Chapter 7 Test Review: 1) Pay Attention 2) It’s called a Test REVIEW b/c we are reviewing answers that WILL BE ON THE TEST. 3) Might be wise to make corrections, fix answers and ASK questions if you don’t understand something! #1) Photosynthesis vs Cellular Respiration Photosynthesis Respiration #2 products of Photosynthesis = REACTANTS of Cellular Respiration & products of Cellular Respiration = REACTANTS of Photosynthesis. # 3 Photosynthesis + + Chlorophyll 6+6! #4 Chloroplast, Mitochondria #5 Source of energy for most living things, produces Oxygen, absorbs Carbon Dioxide. #5 Sources of Carbon Dioxide #6 #7 Photosynthesis…. Chlorophyll in Chloroplast! #8 Aerobic=WITH oxygen Mitochondria! Lot’s of Energy Electron Transport #9 #10 ► Producers=Autotrophs =Plants (make their own food) ► Consumers=Heterotrophs (can’t make their own food) ► Herbivores, carnivores, ominvores, decomposers There is no #11 on the study guide Ops! #12 #13 ► Biosynthesis is the production of a chemical compound by a living organism. This happens in the light independent phases of photosynthesis ►. #14 ► Respiration is the breakdown of Glucose. #15 ► Decomposition is the breaking down of molecules to release energy. ► Biosynthesis is the process of making molecules to store energy. #16 •Need lots of producers to trap sunlight energy and change it into chemical energy of glucose. •Those support herbivores (Wildebeest), but only 10% of original energy gets passed on •Most energy used for growth, reproduction, body functions and lost as HEAT •B/c the Wildebeest use a lot of the energy they take in, the Lion only gets 1% of the original energy that the plant had! •90% lost at EACH TROPHIC level! # 16 # 17 SHOULD MIRROR YOUR CARBON & ENERGY POSTERS! STARTS WITH PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND ENDS UP AS PROTEIN IN THE MUSCLE OF A HUMAN ARM. VIDEO LINKS Photosynthesis rap ATP..gotta get that…gotta get that ATP Carbon Cycle Cartoon