Governance Minutes of November 6, 2015

Governance Meeting of Friday, November 6, 2015, 9:30 a.m.
Little Theater, Roosevelt Hall
I. Approval of the Minutes of October 2, 2015.
II. Report of the President, Dr. Hubert Keen
Performance Improvement Plan.
The plan is submitted as scheduled and will be considered for approval by
the Chancellor by the end of this year. The plan will be (is) posted on the
Intranet under “New Items.”
Efficient Use of Facilities.
The course schedule grid was changed two years ago to enable the
offering of more classes on Friday to more efficiently use our classrooms,
laboratories and studios. We have made progress as more Friday classes
are now offered. However, as the enrollment continues to grow it is
essential that we make further progress in distributing course offerings
throughout the week.
Violence Preparedness.
We are discussing whether and how to conduct training on preparedness
for an “active shooter” on campus. I circulated to you the training video
used by University Police to train their officers and staff. I commend
them for being proactive in training. We’ll inform the campus soon if
training is to be conducted.
Tobacco/Smoke-Free Campus.
The FEC and Governance body passed a resolution in Fall 2014 to make
the college a smoke-free campus. The passage in the minutes reads: “The
FEC has unanimously endorsed a motion for a non-smoking campus. The
motion is brought to a vote and passes.” I will appoint a Task Force on a
Tobacco/Smoke Free Campus with representation from the various sectors
of the college. The TF will be asked to report back by February with
recommendations on how to proceed. Our policy is published in the
Student Handbook and posted on our Intranet. We will now post the
policy on our web site and more actively promote a Tobacco-Free campus.
Safety in Vicinity of Campus.
I will meet today, along with College Council Chair Dr. Patricia Hill
Williams, with Town of Babylon Supervisor Richard Schaeffer to ask for
action on traffic control on Melville Road. The college has grown to a
population of more than 10,000 individuals on campus at the busiest
times. Businesses along the edge of the campus are pursuing opportunities
as a result of the college. Action needs to be taken to slow the traffic and
accommodate pedestrians.
III. Report of the Acting Provost, Dr. Laura Joseph
Graduation is December 22, 2015
Update on the first of the world Grant, kickoff meeting Oct 22nd and 23rd
with Mid-Atlantic Consortium members including Bowie State University,
Central Connecticut State University, Kean University and Old Westbury
University. External evaluator is Dr. Kate Winter who will review details
of the responsibilities for each of the grant sites. We will further develop
our partnerships with research experiences, create collaborative learning
workshops attached to foundational courses, developing research
experience courses at the program level, college experience courses for
first, second and junior year transfers. This will increase graduation rates.
Distance Learning
Enhance our ability to provide quality distance learning courses. FSC is
participating in a SUNY program called VoiceThread, a web-based
platform that integrates with Blackboard. Enables students and instructors
to record upload, comment, share, discuss documents, images, audio files,
and media-rich documents. Library will be implementing Curriculum
Builder, a Blackboard Building Block. Allows faculty to use the library’s
discovery system to easily create electronic reading lists.
Other universities use the online student readiness, created by Penn State.
FSC has the permission to use the survey. Distance learning task force has
evaluated the survey and adjusted it to meet FSC needs. Implementation
will take place in the Spring Semester.
Middle States Substantive Change request
We are offering courses but in order to offer distance-learning programs
with Middle States we need to submit the change request for the first two
programs. Once the request is approved we become authorized to offer
accredited distance learning programs. Once approved we are required to
report our programs and our processes through Middle States annual
reporting as well as our verification of compliance reports.
Update on UHS
We have 85 courses with over 500 sections offered to 80 High Schools in
the area not including BOCES. Thanks to Dr. Francine Federman for her
work in this area. It is an important program for FSC. We need to insure
that the courses we are offering are at the quality we expect. We will not
partner with any more high schools right now.
New Program Approvals
Dept. of Visual Communications received approval for an Interaction
Design Program.
 Faculty Searches
This academic year 6 new positions that will be searched.
There are 24 searches to fill replacement and visiting lines.
Applied Social Sciences Building
Plans are in development for the new building of Applied Social Sciences
and redesign of third floor of Greenley.
IV. Reports of Standing Committees
A. Farmingdale Executive Committee, Dr. Lloyd Makarowitz
 On the subject of succession, Dr. Makarowitz thought it may be
advantageous to drop the limitation on 2 terms of succession. The FEC
rejected this so the bylaws do not change.
Visited by representatives of the bookstore regarding changes made to
their ordering system. You will eventually be able to order books
through Blackboard.
Reminded the group of the Governance website. Always includes upto-date information on Governance issues.
B. Curriculum Committee, Dr. Martin Lewison
Deadline for CCPs and GEPs
 TODAY! November 6th, 2015, end of business.
 For Fall 2016 Implementation
 April 1st, 2016
 For Spring 2017 Implementation
Committee Throughput
 Approximately 80 Course Change Proposals, approximately 6 General
Education Proposals Received by CWCC this semester
 Committee has deliberated upon nearly half
CCP instructions are on the Intranet
Further improvements
 A model example CCP
Course Level & Prerequisites
Contact CWCC chair or any committee representative for assistance
C. Bylaw Changes
All committees must send Bylaw changes and amendments to the Bylaws
committee prior to Governance.
Three bylaw changes were proposed:
Distinguished Rank Selection Committee, Dr. Amit Bandyopadhyay;
Motion to Create Bylaws for the Committee.
Chancellor’s Award in Excellence in Professional Service; Motion to
Create Bylaws for the Committee.
a) One elected academic faculty member from each of the following areas:
School of Business, School of Health Sciences, School of Engineering
Technology, Arts Division of the School of Arts and Sciences, Sciences
Division of the School of Arts and Sciences
b) One elected librarian
c) One elected faculty member who holds a Distinguished Faculty Rank
d) Chairperson of FEC (or his/her designee), ex-officio and non-voting
e) A designee of the President, ex-officio and non-voting
f) 2 students to be appointed by the President during each award cycle
g) All elected members must hold continuing appointment or its equivalent
a) The local selection committee is empanelled specifically to solicit
nominations, to conduct an objective and unbiased evaluation of the merits
of proposed candidates, to prepare the final nomination portfolio, and to
forward to the campus President or the President’s designee only the
campus’ finest exemplars of the qualities recognized through the
Distinguished Service and Distinguished Teaching Professorships.
b) The local selection committee must determine that a candidate meets, and
preferably surpasses, the selection criteria for the distinguished
designation for which nominated. The local selection committee may
stipulate additional selection criteria over minimum selection criteria
established by the SUNY system administration.
c) Other than self-nomination, which is not allowed, the committee, working
with the campus President or the President’s designee may establish
whatever procedures are deemed appropriate to elicit nominations. It also
determines the process the campus will follow in evaluating and selecting
candidates to forward to System Administration.
d) The local selection committee shall make its report in the form of a
Passed Unanimously
Librarianship, Scholarship and Creative Activities, Adjunct Teaching)
a) One elected academic faculty member from each of the following areas:
School of Business, School of Health Sciences, School of Engineering
Technology, Arts Division of the School of Arts and Sciences, Sciences
Division of the School of Arts and Sciences
b) One elected librarian
c) One elected faculty member who has previously received a Chancellor’s
d) Two elected professionals
e) Chair or designee of FEC, ex-officio and non-voting
f) A designee of the President, ex-officio and non-voting
g) 2 adjunct faculty members, to be appointed by the President during each
award cycle*
h) 2 students, to be appointed by the President during each award cycle
i) All elected members must hold continuing appointment or its equivalent
*Adjunct faculty members will only review/evaluate/recommend nominations
for the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching.
a) The local selection committee solicits nominations, conducts an objective and
rigorous evaluation of the merits of candidates nominated, prepares the final
nomination portfolio, and forwards to the campus President or the President’s
designee only the campus’ finest exemplars of the qualities recognized
through these awards.
b) The local selection committee must determine that a candidate meets, and
preferably surpasses, the selection criteria for the award for which nominated.
c) Other than self-nomination, which is not allowed, the committee, working with
the campus President or the President’s designee, may establish whatever
procedures are deemed appropriate to elicit nominations. It also determines
the process the campus will follow in evaluating and selecting candidates to
forward to System Administration.
d) The local selection committee shall make its report in the form of a
recommendation to the President, and shall forward to the President no more
than the number of nominations allowed.
Passed Unanimously
Five elected members of the Professional Staff
One elected librarian
One elected faculty member
Chairperson of FEC, ex-officio and non-voting
A designee of the President, ex-officio and non-voting
2 students to be appointed by the President during each award cycle
All elected members must hold permanent appointment or its equivalent
a) The local selection committee solicits nominations, conducts an objective and
rigorous evaluation of the merits of candidates nominated, prepares the final
nomination portfolio, and forwards to the campus President or the President’s
designee only the campus’ finest exemplars of the qualities recognized
through these awards.
b) The local selection committee must determine that a candidate meets, and
preferably surpasses, the selection criteria for the award for which nominated.
c) Other than self-nomination, which is not allowed, the committee, working with
the campus President or the President’s designee, may establish whatever
procedures are deemed appropriate to elicit nominations. It also determines
the process the campus will follow in evaluating and selecting candidates to
forward to System Administration.
d) The local selection committee shall make its report in the form of a
recommendation to the President, and shall forward to the President no more
than the number of nominations allowed.
Passed Unanimously
D. Planning and Budget, CPRA, Ms. Theresa Zahor
The CPRA and the Planning and Budget Committees reviewed the
performance improvement plans and Dr. Keene approved the changes.
The two committees are assessing the performance for a year for
objectives of the strategic plan and competing the completed
objectives document. This is a two-year combined report covering the
last two years of our strategic plan. It will include the fully completed
objectives document, update of items deemed not doable,
recommended actions for the remainder of the objectives in the 20152016 plan. Final document will be posted to the Intranet.
Old Business
VI. New Business
VII. Reports of Other Committees and Organizations
A. Faculty Senate, Alternate Senator, Ms. Karen Gelles
Karen Gelles reported on the Fall 2015 Plenary at Buffalo State
College. Chancellor Zimpher spoke on budget and advocacy. Provost
Alex Cartwright outlined SUNY’s completion agenda which has a
goal of 150,000 completions a year by 2025. SUNY Senior Associate
Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Carlos Medina
gave a presentation on diversity and inclusion. One of SUNY’s
diversity initiatives is a SUNY-wide Student Information Survey that
will be used to allow students to self-identify on a number of topics
including employment status, sexual orientation, gender identity,
disability status, mental health status, and military status. There were
questions about the security of data collected, and Provost Cartwright
addressed this at the Senate meeting and afterwards. Resolutions on
Family Medical Leave and Academic Freedom have been forwarded
to the FEC for discussion on campus.
Faculty Senate Prof. Lou Scala
University Faculty Senate President, Peter Knuepfer provided Senators
with a preliminary report prior to the upcoming Winter Plenary
…excerpts are outlined below:
 Performance Improvement Plans
o NYS Enacted Budget requires all campuses to develop a
performance improvement—about $18 million…
o Campus leaders were instructed share these plans with campus
constituencies/faculty governance for comment.
 Investment Fund—State Budget Allocations for SUNY—about
$100 million:
o $18 million to support campuses in support of the Performance
Improvement Plans.
o $4.4 million was allocated to the EOP programs.
o $55 million in capital funding for NYSSUNY2020 funding.
o $9.5 million for the Empire Innovation Program—to hire “star”
o $9 million for financially challenged campuses.
o $4.1 million in loans for enhancing Open SUNY.
o This funding is to be distributed through proposals from campuses
through a RFP process in which campuses submitted short White
Papers or pre-proposals to SUNY Administration for review and
approval for the development of full proposals with
recommendations for funding brought to the Board of Trustees.
 The Board of Trustees has adopted a new SUNY Diversity and
Inclusion Policy and established new guidelines and requirements
such as:
o Chief Diversity Officer for every campus.
o Development of campus and system diversity plans.
o Recruit and retain more diverse faculty and staff.
 Applied Learning
o The Governor inserted a graduation mandate into his budget
proposal that requires campuses to make applied learning
opportunities available to all students by Fall 2016.
o SUNY must provide the Board of Trustees with an applied
learning plan by June 1, 2016, which involves the amalgamation of
individual campus plans for supplying applied learning
o Each campus must conduct a feasibility study of, and a decision, of
whether or not to require applied learning experiences for all
o Provost Cartwright established an Applied Learning Steering
Committee, which developed a set of definitions, and guidelines,
which were submitted to campuses for review and comment.
I attended the University Faculty Senate Fall Planning Meeting in
late September in Saratoga Springs, New York—some important
things to report are:
Ethics Committee
o Developing an ethics value statement for SUNY, a White Paper on
electronic privacy and is working on a resolution on the use of
social media for the Spring Plenary.
Student Life
o Hosting a Workshop on the Collaboration between Faculty and
Student Affairs Professionals—November 13-14, 2015 (SAVE
o Working on a Preferred Name policy, food accessibly issues, and
hopes to update its White Paper on Bullying/Hazing.
Graduate and Research Committee
o Working on a grant writing reference handbook and a survey to
increase faculty research at SUNY Comprehensive Colleges.
Governance Committee
o Working on an academic freedom White Paper/Resolution.
o Studying the role of contingent faculty in the governance.
Awards Committee
o Working on a Chancellors Award for full-time non-tenure track
faculty, Librarians.
Undergraduate Academic Policies Committee
o Undergraduate Poster Programs scheduled for February 24, 2014
April 15, 2016 (SAVE THE DATE).
o Working on Internship/Cooperative Education Guidebook and a
Service Learning Best Practices document.
Operations Committee
o Working of a Budget Transparency White Paper (Shared
Governance), and a resolution on the subject of Open Access.
o Studying the kinds of orientation campus Presidents are receiving
(Shared Governance).
Diversity Committee
o Working on studying the “gap” between illegal harassment and
“cultural” harassment on campus, which is inappropriate but not
o Studying how to build campus structures to support students who
fall outside of the standardized labeling categories.
Executive Committee
o Addressing the structure of University Faculty Senate Meetings…
which are “top heavy” with administrative reports moving to a
focused conversation the theme for the Fall Plenary, will be on
o On October 22, 2016 a Diversity Conference will be held in
B. Bargaining Unit, UUP, Dr. Vicki Janik
Please complete the survey form made available to you. We are
beginning negotiations for the new contract. Farmingdale Chapter
needs to submit a report December 16 about priorities and concerns
this campus has going into the negotiations. To prepare the report
about our concerns we need your input from this survey. A prioritized
report will be created from the survey responses.
C. From the floor.