Letter of Information Assessing the Relationship and Resiliency

Letter of Information
Assessing the Relationship and Resiliency Needs of Soldiers and Partners: A Preliminary
Introduction/Purpose: Professor D. Kim Openshaw in the Department of Family, Consumer,
and Human Development, Marriage and Family Therapy at Utah State University (USU) is
conducting a research study to determine the perceived relationship, readiness and resiliency,
needs of National Guard, Air Guard and/or Army Reserve soldiers and their partners during
different stages of deployment: in preparation for deployment, during deployment and post
deployment, as well as their ideal perception for their overall relationship. The intent of the study
is to understand your perceived desire (motivation) and ability (skills) to address specific
relationship (e.g., communication and conflict management, consideration, companionship,
affection and sex, household management, and parenting), readiness (e.g., will preparation and
organization of pertinent documents), and resiliency (e.g., calmly sitting with emotional distress)
at each of the points in time).
Relationship stability, readiness, and resiliency are important factors to soldier effectiveness and
family stability. Because of your role as a soldier or partner of a soldier, we are asking for help
in identifying what aspects of relationship satisfaction, readiness, and resiliency you feel are
most important during the stages of deployment. Your involvement is a one-time event where
you will complete the Needs Assessment, responding to each of the stages based on your
experience or perception of the experience.
Procedures: If you, as a soldier or partner of a soldier, are willing to participate in this project,
you may do so online. If you choose to complete the information online, you will be asked to:
1. Carefully read the Letter of Information, asking question of Dr. Openshaw for
clarification if desired. Dr. Openshaw may be contacted at (435) 797 7434 or by
email at d.k.openshaw@usu.edu .
2. Provide your name, address and a telephone/email contact for follow up purposes.
Your information will be destroyed once you have completed the inventories or
indicated that you would rather not participate.
3. Complete the SocioDemographic Inventory and Needs Assessment which will take
approximately 45 minutes.
New Findings: During the course of this study, you will be informed of any significant new
findings (either good or bad) that might affect the risks or benefits resulting from participation.
Risks: There is minimal risk. It should be noted however that it is possible, as you complete the
Needs Assessment, to recognize areas of weakness in your relationship, readiness or resiliency.
This recognition may cause some concern that you may desire to address prior to another
deployment. Should this be the case and you feel you need some assistance, you may contact Dr.
Openshaw by phone or email. He will help you locate a qualified clinician. Please note that the
needs Assessment is merely an assessment tool and not a predictor of what you will or will not
Benefits: While no direct benefits are anticipated by completing the Needs Assessment, you
may be able to identify areas of relationship, readiness or resiliency you have previously not
considered enhancing that would better prepare you for deployment. If this is the case you may
be able to address these as a couple or seek outside help. The benefit of this study is that Dr.
Openshaw and colleagues will be able to use the information obtained to develop a Relationship
and Resiliency based Couples Enhancement Training for soldiers and their partners.
Explanation and Offer to Answer Questions: Dr. Openshaw has made himself available to
you should you have questions about the study and/or your involvement. If you have questions
or research related concerns, you may reach Dr. Openshaw at (435) 797-7434 or through email at
Extra Costs: There are no financial costs to you for participating in this study.
Voluntary Nature of Participation and Right to Withdraw Without Consequences:
Participation in this research is voluntary and you may refuse to participate by choosing not to go
forward with the Needs Assessment. While you may be contacted, as a follow up by Dr.
Openshaw, you may indicate your level of interest which will be respected. If you choose not to
participate, indicating that to Dr. Openshaw will remove your name from the follow up call list.
Confidentiality: Dr. Openshaw will do the following to ensure, as much as possible, that your
confidentiality will be maintained:
Your Needs Assessment will be separated from your data sheet once it has been coded.
Both will be stored in a locked file at the office of Dr. Openshaw.
All paperwork will be coded; replacing your name with a code so we can match the
Needs Assessment information with you and your partner. This will eliminate the ability to link
your personal information with either the SocioDemographic or Needs Assessment Data.
All data will be kept in a locked file cabinet at the investigator’s location. Only the
investigator and research assistants will have access to the data for research purposes.
Data will be grouped and analyzed with no personal identifying information included.
Once the data are analyzed it will be used for research purposes that will result in publications,
presentations, development of external funding, and most importantly the creation of a National
Guard, Air Guard and/or Army Reserve Resiliency and Relationship based Couples
Enhancement Training. Data will be grouped and analyzed with no personal identifying
information included.
IRB Approval Statement: The Institutional Review Board for the protection of human
participants at USU has approved this research study. If you have any pertinent questions or
concerns about your rights or a research-related injury, you may contact the IRB Administrator
at (435) 797-0567 or email irb@usu.edu. If you have a concern or complaint about the research
and you would like to contact someone other than the research team, you may contact the IRB
Administrator to obtain information or to offer input.
Investigator Statement: “I certify that the research study has been explained to the couple, by
me or my research staff, and that the individual understands the nature and purpose, the possible
risks and benefits associated with taking part in this research study. Any questions that have been
raised have been answered.”
D. Kim Openshaw, Ph.D., LCSW, LMFT
Associate Professor, Family, Consumer & Human Development
And Marriage and Family Therapy
October 25, 2010
To participate: To participate, return to https://www.usu.edu/rrbcet/htm/military-deploymentresiilency-training. There you will find the link for you as the soldier, Soldier’s Perceived
Resiliency and Relationship Needs Assessment (SpRR-NA) and for your partner, (PpRR-NA).
Or you may just click on SpRR-NA if you are the soldier or PpRR-NA, if you are the partner.
These will take you directly to the site.
If you are both soldiers, choose which will complete one and who will complete the other. Both
are identical, so it really does not matter other than for keeping track of the data.
If you would rather complete the Needs Assessment on paper, please contact Dr. Openshaw.