Medical Terminology Week 1 (Cardiovascular System) angio vessel aorto aorta arterio artery athero plaque brady slow cardio heart corono coronary, crown -emia blood condition erythro red hemo/hemato blood leuko white phlebo vein tachy fast, rapid thrombo clot veno vein capillo capillaries vasculo blood vessels -cyte cell -ology study of myo muscle Week 2 (Cardiovascular System) phago eat -slerosis abnormal hardening -oma tumor isch to hold back CAD coronary artery disease -itis inflammation perisurrounding valvulo valve polymany dysbad -penia deficiency of, lack -lytic destroy -graphy process of recording EKG,ECG electrocardiogram echosound -ectomy surgical removal -megaly enlargement pulmo lung -plasty surgical repair CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation Week 3 (Digestive System) Week 4 (Digestive System) oro mouth dent tooth, teeth pharyngo pharynx rect rectum esophago esophagus -al pertaining to gastro stomach -osis condition entero small intestines halit breath colo colon, large intestines -rrhea flow procto rectum pept digestion hepat liver hyperexcessive cholecysto gallbladder aero air pancreato pancreas dia through -emesis vomit -algia pain -rrhagia bleeding -occult hidden gingival gums -scopy visual examination labia lips antiagainst Ortho straight palato palate ano anal -pexy fixation -ism condition lith stone -ologist specialist -ostomy creating an opening pyro heat, fire duodeno duodenum -rrhexis rupture diverticul diverticulum Week 5 (General) cyano melano polio -malacia -necrosis append prenat brachypostrhino oto myco derma adipo hypo anteosteo arthro -ose blue black gray abnormal softening tissue death appendix before birth short after nose ears fungus skin fat deficient before bone joints pertaining to Week 6 (Skeletal System) -poiesis to make/formation crani skull cost ribs -um noun ending chrondro cartilage hallux big toe valgus bent spondyl vertebrae spina spine bifida split kyph hump myelo bone marrow -porosis lessening in density -clasis to break burs bursa lord bent backward ankylo crooked, bent, stiff carp wrist podo foot -centesis puncture to remove fluid Week 7 (Skeletal System) -listhesis slipping -ago diseased condition lumb lumbar scolicurved exoutside -desis surgical fixation acrotop calcicalcium -blast sprout dactyl finger, toe chiro hand tarso ankle maxilla jawbone cephalo head cervico neck sacro sacral area -plegia paralysis -ptosis droop, sag macrolarge gnatho jaw Week 8 (Muscular System) kinesi movement bitwo -ceps head trithree quadrifour tendin tendon -cele hernia -ic pertaining to awithout ton tone -ia condition tax coordination -us noun ending clon violent action radiculo nerve root hemihalf -paresis paralysis neuro nerve electro electricity fibro fibrous connective tissue Week 9 (General) dynamo sclerosis -asthenia ergo nom philia hist nephro eti axillo blepharo carcino genic capillo cryo hypno klepto mania lavo linguo Week 10 (Immune System) power abnormal hardening weakness work control attraction to tissue kidney cause armpit eyelid cancerous producing hair cold sleep steal madness bathe, wash tongue Week 11 (Immune System) staphylo clusters strepto twisted chain cocci spherical bacteria bacilli rod shaped bacteria spirochete coiled microorganism contagio infection, unclean cutaneo skin emaciate wasted by disease epidemic among the people eugood, normal, well glycol glucose, sugar hygiene healthful malign bad, evil pertussi intensive cough -phoria feeling, mental state -phobia abnormal fear probefore, in behalf of phylaxis protection prurito itching rubered immun onc lymphaden/o -gram edema spleno -phage phago tox bacteri vir bio cide neo -plasm adeno sarc retino mast -therapy protected tumor lymph nodes record swelling spleen cell that eats eat, swallow poison bacteria virus life death new formation gland flesh retina breast treatment\ Week 12 (General) arachno agora ambi brachio crypto conjunctivo claustro equino exacerbato congenito gloss gyneco -ar jugulo lethargo lupo mento mutageno pachy- spider marketplace both sides arm hidden conjunctiva barrier horse aggravate, irritate together, with produced by birth tongue woman, female pertaining to throat drowsiness wolf mind causing genetic change thick, heavy Week 13 (Reproductive System) orchid testes oophoro ovaries hyster uterus colpo vagina meno menstruation vas vas deferens nullinone prostate prostate ur urine hydro water zoo life oligo few arche beginning pause stop -iatrics medical practice of pedi child galacto milk pyo pus salpinx fallopian tubes -gravida pregnant Week 14 (Respiratory System) naso sinuso pneumo paraphren pulmon phon broncho -thorax -ia -pnea oxo spiro -metry septo -stoma -otomy lob pleur -ectasis nose sinuses lungs near mind lung voice, sound bronchus chest condition breathing oxygen breathe to measure septum artificial mouth, opening surgical incision lobe pleura enlargement