American Legion Riders New Mexico Chapter 10 Riders Handbook Original: Oct 2013 Latest Revision: Feb 2015 Table of contents Page 3 List of effective changes Page 4 A brief history of the American Legion Riders Page 5 Frequently Asked Questions Page 10 State Constitution Page 16 State By Laws Page 27 Resolution 35 Page 30 Chapter By laws Page 42 Robert’s rules of order Page 44 Group ride hand signals Page 46 Challenge coins Page 47 Patch placement diagram Page 48 Acknowledgment form Page 49 Receipt of Handbook 2|Page List of Effective Changes 10/9/13 Original 2/1/15 Updated Chapter By-laws 3|Page A Brief History of the American Legion Riders In the fall of 1993 Chuck (Tramp) Dare shared a dream with then Post Commander (Polka) Bill Kaledas at the American Legion Post 396 in Garden City, Michigan. The idea came about to start a motorcycle association that would operate within the American Legion. The idea was to provide an atmosphere whereas Post, Auxiliary and S.A.L. members, who shared an enthusiasm for motorcycles, could come together. It was meant to be a family oriented group. Not knowing how to start this group up, and stay within the scope of the American Legion, a letter was written to then Department Adjutant Hubert Hess. In his November 19th, 1993 reply he stated that it “Sounds like a great idea” In this letter, and follow-up phone conversations, he gave us instructions on how to manage this program at our Post. He also provided us information on how to get approval for the use of the American Legion Emblem. We then sought to get this program recognized through our Post Membership. The idea was brought up at our Post meeting to have our Post sponsor the group to be known as the “American Legion Riders”. It was passed by our members and thus became the birth of the first American Legion Riders group. We started with just a small group. Within a few months we grew to nineteen members. We worked on developing a set of by-laws to help us to provide structure to our group. We designed an emblem for the American Legion Riders. This emblem, contained within its design, the emblem of the American Legion. Working closely with our Department Adjutant we were able to gain approval, by the national headquarters of the American Legion, to have our emblem manufactured for our group. This emblem is worn today by Legion Rider groups throughout the country and can be purchased From your Chapter. Another important decision we made, with concurrence of our Department Adjutant, was to not require members that wanted to become Legion Riders to transfer to our Post. Our Post sponsored the American Legion Rider group, but not all of our members belong to our Post. We felt that if we required members to transfer to our Post that this would cause a lot of hard feelings in other Post near our own community. What we soon found out was that our membership grew, not from current Legion members, but many joined the American Legion to become members of the American Legion Riders. A very conservative estimate would say that over half of our current membership joined the American Legion to enable them to join the Riders. Right after starting, we proceeded to get down to “business”. Our objective was to support the aims and purposes of the American Legion, through service to our Community, State and Nation. We did such things as putting on a “Bingo” at the VA Hospital, putting on fundraisers for local charities, participating in motorcycle ”runs” to raise money for charity and participation in ceremonies and parades. We did have some Post members who thought, in the beginning, that we would be just a bunch of “Bikers”. After seeing the kinds of things we did, we gained a lot of respect in both the American Legion community as well as our own community. In 1996 we had an article published about the American Legion Riders in the American Legion National publication of the “Dispatch”. An article in the American Legion Magazine soon followed up this article and again in May 2002. In about 1996 “Tramp” moved to Texas, where he did a great job of promoting 4|Page the Legion Rider program there. Today, there are groups of American Legion Riders throughout the country Frequently Asked Questions For more specific questions about the formation and conduct of the Legion Riders in your state, or the proper wear of the Riders' emblem, or about your chapter's constitution and bylaws, contact your department headquarters for guidance. For questions of a more general nature contact Bill Sloan (, program director at The American Legion Riders Program Office. Q. Does The American Legion officially recognize The American Legion Riders program? A. Yes. The National Executive Committee officially adopted The American Legion Riders (ALR) as a national program with Resolution 35 (October 2007) and Resolution 32 (May 2011). Q. Is there a national constitution and bylaws for ALR? A. No. However, a suggested constitution and bylaws template is available online here for anyone interested in developing a local chapter or state program. This template is based on and fully complies with Resolutions 35 and 32. Q. How do I start a chapter at my post? A. The process is easy. No charter paperwork is necessary, but a chapter must be supported by a post or department. There is no national or "at large" chapter. The following steps are suggested: Get the approval of the sponsoring post. A copy of the minutes of any regular post meeting approving the formation of a chapter is your authority to start organizing a new chapter. Contact your department headquarters or department ALR liaison to see if another ALR chapter is nearby. If so, inform that chapter of your intention to start your own and get information on how that chapter is set up. The members of that chapter will very likely be willing to assist. Set up a meeting with your new ALR members to discuss how your program should be governed, and develop a chapter constitution and bylaws for the review and approval of your post's leadership. 5|Page At later meetings, elect chapter officers per your approved constitution and report your chapter to department headquarters. Some departments, but not all, will present an American Legion Riders charter to newly organized chapters within the department. There is no national charter. Q. Are there many restrictions on how we can set up a chapter constitution? A. As a subordinate organization of The American Legion, all riders chapters must take certain steps to protect their right to wear the trademark patch and to use the words "Legion Riders" as a description of their activity. Federal trademark law requires subordinate organizations and entities to follow certain rules, which include: All ALR officers must be confirmed or named by the hosting American Legion post. In actual practice the Riders elect their own officers, who are then "installed" (confirmed) by the post at an appropriate ceremony. Another way to accomplish this is for the chapter to report the election of officers during a normal post meeting. The election is valid after the report is duly accepted by the post. The Riders must render an activity report and a financial report at the regular post meetings. A post or department officer (typically the finance officer or treasurer) must be designated as signatory on all chapter bank accounts. The chapter constitution and bylaws (or other organizational documents) must be approved by the host post. Any subsequent changes made to such documents must also be approved by the host post. Note that these trademark rules apply to all subordinate programs and activities of The American Legion, not just The American Legion Riders. Q. Can we have members who do not own motorcycles or are not spouses of owners? A. Program guidance from Resolutions 35 and 32 grants the local chapters the authority to allow an existing ALR member to remain a full member of the chapter if he or she has involuntarily given up motorcycle ownership due to age, injury, or other medical condition outside the control of the rider. This is a decision left to the local chapter members, who may optionally require all members to be owners at all times. 6|Page Q. Can girlfriends, friends, cousins, mothers, fathers, etc., join as regular members even if they are ineligible under the bylaws? A. No. Membership eligibility requirements are clearly stated in the program guidance defined by Resolutions 35 and 32: "All members of The American Legion Riders shall be current members of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion". Membership criteria is established not to exclude family and friends, but to comply with the constitutional requirements of the supporting post or department, which must adhere strictly to American Legion constitutional requirements as well as local, state and federal laws regarding veteran, civic and fraternal organizations. Q. Where do we get American Legion Riders patches? A. Patches are available through National Emblem Sales. You can order by phone at (888)-4534466, or shop online at Q. How about American Legion Riders-themed clothing, jackets, vests and gear? A. National Emblem Sales has a line of high quality shirts, jackets, motorcycle gear, flags, caps, pins and many other items designed for Legion Riders by Legion Riders. They can be viewed and purchased at, by mail (catalog), or by phone at (888) 453-4466. Q. Is ALR recognized as a nonprofit organization? A. Each chapter is supported as a subordinate entity by a post or department and generally enjoys the same nonprofit status as every other post or department program. However, some activities might not be considered nonprofit, so you should always refer to your post or department for guidance. Q. Can our local chapter change the suggested constitution and bylaws? A. Yes. The constitution and bylaws template is a starting point. Chapters are extended the same courtesy given to every Legion post since 1919: an autonomy and trust that members will make the right decisions based on local conditions. Chapters must adhere to the minimum program guidance defined by Resolutions 35/32 and to the existing constitutions of the post and department in order to protect their right to wear and display The American Legion Rider trademark emblem. Remember though that any change to your existing constitutions and bylaws must be approved by your post or department. 7|Page Q. When and where was ALR started? A. ALR started at Post 396 in Garden City, Mich., in the fall of 1993. Chuck "Tramp" Dare and post commander Bill "Polka Bill" Kaledas had an idea to start an association of motorcycle enthusiasts within the Legion. The two Legionnaires – both longtime riders – wanted to create an environment where members of the Legion family could come together to share a common love for motorcycles. The Department of Michigan agreed with the concept and provided the two riders and 19 other founding members instructions on how to manage the program at the post level. The members of Post 396 soon adopted a resolution for a new program called the "American Legion Riders." The American Legion recognized Garden City Post 396 as the "founding chapter" with a commemorative plaque in 2007. Q. How many members do I need to start a chapter? A. The minimum number is determined by the supporting post or department. Many chapters have initially formed with only two or three members. Most chapters grow quickly and bring new members into the Legion Family. Q. Motorcycle clubs have rules about what can be worn on a vest with the emblem; what are our rules? A. Program guidance states that "All ALR members shall strive to maintain the image of The American Legion, at all times upholding The American Legion name and emblem, which symbolizes the integrity and principles of this great organization." Remember that ALR is not a motorcycle club, so there is no obligation to wear identifying clothing or patches. However, patches and vests are popular with members as a way to show pride and community. Contact your department headquarters or neighboring chapters for guidance regarding the wear of the main ALR patch and other decorations on the vest and apparel. Many state or local ALR programs have developed standard wear and appearance policies, including restrictions on profane or inappropriate language. Q. Is there national representation for The American Legion Riders programs? A. Yes. With the expansion of ALR since its founding in 1993, eight prominent Riders now represent the interests of American Legion Riders to the Internal Affairs Commission and to the national officers and staff. The National Commander's ALR Ad Hoc Committee makes recommendations for program guidance whenever a resolution pertaining to The American Legion Riders is presented to the National Executive Committee or to the National Convention. The Committee is appointed annually by the National Commander. Q. Should our program become a program of our department? A. That is entirely a decision for the members of your department. Many departments have 8|Page chosen not to form a statewide program, preferring to wait, perhaps, until more chapters form. In any case, Riders should consult with department leadership before taking any steps toward a state ALR program, since any state ALR program is invalid without the consent and approval of the department. Q. Does our chapter or post need special insurance since we ride motorcycles? A. Resolution 35 requires the sponsoring post or department to review and ensure that liability insurance coverage is available to cover the post itself, not necessarily the chapter or any of the ALR members (who would wisely carry individual motor vehicle liability insurance in any case). Many chapters require members to carry insurance regardless of state laws that may not require it. Remember that insurance laws vary greatly from state to state, so your chapter and post together must decide what is best beyond that. Many existing post insurance policies may already cover the ALR as another program of the post. Check with your post or department about coverage. Chapters frequently purchase special-event coverage very inexpensively to cover events or even multi-day runs in the same way other motorcycle organizations and clubs do. Your best source of information is the agent or agency that provides insurance coverage for your post. Shop around for the best rates. Q. Do members of our ALR chapter have to be members of our post? A. Many posts allow their ALR chapter to accept eligible Legion Family members from other posts, units and squadrons. You should check with your sponsoring post or department. Sometimes, the post or department constitution itself may prohibit outside members from being a member of, or to hold office within, a program supported by that post. Q. Are there membership dues for The American Legion Riders? A. Chapter dues may be charged at the discretion of each chapter after approval of the chapter constitution and bylaws from the supporting post or department. Some departments also charge department dues. There are no national dues. 9|Page STATE CONSTITUTION 10 | P a g e THE AMERICALNE LEGION DEPARTMENT OF NEW MEXICO CERTFICATE OF COMPLIANCE This is to certify that I have examined the Constitution of The American Legion Riders Motorcycle Association of New Mexico and to the best of my knowledge it is in compliance with the Constitution and By-Laws of THE AMERICAN LEGION and of THE AMERICAN LEGION DEPARTMENT OF NEW MEXICO. Attest this 24th day of October, 2009. Bob Walker Judge Advocate NMALR Department of New Mexico 11 | P a g e New Mexico American Legion Riders Motorcycle Association State Constitution Preamble For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the Great Wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. Purpose The American Legion Riders is formed to promote the aims and purposes of The American Legion as a family oriented motorcycling activity for members of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, and The Sons of The American Legion. Article I Name The name of this program shall be THE NEW MEXICO AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION, DEPARTMENT of NEW MEXICO. Article II Nature Section 1. The New Mexico American Legion Riders G\IMALR) is a program for members of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, and The Sons of The American Legion, collectively "The Legion Family," who share an interest in motorcycling. Section 2. The NMALR upholds the declared principles of The American Legion as well as conforms to and abides by the regulations and decisions of the department, posts or other duly constituted governing body. Section -3. The NMALR maintains and protects the image of The American Legion at all times through appropriate wearing of The American Legion Emblem. The emblem of The American Legion demands "that the wearer shall ever guard the sanctity of home and country and free institutions." Section 4. Members of the NMALR avoid any perception of being a motorcycle or "biker" club or gang. Rather, the focus of membership is for the enjoyment of motorcycles and comradeship and furthering Legion programs in the community. Section -J. The NMALR will improve the public's perception of the motorcycling 12 | P a g e community by promoting the honorable nature of service to one's community, state and nation through the sport of motorcycling. Section 6. Members of the NMALR comply at all times with the motor vehicle safety, licensing, and insurance laws or regulations of the state in which operating. Article III Organization The NMALR is organized at the Department level. Each chapter exists at the discretion of the sponsoring post. The chapter officers and their executive committee are responsible and accountable to the sponsoring post, State NMALR Officers, and State NMALR executive committee. Article IV Membership Eligibility Section1 . Eligibility for basic membership in the NMALR shall be as prescribed by the National constitutions of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, and Sons of The American Legion. Section 2. All members of The NMALR must further demonstrate current individual Membership in The American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, or the Sons of The American Legion. Section3 . Members will not at any time hold membership in more than one chapter of The NMALR. Section4 . In addition to sections1 -3 above, members must be the legally registered sole owner, or be in joint ownership with none other than your legally married spouse, of a motorcycle of at least 350cc displacement or be the spouse of the legally registered, licensed, and insured owner and said owner also must be a member in good standing of The NMALR. Section 5. All operators must be properly licensed and insured per respective state laws. Section 6. All members will obey the motor vehicle laws in any state in which they are operating a motorcycle or riding as a passenger. Article V Wear of American Legion Emblem Section 1. The American Legion Riders back patch, as copyrighted and sold by The American Legion's Emblem Sales division, is authorized for wear by all current members of The NMALR. Section 2. No other back patch or back patch design is authorized for wear. Section 3 . Department standards for patch sales should be on file with Emblem Sales. Section 4. If Department identifying information is to be embroidered on the patch, Emblem Sales must have on record authorization from the Department Adjutant that such specific identifying information may be used on the patch. Section 5 . Use of rockers or patches physically attached to The American Legion Riders back patch are not recommended due to trademark laws. Article VI Determine Elected Officers Section 1. The recommended officers of the State NMALR organization are President, Vice President, Judge Advocate, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Road Captain, Historian, and Chaplain, elected biennially on odd numbered years during the Department of New Mexico Convention. Section 2 . Between State NMALR meetings, the administrative power of the States hall 13 | P a g e be vested in the State NMALR Executive Committee, whose voting members shall consist of all elective state officers, and chapter presidents for the duration of their elected term, and the immediate Past State NMALR President. Section -3. The State NMALR Executive Committee, without meeting together, may Transact business by mail or e-mail on a matter of urgency not involving the establishment of any new policy and on which action cannot be delayed until the next regular meeting. The NMALR State President must approve the use of either of these methods each time they are used and the NMALR State Secretary will compile and file a case file on each of these business transactions. Article VII Chapter Organization Section1 . Any Post wishing to sponsor a NMALR chapter will send their request, in writing and signed by the Post Commander, to the NMALR Secretary. The request will stipulate their chapter will abide by the State constitution and bylaws of the NMALR. This request will be approved by the State NMALR President or voted on by the State NMALR Executive Committee. Section 2. The new chapter president will build and submit bylaws for the chapter to the NMALR Secretary. These bylaws will be reviewed by the State NMALR Judge Advocate for compliance with State, Department, and National requirements. Section- 1. Recommended chapter officers are the same as state officers with the exception of the Judge Advocate position. All chapters must maintain a minimum of the following four officer positions: president, vice president, secretary/treasurer, and Sgt-atArms/Road Captain. Article VIII Finance Section 1. The revenue of the State NMALR shall be derived from such membership fees or dues and from such other sources as may be approved by the NMALR Executive Committee. Section 2. The amount of such membership or assessment fees shall be fixed and determined by the NMALR Executive Committee. Each Chapter shall determine the Chapter dues amount for its members. Section -1. Annual Chapter membership dues shall be payable on or before December 31st of each year. Section 4. A member whose dues for the current year have not been paid by January 1st shall be classified as delinquent and not in good standing. If the member's dues are not paid on or before February 1st, the members hall be suspended from all privileges. If the 4 members still under suspension on June 30th of such year, his term membership in the NMALR shall be forfeited. A suspended member may be reinstated by vote of the Chapter and payment of current dues for the year in which the reinstatement occurs. Such action will also serve to reinstate membership that has been forfeited to active Membership in good standing. Section -5. The State NMALR Treasurer will provide an annual financial report to the Department of New Mexico. Article IX Discipline Section1 . The NMALR President and the NMALR Executive Committee will follow the Procedure for the suspension revocation, or cancellation of a chapter's charter as set forth in the National Constitution and By-Laws of The American Legion. Section2 . NMALR Chapter Presidents are charged with maintaining control of and disciplining their members when warranted. 14 | P a g e Section 3. Charges brought against individual members will be handled by the members' chapter unless the corrective action is not lasting. The NMAI.R Executive Committee may then heart he charges establish facts, and decide on disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. The decision of the NMALR Executive Committee is final and conclusive. Article X Ratification Section 1. All acts performed and charters heretofore granted by all past State NMALR Officers are hereby ratified and confirmed. Article XI Amendments Section 1. This Constitution is adopted, subject to the provisions of the National Constitution and Department Constitution of which this organization is a subordinate program. Any amendment o the National or Department Constitution that is in conflict with any provision hereof shall be regarded as automatically repealing or modifying the provisions of the constitution and bylaws of this organization to the extent of such conflict. Section 2. This Constitution may be amended at any regular State meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the membership attending such regular meeting provided, that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing and read at the immediate preceding State meeting. Further, that traditional mail or electronic mail notice shall have been sent to all Executive Committee member’s address of record at least 5 days in advance of the date which such amendment is to be voted upon, notifying said members that at such meeting there will be a proposal to amend the Constitution. Effective Date This Constitution was reviewed by the NMALR Constitution and By-Laws Committee and found to be the original Constitution as amended. I. Don "Shooter" Milton, Chairman of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee do Here by certify this Constitution as presented to the general membership of the NMALR, Assembled on October 24, Deming, New Mexico in regular order of business and adopted to become effective at 3:00 p.m. on October 24,2009. Don "Shooter" Milton Chairman, Constitution and By-Laws Committee I, Aaron "Rug Doctor" Dean, State President of the NMALR, do hereby certify that this is a correct and effective copy of the constitution of the NMALR. Aaron "Rug Doctor" Dean State President Attested to: 15 | P a g e State NMALR Secretary/Treasurer "Gizmo" Garlow State By Laws 16 | P a g e NEW MEXICO AMERICAN LEION RIDERS (NMALR) MOTORCYCLE ASSOICATION BY-LAWS REVISION NUMBER 3, April 20, 2013 PURPOSE: To participate in parades and other ceremonies that are in keeping with the aims and purposes of The American Legion. To promote motorcycle safety education programs and to provide a social atmosphere for The American Legion members with the same motorcycle interests. The American Legion Riders (ALR) will be an asset in promoting and supporting the programs within the American Legion. I. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE A) Executive Officers will consist of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) NMALR State elected officers Presidents of all Chapters Staff Judge Advocate, appointed by the President Immediate Past NMALR State President. If the current president is serving consecutive terms, the most recent past president, other than the current president, will serve on the executive committee. B) In the absence of the Chapter President, the Chapter Vice President may sit in the meeting, participate in the discussion and vote for their chapter. In the absence of both the Chapter President and Chapter Vice President, a chapter delegate may represent the chapter but does not have a vote. 17 | P a g e C) A quorum for meetings is a majority of the voting members, with no one officer holding more than one voting position. D) The purpose of the committee is to address new chapter applications, grievances, and business pertaining to the NMALR Motorcycle Association. E) Duties of Executive committee: 1) Monitor and oversee the activities of all NMALR chapters to ensure their compliance with the NMALR Motorcycle Association State By-Laws. 2) Enforce disciplinary action against any chapter who fails to comply with these By-Laws. II. NMALR STATE OFICERS A) NMALR State Officers will consist of the following: 1 ) President 2) Vice President 3) Secretary* 4) Treasurer* 5) Sgt-at-Arms 6) Road Captain* 7) Judge Advocate (appointed by the State President) 8) Chaplain* 9) Historian* Note: Positions identified with a*may be combined with other positions Note: Each state officer will have only one (1) vote. They cannot cast their Chapters’ vote. B. Duties of NMALR State Officers 18 | P a g e President: Serves as chief administrative officer; determines the frequency and location of state meetings and presides over these meeting; exercises general supervision over the affairs of the NMALR Motorcycle Association; performs such duties as directed by the chapter’ general membership; reports annually to the New Mexico American Legion State Convention as to the activities of the NMALR for the past year; and insures that all local chapters are kept informed in a timely manner as to NMALR business. Vice President: Assumes the duties of the president in his/her absence; assists the president in performance of their duties when called on to do so by the president; and oversees new chapter and membership recruitment. Secretary: Keeps full and correct records of all proceedings at the state meetings; maintains state records; and informs all chapters in a timely manner as to NMALR business. Treasurer; Maintains charge of all finances of the NMALR State Motorcycle Association; authorized to disburse funds not to exceed $50.00 unless approved by a quorum of the state officers; gives detailed financial reports at each regular meeting and furnished copies to the chapters, if requested; files all required financial documentation to federal, state and local agencies, as required; and prepares the annual state NMALR budget. Sgt-at-Arms: Maintains order and discipline at NMALR state meetings and takes any measures necessary to endure the safety of the Association; verifies attendance of authorized delegates at the state meetings; and assists chapter in the enforcement of state and chapter by-laws. Road Captain: Coordinates and maintains a schedule of all state NMALR rides involving state functions; promotes a motorcycle safety education program; and plans a minimum of one state NMALR ride that will involve as many chapters as possible. Chaplain: charged with the spiritual welfare of the NMALR and offers divine, but nonsectarian service, in the event of dedications, funerals, public functions, etc.; and adheres to such ceremonial rituals as recommended by the state NMALR officers. Historian: Provides guidance to chapter historians as needed and performs other duties as may properly pertain to the office and as may be determined by the NMALR president. Judge Advocate: Advises the NMALR Executive committee on issues requiring clarification of proper procedures to follow when conducting NMALR business and elections; reviews and ensures existing/new NMALR State and Chapter Constitutions/By Laws do not violate NM Department and National Rules. All NMALR State Officers; Recruits new members for The American Legion Riders; assists Posts in the organization of new chapters, and maintains their membership in food standing within their individual chapter with the following restrictions: a. Will not be counted to establish a quorum, when attending any Association Chapter general membership meeting. 19 | P a g e b. c. Will not have a vote in their respective chapter’s decision on NMALR state business to avoid a conflict of interest among other chapters. May give input and participate in any discussion. III. ELECTIONS A. Beginning June 2005 NMALR State Officer elections will occur every odd year in June during the American Legion State Convention. B. A nomination committee of three (3) members shall be established by the NMALR president for the purpose of soliciting members to serve as state officers. The nomination committee shall present a slate of officers to be considered for the biennial election. Members of the committee shall be NMALR State officers or delegates. C. Officers will hold their position or two (2) years. At the end of the term, an officer may seek reelection as they see fit. There are no term limits. D. Any member who is an officer in another motorcycle association, other than the ALR, or is a member of any motorcycle club or one of their support organizations, cannot be a NMALR state or chapter officer. E. Each NMALR chapter must be certified in good standing in order or participate in NMALR state elections. Certification requires submission of the following to the NMALR state secretary, 30 day prior to the scheduled election: Current paid up membership roster, list of delegates, program hours, an annual finance and a consolidated report. Appropriate assessment fees must also have been paid. F. The state president may appoint temporary officers from the NMALR membership as required for special project or circumstances, with their concurrence. They will hold their temporary position for as long as the president determines. G. Proxies and absentee ballots are not authorized as The American Legion does not authorize their use. IV. CHAPTER DELEGATES A. Each chapter shall have one (1) delegate per ten (10) members with a maximum of five (5) delegates per chapter to represent their chapter at the state level. Note: Chapters with less than ten (10) members shall have one (1) delegate. B. Each chapter will determine how their delegates are appointed. C. Delegate names will be verified in writing by their respective chapter president and presented to the NMALR secretary and the state sgt-at-arms prior to the beginning the of the state meeting. Copies of each delegate’s 20 | P a g e current American Legion, Auxiliary, or S.A.L membership card and NMALR chapter membership card will be provided to the NMALR State Secretary for certification. D. Delegate should attend as many state meetings as possible. E. Delegates will have full voting authority as derived from their chapter. One delegate may cast all votes authorized for his/her chapter. F. Delegates shall have a term of one (1) year and must be reappointed or elected by their chapter each year. V. MEETINGS A. State Meetings: 1. 2. 3. 4. State President will determine the frequency and location of state meetings, but meetings shall be held no less than once per quarter. Any NMALR State Officer shall be removed from office if the accumulate three (3) unexcused absences during a calendar year. A quorum will consist of three (3) officers. The president will only vote on issues to break a tie vote. There will be no consumption of alcohol, smoking, or wearing of head gear of any kind, to include bandanas and sunglasses on top of head, in the state meeting. The only authorized hats are the nationally authorized hats of The American Legion, i.e. Legionnaire or Sons of the American Legion, at the discretion of the Sgt-at-Arms. B. Chapter Meetings: Each chapter’s membership will determine the time and place of their general membership meeting. Monthly general membership meetings should be held, but a chapter cannot hold meetings less than once every quarter. C. State and Chapter Meetings; Will be conducted in accordance with the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. 1. 2. VI. NMALR STATE FUNDS A. The operating budget of the NMALR Motorcycle Association will be derived from the individual chapters. B. Each chapter will forward an assessment fee, the amount to be determined by the NMALR Executive Committee at our June Meeting, but not less than $5.00 per member to the NMALR State Treasurer for administrative support not later than November 1st of each calendar year. C. The assessment fee will be based on the chapter’s paid membership for the current year. D. At the conclusion of each fiscal year (July 01 to June 30), the NMALR State Treasurer will provide an annual finance report no later than August 15th to all chapters and the American Legion Department of New Mexico Executive Committee. E. At the conclusion of each fiscal year (July 01 to June 30) each chapter Treasurer will provide an annual finance report to the State Treasurer no later than July 15. 21 | P a g e VII. MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS To be eligible to become a member of the American Legion Riders Association an individual must: A. Be a member in good standing with The American Legion, Auxiliary, or the Sons of The American Legion. B. Must be at least 18 years of age and possess a valid and current and motorcycle license endorsement issued by the member’s home state. The American legion Resolution 35, which made the Legion Riders a National program and does not allow junior riders. Spouses who are passengers only and do not drive the motorcycle are not required to have a motorcycle endorsement. C. Members must be the legally registered sole owner, or be in joint ownership with none other than your legally married spouse, of a motorcycle of at least 350cc displacement or be the spouse of the legally registered, licensed, and insured owner and said owner also must be a member in good standing of the NMALR. D. New applicants and members must provide proof of a current motorcycle endorsement, registration and insurance when joining or when asked by their chapter president, vice president or Sgt-At-Arms. E. Legion Riders in good standing; who for physical or medical reasons can no longer operate a motorcycle be granted “retired” status by a vote of the local chapter membership. The “retired” status only applies to operating of a motorcycle requirement and does not create another class of membership. All other provisions of these by-laws will apply to members granted this status. The chapter will communicate to the state secretary in writing, the granting of retired status, the member’s information, and the reason for granting this status. F. Spouses of Legion Riders in food standing who lose their spouse due to death may remain a Rider. G. Legion Riders in good standing who wish to transfer from one NMALR Chapter to another must complete a Member Data/Transfer Form with the gaining Chapter. Membership transfer must be approved by the gaining chapter’s membership and the form signed by the gaining Chapter President before the transfer is official. Either an electronic or hard copy of the completed form for transfers, new members, and changes to a chapter’s membership will be sent to the NMALR State Vice President in a timely manner. H. Individual Chapters may, at their discretion, permit non-riding associates. I. Associates: 1.) Are defined as American Legion, Auxiliary, or Sons of the American Legion members who do not ride motorcycles but are of the legal age to obtain a motorcycle endorsement for a motorcycle of at least 350cc and wish to participate in a support capacity at an ALR function or event. 2.) May give inputs and participate in any discussion within their respective chapter. 3.) May not vote or hold office at the chapter or state level. 4.) Must be 18 years of age or older. 5.) Do not count towards total Chapter membership numbers. 22 | P a g e VIII. RULES OF CONDUCT Legion A. Any new and all existing chapters must agree, in writing, to abide by the NMALR State By-Laws if they wish to be a part of the NMALR Motorcycle Association of the Department of New Mexico. Should they not wish to comply with the NMALR State By-Laws they will required to remove any American Legion/Legion Rider emblems of The American Legion and surrender their Charter if previously issued. B. Each chapter has responsibility for individual member discipline. If the chapter is unable to effectively control Or discipline any of their members, the Chapter President may call on the state executive committee for advice and assistance. C. All members or associates will conduct themselves in professional manner at all times when attending and/or participating in a state or chapter Rider meeting/event and will comply with the instructions of the state or chapters Sgt-At-Arms at all times. If they are unwilling or cannot conduct themselves accordingly, they will be directed to leave the meeting/event and will not be allowed to return to that meeting/event. D. If a chapter intends to expel a member or associate the chapter must send all supporting documentation to the state executive committee for review prior to taking action against the individual. The state executive committee will review the information and decide the merit of the expulsion. If the state executive committee concurs with the expulsion, the expelled party will be denied membership/associate status to any other NMALR chapter. Members who are under suspension from their home chapter cannot wear their vest or conduct legion rider business during the time they are suspended, nor can they transfer to another chap0ter during this time. E. No Rider shall operate their motorcycle in such a manner that could endanger themselves, another individual or property. F. Members or associates will at all times conduct themselves in such a manner that they will not bring discredit upon The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, the Sons of The American Legion, or The American Legion Riders. G. The constitution and by-laws of The American Legion National, NM State Department and Post supersede and are the governing by-laws of the NMALR. H. Chapters will abide by the Constitution and By-Laws off the American Legion National, NM State Department, and the Post in addition to the by-laws ratified by the individual NMALR chapters. I. American Legion Riders will abide by the individual post’s house rules while visiting a post even if they differ from the member’s home post. J. The NMALR State Officers have the responsibility to monitor the activities of each chapter. If in the opinion of the state president a chapter has not complied with the state by-laws, he/she will contact the offending chapter’s president and remind him/her of the requirement of the chapter to comply. If the chapter continues to ignore or deviate from state by-laws, the state president and the Sgt-At-Arms will visit the chapter to further investigate the chapter’s activities. The NMALR State President will give the chapter president 60 days to become complaint. At the end of the 60-day period, the NMALR State President will send two (2) state officers to see if the chapter has complied with state by-laws. The two state officers will prepare and present a written report of their findings to the state president. If the chapter is found to still be in non-compliance, the NMALR State Committee, by a majority vote, can take any action it deems necessary, up to and including removing the Chapter from the NMALR Association. K. All motorcyclist and riders will follow the rules of the road as set forth by appropriate state and federal motor vehicle laws. 23 | P a g e IX. WEARING OF PATCHES A. NMALR state and chapter patches will be worn on a black or brown leather or blue or black denim vest or jacket. No other colors of vests or materials are authorized for the NMALR vest. B. The front of the vest or jacket will consist of the following: 1) An American flag will be worn on the left side, high on the chest. American Flag patches with VETERAN, PEACE signs or any other thing defacing the flag shall not be worn on American Legion Rider Vest. 2) A New Mexico state flag will be placed immediately below the American Flag. 3) The four (4) inch American Legion Riders Association patch will be placed beneath The New Mexico state flag 4) No more than four (4) pins or patch reflecting members branch of service or properly authorized Campaign ribbon can be placed in the area between the four (4) inch American Legion Riders Association patch and the NM state flag. These pins must be of military, religious or personal significance. 5) A POW/MIA patch will be worn on the right side, high on the chest. 6) Beneath the POW/MIA patch the appropriate two (2) inch American Legion, Auxiliary, or Sons of American Legion emblem will be worn. 7) Road names and officer titles will be worn between the POW/MIA patch and The American Legion, Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion emblem, with the officer title above the road name. State officer badges are gold in color while chapter officers’ badges/patches are white or silver in color. All road name patches will have gold colored lettering. No other pins or badges are worn in this area. 8) The lower half of the left or right front of the vest or jacket is free for individual patches and pins. 9) Absolutely nothing will be worn above the American Legion or the POW/MIA patch, i.e. on the top of the shoulders of the vest or jacket. C. A two (2) piece patch has been adopted by the NMALR Association for wear on the back of the vest or jacket, nothing is to be worn above this patch. D. The back of the vest or jacket will consist of the following: 1) The American Legion Riders Association patch centered on the back. 2) The center of the vest or jacket, all the way to the bottom, beneath the ten (10) inch American Legion Riders Association patch will be void of all patches and pins. 3) A top rocker with “Legion Riders” or Legion Riders” with “Charter Member” beneath, as applicable based on member’s membership status, will be centered above the Association patch. 4) A 2X2 inch patch with “NM’ and the appropriate Chapter number will be centered on and to the right side of the Association patch. 5) A similar patch with the member’s appropriate Chapter number will be centered on and to the left of the Association patch. 6) The area above the horizontal line between the post and chapter patches up to and including the top seam of the shoulder and collar will be void of any pins and patches except as described herein. 7) The bottom left and right rear sides are designated for military service, unit or POW/MIA related patches. 8) The top rocker and both side patches will have a black background with yellow block style lettering. 24 | P a g e E. An associate’s vest/jacket will be the same as an Association member’s vest/jacket except that the back top rocker will consist of the words “Legion Riders: with “Associate” beneath and be centered above the Association patch. F. No support pins or patches for motorcycle clubs or their support organizations shall be worn on the American Legion Riders Vest, jacket, chaps or any other apparel while wearing The American Legion or The American Rider. A. Motorcycles must be at least 350cc in size. B. In the event a member no longer owns a motorcycle of at least 350cc, the member will have until the next membership renewal date to obtain another motorcycle of at least 350cc. If at any time the member has not obtained an applicable motorcycle, he/she must remove their member patch and replace it with the associate patch. Once he/she obtains another motorcycle, they can resume their member status and again wear the member patch as long as their dues are current. This subsection does not apply to members granted “Retired” Status in accordance with Section VII, E. C. Chapters will assign a road captain for each ride. All riders will follow the directions set forth by the road captain for that ride. D. As a courtesy to all members, you should not sit on or touch another Rider’s motorcycle without the consent of the owners. XI. CHAPTER QUALIFICATIONS A. New Chapters must have a sponsoring Post. B. Members must be current American Legion, Auxiliary or Sons of the American Legion Members with current dues paid. C. New and revised chapter by-laws must be reviewed by the NMALR State Judge Advocate to ensure they do not violate NM Department and National rules. D. As a minimum, all Chapters must maintain the following officer positions: 1) President 2) Vice President 3) Secretary/Treasurer 4) Sgt-At-Arms E. Existing Chapters should attempt to maintain the following officer positions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Sgt-at-Arms Road Captain Chaplain Historian XIII CHAPTER LOCATIONS 25 | P a g e It is envisioned that riders from various local posts will band together and create an NMALR Association chapter. A) The state executive committee must approve the organization of additional chapters. B) Any two or more American Legion posts may combine all interested motorcyclists and organize a new chapter. C) A member from any post may be a member of any chapter. XIV AMENDMENTS These by laws may be amended at any state NMALR meeting buy a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the chapter’s delegates attending a state meeting; provided that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing; read and explained at the proceeding chapter meetings, and that written notice shall have been given to all chapters at least sixty (60) days in advance of the date when which such amendments are to be voted upon. EFFECTIVE DATE I certify that these revisions were adopted and voted on by the general membership to become effective April 20, 2013. With all amendments proposed in writing within time frame required. __________________________________ Jim Bob Walker President October 12 , 2013 ___________________________________ Barbara Santillanes State Secretary October 12, 2013 26 | P a g e NMALR Resolution 35 27 | P a g e Legion Riders Resolution No. 35 American Legion Riders as a National Program NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN LEGION INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA October 17-18, 2007 WHEREAS, American Legion Riders (ALR) was established in 1993 as a Post level activity at Garden City American Legion Post 396, Department of Michigan; and WHEREAS, Today there are more than 700 The ALR groups at the Post, District and Department levels whose membership consists of members of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion who share a common interest in motorcycle ownership and pleasure riding for veterans’ causes; and WHEREAS, The ALR groups exist in at least 48 states and three foreign countries and evidence a growth pattern over the last five years that reflects a genuine interest in ALR for both current and potential members of The American Legion Family; and WHEREAS, The purpose of ALR is to use their common interest and association to promote the aims and purposes of The American Legion as well as the promotion of motorcycle safety and awareness; and WHEREAS, During the 2006 and 2007 calendar years, ALR raised more than $500,000 for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship while at the local level ALR groups contributions were valued at more than $75,000 in contribution or volunteer hours to support the programs of The American Legion; and WHEREAS, Membership growth in The American Legion has increased in many Posts that have supported ALR and in some cases these members now serve in leadership positions within The American Legion; and WHEREAS, ALR support those serving in uniform today through participation in such activities as the Patriot Guard, which was founded by the Department of Kansas ALR to provide escorts for our fallen heroes returning from war and taking care of the needs of the families left behind; and WHEREAS, Many Posts and Departments of The American Legion have already acknowledged their ALR groups as a program and have established guidelines for ALR to follow; and 28 | P a g e WHEREAS, In April 2007 an AdHoc Committee appointed by the National Commander met in Indianapolis to discuss the future of ALR as a program based on guidelines developed by the Internal Affairs Commission in 2003; and WHEREAS, These guidelines, which were validated with minor additions by the AdHoc Committee, will serve as the standard under which all current and future The ALR groups will operate; and WHEREAS, As The ALR groups continue to increase in number it would be beneficial to both The American Legion and ALR to establish basic guidelines for consistency in all aspects of The ALR groups; and WHEREAS, The ALR status has been reviewed by the Internal Affairs Commission, which recommends the ALR become a National program; and WHEREAS, National Finance Commission has reviewed ALR and the need for funding and insurance for the National organization for this program, recommends this program to the National Executive Committee; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By The National Executive Committee of The American Legion in regular meeting assembled in Indianapolis, Indiana, on October 1718, 2007, That The American Legion adopt American Legion Riders (ALR) as a national program; and, be it further RESOLVED, That all The American Legion Rider groups must be a program supported by a Post or Department of The American Legion and shall uphold the declared principles of The American Legion as well as conform to and abide by the regulations and decisions of the Department, Post or other duly constituted Department governing body; and, be it further RESOLVED, That the following guidelines are recommended for The ALR program of The American Legion: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. All members of The American Legion Riders shall be current members of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion Each ALR member shall own a motorcycle Each ALR member shall be properly licensed and insured as required by state law All ALR members shall strive to maintain the image of The American Legion, at all times upholding The American Legion name and emblem, which symbolizes the integrity and principles of this great organization. All The ALR groups shall avoid the perception of being a “motorcycle club” or biker club”. The only recognized The American Legion Rider logo is that which is copyrighted and sold through The American Legion National Emblem sales. All Members will obey the motorcycle laws of their state. No use of rockers with the ALR patch because touching the patch violates trademark laws of the ALR patch. Sponsoring organization (Post and Department) will review liability insurance coverage to ensure that adequate coverage is available to cover the organization to include coverage for any specific special riding events; and, be it further 29 | P a g e RESOLVED, That American Legion Rider groups shall abide by The American Legion Constitution and Bylaws as well as the established Post and Department directives; and, be it finally RESOLVED, That The American Legion National Headquarters and the respective Departments shall maintain general oversight of ALR Program as regards to proper use of the name and emblem of The American Legion, ALR and The American Legion Legacy Run, and compliance with the National Constitution and By Laws of The American Legion CHAPTER 10 BY LAWS 30 | P a g e NEW MEXICO AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS CHAPTER 10 To participate in parades and other ceremonies that are in keeping with the aims and purposes of the American Legion. To promote motorcycle safety and education programs and to provide a social atmosphere for American Legion members who share the same interests. To use our Association to promote and support programs of the American Legion. By Laws Article I – Membership Membership: To be eligible to become a member of the American Legion Riders Association an individual: A. Must be a member in good standing of the American Legion, Auxiliary or the Sons of the American Legion. B. Must be at least 18 years of age and possess a valid and current drivers license with a motorcycle endorsement issued by the member’s home state. Spouses who are passengers only and do not drive the motorcycle are not required to have the motorcycle endorsement. C. Member must be legally registered sole owner, or be in joint ownership with none other than their legally married spouse, of a motorcycle of at least 350cc in. displacement or be the spouse of the legally registered, licensed, and insured owner and said owner also must be a member in good standing of the NMALR. D. Submit documentation indicating proof of current motorcycle endorsement, registration and insurance when joining to the Vice President, or when asked, to 2 of the 3 following officers: President, Vice President, and or Sgt. at Arms. E. Legion riders in good standing, who for physical or medical reasons can no longer operate a motorcycle, may be granted “retired” status by a vote of the local chapter membership. The “retired” status only applies to the operating of a motorcycle requirement and does not create another class of membership. All other provisions of these by-laws will apply to members granted this status. The 31 | P a g e chapter will communicate to the State Secretary, in writing, the granting of “retired” status, the member’s information, and the reason for granting this status. F. Spouses of Legion Riders in good standing who lose their spouse due to death may remain a Rider. G. Legion Riders in good standing who wishes to transfer from one NMALR Chapter to another must complete a Member Data/Transfer Form with the gaining Chapter, signed by the gaining Chapter President before the transfer is official. Either an electronic or a hard copy of the completed form for transfers, new members, and changes to a chapter’s membership will be sent to the NMALR State Vice President in a timely manner. H. The chapter may, at their discretion, permit non-riding Associates. Associates: 1. Are defined as American Legion, Auxiliary, or Sons of the American Legion members who do not ride motorcycles but are of the legal age to obtain a motorcycle endorsement for a motorcycle of at least 350cc and wish to participate in a support capacity at an ALR function or event. 2. May give inputs and participate in any discussion within their respective chapter. 3. May not vote or hold office at the chapter or state level. 4. Must be 18 years of age or older. 5. Do not count towards total Chapter membership numbers. 6. Not allowed to make a motion or 2nd a motion. Article II – Officers of the Association A. President ++ B Vice President ++ C. Secretary ++ ** D. Treasurer ++ ** E. Road Captain ** 32 | P a g e F. Sgt. at Arms G. Historian ** H. Chaplain ** (++ may not be held by a spouse or relative of someone holding a position marked ++ unless there are not enough members to fill all these spots.) (** May be combined with other positions) Article III – Elections A. The chapter officers shall be nominated at the regular membership meeting in November, however, nominations may occur up to the start of voting for that position. The election committee will ask for any nominations prior to beginning the vote for any position. Elections will be held at the regular meeting in December. Newly elected officers shall take office immediately. B. Voting will take place during the meeting only. No early, late, or proxy votes shall be accepted C. Positions will be voted on in the following order; President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Historian, Road Captain, Chaplain, and Sergeant of Arms. Should there be no candidates for a position that position will be skipped until voting on the rest are complete. At that time a call for any new nominations will be made. D. Candidates for the position being voted on shall be excused from the meeting until the vote for that position is complete unless there is only one candidate for the position. E. Officers will hold their position for (1) year. At the end of the term, officers may seek re-election as they see fit. There are no term limits. F. Exiting officers must be liaisons for the incoming officers for the follow 2 months after election if available. G. When a vacancy in the office of Chapter President occurs, the Vice President shall succeed to that office. If a vacancy of any other officer position occurs, the President, with a simple majority vote of the current Chapter officers (Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Sgt. at Arms. Chaplain and Road Captain as 33 | P a g e applicable) shall appoint a member to fill that vacancy. An officer that hold more than one position may cast only one vote. A tie is not sufficient to ratify a new officer in this situation. Votes must be made in person at a scheduled executive board meeting. Article IV – Duties of Association Chapter Officers A. President: Serve as Chief Administrative Officer and will preside over all meetings. Have general supervision over the affairs of the Association. Perform such duties as directed by the chapter general membership. Will verify the roster and financial report during the chapter executive committee meeting prior to the chapter general membership meeting every month. B. Vice President: Assume the duties of the President in his or her absence. Assist the President in performance of his or her duties when called on to do so by the President. Oversees membership recruitment (to include verification of all supporting documentation) and forward said documentation to the appropriate state executive board members when required. Will be in charge of the storage, purchasing, and selling of the vest patches and Chapter 10 challenge coins or may appoint a designee to handle this. Receipts will be given for all patch and challenge coin sales. All money collected will be turned into the treasurer as soon as possible. A receipt will be issued to the VP for all money turned in. Will maintain an inventory of three (3) of each officer rank patch, and 4 complete sets of vest patches when the budget allows. Will provide the treasurer with an inventory report for patches and challenge coins before every monthly meeting. C. Secretary: To keep full and correct record of the proceedings at the meetings. Maintain membership records including a thorough roster of all current members and past members (will include reason for leaving, if known, and date of separation.) D. Treasurer: To have charge of all finances of the Association. To have charge of disbursing funds. Disbursements shall not be made unless approved by the President or vice president should the president not be available. Is in charge of issuing and keeping record of all receipts for ALL transactions involving money or items purchased, donated to, or sold by Chapter 10. To give detailed financial 34 | P a g e reports at each regular meeting. Copies will be furnished to the sponsoring Post or any member in good standing if requested. E. Road Captain: Be the logistics person in charge of organized runs of the Association. Determines dates, times and routes to starting and ending points. Appoint assistants (Tailgunner etc.) and/or take any other measures necessary to ensure the safety of the group during a ride. Will be familiar with all hand signals found in the riders handbook and will give a brief prior to all runs explaining them. Will brief all new or transferring members of our safety procedures. F. Sgt. at Arms: Maintains order during Association meetings, runs & functions. Will enforce the proper use of the Roberts rules of Order outlined in Article V Section C. Ensures the attendance roster is filled out and accurate at chapter meetings. G. Historian: Shall be charged with the individual records and incidents of the ALR and ALR members, and perform such other duties as may be properly pertain to record of the ALR. Will take, or designate someone to take pictures at all Chapter 10 functions. Will put together a photo album to show the activities of the chapter during the year. Will manage, or supervise a designee to manage, the NMALR10 website and other social media sites (facebook etc.) H. Chaplain: Charged with the spiritual welfare of the ALR and shall offer divine, but non-denominational services in the event of dedications, funerals, public functions, etc., and adhere to such ceremonial rituals as recommended by the Executive Board. Will provide the opening prayer and benediction at Chapter 10 meetings and functions. Article V – Meetings A. Chapter general membership meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00pm. A minimum of 1 officer and a total of 5 members must be present to constitute a quorum. B. Executive Committee meetings will be held on the third Thursday of every month at 6:30pm. All officers must attend unless excused. C. Meetings will be conducted using the current Robert’s Rules of Order. Robert's Rules of Order is the standard for facilitating discussions and group decisionmaking. The following are the most common terms but do not represent all rules. 35 | P a g e 1. Motion: To introduce a new piece of business or propose a decision or action, a motion must be made by a group member ("I move that......") A second motion must then also be made (raise your hand and say, "I second the motion.") The Chapter President will call for a discussion. After limited discussion the Chapter President will call for a vote. A majority vote is required for the motion to pass. NO MOTION WILL BE CARRIED WITHOUT A VOTE. Note: No more than one motion may be made at one time, with the exception of (1) a motion to amend the current motion, (2) a motion to postpone indefinitely the current motion, or (3) a motion to table the current motion. If more than one motion is proposed, the most recent takes precedence over the ones preceding it. 2. Postpone Indefinitely: This tactic is used to kill a motion. When passed, the motion cannot be reintroduced at that meeting. It may be brought up again at a later date. This is made as a motion ("I move to postpone indefinitely..."). A second is required. A majority vote is required to postpone the motion under consideration. 3. Amend: This is the process used to change a motion under consideration. Perhaps you like the idea proposed but not exactly as offered. Raise your hand and make the following motion: "I move to amend the motion on the floor." This also requires a second. After the motion to amend is seconded, a majority vote is needed to decide whether the amendment is accepted. Then a vote is taken on the amended motion. In some organizations, a "friendly amendment" is made. If the person who made the original motion agrees with the suggested changes, the amended motion may be voted on without a separate vote to approve the amendment. 4. Table: To table a discussion is to lay aside the business at hand in such a manner that it will be considered later in the meeting or at another time ("I make a motion to table this discussion until the next meeting. In the meantime, we will get more information so we can better discuss the issue.") A second is needed and a majority vote required to table the item being discussed. 5. Adjourn: A motion is made to end the meeting. A second motion is required. A majority vote is then required for the meeting to be adjourned (ended). Should an adjournment pass, the benediction will be given prior to dismissal. 36 | P a g e D. Conduct unbecoming an American Legion Rider will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to outbursts, disruptive behavior, talking out of turn, derogatory remarks, and name calling. First offense will result in a warning. A second offense will result in dismissal from the meeting. Continued disruptive behavior will result in disciplinary action, in accordance with Article VII, up to and including expulsion from the American Legion Riders. Article VI – Finances A. Finances of the Association will be from membership dues/fund raisers, or such other sources, as approved by the general membership. B. Dues are $25.00 per year per member. Membership fees will be accepted from after the December meeting until Febuary 1st. Any member that has not paid will be dropped from the roster. Any member that is removed due to non-payment may reapply anytime they wish. C. Any check written must be signed by the Treasurer AND either the President or Vice President. Article VII – Rules of Conduct A. All members and associates will conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times when attending and/or participating in a State or Chapter Rider meeting/event and will comply with the instructions of the State or Chapters Sgt at Arms at all times. If they are unwilling or cannot conduct themselves accordingly, they will be directed to leave the meeting/event and will not be allowed to return and are subject to dismissal as an ALR member. B. In order to expel/suspend a member or associate, the chapter must send all supporting documentation to the state executive committee for review prior to taking action against the individual. The State Executive Committee will review the information and decide the merit of the expulsion/suspension. If the State Executive Committee concurs with the expulsion/suspension, the expelled/suspended will commence immediately. C. The member facing expulsion/suspension will receive a Notice of Expulsion/Suspension, including appeal rights, no later than thirty (30) days in writing prior to the general membership meeting. This expulsion will only be for the membership to the ALR of NM and not the American Legion. Upon expulsion, 37 | P a g e that person will surrender their ALR patch and ALR membership card to an officer of the chapter and will be denied membership/associate status to any NMALR Chapter as per state regulations. D. No rider shall operate their motorcycle in such a manner that could endanger themselves, another individual or property. All state and Federal motor vehicle laws will be followed. E. Members or associates will at all times conduct themselves in such a manner that they will not bring discredit upon the American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, and the Sons of the American Legion or the American Legion riders. F. The Constitution and By-Laws of the American Legion National, NM State Department, and Post supersede and are the governing By-Laws of the NMALR. Article VIII – Charter Membership A. Membership in the Association will be in accordance with Article I B. Anyone who joined Chapter 10 prior to January 29, 2005 shall be known as a Charter Member. Article IX – Residency A. The Association will be known as the American Legion Riders, New Mexico Chapter 10. Article X – Wearing of Patches A. All patches will be worn in accordance with the current, approved, state guidelines. 1. Clarification. a. The American flag shall be the highest patch on the front of the vest/jacket. 38 | P a g e b. The American Legion Riders Association patch on the back of the vest/jacket will be centered between the top and bottom of the vest/ jacket as well as centered left to right. Article XI – Riders Handbook A. The riders handbook is a compilation of information that members may find useful. It also contains the state and chapter by laws. Members will be given reasonable access to the riders handbook. Any member who elects not to receive a handbook will still be held liable for the information contained within. Ignorance will not be an acceptable reason for breach of any rule or regulation discussed in the handbook. B. Revisions will be passed out as they are made available. A notation will be made on the List of Effective Changes page found in the handbook. C. Replacement copies can be downloaded from the website. A hard copy may be requested from an officer. Any cost associated with this request will be the responsibility of the requesting member. Article XII – Event Planning and Execution A. All events that chapter 10 plans to host or participate in must have an approved outline before the event takes place. The outline will contain a detailed plan for where all expenditures will come from and where money made will go (ex. general fund or OWW.) It will make note of any donated items and any plans for reimbursement. This will ensure that there is no confusion as to where money, items, or services are coming from or how they are being paid for. B. Absolutely no private business endeavors will be permitted within an event that the American Legion Riders chapter 10 is hosting or participating in without an approved outline. C. Outlines will be discussed and voted on during a regular meeting prior to the event. A simple majority vote is needed to approve. If the event is to happen before the next regular meeting, an outline may be approved by the executive committee. Approval will require a minimum of three officer signatures including the chapter President. Article XIII – Amendments 39 | P a g e A. These by-laws may be amended at any regular ALR meeting by vote of two-thirds of the members attending a regular meeting: provided, that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing and read and explained at the preceding regular membership meeting; provided further, that written notice shall have been given to all members at least twenty days in advance of the date when which such amendment is to be voted upon. 40 | P a g e We hereby certify that the forgoing is a true and correct copy of the By-laws adopted by the American Legion riders, New Mexico Chapter 10, on December 18, 2014 by a unanimous vote. Attest: Signed on this 18th day of December, 2014 _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ James Clum Raymond Gonzales President Chapter 10 Vice President Chapter 10 ____________________________________ Vern Clark Secretary/Treasurer Chapter 10 41 | P a g e Parliamentary Procedure for Meetings Robert's Rules of Order is the standard for facilitating discussions and group decision-making. Copies of the rules are available at most bookstores. Although they may seem long and involved, having an agreed upon set of rules makes meetings run easier. Here are the basic elements of Robert's Rules, used by most organizations: 1. Motion: To introduce a new piece of business or propose a decision or action, a motion must be made by a group member ("I move that......") A second motion must then also be made (raise your hand and say, "I second it.") After limited discussion the group then votes on the motion. A majority vote is required for the motion to pass (or quorum as specified in your bylaws.) 2. Postpone Indefinitely: This tactic is used to kill a motion. When passed, the motion cannot be reintroduced at that meeting. It may be brought up again at a later date. This is made as a motion ("I move to postpone indefinitely..."). A second is required. A majority vote is required to postpone the motion under consideration. 3. Amend: This is the process used to change a motion under consideration. Perhaps you like the idea proposed but not exactly as offered. Raise your hand and make the following motion: "I move to amend the motion on the floor." This also requires a second. After the motion to amend is seconded, a majority vote is needed to decide whether the amendment is accepted. Then a vote is taken on the amended motion. In some organizations, a "friendly amendment" is made. If the person who made the original motion agrees with the suggested changes, the amended motion may be voted on without a separate vote to approve the amendment. 6. Table: To table a discussion is to lay aside the business at hand in such a manner that it will be considered later in the meeting or at another time ("I make a motion to table this discussion until the next meeting. In the meantime, we will get more information so we can better discuss the issue.") A second is needed and a majority vote required to table the item being discussed. 7. Adjourn: A motion is made to end the meeting. A second motion is required. A majority vote is then required for the meeting to be adjourned (ended). Note: If more than one motion is proposed, the most recent takes precedence over the ones preceding it. For example if #6, a motion to table the discussion, is proposed, it must be voted on before #3, a motion to amend, can be decided. 42 | P a g e IN THE MEETING TO INTRODUCE A MOTION: Stand when no one else has the floor. Address the Chair by the proper title. Wait until the chair recognizes you. Now that you have the floor and can proceed with your motion say "I move that...," state your motion clearly and sit down. Another member may second your motion. A second merely implies that the seconder agrees that the motion should come before the assembly and not that he/she is in favor of the motion. If there is no second, the Chair says, "The motion is not before you at this time." The motion is not lost, as there has been no vote taken. If there is a second, the Chair states the question by saying "It has been moved and seconded that ... (state the motion). . ., is there any discussion?" DEBATE OR DISCUSSING THE MOTION: The member who made the motion is entitled to speak first. Every member has the right to speak in debate. The Chair should alternate between those "for" the motion and those "against" the motion. The discussion should be related to the pending motion. Avoid using a person's name in debate. All questions should be directed to the Chair. Unless there is a special rule providing otherwise, a member is limited to speak once to a motion. Asking a question or a brief suggestion is not counted in debate. A person may speak a second time in debate with the assembly's permission. VOTING ON A MOTION: Before a vote is taken, the Chair puts the question by saying "Those in favor of the motion that ... (repeat the motion)... say "Aye." Those opposed say "No." Wait, then say "The motion is carried," or "The motion is lost." Some motions require a 2/3 vote. A 2/3 vote is obtained by standing If a member is in doubt about the vote, he may call out "division." A division is a demand for a standing vote. A majority vote is more than half of the votes cast by persons legally entitled to vote. A 2/3 vote means at least 2/3 of the votes cast by persons legally entitled to vote. A tie vote is a lost vote, since it is not a majority. 43 | P a g e HAND SIGNALS WHILE RIDING IN A GROUP 44 | P a g e When changing lanes as a group the 45 | P a g e Challenge Coins There are several stories detailing the origins of the challenge coin. According to the most common story, challenge coins originated during World War I. American volunteers from all parts of the country filled the newly formed flying squadrons. Some were wealthy scions attending colleges such as Yale and Harvard who quit in mid-term to join the war. In one squadron, a wealthy lieutenant ordered medallions struck in solid bronze and presented them to his unit. One young pilot placed the medallion in a small leather pouch that he wore about his neck. Shortly after acquiring the medallion, the pilots' aircraft was severely damaged by ground fire. He was forced to land behind enemy lines and was immediately captured by a German patrol. In order to discourage his escape, the Germans took all of his personal identification except for the small leather pouch around his neck. In the meantime, he was taken to a small French town near the front. Taking advantage of a bombardment that night, he escaped. However, he was without personal identification. He succeeded in avoiding German patrols by donning civilian attire and reached the front lines. With great difficulty, he crossed no-man's land. Eventually, he stumbled onto a French outpost. Unfortunately, saboteurs had plagued the French in the sector. They sometimes masqueraded as civilians and wore civilian clothes. Not recognizing the young pilot's American accent, the French thought him to be a saboteur and made ready to execute him. He had no identification to prove his allegiance, but he did have his leather pouch containing the medallion. He showed the medallion to his would-be executioners and one of his French captors recognized the squadron insignia on the medallion. They delayed his execution long enough for him to confirm his identity. Instead of shooting him they gave him a bottle of wine. Back at his squadron, it became tradition to ensure that all members carried their medallion or coin at all times. This was accomplished through challenge in the following manner - a challenger would ask to see the medallion. If the challenged could not produce a medallion, they were required to buy a drink of choice for the member who challenged them. If the challenged member produced a medallion, then the challenging member was required to pay for the drink. This tradition continued on throughout the war and for many years after the war while surviving members of the squadron were still alive. Chapter 10 follows this tradition. Challenge coins (pictured at top of the page) can be purchased for $10 from the Vice Preside 46 | P a g e 47 | P a g e Acknowledgement Form By initialing and signing the following document, I __________________________certify that I have read, understand, and will comply with the constitutions, by laws, and directives contained in this handbook and that ignorance will not be an acceptable reason for breach of any constitution law, by law, and/or directive contain within Initial________ I further certify that I can be disciplined in accordance with the governing document set forth in this handbook Initial________ I understand that it is my responsibility to make sure I have the most current revision and to request and updates. Updates may be obtained from any Chapter 10 officer. Initial________ I have read, understand, and will comply with the State Constitution Initial________ I have read, understand, and will comply with the State By Laws Initial________ I have read, understand, and will comply with the Chapter 10 By Laws Initial________ Member Print name:___________________________ Date:_________________________ Signature:____________________________ Verifying officer Print name:___________________________ Date:_________________________ Signature:____________________________ Title:_______________________________ 48 | P a g e Receipt of handbook Form I hereby certify that I have received the Riders Handbook and have up to seven (7) days to read the information and fill out the acknowledgement form found at the end of the handbook. I further certify that I understand that if I am a new member I will not pay for or receive my patches until I have turned in a completed acknowledgement form and it is verified and signed by a Chapter 10 officer Member Print name:___________________________ Date:_________________________ Signature:____________________________ Verifying officer Print name:___________________________ Date:_________________________ Signature:____________________________ Title:________________________________ 49 | P a g e