at the proper time in the
combustion chamber. Such a spark is produced between the two electrodes of a
spark plug, energized either from a battery or from an electric generator, and
timed by a distributor. When air is compressed, it heats up, and its temperature
depends on the compression pressure. If this is high enough, the air gets so hot that
oil sprayed into it ignites spontaneously.
3. Answer the questions:
1. What kind of ignition do all modern engines employ?
2. Where is a hot electric spark made?
3. What is produced between the two electrodes of a spark plug?
4. What is energized a spark plug from?
4. Read and translate the instruction how to check a spark plug.
1. Remove the cover.
2. Place the spanner over the spark plug.
3. Rotate the plug anti-clockwise until it is loose.
4. Remove the plug from the socket.
5. Examine the gap and check that it is clean.
6. Insert the gauge in the gap.
7. Check that the gap is between 0.65 and 1.00 mm wide.
8. Replace the plug in the socket.
9. Rotate the plug clockwise until it is hand-tight.
10.Place the spanner over the plug and give a quarter turn clockwise.
11.Do not over tighten the plug.
12.Replace the cover.
5.True or false?
1. Turn the plug anti-clockwise and tighten it.
2. Look at the gap and clean it.
3. Put the gauge into the gap and check the width.
4. Tighten the plug with your hand. Then use the spanner.
5. Width of the gap is 1.65 mm.
Практическая работа № 17.
1. Read and translate the text:
The gearbox is placed between the clutch and the propeller shaft. The principal
function of the gearbox is to vary the speed of the car movement to meet the road
conditions. The gearbox provides four forward speeds and one reverse, as follows:
first or low gear, second gear, third gear, fourth or top gear, reverse gear.
There are many constructional arrangements of gearboxes, which can be
classified as follows: sliding-mesh type, constant-mesh type, epicyclic (planetary)
The sliding-mesh type is the simplest one and is the oldest historically. The
constant-mesh type is the most widely used type. They are termed "ordinary"
gearing, the characteristic feature of which is that the gears simply rotate about
their own axes.
The characteristic feature of epicyclic (planetary) gearing is that one gear rotates
about its own axis and also rotates bodily about some other axis.
To secure the several speeds of the car the clutch shaft is mounted In direct line
with the gearbox shaft. The gearbox shaft carries on it the sliding gears which are
used for shifting to secure the forward speeds and the reverse drive.
2. Answer the questions:
1. Where is the gearbox situated?
2. What is the function of the gearbox?
3. What speeds does the gearbox provide?
4. What types of gearboxes do you know?
5. Why is the clutch shaft mounted in direct line with the gearbox shaft?
3. Finish the sentences with the words and phrases
1.The principal function of the
a)sliding-mesh type, constant mesh type
gearbox is..
and planetary type
2.The gearbox provides ....
b)the simplest one and historically
3.Gearbox can be ....
4.The constant-mesh gearbox is....
c)to vary the speed of the car
5.The sliding-mesh gearbox is…
d)four forward speeds and one reverse
e) the most widely used
4.Read and translate sentences:
1.Коробка передач предназначена для изменения скорости движения
2.Коробка передач обеспечивает четыре передние скорости и задний ход.
3.Коробки передач могут быть: со скользящими шестернями, с постоянным
зацеплением шестерен и планетарного типа.
4.Самыми простыми являются коробки передач со скользящими шестернями.
5.Коробки передач с постоянным зацеплением шестерен используются
наиболее часто.
Практическая работа № 18.
The Starter
1. Read and translate the text in written form:
The petrol engine must usually be set in motion before an explosion can take place
and power can be developed; moreover, it cannot develop much power at low
speeds. These difficulties have been overcome by the use of gears and clutches,
which permit the engine to work at a speed higher than that of the wheels, and to
work when the vehicle is at rest. An electric starter receiving its current from the
storage battery, turns the crankshaft, thus starting the petrol engine. The starter
motor is of a special type that operates under a heavy overload, producing high
power for very short periods. In modern cars, the starter motor is automatically
actuated when the ignition switch is turned on.
2. Find equivalents in English in the text:
Бензиновый двигатель, производить больше энергии, на скоростях (оборотах)
выше, получающий ток, работать при высоких нагрузках, за короткие
3. Use task 2 for making sentences.
4. Make 5 questions closely to the text.
Практическая работа № 19.
The Power Transmission
1. Read and translate the text:
The engine power is delivered first to the flywheel and then to the clutch.
From the clutch, which is the means of coupling the engine with the powertransmission units, the power flows through the transmission and is delivered into
the rear-axle drive gears, or differential, by means of the drive shaft and universal
joints. The differential delivers the power to each of the rear wheels through the
rear-axle drive shafts.
2. Use the Internet make a text about the power transmission.
3. Make 5 questions closely to the text.
Практическая работа № 20.
The Clutch
1. Complete the text with the suitable nouns from the list, read the text and
translate it into Russian.
Nouns: gear, driving plate, solid contact, foot pedal, engine,
transmission, type
Some …. of clutch is found in every car. The clutch may be operated by
means of a…., or it may be automatic or semi-automatic. The friction clutch and
the fluid coupling are the two basic varieties. The friction clutch, which depends
on… between engine and transmission, consists of: the rear face of the flywheel;
the driving plate, mounted to rotate with the flywheel; and the driven plate,
between the other two. When the clutch is engaged, the… presses the driven plate
against the rear face of the flywheel. Engine power is then delivered through the
contacting surfaces to the … .
Fluid coupling may be used either with or without the friction clutch. When
it is the sole means of engaging the… to the transmission, power is delivered
exclusively through an oil medium without any contact of solid parts. In this type,
known as a fluid drive, an engine-driven, fan-bladed disc, known as the fluid
flywheel, agitates the oil with sufficient force to rotate a second disc that is
connected to the transmission. As the rotation of the second disc directly depends
on the amount of engine power delivered, the prime result of fluid coupling is an
automatic clutch action, which greatly simplifies the requirements for… shifting.
2. Make a resume closely to the text.
Практическая работа № 21.
Manual and Automatic Transmissions
1. Read and translate the text:
1.The transmission is a mechanism that changes speed and power ratios
between the engine and the driving wheels. Three general types of transmission are
in current use: conventional or sliding-gear, Hydra-Matic, and torque-converter
2.The conventional transmission provides for three or four forward speeds
and one reverse speed. It consists of two shafts, each with gears of varying
diameters. One shaft drives the other at a preselected speed by meshing the
appropriate set of gears. For reverse speed/an extra gear, known as the idler gear, is
required to turn the driven shaft in the opposite direction from normal rotation. In
high gear, the two shafts usually turn at the same speed. In low, second, and
reverse gears, the driven shaft turns more slowly than the driving shaft. When a
pair of gears permits the driven shaft to turn more rapidly than the driving shaft,
the transmission is said to have overdrive. Overdrive is designed to increase the
speed of a car.
3.The Hydra-Matic type of transmission combines the automatic clutch
provided by fluid coupling with a semiautomatic transmission. A mechanical
governor, controlled by the pressure exerted on the accelerator pedal, regulates
gear selection through a system of hydraulically controlled shift valves. HydraMatic transmission provides for several forward gears.
4.The torque-converter type of transmission provides an unlimited number
of gear ratios with no shifting of gears. The torque converter is a hydraulic
mechanism using engine power to drive a pump, which impels streams of oil
against the blades of a turbine. The turbine is connected to the drive shaft and
causes it to rotate.
5. Both Hydra-Matic and torque-converter systems are controlled by a
selector lever on the steering column, which provides also for reverse and
sometimes for emergency-low gears.
2. Answer the questions:
1. What is the transmission?
2. What general types of transmission are used nowadays?
3. What does the conventional transmission provide?
4. What converter is hydraulic?
5. What systems are controlled by a selector lever on the steering column?
3. Make a title to each paragraph. Retell the text.
Практическая работа № 22.
The Running Gear
1. Read and translate the text:
The running gear of the car includes the wheel-suspension system, the
stabilizers, and the wheels and tyres. The frame of the car may be considered the
integrating member of the running gear. It is attached to the rear axle and to the
front wheels by springs. These springs, along with the axles, the control and
support arms, and the shock absorbers, constitute the wheel-suspension system. In
modern cars the front wheels are independently suspended from the frame in a
manner that permits either wheel to change its plane without appreciably affecting
the other. This type of front-wheel suspension is known popularly as independent
suspension. The stabilizers consist of spring-steel bars, connected between the
shock-absorber arms by levers, to decrease body roll and improve steerability.
2. Find words in the puzzle: running, gear, wheel, tyre, axle, spring, frame, lever,
body. Read across, down and diagonally. Make sentences with them close the
Практическая работа № 23.
The Control System
1. Read and translate the text written. Make the thesis of the text:
Steering is controlled by a hand wheel, mounted on an inclined column and
attached to a steering tube inside the column. The other end of the tube is
connected to the steering gear, which is designed to provide maximum ease of
operation. Power steering, adapted for passenger cars in the early 1950s, is
generally a hydraulic mechanism used as a booster to reduce the effort of steering.
A car has two sets of brakes: the hand or emergency brake and the foot
brake. The emergency brake generally operates on the rear wheels only. The foot
brake in modern cars is always of the four-wheel type, operating on all wheels.
Hydraulic brakes on cars and hydraulic vacuum, air, or power brakes on lorries
apply the braking force to the wheels with much less force on the brake pedal than
is required with ordinary mechanical brakes. The wheel brakes are generally of the
internally expanding type, in which a convex strip of material is forced against a
concave steel brake drum.
Практическая работа № 24.
1. Read and translate the text. Pay attention to new words:
brakes — барабанные тормоза
Brake shoes — колодки тормоза
band brake — ленточный тормоз
Brake fluid — тормозная
disk brakes - дисковые тормоза
shoe brake — колодочный тормоз
Brake pedal – тормозная педаль
hydraulic assisted brakes — тормоза с
Master cylinder – главный
гидравлическим приводом
Brakes are used to slow or stop the car where it is necessary. It is one of the most
important mechanisms of the car as upon its proper performance the safety of
passengers depends. Car brakes can be divided into two types, namely: drum
brakes and disc brakes. The drum type may be either a band brake or a shoe brake.
Depending on their functions, the automobile has foot brakes and hand brakes
(parking brakes). According to their mode of operation, the brakes are classified
as: mechanical brakes, hydraulic brakes, airbrakes, electric brakes. Brakes are
controlled by the brake pedal.
Most braking systems in use today are hydraulic. This system consists of a master
cylinder mounted on the car frame and wheel cylinders. When the driver pushes
down on the brake pedal, it forces the piston to move in the master cylinder and
brake fluid is delivered from 11 to the wheel cylinders. The piston movement
causes brake shoes to move and the brakes are applied (the brake shoes are pressed
against the brake drums).
The air brake uses compressed air to apply the braking force to the brake shoes.
Electric brakes use electromagnets to provide the braking effort against the brake
Formerly brakes were applied only to the two rear wheels, but now all cars are
equipped with all-wheels brakes. Today many improvements are being made in
2. Find the following in the text:
Тормоза, безопасность пассажиров зависит от правильной работы тормозов,
гидравлический привод тормозов, жидкость под давлением, тормоза
срабатывают, тормозное усилие, нажать на тормозную педаль.
3. Answer the questions:
1. What is the function of the brakes?
2. What types are brakes divided into?
3. What brakes do you know according to their mode of operation?
4. What braking systems are used today?
5. By what are brakes controlled?
6. When are brakes applied?
4. Translate into English:
1.Тормоза являются наиболее важным механизмом автомобиля.
2.Они используются для замедления движения или остановки автомобиля.
3.Тормоза можно разделить на два типа, а именно: барабанные тормоза и
дисковые тормоза.
4.На большинстве автомобилей используется гидравлический привод или
пневматический привод.
5.Тормоза срабатывают, когда водитель нажимает на тормозную педаль.
5. Play the dialogue:
Alex: Why are brakes used?
Bob: They are used to stop or to slow the car.
A: Well, it is one of the most important mechanisms of the car, isn't it?
B:Of course, the safety of the passengers depends upon their proper performance.
A:What types of brakes are used today?
B:Drum brakes, disk brakes and others.
A:And in what way are they applied?
B:They are applied by the brake pedal. When the driver pushes down on the pedal
they are applied.
A:Thank you. It was very nice of you to tell me this information.
B:Don't mention it. I was glad to serve you
Практическая работа № 25.
The wheel
1. Read and translate the text:
1. One of mankind's earliest and greatest inventions was the wheel. Without it
there could be no industry, little transportation or communication, only crude
farming, no electric power.
2. Nobody knows when the wheel was invented. There is no trace of the wheel
during the Stone Age, and it was not known to the American Indians until the
White Man came. In the Old World it came into use during the Bronze Age, when
horses and oxen were used as work animals. At first all wheels were solid discs.
The problem to be solved was to make the wheels lighter and at the same time
keep them strong. At first holes were made in the wheels, and they became
somewhat lighter.
Then wheels with spokes were made. Finally, the wheel was covered with iron and
then with rubber.
2. Choose the right sentence:
The wheel:
a) was invented during the Stone Age;
b) was known to American Indians before the white man came;
c) came into use during the Bronze Age.
The wheel:
a) was one of mankind’s earliest and greatest inventions;
b) was one of the most interesting inventions in the world;
c) was the latest invention in the world.
3. Write down sentences with the structures of Passive Voice, translate them.
4. Make the words separated.
Практическая работа № 26.
Test yourself.
1. Insert the right components of a car. Translate the definitions.
1. _____________is a border around a window.
2. _____________is a liquid used to clean the windows.
3. _____________is rear light.
4. ___is an automobile apparatus that transmits mechanical power to the wheel.
5. _________is a device used to reduce engine noise.
6. ________is anaxle on which mechanical power is transmitted to the wheels.
7. ______is a device used to handle a car in conjunction with steering and gear
8. _________is a decorative molding on the side of a car.
9. _________is a mechanism that slows and stops a car by friction, by pressing a
disk against the axel of a wheel.
10. _________is a wheel of a car used to replace a damaged wheel.
11. ___________is a device that removes impurities from oil passing through it.
12. ___________is a generator that produces an alternating current.
13. ___________is an apparatus that cools the motor.
14. ___________ is a case that is used to fire the cylinders.
15. ___________ is a device that generates electric current.
16. __________is a movable device, made partly of rubber and it wipes the
windshield and rear window of a car.
17. __________is a type of armchair in the passenger compartment of a car.
18. ___________ is a device that removes impurities from air passing through it.
19. ____________is inside mirror used for looking backward.
20. ____________is a place for stowing baggage.
21. ________is round object that turns around a central axel and allows the car to
Практическая работа № 27.
The Instrument Panel of a Car
1. Read and translate the text:
A modern car is a complex means of transport. However, it is relatively easy
to operate as a number of devices help you to keep control. An instrument panel
in a modern car, for example, provides the driver with valuable information. It
includes such instruments as a speedometer, a fuel gauge, a tachometer and an
The function of the speedometer is to indicate the speed of the car. A speed
limit to be adopted for towns and built-up areas is 30 miles per hour or 60 km
per hour.
The purpose of the fuel gauge is to indicate the amount of fuel to be
contained in the petrol tank. If its level in the tank is very low, the warning
light switches on in the car. When this happens it is necessary to put some
more petrol into the tank.
The tachometer is necessary to indicate the engine speed in revolutions per
minute. When the engine turns slowly at the minimum speed the alternator
also turns slowly. It doesn't produce enough current for the engine. Therefore,
the battery must supply the necessary current. A car battery can easily become
discharged in quite a short time. The function of the ammeter is to indicate
whether the battery is charging or discharging.
Instrument panels in the cars in the near future will become much more
complicated. The common devices will soon be replaced by onboard computer
systems, as intelligent vehicles are the field to be researched nowadays. The
idea is to create automatic cars on automatic highways. The vehicles to be
introduced will move with the minimum supervision on the part of man since
they will communicate with one another and with the road sensors on the way.
This is necessary in order to reduce the load on drivers and to ease the stress
on the road network. The leading engineering companies are using advanced
mechatronics to achieve this goal.
2. Fill in the table with the data from the text:
The Instrument Panel
1. ...
to indicate the speed of a car
2. A fuel gauge
to indicate the engine speed in revolutions
4. An ammeter
5. Onboard computers
3. Answer the questions:
1. The aim of the instrument panel is to provide the driver with
information, isn't it?
2. Does the instrument panel include such instruments as a multi
meter and a fuel gauge?
3. Is the speed limit for towns and built-up areas 30 mph or more?
4. What is the function of the fuel gauge?
5. Why does the warning light switch on?
6. What instrument indicates if the battery is charging or discharging?
7. How will the instrument panel change in future? What will cause
the changes?
4. Complete the following sentences:
1. An ... panel provides the ... with valuable information.
2. The ... of the ... is to indicate the amount of the petrol to ... in the petrol tank.
3. An instrument panel in the car ... a speedometer, ..., a fuel gauge and ....
4. The tachometer indicates the ... of the engine in ... per minute.
5. A car ... can easily ... discharged.
6. The function of the ... is to indicate whether the ... is ... or discharging.
7. The idea is ... intelligent ... that will ... the load on drivers and ...the stress on
the ....
Практическая работа № 28.
The thermostat
1. Translate the following compound nouns into Russian:
a heat sensor
a top hose
liquid pressure
the coolant temperature
hot water flow
a coil spring
a wax type thermostat
engine wear
a temperature-sensitive valve fuel consumption
2. Read the text and say what you have learnt about thermostats:
As the dictionary says, the thermostat is an apparatus that can be set to keep
a room, machine, etc., at an even temperature as it connects and disconnects
the supply of heat when necessary. In short, the thermostat is used to control the
As it is known liquids expand when they are heated. This effect is used in the
thermostat in the picture. With an increase in the air temperature the liquid
expands in the heat sensor. This expansion causes the valve to close in order to
reduce the flow of hot water. After a short time, the temperature goes down and
consequently the liquid cools and contracts. The spring load is now greater
than the liquid pressure, so the valve will open. Once again, the hot water flow is
increased. This type of the thermostat is widely spread in various heating
The same principle is used in the wax type thermostat, which is almost
universal in modern vehicles. This thermostat is a temperature-sensitive
valve that is situated just below the top hose. As the coolant temperature
rises, the valve is opened by the expansion of the wax inside it. When the
temperature falls, the valve is automatically returned to the closed position by a
coil spring. When thermostats of this type fail, it is very important to replace
them immediately. It is normally more convenient to fit a new one than to
overhaul the old one.
The thermostat is used to prevent the flow of water to the radiator when the
coolant temperature is less than about 80°C. Its functions are as follows:
- to allow the engine to become warm quickly. Both engine wear
and fuel consumption are increased if the engine is operating at a low
- to
3. Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false
1. The thermostat is a device to control the supply of heat.
2. Liquids expand when they are cooled.
3. Wax does not expand when the temperature rises.
4. The valve is opened by the expansion of the wax outside it.
5. When the wax type thermostat fails you should replace it at once.
6. The thermostat prevents the flow of water to the battery when the
coolant temperature is below 80°C.
7. The higher the temperature of engine operation, the more fuel is
Практическая работа № 29.
Cooling Systems
1. Read the text and translate the distinguished words:
When you drive a car, the engine becomes very hot. Why? Burning in the
engine the fuel-air mixture produces energy. But only a quarter of this energy
makes the pistons move. Most of it turns into heat. About half of this heat goes
down the exhaust pipe and the other half stays in the engine making it very hot.
In fact, the cooling system on a car driving down the freeway dissipates
enough heat to heat two average-sized houses! The primary job of the cooling
system is to cool the engine and to keep it from overheating. However, the
cooling system also has several other important jobs. The engine in your car
runs best at a fairly high temperature. When the engine is cold, components
wear out faster, and the engine is less efficient and emits more pollution. So,
another important job of the cooling system is to allow the engine to heat up as
quickly as possible, and then to keep the engine at a constant temperature.
There are two types of cooling systems found on cars: air-cooled and liquidcooled.
Air Cooling. Some older cars, very few modern cars and most motorcycle have
air-cooled engines. Constructing the engine block covered in numerous
external aluminum fins engineers greatly increase its surface area, which can
be cooled by the flow of air passing over it. A powerful fan is used to supply an
increased amount of air for cooling multi-cylinder engines. The forced airflow
conducts heat away from the cylinders radiating it into the air more efficiently.
However, it is difficult to design large engines with an unobstructed
airflow over all the cylinders. The alternative is a liquid (water)-cooling
Liquid Cooling. Most cars are equipped with liquid-cooling systems. Flowing
around the engine the fluid absorbs its heat, which consequently allows the
engine to get cooled. Then, having entered through the top hose the hot fluid
passes through the heat exchanger or radiator. The radiator transfers the heat
from the fluid to the air pulled through the exchanger by a fan. Leaving the
radiator through the bottom hose the cooled fluid is pumped around the engine
Cars operate in a wide variety of temperatures. So whatever fluid is used
to cool the engine it has to have a very low freezing point, a high boiling point,
and it has to have the capacity to hold a lot of heat. Water holds heat quite
effectively, but it freezes at too high a temperature to be used in car engines.
The coolant used in most cars is a mixture of water and ethylene glycol
(C2H6O2), also known as antifreeze. Adding ethylene glycol to water, the
boiling and freezing points are improved significantly.
2. Answer the questions:
1. Why does the engine become very hot?
2. How much energy pushes the pistons?
3. What are the two functions of the cooling system?
4. How motorcycles are usually cooled?
5. What increases the efficiency of air-cooling?
6. Why is liquid-cooling preferred to air-cooling in large engines?
7. Where is hot fluid cooled in the car engine?
8. What liquids are used in the cooling system?
9. What requirements must the coolant meet?
Практическая работа № 30.
Finding a Fault in the Car
1. Read the text attentively and learn about the most common faults in the car
and the ways to repair them:
Servicing your car regularly you prevent it from becoming unreliable. Of
course, you can't foresee everything. Having failed to start the car in the
morning you had better check three things first: the battery, the fuel level
and the spark plugs. It is quite easy to repair these faults.
If the battery appears to be flat it is necessary to recharge it. If this doesn't
work, you should replace it.
An empty tank is another common fault in the car. Having noticed a fuel
warning light on the instrument panel of your car you should fill up the tank
with more petrol.
Dirty spark plugs are also certain to cause a problem. To drive the car it is
important to clean them regularly and adjust the gap in the spark plugs to the
proper width. If the gap is not correct the engine will not run well.
If your car still does not start, the petrol pump may be broken, or the fuel
pipe may be blocked. Having discovered a broken pump, it is a good idea to
repair or replace it. If the fuel pipe is blocked, take it off and unblock it.
Having heard a loud CLICK! when you turn the key, you are sure to realize
that the starter motor may be jammed. If it is, you can try to release it pushing
the car forwards and backwards (in the 2nd gear). If the car still doesn't
start, the starter motor should be repaired or even replaced.
And don't forget about the air filter. Its function is to remove particles of
dirt, dust and other impurities from the air passing to the carburetor. A
blocked filter decreases the airflow to the carburetor thus increasing the
amount of fuel in the mixture. This causes the engine to operate inefficiently.
Cleaning and changing filters regularly you prevent a considerable damage that
is certain to be caused inside the cylinders. In this case the engine will need a
thorough overhaul.
If you are a poor mechanic, stopping at service stations periodically you
will save at least time and money. As they say, prevention is better than cure.
2. Do you recognize these parts of the car engine? Find their names in the
3. Fill in the table with the data from the text.
A component of the car
The fault
What to do
the battery
4. Complete the instructions with the words given above.
Cover, spark plug, socket, spanner, gap, gauge
How to Check a Spark Plug
First you should remove the cover. Having achieved this, place the ... over
the spark plug. Then it is necessary to rotate the ... anticlockwise until it
seems to be loose. Having removed the plug from the ..., examine the gap and
check it to be clean. After that, you must insert a ... in the gap. Check that the
... is between 0.65 and 1.00 mm wide. Having replaced the plug in the socket
you should rotate it clockwise until it is hand-tight. Next, it is necessary to
place the spanner over the plug and give ONLY a quarter turn clockwise.
Caution should be taken not to over tighten the plug. Finally, replace the ....
Практическая работа № 31.
Mechanical Tools.
1. Read the text and translate the text:
Both in maintenance and in repair of machines all kinds of fitting operations are
applied. An important role is played by disassembling and assembling operations.
Special instruments are used for performing these operations.
Among the variety mechanical tools used for disassembling and assembling
machine parts and in their repairing are wrenches. According to their construction
and wrenches may be of different types: single-ended and double-ended nut
wrenches, adjustable wrenches, socket wrenches and special.
A nut wrench is used for screwingand unscrewing nuts. It consists of a handle and
a head with an opening known as the span.
Adjustable wrenches may be used for unscrewing nuts and bolts of different
Socket wrenches are applied in cases when nuts or bolt heads located in recesses
are hardly accessible for a nut wrench.
Special wrenches are used for unscrewing and screwing nuts of a definite type.
Wrenches are used by drivers for repairing cars, in locksmith’s shops and fitter’s
shops. Fitters use them to screw different types of machine parts as: washers, bolts,
shafts, etc. plumbers use them to repair pipes, taps, etc. Besides different types of
wrenches there are round pliers or needle nose pliers which are widely used by
locksmiths, electricians and other specialists for gripping, screwing or cutting off
thin metal and wires.
2. Translate into Russian:
Nut, to screw, to maintain, to unscrew, to assemble, to disassemble, nut wrench,
adjustable wrench, socket wrench, to grip, plumber, electrician, fitter.
3. Answer the questions:
1. What operations are applied in maintenance and repair of machines?
2. What instruments are used for disassembling and assembling machine parts?
3. How are adjustable wrenches subdivided?
4. What is a nut wrench used for?
5. When are wrenches applied?
6. In what cases are socket wrenches used?
7. What wrenches are used for screwing and unscrewing nuts?
8. By whom are different wrenches used?
9. What other mechanical tools can be used in repairing?
4. Find synonyms to the words:
To maintain, to operate, to construct, to fit, to assemble, to apply.
Практическая работа № 32.
Car of future
1. Match the phrases with the Russian equivalents:
a.тормоз с антиблокировочным устройством
2. anti-lock brakes
b. бескамерная шина
3. detector drive module
c. транспортное средство
4. wheel-computerized system
d. давление в шинах
5. tire pressure
e. электрический стартер
6. programming button
f. модуль привода
7. gasoline engine
g. кнопка включения программы
8. programmable transducer
h. компьютеризированная колёсная система
9. electric starter
i. программируемый преобразователь
10. vehicle
j. дизельный двигатель
2. Read and translate the international words:
Electric starter, innovation, designer, engineer, experiment, system, sensor, figure,
distance, distance, object, information, display, instrument panel, photograph,
photograph, mechanism, electronic, computerized system, monitor, automobile,
module, microprocessor, signal, transistor, automobile expert,
3. Read and translate the text:
Since invention the first self-propelled road vehicle was given to the users the
gasoline engine, the electric starter, tubeless tires , fuel-injected engines, anti-lock
brakes and a lot of innovations. What is next? Here are some examples of what the
car designers are working at in the world today. Engineers are experimenting with
a "night vision" system. This system uses infrared sensors that can detect a
human figure at night more than 1,600 feet away. That's five times the
distance at which conventional headlights are effective. The sensors pick up
infrared rays emitted by any object that gives off heat. An image-processing system
scans the information from the sensors, creating different images for different
objects. The images are then displayed on a cathode - ray screen built-in a car's
instrument panel. It is like black-and-white photograph of an object ahead. And the
system is passive, which means no lights are needed to illuminate the object in
front ofthe vehicle. But the biggest problem will be reducing costs and the other
one is the size of the sensor mechanism which is too big now.
One of the latest applications of sophisticated electronics is the wheelcomputerized system that not only monitors air pressure in automobile tires but
adjusts it automatically. This system in addition enables a driver to set tire
pressure while seated. The system developed consists of three separate
modules. The first is the instrument panel display which houses the system's
main microprocessor, programming buttons and warning signals. The second
component is the detector drive module which is essentially four microchips
attached, in one unit, to the chassis. Each chip detecting pressure changes that
may occur, the transistors within the module signal the third component - a
programmable transducer .
The transducer attached to each wheel changes the tire pressure accordingly.
However, some automobile experts think this system is too complicated and
costly. The design has to be simple and of low cost.
4. Answer the questions:
1. What the car designers are working at in the world today?
2. How feet away can detecta "night vision" system a human figure?
3. What is the latest applications of sophisticated electronics?
4. How many modules has the wheel-computerized system?
13.What kind of modules are there in this system?
Практическая работа № 33.
Traffic Lights
1. Fill in the gaps in the text with one of the four choices given below. Choose
the correct answer and mark it.
Example: He 1 a lovely holiday in the country last year
a) bought b) had
c) passed d)gave
The first traffic signal was invented by a railway-signaling engineer. It was
installed 1 the Houses of Parliament in 1868. It looked like any railway signal of
the time, and was operated by gas. However, it exploded and killed a policeman,
and the accident 2 further development until cars became common. Modern traffic
lights are an American 3_. Red-green systems were installed in 1914. Three-color
signals, operated by hand from a tower in the middle of the street, were installed in
New York in 1918. The first lights of this type in Britain were in London on the
junction between St. James's Street and Piccadilly, in 1925. In the past, traffic
lights were 4 . In New York, some lights had a statue on top. In Los Angeles the
lights did not just change 5 but rang bells to wake the sleeping motorists of the
1930s. These are gone and have been replaced by standard models, which are
universally adopted.
1. a) inside
b) in
c) outside
2. a) discouraged b) disappointed
3. a) discovery b) puzzle
d) in front
c) displeased
c) intelligence
4. a) tragic
b) useless
c) active
d) special
5. a) loudly
b) silently
c) slowly
d) quickly
d) disarmed
d) invention
2. Choose the one best answer to each question on the basis of what is stated
or implied in the text:
1. Which of the following is not true?
a) The first traffic signal was the cause of death of a British policeman.
b) The first traffic signal was invented in the Houses of Parliament.
c) The first traffic signal didn't look like the traffic lights of today.
d) The first traffic signal was placed near the Palace of Westminster.
2.What are traffic lights?
a) Special signal controlling road traffic by colored lights.
b) Movement of cars along roads.
c) An official controlling over the movement of cars.
d) Regulation of traffic with the help of colored lights.
3. Whom do we owe the traffic lights of the type now to?
a) Americans.
b) Members of Parliament from Westminster Palace
c) British.
d) Sleeping motorists.
4. Why was the changing of the traffic lights follow the bells in 1930s?
a) To break the silence of Los Angeles at night.
b) To wake the sleeping drivers.
c) To replace the standard models of the time.
d) To keep step with the time.
5. The word junction means:
a) a narrow country road.
b) the main public road, main route.
c) a paved way at the side of a street for people
d) a place where roads meet or diverge.
Практическая работа № 34.
Caesar' with a Mobile Phone?
1. Read the text and underline its main idea. Give a brief summary of the text:
When looking carefully at the cars moving along the road, you will notice that
every fourth driver is using a mobile phone. One is probably giving valuable
instructions to his subordinates, the other is talking to his wife explaining his being
late, another one is reprimanding his son for some fault...
Everybody seems to know that the famous Roman emperor could do many things
simultaneously. But what about us? ...
Hear or see — it’s up to you to decide... We receive most part of the information
through the visual and sound perceptions. For instance: noticing slight fume a
turner reduces the step over of a cutter, hearing particular sound he realizes that the
cutter must be changed. And what does driver do?
We’re fed up with comparing a driver and a pilot. That might be very similar, but
nobody ever heard of buying flying license. Meanwhile, the number of people dead
and injured in traffic accidents is growing every year and has already overcome the
losses in men in military conflicts and techno geneous disasters taken together.
The authorities of car-building enterprises have been working on improving safety
measures for a long time, but what do we have to do with the accessories, like
mobile phones?
The fact that they worsen your driving is obvious. Realizing this problem perfectly
well, mobile-phone producers have developed a “hands-free” system. However
that hasn’t decreased the number of traffic accidents.
Table 1
Physical and
Physical and psychological
psychological activity activity of a driver using
of a driver using
‘hands-free’ system
a mobile phone
Toronto University,
Accident risk
Accident risk increases —
increases — 5 times
5 times
University of
26 — 36 years
55 — 65 years
Florida, USA
Response time
Response time
increases —
increases —
1.21 times
1.6 times
Transport Research
Accident risk
Accident risk increases —
Institute, Swiss
increases — 4 times
4 times
Royal British Scientific
Accident risk
Accident risk increases against
Society, GB
mobile-phone users
These results have been obtained after numerous experiments were carried out in
laboratories. However, there are some ‘vivid’ data received by scientists of West
Australian University. They have questioned 456 drivers injured in traffic
accidents! The result is the same: Accident risk increases 4 times! It is clear that
our brain can’t process the information coming through the sound and visual
perceptions simultaneously that’s why the former worsens the last.
Shall we ban it? The main question is: ‘Can we use a mobile phone while driving
without risking our and other people’s life?’ You may admit that an excellent
experienced driver may use a mobile phone in the situations when the beginner
can’t even think about it. But rules must be common for everybody, as traffic
accidents can happen to any driver. The only thing to be done is to ban!
Table 2
Punishment/ Fine
United Kingdom
Fine €100
Driving ban for 6 months
Fine €100 and driving ban for 6 months
Fine $100
Fine ____ rubles (less than € __)
'Applying in New York, this law brings 6 million dollars p. a. to the city treasury.
What do we have to do in Russia? We have already had an experience with the
ban on drinking alcohol and smoking and it’s better not to recall. Anyway, taking
into account present critical situation we desperately need big fines for using
mobile phones while driving! Meanwhile every driver must realize that using
mobile phones while driving is really dangerous and not only for you.
2. Explain in English the meaning of these words and expressions: ‘hands-free’
system visual and sound response time perceptions the former worsens the last
Практическая работа № 35.
Final resume
1. Read the interview with Sally Roberts from Scotland. Retell it and make
your own one.
Sally Roberts is head technician at a service and repair garage in Scotland.
What does your job involve?
I deal with the service and repair of vehicles that come into the garage. When a
customer brings a car in, I talk to them about the problem and then run some
diagnostic tests to confirm the fault and decide whether it can be repaired or needs
a replacement part. I then price up the job for the customer.
Do you have a typical day?
The hours are quite regular. I work from 8.00am to 5.00pm from Monday to
Friday and from 8.00am to 12.00pm on Saturdays. However, I never know what
model of car I'll be working on or what problem it might have. I also liaise with
our suppliers on a daily basis to ensure we have all the parts we need for the jobs
coming in.
Do you spend all your time in the workshop?
Yes – I can frequently be found in one of the engine pits working on an engine
in my overalls and covered in oil!
Do you use a lot of tools?
I use all types of hand tools, including burning or heat guns which heat things by
using a mixture of oxygen and acetylene. These help to release bolts. I also use air
tools such as ratchets and guns, a hydraulic press and a diagnostic machine which I
plug into a car's computer to locate faults.
How did you become a car mechanic?
I was training for a career with horses but changed my mind when I passed my
driving test and became interested in modifying cars! My dad is the owner of a
garage and you could say that I've followed in his footsteps.
What training have you undertaken?
I studied for my BTEC National Certificate in Engineering (Motor Vehicle
Studies) college on block release. At the same time, I started my Modern
Apprenticeship training through ReMIT (the training arm of the Retail Motor
Industry Federation), which led to SVQ Level 3 in Vehicle Maintenance and
What do you like best about your job?
I enjoy the satisfaction of fixing a car on the first attempt.
Are there any disadvantages?
I don't enjoy having to work in freezing cold temperatures in the winter.
Another downside is the constant need to scrub oil from my skin, although I use
latex gloves to protect my hands.
Do you have to be very strong to be a car mechanic?
You do need physical strength but it is not the only skill required. You have to
be technically minded, good with your hands and good with people, whether you
are dealing with them face to face or on the telephone. I also think it's important to
be able to think on your feet, be efficient and very patient.
What do you plan to do in the future?
I definitely want to stay in the motor trade and move on to work with
performance cars. I would also like to do some teaching at a later stage.
Практическая работа № 36
Additional vocabulary
1. Learn new words and call the parts on the pictures bellow :
air conditioner — кондиционер
indicator switch — рычаг включения
air-bag— подушка безопасности
arm rest— подлокотник
jack — домкрат
back seat— заднее сиденье
jump start— завести с "толкача",
boot— багажник
"прикурить" от другой машины
brake— тормоз
lens— стекло фары
brake lights— стоп-сигналы
license plate — номерной знак
breakdown van— эвакуатор
license plate number — номерной
buckle— пристегнуться
buckle up— пристегнуться— бампер lock — замок, фиксатор, блокировка
caravan — жилой фургон, трейлер
low beam — ближний свет
clutch — сцепление
moonroof — люк
cowl — капот
motor — мотор
diesel— дизельное топливо
motorway — автомагистраль
door handle — дверная ручка
neutral— нейтральная скорость
driver's license — водительские
number plate — номерной знак
oil — масло
driver's seat — сиденье водителя
outside mirror — боковые зеркала
engine — двигатель
заднего вида
fender bender — легкое
parking — стоянка
столкновение автомобилей
parking light — габариты
filling station — топливозаправочная parking ticket — штраф за стоянку
вне положенном месте.
first gear — первая скорость
passenger seat— пассажирское
fix — починить
flat tyre — спущенное колесо
petrol — бензин
freeway — магистраль, шоссе,
petrol cap — люк бензобака
petrol gauge — указатель уровня
fuel — топливо
garage — гараж
petrol station — автозаправочная
gas — газ
gas gauge — указатель уровня
power locks— замки с
gas pedal— педаль газа
pump — насос
gas station— автозаправочная
rear light — задний габаритный
gas tank door— люк бензобака
rear seat — заднее сиденье
gasoline — бензин
rear window— заднее стекло
gear lever— рычаг переключения
rear-view mirror— зеркало заднего
gear shift— рычаг переключения
reverse — задний ход
передач, коробка передач
reversing lights — фонари заднего
gear stick — рычаг переключения
rim — колесный диск
glove compartment — бардачок
roundabout — перекресток с
handbrake— ручной тормоз
круговым движением
head light— передние фары
safety belt — ремень безопасности
high beam— дальний свет
safety seat— детское сиденье
horn — звуковой сигнал - клаксон
screwdriver — отвертка
ignition key— ключ зажигания
seat— сиденье
ignition switch — замок зажигания
seat belt — ремень безопасности
indicator — указатель поворота -
shift — включать передачу
1.Агабекян, И.П. Английский для технических ВУЗов: учеб. пособие /
И.П.Агабекян, П.И.Коваленко.- Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2008.-349с.
1. Голубев, А.П. Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студ. проф. учеб.
заведений /А.П. Голубев, Н.В. Балюк, И.Б. Смирнова. – М.: Академия, 2010. –
336 с.
2. Карпова, Т.А. English for Colleges. Английский для колледжей: учеб.
пособие. – 6-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Дашков и К, 2008. – 320 с.
Список используемых интернет- ресурсов