Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Bd. of Education

Equal Rights: Struggling
Toward Fairness
Chapter 5
Struggle for Equality
African Americans
 Brown
vs. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)
 Black civil rights movement
 March
on Washington, 1963
 Civil Rights Act (1964) and Voting Rights Act (1965)
 Aftermath
of the civil rights movement
 Discrepancies in
convictions and sentencing
 Movement into political office
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Struggle for Equality
 Legal
and political gains
 Title VII
of the Civil Rights Act (1964)
 Title IX of the Education Amendment (1972)
 Job-related
 Family
 Comparable worth (gender pay equity)
 Sexual harassment
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Struggle for Equality
Native Americans
 Suits
to regain land
 Negative discrepancy in health, wealth, and
Hispanic Americans
 Legal
and political action: Cesar Estrada Chavez,
 Guest workers
 Growing political power (Democratic leanings)
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Struggle for Equality
Asian Americans
 Long
tradition of immigration restriction, ended
 Over 12 million Asian Americans
 Emphasis on academic achievement in Asian
American communities
 Upwardly mobile group
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Struggle for Equality
Other groups and their rights
 Older
 Disabled
 Gays
and lesbians
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Equality Under the Law: the
Fourteenth Amendment
Forbids states from denying equal protection
Strict scrutiny test
Intermediate scrutiny test
Suspect category—assumed unconstitutional in the absence of an
overwhelming justification
Applies to race, ethnicity, etc.
Almost suspect category—assumed unconstitutional unless the law
serves a clearly compelling and justified purpose
Applies to gender
Reasonable basis test
Not suspect category—assumed constitutional unless no sound
rationale for the law can be provided
Applies to age, income, etc.
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Levels of Court Review for Laws
that Treat Americans Differently
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Equality Under the Law:
Equal Access
The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968
 Accommodations
and jobs
 Public
accommodations cannot refuse to serve
customers based on race
 Most employers cannot refuse to consider applicants
based on race
 Housing
 Prohibition of
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Equality Under the Law:
Equal Ballots
Barring of whites-only primaries, 1940s
 Twenty-fourth Amendment prohibited poll
taxes, 1960s
 Voting Rights Act of 1965 allowed federal
agents to oversee voter registration
 Some race-based gerrymandering is allowed
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What’s Your Opinion?
Should private discrimination be allowed?
 Should
private country clubs and organizations be
allowed to discriminate based on:
 Religion, race,
color, ethnic background?
 Gender, age, income?
 Physical characteristics, sexual preference, lifestyles?
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Equality of Result
De facto discrimination
 Social,
economic, cultural biases  discrimination
De jure discrimination
 Specific
law  discrimination
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Equality of Result
Affirmative action: workplace integration
 Full
and equal opportunities in education,
employment, etc. for all
 Controversy over ends and means
Affirmative action in law
 University
of California Regents v. Bakke (1978)
 Adarand v. Pena (1995)
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What’s Your Opinion?
Which position on affirmative action programs
comes closer to your own point of view?
 Keep
them without rigid quotas?
 Phase them out?
 Don’t know or have an opinion?
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Equality of Result
School integration
 Busing: controversial policy to end de facto
segregation of public schools
 Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Bd.
of Education (1971)
 Roberts Court decision, 2007
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Persistent Discrimination
Superficial differences
 Decline
in overt racism
 Growing
numbers of minorities in higher
 Growing
number of minorities in white-collar
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Persistent Discrimination
Deep divisions
 Continuing inequality
health care and mortality rate
 education
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