Ch9 -

Chapter 9
•The Question of God’s Existence
Philosophy wrestles with questions
about God…
• Is there a god(s)?
• What qualities would He (She) possess?
– Could God make a rock so heavy ... He couldn’t lift
Approaches /
Types of Believers or Non-believers
• Evidentialism: requires objective evidence
– Theism: God exists
– Atheism: God does not exist
– Agnosticism: evidence inconclusive; cannot know
Approaches /
Types of Believers or Non-believers
• Non-evidentialism: don’t need evidence to
believe in God
– Fideism: belief in God requires faith alone
– Prudentialism: more useful to believe than not
– Subjectivism: subjective evidence is sufficient to
Which label fits you?
• Evidentialism: requires objective evidence
– Theism: God exists
– Atheism: God does not exist
– Agnosticism: evidence inconclusive; cannot know
• Non-evidentialism: don’t need evidence to
believe in God
– Fideism: belief in God requires faith alone
– Prudentialism: more useful to believe than not
– Subjectivism: subjective evidence is sufficient to
Which label fits you?
• Evidentialism: requires objective evidence
– Theism: God exists
– Atheism: God does not exist
– Agnosticism: evidence inconclusive; cannot know
• Non-evidentialism: don’t need evidence to
believe in God
– Fideism: belief in God requires faith alone
– Prudentialism: more useful to believe than not
– Subjectivism: subjective evidence is sufficient to
Trying to overcome skepticism
• Hume: we can’t know the future is like the past
• However, we all act as if it is. We just need some
certainty (e.g., 99%).
• We’re unlikely to prove (100%) God exists /
doesn’t exist. But we can still be convinced one
way or the other, and live accordingly.
– 100% proof is probably impossible
– Decide your required certainty level
– Believe the side that reaches that certainty level
Arguments for God’s existence
• Teleological: intelligent designer
• Ontological:
• Cosmological
Arguments against God’s existence
• The problem of evil / suffering
Teleological argument: God exists
• Look at the extreme complexity of the eye,
heart, plant cells, embryo development, etc.
• Which is more likely?
– These amazing things were created by accident
– They were planned by an intelligent designer
• Paley’s (1802) “Watchmaker Argument”
Teleological counterargument
• Natural selection: Darwin’s On the Origin of Species
– Chance, but not random chance
– Chance genetic mutations survive only with associated
• The theoretical virtues of natural selection seem
stronger (explains many observations, does not require
additional beliefs)
• But natural selection cannot explain everything
– If life started here, why hasn’t it started elsewhere, too?
– Why did Earth contain all the necessary ingredients for life
to begin with?
Ontological argument: God exists
• Similar to Decarte’s argument that God is good: Decarte imagined
the concept of perfection; therefore perfection exists, etc.
• Anselm’s argument: Think of GOD, the greatest conceivable being
– If you thought of a God that is very great but DOES NOT EXIST, then
you did not think of the greatest God, because existence is greater
than nonexistence.
– If you somehow thought of a God that is “greater” than actual God,
you are STILL NOT thinking of the GREATEST being, because existing is
better than non-existing.
– Therefore you could still imagine a God that is greater than the above,
one that exists.
– And if you can imagine this, then either He exists, or you didn’t
imagine the greatest God! (But you said you did.) So, when your
imagination settles upon a being that is great and exists, then have
you been able to imagine the greatest possible being.
Ontological Counterargument
• Imagine the perfect island…
– So, it must exist? What does that mean?
• The ontological argument can’t prove God’s
Cosmological argument: God exists
• Thomas Aquinas and al-Ghazali offered the
first mover argument
• Ex nihilo, nihil fit (nothing comes from
nothing). The causal chain of events had to
start from a first cause, which is God.
Cosmological hurdles
– It is possible that there was no first cause (that the
causal chain “started” infinitely long ago), but that
assumption brings problems to address:
• Why do we perceive flow of time, if it has always
existed (Where is time flowing from?)
• Even if this is not a problem, we still have the questions
of where time came from, and what past events explain
current events? Perhaps God?
Cosmological Counterargument
• Quantum physics: particles and their
movement behavior can be random
(uncaused, undetermined)
• This spells trouble for the cosmological
argument that all things have causes.
• Perhaps the first mover was a quantum
fluctuation (chance; not God).
– Copenhagen interpretation: complete chance
– Broglie-Bohm interpretation: rules not found yet
The logical problem of suffering:
God doesn’t exist
• A deductive argument
• Hume said: If God is willing but unable to
prevent evil, He is impotent. If God is able but
unwilling to prevent evil, he is malevolent
• If God was all-powerful, all-knowing, and allgood, suffering would not exist.
Logical problem of suffering
• Aurelius Augustine’s (4th Century) Greater Good
• God permits suffering so that:
– We have free will to be evil (cause suffering)
– We can display virtues (help others’ suffering)
• Freedom to hurt others without actual suffering
is logically impossible
– God also can’t make round squares, or rocks too
heavy to lift. The problem is one of logic / definition,
not one of power.
The evidential problem of suffering
• Inductive argument
• Claim 1: If God exists, He would not allow
gratuitous suffering (more than necessary,
useful, or justifiable)
• Claim 2: There probably is gratuitous suffering
in the world
• Claim 3 (conclusion): Therefore God probably
does not exist
Evidentialist problem of suffering
• The suffering we observe is not gratuitous. All
suffering will eventually be justified for good
Share your views
What do you believe?
Which arguments do you agree with?
Which arguments do you disagree with?
Any other arguments?
Recommended reading
• 177-182
• Read more on anything that’s not clear