Sexual selection and mate choice 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 國立台南大學 環境與生態學院 性擇與交配選擇 A central concern in sexual selection is understanding how female mating preferences evolve. How can female mating preferences evolve if there is no effect of preference on female fitness? Two hypotheses, runaway sexual selection and good genes. 參閱 Andersson (1994) Sexual selection sexual selection 2 Sexual selection and mate choice 8.1 introduction 8.2 Sexual selection by female mate choice 8.3 The null model for the evolution of female mating preferences 8.4 Direct selection on female mating preferences 8.5 Indirect selection on female mating preferences : Fisher’s runaway sexual selection 8.6 Indirect selection on female mating preferences: good genes hypotheses sexual selection 3 Sexual selection and mate choice 8.7 Interacting forces 8.8 Multiple traits and their preferences 8.9 Mate copying: a new horizon? 8.10 summary sexual selection 4 8.2 Sexual selection by female mate choice The female mate choice is influenced by variation in male traits. Elaborate trains of peacocks, the hyperdeveloped tail fins forming the sword of swordtails, the complex acoustic repertoire of songbirds and frogs, pheromones of moths. 這些特徵,有些增加雄性的死亡率。 有三個研究的途徑:functional, mechanistic, historical approaches. sexual selection 5 Three kinds of approaches Functional approaches are concerned with the behavioural interactions that bring about mate choice and how this generates selection on male traits and female preferences. Mechanistic studies attempt to identify the physiological process underlying mating preferences. Historical approaches acknowledge that extant traits and preferences have experienced a long history of selection and constraints that influence their current expression. sexual selection 6 三種途徑間的關係 sexual selection 7 8.3 The null model for the evolution of female mating preferences Kirkpatrick and Ryan (1991), the evolution of female mating preferences (Fig. 8.3) The null model assumes the female preference is a constant which predicts trait evolution. 但是 female preference 有可能會改變。 sexual selection 8 Fig. 8.3 (a) under direct selection, mating preference genes also affect female survival or fecundity. sexual selection 9 Fig. 8.3 (b) in a runaway process, the equilibrium curve becomes unstable. sexual selection 10 8.4 Direct selection on female mating preferences 8.4.1 Fecundity 8.4.2 Pleiotropic (多型的) effects 8.4.3 Historical studies of sensory biases and sensory exploitation sexual selection 11 8.4.1 fecundity effects In many cases a female’s mate choice has an immediate effect on her reproductive success; when males offer parental care, defend young or feed their mates. In resource-based mating systems, direct selection on preference is expected to be the rule. sexual selection 12 Fecundity effects Robertson(1990) and Bourne (1993), two frog species, females select mates of a size that maximizes fertility rates. Eisner & Meinwald (1995) 蛾, pyrrolizidine alkaloids (Pas)保護免於predation. 這種Pas 是取食獲得的。 雄性的使用作pheromone, 於交配的時候,可透過 spermatophore 傳送給雌性。 sexual selection 13 8.4.2 Pleiotropic effects 非直接的天擇,其他的管道 譬如:water mites,雄性的靠水面的震動,吸 引雌性,誤以為是獵物 Reproductive character displacement (Gerhardt, 1994) sexual selection 14 8.4.3 Historical studies of sensory biases and sensory exploitation The sensory exploitation hypothesis predicts that the evolution of sexually selected traits is influenced by these pre-existing sensory biases. This generates a prediction about the historical pattern of traits – that is distinct from the prediction of good genes and runaway sexual selection in which the preference and trait evolve in concert. One can discriminate between these two sets of hypotheses: Sensory exploitation vs. indirect selection (good genes and runaway) sexual selection 15 Sensory exploitation hypothesis The tungara frog produces a call consisting of a whine and a chuck. The whine is always present and is necessary and sufficient to elicit mate recognition from females. The chuck is not always produced, but when added to the whine it increases the attractiveness of the call to females as well as to frog-eating bats (Ryan, 1985). sexual selection 16 Fig. 8.4 Phylogenetic relationships of frogs of the P. pustulosus species complex showing the advertisement calls of each species. sexual selection 17 The most parsimonious explanation for the occurrence of a chuck preference in both clades within the species group is that the preference is shared from a common ancestor. A pre-existing preference. sexual selection 18 8.5 Indirect selection on mating preferences: Fisher’s runaway sexual selection Fisher’s theory of runaway sexual selection has been a difficult one to evaluate empirically. This might be because the runaway process is very rapid and thus unlikely to be observed. sexual selection 19 8.5.1 genetic correlation of trait and preference Bakker (1993), sticklebacks , 不同的特徵(基 因型)各自喜歡相類似特徵的對象。 Wilkinson and Reillo (1994) conducted bidirectional selection experiment on eye span of stalk-eyed flies. 經過13世代,長眼的 後代,仍是喜歡長眼的,短眼的則是喜歡短眼 的。 There was a positive genetic correlation between trait and preference. sexual selection 20 8.6 good genes hypotheses The focus of good genes studies can be classified into four categories (i) the general relationship between ornament elaboration and offspring viability (ii) the hypothesis of female choice for parasite resistance genes (iii) female choice of trait asymmetry as an indicator of genetic quality (iv) choice for genetic complementarity. sexual selection 21 8.7 interacting forces Direct selection, runaway selection and selection for good genes are often portrayed as mutually exclusive hypotheses for the evolution of females preferences. This need not be the case. 這些不同的因素是有可能相互同時存在。 Searcy (1992), song repertoires were initially favoured by a pre-existing preference for complex auditory stimulation, but larger repertoires and the preference for them coevolved through a runaway or a good genes processes. sexual selection 22 8.8 multiple traits and their preferences Some studies have demonstrated empirically that females do attend to more than on trait. Moller and Pomiankowski (1993) indicated that multiple sexual ornaments are more likely in lek breeding and other polygynous species of birds while single sexual ornaments seem to be the rule in monogamous species. sexual selection 23 8.9 mate copying: a new horizon? Recent studies have shown that mating preferences can be influenced by social cues. Females copy the mate choice of others (Gibson and Hoglund, 1992) Mate copying also can occur between species. Schlupp, et al. (1994) studies mating preferences in a sexual-asexual species complex of mollies, the sailfin molly and the Amazon molly. sexual selection 24 8.10 summary Sexual selection studies have moved from the single debate over Fisher’s runaway sexual selection versus selection fro good genes. Direct selection had always been considered an important influence on preferences in resourcebased mating systems. There is some strong support for the genetic correlations between trait and preference. Historical approaches have introduced a new dimension in attempting to reconstruct the history of traits and preferences. sexual selection 25 問題與討論 sexual selection 26