SPEED DATING SELF-ASSESSMENT AND CHEAT SHEET a) In today’s class you will engage in a short and hopefully fun task: speed dating in Italian. Remember what we have practiced in the last few classes – look at the checklist below to review the concepts we have learned (check the ones you feel most apply to you). What I can do 1 I can say my name using an Italian fake name 2 I can ask someone what their name is 3 I can say what my imaginary job is 4 I can ask someone what their imaginary job is 5 I can say where I am from (city or country) 6 I can ask someone where they are from 7 I can say where I work (the place I work at) 8 I can say what I like (one or two things) 9 I can say where I like to go 10 I can give thanks 11 I can greet someone hello 12 I can greet someone goodbye My comments/notes…. I can do this very easily I can do this looking at my notes I am still having trouble b) Now quickly review some examples below and see if you can match (in your head or with a partner) what each statement refers to as per letter a) – they are not in order! Examples Grazie mille! Sono uno scienziato / una scienziata Come ti chiami? Che lavoro fai? Ciao! / Arrivederci! Mi piacciono i libri d’avventura e i film dell’orrore! Lavoro in un laboratorio Cosa fai? Mi piace andare in discoteca e in biblioteca Ciao! Sono di Vancouver Mi chiamo Stefania / Stefano Match each statement to numbers in a) 1|Page c) Now that you have reviewed the key contents of our mini-unit, take 5 minutes to think of your own character. Write down below all that you can say about your imaginary self in Italian. Remember that spelling does not count and you can use props to make your character more interesting. (you can use this paper for your speed dating task, if it makes you feel more comfortable) d) Lastly, we are finally ready for the task. Listen to your teacher instructions and have fun! 2|Page