South Orange-Maplewood School District: 5th Grade Writing Rubric – Research Expository Writing Student Name __________________________ Exceeding Expectations Date _________________ Meeting Expectations Approaching Expectations Below Expectations Content/Ideas -Develops an engaging central idea around a self-directed compelling investigation -Skillfully and effectively supports the central idea with compelling research-based evidence or facts -Uses appropriate resources including technology to locate and skillfully present relevant information -Clearly explains and interprets information in student’s own words -Presents a clear beginning, middle and end that includes a bibliography -Develops a focused, central idea to support a self-directed investigation -Effectively supports the central idea with relevant research-based evidence (i.e. facts, details, examples, explanations) -Uses appropriate resources including technology to locate and present relevant information -Effectively explains and interprets information in student’s own words -Contains a beginning, middle and end that includes a bibliography -A central idea to investigate is stated -Limited support for the central idea -Uses limited resources to locate and present information -Provides some explanation and interpretation -Contains a beginning and may contain a vague middle and conclusion -Bibliography is evident but may be incomplete -Vague central idea is stated -Little or vague support for the central idea -Little evidence of the use of resources or use of irrelevant resources -Explanation and interpretation is missing or irrelevant -May or may not include a beginning, middle, end or bibliography Organization -Introduction skillfully establishes the thesis statement and central idea/research questions -The structure is purposeful to the task and genre, clear to the reader and skillfully developed -Conclusion skillfully summarizes important ideas and findings -Introduction establishes the thesis statement and central idea/research questions -Structures is purposeful to the task, genre and clear to the reader -Conclusion summarizes important ideas and findings -Introduction is evident but underdeveloped -Thesis statement is presented but may be vague -Structure is formulaic -Conclusion is underdeveloped -Introduction is confusing or absent - Structure is vague and/or underdeveloped -Conclusion is confusing or absent This work was completed in class during the writing workshop process. The scoring on this rubric is based on the student’s work with teacher assistance. This piece of writing reflects peer and teacher conferencing. Parents, please read over your child’s work and return within three school days. 2010-2011 South Orange-Maplewood School District: 5th Grade Writing Rubric – Research Expository Writing Student Name __________________________ Exceeding Expectations Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions Date _________________ Meeting Expectations -Writer’s voice adds interest to the message -Point of view of the argument or thesis is evident and skillfully articulated -Words/phrases convey precise meaning appropriate to purpose, audience and genre -Skillfully uses quotes to make the writing more interesting -Purposeful and innovative sentence structures are consistently used to enhance intended meaning/effect -Transitional expressions skillfully connect ideas within and between sentences and paragraphs -Writer’s voice is appropriate to the audience and purpose -Point of view of the argument or thesis is evident -Skillfully used an editing checklist and made necessary revisions -Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of: sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling -Shows creativity and flexibility when using conventions to enhance meaning Approaching Expectations Below Expectations -Writer’s voice is mechanical and/or repetitive (i.e. series of facts/ideas) -Point of view of the argument or thesis is not clear -Words/phrases are vague or repetitive -May or may not use quotes -Writer’s voice is dull and has no sense of audience -Point of view of the argument or thesis is absent -Uses purposeful and varied sentence structures to convey intended meaning -Transitional expressions effectively connect ideas within and between sentences and paragraphs -Sentence structures convey meaning but are mechanical or repetitive -Limited/repetitive use of transitional expressions -Sentences are incomplete and do not convey sufficient meaning -Little transitional expressions - Used an editing checklist and made necessary revisions -Demonstrates a competent understanding of: sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling -Errors are minor and do not obscure meaning -Used an editing checklist but few revision were made -Demonstrates basic understanding of: sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling -Errors occasionally obscure meaning -Little evidence of use of the editing checklist -Minor revisions/editing are attempted -Demonstrates little understanding of: sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling -Errors frequently obscure meaning -Words/phrases convey meaning appropriate to purpose, audience and genre -Uses quotes to add interest to the writing -Limited use of specific language This work was completed in class during the writing workshop process. The scoring on this rubric is based on the student’s work with teacher assistance. This piece of writing reflects peer and teacher conferencing. Parents, please read over your child’s work and return within three school days. 2010-2011