Our Learning Garden - Grade 3-Unit 2 Lesson 1-4 Going Green with Green Lentils • Lesson Summary- This unit connects children to seeds (green lentils) as they learn about germinating, harvesting, preparing and sharing food. Students explore the anatomy and physiology of seeds in a dynamic PowerPoint presentation that includes many hands on activities. We explore where green lentils are grown and do mapping exercises. • Students use required Math skills in the farmer activitycalculating out how many seeds to plant based on germination. The unit culminates with the class creating “The Great Lentil Recipe Book” • Our goal is to meet many curriculum outcomes as we introduce the students to a Green Lentils (SUPER FOOD) that is incredibly nutritious • All lesson plans and related files for download ourlearninggarden.ca The files are open so feel to change content to class requirements. Ourourlearninggarden.ca • • • • • • • • On Line Links to lesson-"Going Green with Green Lentils” www.ourlearninggarden.ca Specific Curriculum Outcomes Science- Cluster 1-Growth and Change in Plants 3-1-01 Use appropriate vocabulary related to their Investigations of growth and changes in plants 3-1-03 Show respect for plants as living things Math - 3.SP.1, 3.SP.2 3.N.1- 3.N.13. Social Studies Cluster 2- Exploring the World - mapping (maps, aerial photographs and satellite images) mapping (equator, hemispheres, continents, oceans) human rights (housing, education, security, food, water...) English Language Arts 1.1 - Discover and Explore 1.2 - Clarify and Extend General Outcome 3 - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent to manage ideas and information. Health Education 5. Healthy Lifestyle Practices the student will demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions for healthy living related to, healthy nutritional practices. • • • • • • • • • • Key Learning Outcomes define concept of a seed as a living entity that can be dormant or germinating identify the parts of a seed understand the concept of germination rates for planting a garden learn how to safely germinate/ sprout beans for consumption and or planting in a garden understand concept of mapping to identify relationships describe the relationship between food security and gardening understanding concept of sustainability and food security Ourourlearninggarden.ca Key Concepts / Vocabulary • dormant • germinate • imbibe • seed coat • root • sprout • nutritious • rinse • vitamin • minerals • protein • bar graph • food security • perishable / non-perishable • cycle Overview of Activities in this Unit • Sprout Lentils • Taste Lentils teacher adds lentils in dry soup mix for students to experience * • Calculate the rate of germination so that you understand how many seeds to plant on your farm • Make a bar graph • Read a map on lentil production in Saskatchewan • Take home lentils to sprout for a class recipe book* • *Optional Further References and Resources • • • • • About Planting, Poverty and Food Security http://guidesontario.org/images/pdf/girl_program_resources/seeds%20for%20change%20resource%20final.pdf A Year of School Food Garden Activities http://lifecyclesproject.ca/resources/downloads/Patterns-Seasons.pdf Morning Earth has interesting cross curriculum activities using art http://www.morning-earth.org/Teacher_Resources.html ourlearninggarden.ca Grade 3 Kit Contents • dry green lentils (available at most supermarkets), bowl, colander and water. Wash /rinse the lentils then soak them in water around 6-10 hours. • Some small ziplocs for students to take seeds home, print off the instructions and recipe log book for students - ourlearninggarden.ca • Letting the students taste spouted lentils that are added into a soup. Dry soup mix works great is a good introduction for the recipe book activity ourlearninggarden.ca Going Green with Green Lentils ourlearninggarden.ca Our Learning Garden - Grade 3 Lesson 1 Going Green with Green Lentils • • • • • • Dormancy – The Sleeping Seeds Waking Up the Seed Are Seeds Alive Life Cycles Seeds Anatomy Sprouting (Safe Sprouting) ourlearninggarden.ca Wake up that dormant (sleeping) seed. Do seeds dream? Cierra, stop dreaming, you have a lesson to teach ourlearninggarden.ca • Seeds are called dormant when they are not growing. Dormant is like sleeping, the seed uses very little energy when it is dormant. ourlearninggarden.ca When the seeds wakes up it germinates. Germination is when a seed starts to grow. • Seeds start to germinate (wake up) from water or Sunlight ourlearninggarden.ca The heat from the sun can wake up dormant seeds The sun heats up the earth. ourlearninggarden.ca ourlearninggarden.ca Inside the Seed becomes the plant Is the food for the plant A seed has its own food supply that it uses called the endosperm ourlearninggarden.ca • When the seed germinates or sprouts the food supply changes so that it is healthier for us to eat • The endosperm (food supply) is largest part of the seed • The seed uses this food to help it grow when it is very small ourlearninggarden.ca Are seeds alive? • • • • Sleep (dormant) Dream about ………? Wake up (germinate) Grow when planted ourlearninggarden.ca Short Life Cycle ourlearninggarden.ca Long Life Cycle Strawberry plants can live for many years. The runners are a strawberry community that can live as long as 50 years! ourlearninggarden.ca Safe Sprouting Practices • Soaking: Turning a dormant seed into a nutritional powerhouse. Soak in water 6-10 hours. Remove and drain • Draining: It is essential that sprouts be drained thoroughly after rinsing. Use a strainer. • Rinsing: Try to rinse 2 or 3 times a day. • Air Circulation: If your sprouts can’t breathe while growing they can die. Don’t put them in a closed container. • 48 hours or less your sprouts will be ready to eat • Cleanliness: Your seed should be clean and your sprouting device should be clean.. Storage: Properly stored, fresh sprouts will keep for up to 1 weeks in your refrigerator but fresher is better. Never refrigerate wet sprouts. ourlearninggarden.ca Lets add water to some green lentils and germinate the seeds. Leave the seeds in water for around 6-10 hours ourlearninggarden.ca • The lentils grow bigger as they imbibe (drink) the water ourlearninggarden.ca Keep the lentils in water for 6-10 hours. What happens when the lentils are in the water? IMBIBE or drink the water ourlearninggarden.ca Arts & English Assignment • Explain in language and drawings why seeds are alive. “I wake up when water is splashed on me……………..” ourlearninggarden.ca Our Learning Garden - Lesson 2 Going Green with Green Lentils • • • • Germination / Sprouting Exercises Learning about Sprouted Green Lentils Bar Graphs and Math Why do farmers need to know the germination rate? • Activity-Pretend you are a farmer planting a crop. ourlearninggarden.ca After, soaking the seeds, let’s drain and rinse the green lentils ourlearninggarden.ca Rinse and wash ourlearninggarden.ca Let’s rinse them a few times each day and see what happens ourlearninggarden.ca We call the seeds sprouted when the root emerges. When the seed germinates or sprouts the seed changes so that it is healthier for us to eat ourlearninggarden.ca How many seed have sprouted? ourlearninggarden.ca Lets count the beans • How many lentils have sprouted? Observe what a sprouted lentil looks like. You can see the root emerging. ourlearninggarden.ca • How many did not sprout? If no root or sprout emerged (came out),the seed did not germinate (grow). ourlearninggarden.ca Sprouting is also called germination • Farmers always test their seeds before planting. • Gardeners / Farmers need to know the germination rate • How many seeds will grow ourlearninggarden.ca Gardener Yossi needs to grow 10 corn plants How many seed will germinate (grow)? If Yossi wants 10 corn plants but only 1 out of 2 (1/2) seeds germinate. How many corn seeds would Yossi need to plant in the garden? ourlearninggarden.ca Bar Graph 12 10 8 Seeds 6 Germinated Did Not Germinate 4 2 0 SEEDS GERMINATION DID NOT GERMINATE ourlearninggarden.ca Total seeds 10 Number that germinate 5 Number that do not germinate Plants you will get 5 Can you make a germination bar graph ? 25 20 15 Seeds 10 Germinated Seeds 5 0 Seeds Germinated Seeds ourlearninggarden.ca 25 20 15 Seeds 10 Germinated Seeds 5 0 Seeds Germinated Seeds How many seeds are there? How many seeds germinated? ourlearninggarden.ca ACTIVITY you are a farmer and need 1000 corn plants. • You need to have 1000 stalks of corn growing • But only ½ or 1 out of 2 corn seeds germinates or grows. • How many seeds of corn do you need to plant to get 1000 stalks of corn ourlearninggarden.ca 2500 2000 1500 Total Corn Seeds Germinated Seeds 1000 500 0 Seeds Germinated ourlearninggarden.ca On the farm • Your farm has 4 acres of land and you need to get 400 stalks of corn. • How many seeds do you need to plant if the germination rate is 1 out of 2 seeds (1/2) or 50%? ourlearninggarden.ca Lesson 3 • Understanding why sprouted green lentils are healthy • Student Journal Activity and Project • “The Great Sprouted Lentil Cookbook” • “My Great Sprouted Lentil Recipe Log” • Taste Lentils teacher prepares lentils in dry soup mix for students to experience * • *OPTIONAL ourlearninggarden.ca Let’s eat some sprouted green lentils ourlearninggarden.ca When a seeds sprouts or germinates, the seed usually changes such that is much more nutritious and healthy. It is easier for your body to get the vitamins and minerals from the sprouted seed. Increased Bioavailability Green lentil sprouts contain Vitamins A, B, C and E as well as Calcium, Iron ,Magnesium and Protein: 14% ourlearninggarden.ca Sprouted Green Lentils • This food is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Thiamin, Iron, Phosphorus and Copper Vitamin C, Folate and Manganese. • Are sprouted green lentils healthy? ourlearninggarden.ca Sprouted Green Lentils Healthy Tasty Easy to make ourlearninggarden.ca Will you get to try some sprouted lentils in chicken soup? ourlearninggarden.ca Great Sprouted Lentil Recipe Cookbook Experiment with your sprouted lentils at home. Make certain your entire family is involved in creating the recipe. Get all your friends and family to taste it. Write down the recipe to share with your class. Then your class can combine all the recipes to make the Instructions: Soak lentils in water for 10‐12 hours, then drain. Rinse seeds 2 to 3 times a day until sprouted (2‐3) days). Sprouted lentils can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days. Sprouted green lentils contain vitamins A, B, C and E as well as Calcium, Iron and Magnesium. Protein: 14% They are very healthy. Great in soup and salads Download the handouts and student recipe book at our learninggarden.ca Soak in water for 6-10 hours, then drain. Rinse seeds 2 to 3 times a day until sprouted (2-3) days). Once sprouted they can be stored in the refrigerator. Green lentil sprouts contain vitamins A, B, C and E as well as Calcium, Iron and Magnesium. Protein: 14% Download the handouts and student recipe book at our learninggarden.ca ourlearninggarden.ca ourlearninggarden.ca ourlearninggarden.ca ourlearninggarden.ca • Every class that submits a lentil recipe book will get more lentils for each student to take home ourlearninggarden.ca See the web site for more information Recipe Ideas ourlearninggarden.ca Recipe Ideas ourlearninggarden.ca Lesson 4 • In the Garden • Planting Lentils in the spring • Food Security ourlearninggarden.ca Sprout some lentils ourlearninggarden.ca Sprouted lentils will usually grow when planted in the garden ourlearninggarden.ca Record how many seeds you plant. Observe how many grow into plants ourlearninggarden.ca When you harvest your lentil plant; count how many lentils you harvest. How many seeds did you plant? ourlearninggarden.ca Seeds Harvested – Seeds Planted =Yield ourlearninggarden.ca Your garden is a healthy fun way to provide your family and community with food. ourlearninggarden.ca ourlearninggarden.ca Growing your own food does not cost very much money. So it has economic benefits. ourlearninggarden.ca $$$$$ Why is growing your own food good for the environment ? See the next 5 slides to promote discussion ourlearninggarden.ca ourlearninggarden.ca ourlearninggarden.ca ourlearninggarden.ca ourlearninggarden.ca Can you write a short story on a carrot travelling from a farm in California to your kitchen table ourlearninggarden.ca ourlearninggarden.ca