An Admin Scholar Presentation Gratitude to: Ferdous Jahan, ph.D Professor Department of Public Administration University of Dhaka Presented by: MD. Harunur Rashid MSS 1st Semester Department of Public Administration University of Dhaka Embedded Autonomy: State & Industrial Transformation (1995) Peter B. Evans (1944) Professor University of California Lecture Outline: Part 1 The Concept of Embedded Autonomy (EA) State & Industrial Transformation: How Embedded Autonomy Look Like? a. Components of the state & its formation’ background b. Role of the state in neo-liberal economics c. Four types of role in industrial transformation d. Three types of state & variations e. Relationships between EA & Industrial Transformation Part 2 Role of the State in Industrial Transformation of Information Technology (IT) sector Three country experiences ( Korea, Brazil & India) Is the state lost its dominance due to emergence of capable IT sector ? Regaining the State’ Confidence & capacity, How? Summary of the book in 5 points Gift box & conclusion. Concept of Embedded Autonomy: The word Autonomy comes from Greek word ‘autonomia’ which consists of auto-’self’ and nomos-’law’ The combined meanings is ‘one who gives oneself one’s own law’. Whatever the meanings of autonomy, Peter Evans sees another meaning. Autonomy denotes the corporate coherence or harmony among the state apparatus or bureaucracy (ideal type of bureaucracy) having with informal network among them. In other words, autonomy is the warm relationships among the state owned organizations having with characteristics of ideal type of bureaucracy. We found bureaucracy as ideal type which it is endowed with following characteristics. 1. Merit based recruitment 2. Formal rules and regulation 3. Hierarchy 4. Careerism 5. Division of work 6. Impersonality *** Informal network ( According to Durkheim-’’noncontractual elements of contract’’). According to Oxford Dictionary- The meaning of embedded is ‘fix (an object) firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass. Evans drew attention on – embedded (ness) refers to the connectedness or ties of the state or state apparatus with the social groups. Who are they (social groups)? *Local Industrial elites Civil Society Market People Different social classes. So, Embedded autonomy can be defined as the state (situation) where the state apparatus or bureaucracy characterised with the ideal type of bureaucracy having with harmony among them and strong bondage with social groups. Autonomy & embeddedness, both are pre-requisite for industrial transformation in any country. One can’t go without other. Embedded autonomy lies in the – History of the country or region Culture Social structure State & society relationships. Example- Aloofness from people of Bangladesh, India & Pakistan bureaucracy. State & Industrial Transformation: How Embedded Autonomy Look Like? State which has four basic features – a. Specific region b. People c. Government d. Sovereignty Shape of the state and its apparatus moulded by its origin, historical backgrounds. State has inherent capacity as well as role in the process of industrial transformation which is derived from the ‘embedded autonomy’. The role of state is universal in any type of economy whether it is classic, neo-liberal or mixed economy. Therefore, state fosters the social groups as well as discriminate seemingly to the facilitate the welfare of the people. Example- Conservation of opportunities (quota), building sound middle class society. Role of the State in Neo-Classical or NeoUtilitarian Economics: In the voice of Evans- ‘’ NeoClassical economics of a state is essential for economic growth, but essential state was minimal state’’ Having the background of the 2nd world war- state had dominant role in the economy and development. From 1970s, role of state was going to change due to the emergence of neo-liberalism. Features of the Neo-classics economy Let the market do, market will bring equilibrium. Minimal state, dominant market State is mutual observer State do only rent seeking activities. However, Evans criticize the neoutilitarian economics for undermining the role of the state. Four Types of the Role in Industrial Transformation: Peter Evans argued that state involvement is important in any industrial transformation where state facilitate the stride through policy (greenhouse policy-BD Drug Policy in Ershad’ regime) and promotional activities . For the sake of development, state sometimes plays ambiguous role and preserve interests for special groups. According to Evans, generally state plays four types of role1. Custodian: State provide services directly. Example- Mineral extraction, power etc. 2. Demiurge: State takes lead in transformation and minimal role of local industrialists or private sector. Example- Korean steel company. 3. Midwives: State incentivizes and encourages the private sector through policy and promotional activities. Example- IT industry in Korea and Japan. 4. Husbandry: For further development, State commit Research & Developmental (R&D) activities where private sector can’t go without public sector leadership. Example- Korean experience in IT industry. Sectoral Variation: The role of the state varies to the sector wise in industrial transformation. State determine the way on the basis of their capacity and autonomy. Few examples have cited below- Mineral Extraction: Generally, state takes lead in the mineral extraction primarily due to its inherent capacity and the lack of capacity of the private capitals irrespective of developmental state and intermediate state. Custodian and demiurge role are played in this context. Steel: Korea followed demiurge to industrial transformation in the steel sector. Phonang industries in the Rhee’s regime was the best example where cost was lower about 56.70% than USA. Textile: India, Japan and Korea, all of them went to the midwives role in the process of transformation along with greenhouse policy ( protecting the local industrialists and sector from the external threats, aggression… etc.) How EA Look Like in the Three types of the State: Evans divides state in three types in line with industrial transformation. Extent of Autonomy & Embeddedness is the key determinant whether its is developmental , predatory or intermediate state. Following table shows the state of EA in the three types of countries. Area Predatory State Developmental State Intermediate State Bureaucracy Rough type Ideal type Mixed but better than rough type Autonomy Low High Middle Embeddedness Extremely Limited High Overlapped State Capacity Low High Low but creeping Leading Role Public Public+Private Dominant Public, less private Types of Role Custodian+Demiurg e Midwives+Husbandr y. Sometimes Demiurge Dominant Demiurge than midwives Presence of EA Mostly absence Presence Weak presence Example- Zaire Korea, Japan, Taiwan Brazil, India. Variation lies also in the developmental & intermediate state. Lets seeArea Developmental State Japan Korea Intermediate State Brazil India Type of Governance Democratic Autocratic Military Democratic Bureaucracy Ideal type Ideal type Rough Better than rough Extent of EA Sound Sound Weak EA Weak EA High Low Low State Capacity High Relationships between Embedded Autonomy and Industrial Transformation: The key to success lies in the embedded autonomy which enhance the state capacity and guide the way in the road of industrial transformation. The process of industrial transformation facilitate greatly if the corporate coherence and connectedness (EA) presence in the state. Japan and South Korea are the glaring example. On the other hand, the process of industrial transformation found slow and ultimately goes to the unstable if the embedded autonomy become weak. India and Brazil are the prominent example in this regard. Part 2 a. Role of the State in Industrial Transformation of Information Technology (IT) sector b. Three country experiences ( Korea, Brazil & India) c. Is the state lost its dominance due to emergence of capable IT sector ? d. Regaining the State’ Confidence & capacity, How? e. Summary of the book in 5 points f. Gift box & conclusion. Role of the State in Industrial Transformation of Information Technology (IT) sector: 1st Phase ( State’ Role was dominant) After the 2nd world war, British International Computer Limited ICL) dominated till 1990s. In the aftermath, Japanese company FUJITSU brought ICL. Consequently British lost its glamour. USA also showed dominance from 1950s . IBM was leading company in the IT industries. From the end of 1960s different development and intermediate state began their efforts to enhance the state capacity and to ensure national security as well as to gain technological autonomy. Now we see three country’s experience at glance India: The 1st committee was Bhaba Committee which formed in 1966 Greenhouse policy to protect the local informatics. Department of Electronic (DOE) took lead to guide. Demiurge+ greenhouse policy followed. Brazil: Burbudinhos effort was first initiative in 1970s in collor’ regime which is adjunct with the National Development Plan. Midwives and Transnational Corporation (TNC) had leading role. COBRA was an exception in Brazil. Conflict between the commission for the Coordination of Electronic Processing activities and Special Secretariat for Informatics (SEI) hindered the process. Korea: From the beginning, TNC capital and support+ Midwives role of the state had been made effective. Ministry of Communication (MOC) played coordinating role. In short, in the process of industrial transformation of IT sector, the key to success was autonomy & embeddedness. In India, state apparatus took lead with corporate coherence. Brazil and korea went to the collaboration with TNC and local industries where state encourage the wheel of industrialization process. 2nd Phase ( State lost its dominance from 1990s) Major reasons were TNC and local informatics contract (the process of internationalization) The capacity improvement of the local informatics to export. Transformation of capital between local industries and TNC. Example- HCL+HP (Korea),IBM+SID (India) Re-thinking Embedded Autonomy and Regaining State Confidence: Due to the more importance on the connectedness with local industrial elites rather than other social groups and the capacity improvement of local industry produce few difficulties. Korean labour upsurge for low salary was one of them. Evans sees solution in the following way State should be connected firmly with other social classes like labour, civil society rather than more focus on the industrialist. More participation and distributive policy of the state can be enhanced the state involvement. Kerala and Austria are prominent example. To the some extent, state should play predatory role along with playing husbandry for further expansion of industry. Summary of the Book in Five Points: The role of state and its involvement is universal irrespective of types of the state and types of economy. Under the leadership of the state apparatus, midwives roles are more effective in the process of industrial transformation. Bureaucratic coherence (autonomy), sound bureaucracy, and strong ties with social groups are the pre-requisite components to enhance the state capacity and autonomy as well as for any kind of development and industrial transformation. The process of internationalization and capacity improvement of local industry incline to loose the state role . Declining the state’ role seeks more involvement and more connectedness with the society. Thanks for your patience hearing