AS91179 Demonstrate understanding of an accounts receivable subsystem for an entity Accounting 2.6 Internal 3 credits Assistance with providing evidence about the elements of the accounts receivable subsystem Note Evidence must be in context of the business – generic responses/theory do not provide evidence. Structure your evidence by considering responses to the focus questions. Often if you respond to the focus question in Excellence in full, you will have covered the focus questions in Achievement and Merit as well. You do not always need to write everything down. Credit checking has been done as an example. Achievement Credit checking What is credit checking in My Business (Achieved) How is it done/who is involved/what do they do? Eg Credit checking is finding out if the customer has a good credit rating/history before you give them credit. My Business gets customers to complete a credit application form (attach a copy if you have interviewed a real business) with details of the person and their employment. (Owner of My Business) checks with a credit reporting agency to find out customers have paid other accounts in the past. Merit Excellence Why does My business do a credit check? (Merit) How and why does credit checking help My business in the future/going forward? (Excellence) Eg My Business credit checks all new customers through a credit reporting agency and by having each one complete a detailed credit application form Eg My Business does a credit check on new customers who have to fill in a credit application form (attach a copy if you have interviewed a real business) detailing their name, address, phone, employment and other debts before offering credit sales. (My Business owner) also checks the customers credit history with a credit reporting agency so there is a better chance that they will pay their accounts and the cash owing will be received. (attach a copy if you have interviewed a real business) providing personal details including income and other financial debts. It is important that My business gets the cash owing from credit customers because My Business needs this cash to pay expenses and employees. If My business doesn’t receive the cash owing from credit customers the bad debts will increase expenses, reduce profit and mean less essential cash to pay expenses. Real business response continued: The credit checking done by my business has kept bad debts to a minimum over the years. Case study response continued: If My Business did a credit check on J Blogs (person in the processing exercise who became a bad debt) his account might not have become a bad debt and the cash would have been received. What if my business does not do a credit check, is a real business and/or has a special relationship with its accounts receivable? Here’s a couple of examples Achievement Merit Excellence Example one: Wedding Photographer Kayla is a wedding Kayla only does wedding The nature of Kayla’s wedding photography photographer. Kayla photography and if her business means she doesn’t need to do credit offers clients a choice clients want their wedding checks on clients. Rather when a client of three wedding photograph package they chooses one of Kayla’s set price packages, the packages with set will pay for it so Kayla client pays a deposit to secure Kayla as their prices. Clients choose doesn’t need to do a wedding photographer. Kayla is a highly a package and pay credit check on them. talented photographer so clients tend to have Kayla a deposit so she Kayla gets a deposit from lots of money for their wedding photos if they doesn’t need to check her clients so she can choose her as their photographer. The deposit their credit. keep this if they change can be kept if, as occasionally happens the their mind about the clients decide not to get married and Kayla is wedding or having her as unable to secure another wedding for that date their photographer. as it is too late. Example two: Maori health provider Hauora is a Maori Hauora is a Maori health Hauora is a Maori health provider offering health provider provider offering medical medical services to low socio-economic clients offering medical services to low socioin the community. services to low socioeconomic clients in the Hauora doesn’t believe in doing credit checks economic clients in community. on clients because it would go against their the community. Hauora doesn’t believe in goal of providing services to low socioHauora doesn’t doing credit checks on economic clients in the community. believe in doing credit clients because it would This means Hauora has to manage its debtors checks on clients so go against their goal of in a different way to some other businesses. they don’t. providing services to low Hauora encourages them to set up small socio-economic clients in regular payments so even though they might the community. not have a good credit rating, which Hauora doesn’t check, Hauora slowly receives the money owed by most clients. Teacher notes: The next page has some focus questions for the other elements but it is important that the assessment task is written to reflect the actual business being studied. Students do NOT need to cover all the elements, only those relevant to the business. They must make some links to the processing in their evidence when this is relevant. Your assessment task should not include these focus questions – these focus questions should be part of the student notes that they can bring to / use when doing the assessment task. Focus questions for other elements Notes Wherever possible/relevant provide examples of what you are talking about from the processing part of this assignment. Evidence must be relevant to the business studied. Achievement Merit Excellence Authorisation of transactions Which documents are Achievement plus: Merit plus: How and why does the authorised before being issued Why (and when) are the to the customer/debtor? document(s) authorised? authorisation of the Who authorises the document(s) help My Business documents? in the future/going forward? How are they authorised? Internal control of documents Eg Tax invoice/statement Eg Tax invoice/statement Eg Tax invoice/statement What important information What important information What important information does My Business include on does My Business include on does My Business include on its tax invoice/statement. its tax invoice/statement. its tax invoice/statement. Include the items that My Include the items that My Include the items that My Business needs to record to Business needs to record to Business needs to record to help manage its debtors. help manage its debtors. help manage its debtors. Accounts receivable subsidiary ledger How does My business use its Achievement plus Merit plus: How and why does the accounts receivable subsidiary Why does My business have ledger an accounts receivable subsidiary ledger help My subsidiary ledger? Business in the future/going forward? Statements to debtors What important information is Achievement plus: Merit plus: Why does My business How and why do statements included in My Business’s prepare and send out monthly to debtors help My business in statements to its debtors? How often are the statements statements to debtors? the future/going forward? sent out? Aged debtors report What information does the Achievement plus Merit plus: Why is this information useful How and why does this aged debtors report tell me about My Business’s debtors for My Business management information help My Business of it debtors going forward? Reconciling the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger with the accounts receivable control account What does this mean? Why does My Business How and why does My How/when does My Business reconcile its accounts Business reconcile its accounts reconcile its accounts receivable subsidiary ledger receivable subsidiary ledger receivable subsidiary ledger with the accounts receivable with the accounts receivable with the accounts receivable control account? control account to help My control account? Business going forward.