The largest Hispanic/Latino groups in the United States are from

1. The largest Hispanic/Latino groups in the United States are from which two countries?
A. Guatemala and Mexico
B. Cuba and Mexico
C. Puerto Rico and Mexico
D. Puerto Rico and Cuba
E. Dominican Republic and Cuba
2. As part of the triangular slave trade system, ships bound for Europe carried
A. cloth and trinkets.
B. rum and molasses.
C. slaves.
D. gold and silver.
E. slaves and molasses.
3. From 1910 to 1950, population density of African Americans in ghettos
A. increased.
B. remained the same.
C. decreased.
D. briefly increased before decreasing.
E. fluctuated.
4. The Brown v. Board of Education court decision ruled that
A. separate schools for blacks and whites were unconstitutional.
B. "white flight" was morally wrong and should be curtailed.
C. discriminatory lending practices and restrictive covenants were unconstitutional.
D. separate facilities for blacks and whites were acceptable so long as they were of the same quality.
E. separate schools for blacks and whites were constitutional but separate drinking fountains were
5. The key elements of nationalism include all but
A. common culture.
B. shared attitudes.
C. shared emotions.
D. political structure.
E. state symbols.
6. In 1947 a Hindu family living in Pakistan or northwestern India likely felt pressure to migrate
A. to southern India and then to Sri Lanka.
B. to the south, southeast, or east toward Muslim-controlled areas.
C. to the northeastern border and then to Sri Lanka.
D. to the south, southeast, or east away from Muslim-controlled areas.
E. to a large city such as New Delhi.
7. Historic neighborhood changes in race were sometimes caused by the illegal practice of
A. segregation.
B. separate but equal.
C. blockbusting.
D. self-identification.
E. white flight.
8. Balkanization refers to
A. the creation of nation-states in southeastern Europe.
B. the breakdown of a state due to conflicts among nationalities.
C. a small geographic area that cannot successfully be organized into states.
D. ethnic cleansing.
E. religions splintering into opposing groups.
9. Race is often described as
A. being characterized by Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic/Latino.
B. identification with a group that purports to share a biological ancestor.
C. determinable from physical characteristics such as the exact shape of a person's face or head.
D. evenly distributed around the world, independent of ethnicity.
E. defined by statute in most U.S. states.
10. The racist policy of The Apartheid was found in which African country?
A. Egypt
B. Sudan
C. Somalia
D. South Africa
E. North Africa
F. Western East Africa
G. Northwestern part of Eastern South Africa
H. Just south of the southern portion of South Sudan