Matrix on Drug Classifications Physiological Complications 12/10/2012 Jesslyn Guenther Physiological Complications (550-106) Final Exam/Project Matrix Directions: Complete the matrix on drug classifications. Consider drug classifications and drugs not addressed in the learning plans of the course this semester, but that are included in the chapters not covered in the textbook. Consider what sub-categories may exist within a drug classification, examples of drugs within the classification and/or sub-categories, the CNS and physiological effects of the drugs within the classification, withdrawal effects of drugs within the classification, treatment issues of significance, therapeutic uses for the drug, and whether the drugs cited are legal, illegal, prescription, or OTC. Accuracy in identifying sub-categories within the correct classification and identifying drugs that accurately reflect the sub-category and the correct classification is critical in this assessment activity. Drug Classifications SubCategories of Drugs within the Drug Classification Specific Drugs within the Drug Classification CNS and Physiological Effects Characteristic of the Class of Drugs Withdrawal Effects Characteristic of the Class of Drugs Treatment Issues Unique to the Class of Drugs Therapeuti c Uses Legal, Illegal, Prescriptio n,OTC Sedative/hypnotics or CNS Depressants Tranquilize rs, sedatives,h ypnotics,ps ychoactives,barbi turates Pentobarbi tal, butabarbit ol, mephobar bitol, diazepam, lorazepam, midazolam alcohol Addiction, seizures, amnesia,cri minal behavior, miscarriage, phobias, death Percepyual change, severe anxiety, dysphoria, sleep sisturbance, tremors, muscle pain, seizures Cognitive behavioral therapy, AODA counseling Rehab. Cause calmness and relax muscles IllegalRohypnol Prescripti onbarbitura tes, long term benzodia zepines OTCdiphenhy dramine, doxylami ne,antihi stamines , shortterm benzodia zepines Narcotic Analgesics Opium Morphine Heroin Codeine Codeine, oxycodone methadon e Fentanyl Heroin Morphine Belladonna hydrocodo ne Constrict eye pupil, dpress respiratory system, decrease heart rate, low blood pressure, constipatio n, shaking hands, moodchang e, addiction Agitation, anxiety, tremors, muscle aches, hot and cold flashes, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, nausea Drug replaceme nt therapy, rapid detox, cognitive behavioral therapy, AODA counseling, Rehab. CNS Stimulants Dextroamp hetamine, ergotamine , nicotine liquid, cardiac therapy, methamph etamine Amphetam ine, hydrocodo ne, sympatho mimetics, caffeine, nicotine, ephedrine, methamph etamine Impaired judgment, nausea, headache, vomiting, dry mouth, seizures,diz ziness,cold flashes Irritability, headaches, nausea, vomiting, mood swings Cognitive behavioral therapy, Rehab.. AODA counseling Hallucinogens Psychoactiv psychedelic dissociative deliriant PCP, psilocybin, ketamine, LSD, mandrax, peyote, Elevated heart rate, dilated pupils, sleepiness, tremors, Extreme changes in behavior, sensitive to light, chills, sweating, Cognitive None behavioral therapy, AODA counseling, Rehab. Primarily used for relieving pain, relaxes the person Prescripti onmorphin e, codeine, hydrocod one, oxycodo ne, methado ne Illegalheroin, belladon na/opiu m Treats Prescripti asthma, onrespirato ampheta ry mine, problems methylp , obesity, henidate, ADD, hydrocod sleep one disorders OTClike sympath narcolep omimetic sy s, caffeine, nicotine, ephedrin e Illegalcocaine, metham phetami ne No legal hallucino gens, there is some controve henbane incoherent speech, coma, death Antidepressants Nonnarcotic analgesics, antidepressant proxetine sertraline, Paroxetine Fluoxetine Sertraline Fluvoxami ne Citalopram Duloxetine Kava St johns wort Dry mouth, decreased sex drive, nausea, insomnia, Weight gain, Constipatio n, headaches Inhalants Agmatine Nitric oxide powders, Ditric oxide pills inhalents Amyl Butyl nitrate Nitrous oxide, adhesives, spray paint, hair spray, glue sniffing Flushing, hypotensio n, headache, impaired memory, slurred speech, organ damage Drugs of Abuse not Cannabis Marijuana Motor skills trembling hands, increased blood pressure rsy over use for religious and sacrame ntal purposes Abdominal Cognitive Treat Prescripti cramps, behavioral depressi onachiness, therapy on, citalopra agitation,an Insomnia m ger, , anxiety Escitalop anxiety, ram apathy, Fluoxetin withdrawn e Fluvoxa mine Paroxeti ne Sertralin e Venlafaxi ne Phenelzi ne OTCKava St johns wort Agitation, Cognitive Angina, Prescripti trembling, behavioral anestheti on- amyl, anxiety, therapy, c butyl insomnia, AODA nitrate, confusion, counseling, nitrous hallucinatio Rehab. oxide ns, OTCconvulsions adhesive, spray paint, lighter fluid, glue Anxiety, Cognitive Reduce Illegal Easily Classified Hashish Hash oil impaired, increased heart rate, increased bloodpress ure, agitation agitation, insomnia, decreased appetite, Not usually physical side effects but can have psychologic al side effects. behavioral therapy, AODA counseling nausea, Stimulat es appetite, anticonvulsa nt,antispasmodi c, reduce intra ocular pressure Criteria for completing the matrix: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Learner identifies correct sub-categories within a drug classification. Learner correctly identifies drugs of the sub-category and classification. Learner identifies the CNS effects and characteristics of the drug classification. Learner identifies the withdrawal effects of the drugs within the drug classification. Learner identifies treatment issues characteristics of the drug classification. Learner identifies therapeutic uses of the drugs within the classification. Learner identifies whether drugs are legal, illegal, prescription, OTC. Total: (15 points) (15 points) (15 points) (15 points) (15 points) (10 points) (10 points) 95 Points