Week 14-16 notes

Week 14
The Importance of the Circulatory System
 96 000 km of blood vessels
 60 trillion cells in body
 no cell is more than 2 cells away from a blood vessel
Functions of the Circulatory System
 3 main functions:
1) ____________________gasses, food, wastes, and hormones
2) carries molecules and cells that help _____________ against invading
3) distributes _____________ throughout the body
Blood Vessels
 Arteries
– carry blood ____________________________
– elastic
– stretch to accommodate blood surge from heart
• pulse
– thick walls to allow for stretch
– high blood pressure
 Arterioles
– _____________________
• arteries branch into many arterioles
– connects to _____________________
– contains smooth muscle which can contract or relax according
to nervous impulses
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
– sympathetic nerve impulses affect diameter of arterioles:
• Vasodilatation -- _______________________
• Vasoconstriction -- ______________________
 Capillaries
– ____________________________________
– site of exchange of _______________ and _________ between
blood and interstitial fluid
• I.F. is the fluid that surrounds and bathes body cells
– smallest blood vessels
– ________________________
– big enough for only 1 RBC to pass through at a time
– easily crushed = bruise
 Venules
– _____________________
– _____________________
– large end of capillaries
– carry blood towards the heart
– larger diameter than arteries
– lower pressure than arteries
• (2 mmHg compared to 100 mmHg in arteries
– ______________________
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
What forces the blood through a vein?
– blood pressure is not high enough to “suck” blood back to the
– Solution!!
– Veins have ______________________________
– only allow blood to move in one direction
– skeletal muscles help veins in getting blood to the heart
– wall is not as thick as arteries because blood pressure is lower
– no surge of blood flow
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Major Vessels of the Body
 _________________Vena Cava
– vein to heart from upper body
 _________________ Vena Cava
– Vein to heart from lower body
 ___________________
– Artery from right ventricle to lungs
 ___________________(4)
– Veins from lungs to left atrium
 __________
– Artery from left ventricle to body
The Heart
 Structure
– roughly in center of chest in thoracic cavity
– protective membrane
pericardium forms a fluid filled sac to reduce friction
– size of fist
– ______________________________
– right and left
– sides are separated by a ______________ which prevents
mixing of _______________ and ___________________blood
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Label the diagram of the Heart
Use red (oxygenated) and blue (deoxygenated) pens for this. Don’t
forget to draw the arrows too.
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
 Atria
– Structure
• __________________________
– Function
• right atria - collect ________________ blood from body
and head, and pass to _________________.
• left atria - _____________ blood from the _______, and
pass it to ventricles.
 Ventricles
– Structure
• ______________________
• larger than atria
• one side is thicker than the other
 ________________________________________
– Function
• _________ ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs
• __________ ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to body
 Interventricular septum
– Wall of muscle that separates the right atrium and ventricle
from the left atrium and ventricle.
 Superior Vena Cava
– Vein to right ventricle of the heart from _________________
– Carries ________________________
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
 Inferior Vena Cava
– Vein to right ventricle of the heart from _________________
– Carries ________________________
 Aorta
– Artery through which the _________________ pumps blood to
the __________
– Carries _________________________
Pulmonary Artery
– Pulmonary trunk – split into left and right arteries
– Artery from right ventricle carries ______________ blood to
– Right pulmonary artery goes to _______________.
– Left pulmonary artery goes to ________________.
 Pulmonary Veins (4)
– Veins from lungs carry _______________ blood to _________
– Right pulmonary vein from ________________
– Left pulmonary vein from _________________
 Atrioventricular valves (AV Valves)
– The right AV valve is called the ___________ valve and the
left AV valve is called the ____________ valve
– Structure
 flaps of tissue between ___________ and ____________
 attached to heart muscle by chords
chordae tendinae
cords prevent flaps from inverting
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
– Function
 Separate ________ from ______________
 prevents ___________ of blood from ventricles into atria
 Pulmonary valve
– Allows deoxygenated blood from right ventricle into pulmonary
artery, but does not allow it to flow back into the ventricle.
 Aortic valve
– Allows oxygenated blood to flow from the left ventricle to the
aorta, but not to return back to the ventricle.
 Structure
– Thin flap, half-moon shaped
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Three Circulatory Systems
1) __________________ Circulation
– From the heart to the lungs and back to the heart
2) __________________ Circulation
– From the heart chambers to the heart muscles and back to the
heart chambers
– system of arteries, capillaries and veins within heart
3) __________________ Circulation
– From heart to all other parts of the body and back to the heart.
– Involves 2 smaller systems
– Renal Circulation
– To the ________________
– Hepatic Circulation
– ________________________________
– Important vessels
– Carotid Arteries and Jugular Veins
– head
– Brachial Artery and Brachial Vein
– arms
– Femoral artery and Femoral Vein
– legs
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Initiating the Heart Beat
 Cardiac muscle contracts without external nervous stimulation
 Sino-Atrial Node (SA Node)
– __________________
– Coordinates contractions
– Special muscle and nerves located in the right atrium
– ______ beats/minute
 The SA node sends nerve impulses:
– _______________________
 contract now!!
– To second node
 ______________( Atrial-ventricular node)
 AV node
– mass of nerve tissue in ______________
– passes nerve impulse through septum to the bottom of
– Impulse conducted upwards through nerves in the ventricles
– Contraction of ventricles begins
– Contraction begins at apex
– Bottom to top contraction
 Result…
– ________ contract followed by the ______________.
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Setting the Heart’s Rate
 _________________________ System in charge!
– ______________________ nerves
• stimulated during times of stress
• Increases heart rate
– ______________________ nerves
• stimulated during times of non-stress
• returns heart to slow rate
 Problem:
– SA node malfunction
– Ventricular fibrillation
• disorganized and random contraction of heart cells
• no longer pumps blood
 death
– Solution:
• First -- Electro shock to halt the “short circuit”
• Then -- installation of an artificial pacemaker
Electrocardiogram (fun facts…don’t memorize this)
Electrodes are placed on the body surface
Connected to a recording device
Electrical impulses from heart are displayed on a screen.
Used to diagnose heart problems
more evident during heavy exercise
Doctors identify dead patches of heart muscle which will not conduct impulses.
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Cardiac Cycle
 One heart beat
– Systole
• _____________________
– Diastole
• _____________________
 70 - 75 beats/min
 two sides of heart beat in unison
– first the atria then the ventricles
Stages of the Cardiac Cycle
 1) ______________________
– Right Atrium
blood from Superior & Inferior Vena Cava
– Left Atrium
blood returning from lungs via 4 pulmonary veins
 2) ________________________
– Ventricular diastole
Ventricles fill up
– blood pushed from atria into ventricles past the AV valves
3) ___________________________
– ventricular systole
AV valves close
Semilunar valves open
– Right ventricle
blood through pulmonary artery to lungs
– Left Ventricle
Bio 20 Unit 4
blood through aorta to rest of body
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Heart Sounds
 “lubb dubb”
 Systole (lubb)
– longest and loudest
– ventricles contract
– caused by _______________ closing
 Diastole (dubb)
– caused by ______________________ closing
– ventricles relaxing
Blood Pressure (fun facts…don’t memorize this)
 ________________________________
 Two parts (120/80)
– ________________ pressure
• high number (120)
• pressure in artery when ventricles contract
– ________________ pressure
• low number (80)
• pressure in artery when ventricles relax
• Most important in diagnosis of heart health.
 Measured using a sphygmomanometer!!
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Steps in finding Blood Pressure
1) Inflate cuff beyond normal pressure
• this squeezes the artery closed
2) Leak, Look and Listen
• release pressure slowly
• listen to stethoscope for thump
– blood forcing its way through the cuff
• read the number on the dial at that point
• this is systolic pressure
3) Wait and Listen
• When thumping stops, blood is moving unrestricted
• this is diastolic pressure
Problems / Diseases
 Hypertension
high blood pressure
can lead to heart attack, stroke, kidney damage
 Hypotension
– low blood pressure
– often associated with bleeding
– external or internal
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Regulation of Blood Pressure
 Negative Feedback Loop
 Monitor:
in walls of aorta and carotid arteries
measures blood pressure
 Control Center:
Medulla Oblongata
Blood pressure regulator in the brain stem
 Regulators:
– Sympathetic Nerve Stimulation
• arterioles constrict
• cardiac output increases
 stroke volume & stroke rate
• increases blood pressure
– Parasympathetic Nerve Stimulation
• arterioles dilate
• decreased cardiac output
• decrease blood pressure
– M. Oblongata processes info from baroreceptors
• decrease sympathetic nerve stimulation
• increase parasympathetic nerve stimulation
 sends message to slow heart rate and dilate
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
• decrease parasympathetic nerve stimulation
• increase sympathetic nerve stimulation
 increase heart rate
 constricts blood flow
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Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Week 15
Blood Functions
1. To carry __________________food material from the small intestine
and _______________ from lungs.
2. To transport the waste products of metabolism from the cells to the
kidneys, lungs and skin for elimination from the body.
3. To carry ___________________from the endocrine glands to the cells
they control.
4. To control the _____________________and the level of acidity inside
5. To provide ___________________and white blood cells that protect
against infection.
6. To provide substances that will ______________________if blood
vessels are damaged.
7. To carry ____________________ throughout the body.
8. To distribute _____________ produced during cell metabolism.
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Blood Composition
 blood is a liquid tissue composed of ___________, cell
fragments and a watery medium called_________________.
 an adult male has 5-6 L of blood and an adult female has 4-5 L
of blood.
 _____% of blood volume
 straw coloured liquid consisting of:
 90% ___________
 7% _____________ (albumin, globulin, fibrinogen)
 1% __________ (Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+)
 2% other substances (glucose, fats, amino acids, gases, urea,
hormones, etc.)
 if blood is allowed to clot outside the body and the clotted
portion is removed, the fluid portion left is called serum.
 Serum, therefore, consists of plasma from which the clotting
proteins have been removed.
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells)
 major function is to ____________________________
 average male has - 5.2 million RBC's/mL blood
 average female - 4.7 million RBC's/mL of blood
- low, due to menstruation
 bioconcave discs containing __________________
 iron containing protein pigments used in ______ and
_________ transportation.
 amongst the most highly specialized of all cells:
 at maturity the nucleus and mitochondria disappear and other
cell structures dissolve
 provides room for 300 million hemoglobin molecules/RBC.
 life span of a RBC is approximately ________________ days.
 Old RBC have fragile cell membranes and are often ruptured
when passing through the spleen.
 the hemoglobin released from RBC's is removed from blood
mainly by the ____________________.
 iron released into blood, other component called bilirubin is
secreted in bile
 reason why feces is brown
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
 a deficiency of RBC's caused by either too rapid a loss or too
slow production.
 may be caused by blood loss, insufficient vitamin B12 or iron
in diet, damage to bone marrow etc.
 any condition that causes decreased oxygen being transported to
the tissue will increase the rate of RBC's production
 e.g. blood loss, high altitude
Leucocytes or Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)
 __________________________________________
 average adult has __________ WBC's/mm3 of blood
 there are 5 kinds of leucocytes:
1) neutrophils
2) eosinophils
3) basophils
4) monocytes
5) lymphocytes
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
 leucocytes function in 2 ways:
1) by destroying mutating agents by the process of ____________________
2) by forming _____________________ (#5)
 lymphocytes are produced in the lymph glands (lymphnodes)
 spleen
 thymus
 tonsils
 Lymph nodes are spongy tissue with 2 functions:
remove _______________________from lymph fluid before it returns
to general circulation
produce ______________________ (10 billion/day)
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Blood Formation
 most blood cells are formed in soft centre portion of marrow of
long bones - sternum, ribs, vertebrae
 special stem cells in marrow are parent cells of both _____ and
____________ cells
 early in development RBC's lose their nuclei and Mt.
 hemoglobin protein is added as they reach maturity
 (2 000 000 per second)
 RBC's increase in number during periods of strenuous exercise,
emotional stress, at __________________ or high temp’s.
 WBC are produce in ______________ of the body as well and
are produced in great quantities in times of ________________
 platelets are also produced in marrow from tiny pieces of
cytoplasm that break off from the stem cells
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Blood Groups
How Many?
• Four blood types:
– _____________________________________
• Determined by a marker on the cells
– Antigen
• ________________________________
• Antigen ____ = blood type ______
• Antibody in plasma must be opposite
• Antibodies
– _____________________________________
– Attach to antigens --- clumping
• Wrong bloodtype?
– Blood will clump
– blockages
• _____________________- refers to the clumping of blood cells
caused by antigens (protein markers on cells) and antibodies (proteins
produced by B-lymphocytes in response to a foreign antigen).
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
• AB
• O
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
• The Rhesus factor is another type of blood group.
• People either have the antigen (_______) or do not have it (______).
• Erythroblastosis fetalis
– Another antigen on RBC’s
• If present – Rh+
– ~ 85% of people
• If absent – Rh– ~15% of people
• No natural antibodies for Rh
– Can be produced
Rh and pregnancy
• Rh- mother, Rh+ father
– Baby can be Rh+
• First child – no problem
– No mixing
– During birth, blood will mix
– Mother’s immune sys creates Rh+ antibodies
– No harm to baby
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
• Second child
– If child is Rh+ = problem
– Mother has Rh+ antibodies
– If they enter baby, blood will clump
– Reduced O2 delivery
– “blue baby”
– Solution – transfuse baby w/ Rh- blood
Blood Clotting
• Small
• Fragile
• Contain specialized proteins
• Initiate clotting
– Join with calcium in plasma
– First step in clotting
Clotting involves up to fifteen different substances, but can be summarized
into three stages.
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
– After clot forms, fibrin threads contract. This further closes the blood
– After the vessel has been repaired, the enzyme plasmin dissolves the
fibrin clot.
– Clotting in an unbroken vessel is called thrombosis, and is the most
frequent cause of heart attack and stroke.
• deficiency of red blood corpuscles by either too rapid a
loss or too slow a production
– Symptoms:
• lack of energy
• catch other illnesses easily
• sickle cell anemia
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
• cancerous disease of blood-forming organs
• increase in immature white blood cells
• decrease in red blood cells and platelets
• decreases immunity and O2 capacity
• “kissing disease”
• Viral disease
• increase in white blood cells production
– monocytes
• Body is missing Clotting Factor IV
• Prevents normal clotting of blood
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Lymphatic System
lymph - the fluid found in lymph vessels that contains some proteins that
have leaked
• A system to return extracellular fluid to _______________________.
– Leakage from capillaries
• Much like the circulatory system
– Intertwined
• Lymph vessels
– lymph capillaries are endings which are permeable to all
interstitial fluid
• Fluid moves through lymph vessels by _________________________
– No backflow due to __________________________________
• Lymph nodes
– mostly in head, neck, armpit, abdomen, and groin
– Before lymph is returned to the blood it passes through ______
– Nodes contain ________________________
– They filter lymph for __________________
– Will destroy foreign particles
• Lymph is returned to the circulatory system through ducts
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Ducts (fun facts…don’t memorize this)
• the vessels converge into the great thoracic duct (GTD) or right
lymphatic duct (RLD)
• the GTD collects lymph from legs, left arm and left side of head
• empties into venuous system at the junction of the left jugular and
subclavian veins
• the RLD drains right arm, right side of
head and trunk
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
Functions of the Lymphatic System
a. _________________________________
• fluid filtered minus fluid absorbed = too much left over at
cell site.
• Extra fluid returned to blood to prevent edema
– (collection of fluid in the interstitial tissues)
b. _________________________________
• capillaries slightly permeable to protein
• leaked protein must be returned to blood by lymphatic
• purpose to maintain the protein concentration difference
between the plasma and the interstitial fluid to prevent
large movement of fluid out of blood
c. _________________________________
– i.e. transports fat from the G.I. tract
– other possibilities
• high molecular weight hormones reach the circulatory
system via the lymphatic system
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
• Lymphoid Organs
– ______________ a lymphoid organ that acts as a reservoir for
blood and a filtering site for lymph
– ____________________ a lymphoid organ in which
T lymphocytes mature
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Week 16
The Immune Response
 The immune system is designed to respond to ___________, particles
or ____________ that are not supposed to be present within the body.
 Of crucial importance is the body’s ability to correctly distinguish
“self” from “non-self”.
The Immune Response
 WBC are involved in the Immune Response
 The bodies first line of defence is the _________ and ________________
that prevent foreign substances from entering
 The second line of defence is the "______________________________"
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
 Histamines from injured cells triggers increased
permeability of capillaries in area, thus more WBC can
enter area
 The area becomes walled off and phagocytes invade the
area and rid the tissue of infectious or toxic agents
 Results in inflammation
 When phagocytic leucocytes engulf a large amount of bacteria and
damaged tissue, they die, resulting in pus formation (an accumulation of
damaged/dead tissue, and dead leucocytes).
 The third line of defence is _____________________ (immune response)
 Highly specific (like enzyme-substrate specifically)
 Lymphocytes produce globular proteins known as
______________ in response to an antigen (foreign
protein, virus or bacteria)
 Antibodies protect the body against invading agents by:
1. coat antigen so that ___________________________ can ingest it
2. combine with it to _________________ it
3. work with another blood component called a "complement" to ______
and _______________ the infected cells
Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity
 After the first bout of infection the circulatory antibodies
disappear, but ___________________ are now "sensitized" and
if particle returns they trigger quick ____________ production
 Other cells involved:
 T-lymphocytes (_________)
 mainly responsible for tissue transplant rejection
 B-lymphocytes (_________)
 produce antibodies that circulate in blood and
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Bio 20 Unit 4
Circulation, Blood, Lymphatic System, Immunity