
Isaiah Edwards Mentor/Trainer
(To follow along)
• Download the Jesus and Genius manual at
Click on Product to download manual (there is a
suggested donation of $15)
Caution: Jesus and Genius is designed to empower you and your family
by challenging your DMS (Discipline, Mental toughness and Selfcontrol), your desire to develop, improve and grow (DIG). Your
ability to persist in the midst of frustration until you achieve your
goal. If you have a passion to perform with greatness and want
your family members to perform with greatness as well, then Jesus
and Genius is the learning development program for you.
• Introduces “Ultra Learning (Gen 1:26)” that is
empowered by principles from out of this world.
Practice consistently and with perseverance to
develop tools that will help you with processing,
recalling and understanding information more
Develop a love for learning (pg. 7)
Make SENSE of learning (Smooth, effortless, natural, swift
and easy)
• Teach others to develop their learning ability.
• Develop the sharpest mind possible for you. So
that you will Know what you need to know and
be able to do what you need to do at the time
you need to do it. (pg. 9)
Make your intelligence an offering of
Develop the abilities needed to support and feed
your family, have enough to help others and
have enough to give offerings.
Develop world class learning abilities (Ps 24:1)
A prayer and pledge to persist
“Lord, daily I will work to develop and improve my ability to
process information and to learn in a more effective and
efficient manner. I will work until I become an expert at
learning because I do not want to make an offering to
you that I have gained easily and have cost me nothing.
Lord let your glory be reflected in my life through
developed skill sets, wisdom, intelligence, mastery, the
ability to innovate and create. My life reflecting your
glory and creative power helps me to develop new skill
sets and to release my God given intellectual power. Lord
I will continue to work until you bless me.” Amen
Isaiah Edwards
An offering of Thanksgiving
“Lord, I offer my intelligence to you as an offering
of Thanksgiving. Bless me as I work to develop,
improve, increase, multiple, and learn to use my
intelligence in a more effective and efficient
manner. Help me learn to release my God given
Intellectual Power as I work to develop the
ability to become an expert at learning. Lord I
am asking you to bless me so that I will become
a great steward of the time you have given to
me because Lord you have allowed me to be a
part of your wonderful creation. Amen”
Isaiah Edwards
Why knowledge?
pg. 13
“It has been said that knowledge is Power.” I
would like to take this statement one step
further by adding “Knowing how to intelligently,
wisely, innovatively, creatively, effectively,
efficiently and skillfully use knowledge creates
power. Power creates credibility; credibility
creates the ability to influence. Influence creates
the ability to have an impact; impact creates the
conditions to bring about change.”
Isaiah Edwards March 23, 2008
Tools required to succeed
Faith – God and yourself Gen 1:26
Trust - generates positive energy, eliminates doubt.
Discipline and mental toughness
Self-control, self-motivation and persistence
Mantras – behavior migrates toward the ideas the mind
sees or hears consistently. (Mix and combine
mantras to experience maximum growth and meaning)
• Mental reps – MVP- mentally, visually, and physically
practice. Consistent healthy visualization will lead to
(Deuteronomy 6:7)
• Sacred message or text
• An instrument of thought (www.Dictionary.com)
• An organized powerful, positive, productive, verbal,
character, behavior and skill set builder
• A proactive method to use to help shape and develop
powerful, positive behavior through positive guidance.
Our behavior will generally follow, transform or migrate
toward what we hear repeatedly. Deuteronomy 6:7 and Joshua 1:8
• Psalms 19:14 and Philippians 4:8
Mantras or MAC
(Learn to use mantras as commands to develop or change behavior)
• Provides the mind with a clear destination.
• When the mind has a clear destination,
the mind will comprehend, implement,
innovate, create and compete.
• Commands creates an expectation of
action or follow through.
• Adopt Jacob’s attitude (see Gen 32:26b)
“I will not let go unless you bless me.”
An universal Mantra
(Use to help develop any desired skill set)
________________ develop into a tool that I can
use to gain knowledge. Help me to turn that
knowledge into marketable skill sets.
Example: Mnemonics develop into a tool that I
can use to gain knowledge. Help me to turn that
knowledge into marketable skill sets.
Or create your own mantras.
Skill set development requires
• Desire, love, a vision and passion
• Exposure (to accurate and current information)
• Development (practice, practice and rehearse)
• Mastery (Gen 4:7d)
• Expertise
• Unconscious competence
Experience the power of the
unified mind (Gen 11:6)
• Discipline
• Mental toughness
• Self-control
• Focused attention
• Intelligence, Knowledge and wisdom
• Innovation and creativity
• Achievement
Jesus and Genius
• Purpose (pg. 3-4)
• How-to-spiration
• Source for meditation (Joshua 1:8)
• Empowering (Zachariah 10:12)
• Encourages the development of new
skill sets, innovation and creativity
• Uses the power of “Love” (John 3:16)
Why Jesus and Genius
• Provides tools to assist with developing and
improving the ability to process information
more quickly, instantly and accurately.
It introduces the “FLOWS” concept.
Helps to develop a world class mind set.
Empowers and encourages bonding.
Daily provides a practical testimony of the power
of God’s word in your life. See Gen 1:26
• Fast
• Learning
• Opens opportunities
• Wows
• Stimulates innovation and creativity.
• Fast
• Learning
• Open opportunities
• Achieves by continuously developing new,
powerful, positive, and world class
marketable skill sets
• Transforms lifestyles
• Stimulates innovation and creativity
• Christian learner’s (pg. 10)
• Christian Winner’s (pg. 10)
• Prayer for achievement (pg. 11)
• Prayer for results (pg. 11)
• Pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17)
• Practice, Practice, Practice (Phil. 4:9)
Family learning center
pg. 13
• Designated time where the family come together
to introduce, practice and master new tools to
enhance learning
Topics - (Family History, traditions, Mnemonics, Public
speaking, how was your day, etc.)
• Each family member get to plan and lead
sessions. (Collaboration is encouraged)
Develop an Ignition word or ignition words.
Duration (20-30 minutes)
Ignition word
• An ignition word is any word you choose that
centers, energizes, readies your mind for action
to ignite and release your God-given Intellectual
Power - the abilities or skill sets you have
developed and are able to do or perform with
expertise instinctively or with unconscious
competence. These abilities are developed
through consistent training, practicing,
rehearsing and mastery.
Example: My ignition word is “Power.”
My Strengths are:
• Valor
• “To become the best you must start out among the best,
therefore continuously TRAIN to develop your God given
Intellectual Power.” Isaiah Edwards January 5, 2011
Take information in
“I need LIGHT to SEE.” (SEE- to become Skilled,
with Expertise, Effective and efficient.)
• Let your light shine before men.. Mat 5:16
• “Develop a love for learning and discover that learning is beautiful.”
Isaiah Edwards
(Skill sets, wisdom, Intelligence, mastery)
See Exodus 36:1
• Teach your family members the value of learning to SWIM
• Skill Sets “Those whose Skill sets exceeds the
skill sets of others, gets paid” Isaiah Edwards
• Wisdom (see proverbs 8:17-21)
• Intelligence and information
• Mastery (Gen 4:7d, you must master it!)
Make “SENSE” of learning
• Smooth
• Effortless
• Natural
• Swift
• Easy
• The ability to make “SENSE” of learning is accomplished
through continued and consistent practice
Tools to help make “SENSE” of
• Practice (MVP)
• Mentally
• Visually (Visualize to display, see Joel 2:28)
• Physically
• Mental speed drills (see how fast you are able
to pick up new information)
Stages of learning
pg. 16
• Learning process (pg. 14)
• Unconscious incompetence
• Conscious incompetence
• Conscious competence
• Mantra – “A winner’s attitude, pg.16”
(pg. 9 & 56)
“Mantra: Super-conscious be strong, disciplined, innovative,
creative, powerful and productive.”
• Each person has a Super-conscious (proverbs 20:5)
• Sub-conscious (to ponder, stew, simmer, from the
heart) Luke 2:19
Available to do work 24/7 (when given proper
• Develop the ability to use your Super-conscious as
a tool to assist with developing new skill sets
• Use mantras as commands to train.
• Repeat them again and again (Deut 6:7)
Mantras to help develop your
“Super-conscious come out of your
dormancy, come alive and develop into all
that Jesus created you to be.”
“Super-conscious develop into a tool that I
can use to gain knowledge and help me to
turn that knowledge into marketable Skill
sets. “
- (Totally Rely Upon your Spiritual Training, pg. 23)
See Mark. 9:23 “What do you mean if you can? Jesus said, anything
is possible if a person believes.” I will add here “and is willing to put
in the required work to develop and realize your God given
intellectual power.” Isaiah Edwards
- (Teach information Regularly until the information
or skill set becomes Automatic, Instinctive and Natural, pg. 3) (see
Proverbs 6:6-8)
• Master (Gen 4:7d)
• Develop expertise (See Luke 2:52)
Biblical Standard Level (continues)
Perform with
• Skill (Proverbs 22:29)
• Speed (Amos 5:9)
• Precision (Job 39:29 NLT)
• Power (Zach 10:12)
“Do not allow someone else to determine what you are capable of
accomplishing. Your current abilities is not indicative of your future
capabilities. Discover what you are capable of accomplishing
through the love of learning, information gathering and skill set
development.” Inspired by (Psalms 144:1, Phil. 4:13, Mark 9:23)
Isaiah Edwards January 5, 2011
Powerful, positive, and productive
self-talk (pg. 5)
• What is it? (Internal self-talk)
• Leads to action (Powerful, positive and
Uses Mantras as commands to bring about
positive changes in behavior
Proverbs 23:7 (King James) “As a man thinks…”
Deuteronomy 6:4-8 (use day and night)
Philippians 4:8 (Dwell on)
(A Mantra Of Empowerment)
• MOE - is a mantra to keep you centered, ready to
engage your mind, while remaining open, alert, creative,
innovative and aware of your surroundings.
(Jesus, Love, Power,
Listen, Mnemonics, Visual recall, Panoramic Superconscious visual recall, Sense, Discern, SCRAP,
Unconscious competence)
Mantra: “MOE, FLOWS, FLOATS and performs at the
Biblical Standard to relax and empower me.”
Get more:
• JESUS - our source of power, creativity, comfort
and authority
• LOVE – (God is love) Powerful, positive, supportive,
encourages and motivates to action (… the greatest of
these is love, See 1 Cor. 13:13b)
• POWER - ability to do, act or influence (… you will
receive power… Acts 1:8b). Also see Judges 14:6a,
Jeremiah 29:11 and Zach 10:12
• LISTEN - requires discipline, mental toughness and
• MNEMONICS - tools to assist with recalling
information. (Deuteronomy 6:8-9)
• VISUAL RECALL – Vivid and accurate visual recall
• Panoramic super-conscious visual recall
(PSVR is a gateway skill set, pg. 30 - 31) - The
developed ability to see both sides of the page at the
same time. Continuously work to develop this technique
until its mastered. Once PSVR is developed you will truly
be able to release your God given intellectual power.
• Sense – intuition, body language, sounds,
environment, etc
• Discern – insight, instinct, looking beyond the
obvious, accurately discovering a hidden meaning or
• SCRAP – life is dynamic, it changes (pg.3) Prov 27:12
• Unconscious competently (pg. 17) – learn to
Perform at the biblical standard level.
Pg. 3
Sharp lookout
Connect information accurately
Ready to rapidly recognize information
ALERT (Always, Looking, Expecting, Receiving and
Transacting/process information)
• Piercing eyes (with precision and accuracy)
“To see God at work in your life and in the lives of others.
To recognize when there is treasure or opportunity at
your feet; to recognize and take appropriate actions to
avoid tragedy in your path.” (also see Proverbs 27:12)
Isaiah Edwards
(Just Enjoy Salvation with Understanding and Strength)
• Salvation, forgiveness, grace, mercy, new start
• Love – powerful, positive, supportive, encourages and motivating
• Unlimited creative power – new money comes through
innovation. Gen. 1:26
• Wisdom, intelligence and encouraged learning
• Discerning, sensitive, caring, comforting and
Skilled, prepared and assertive when required.
(See 1 Corinthian 13:13b, Proverbs 2:10)
• POWERFUL – Is the most powerful, positive motivating
force in our lives. (… the greatest of these is love)
Motivated God to act (see John 3:16)
Creates a willingness to sacrifice to achieve.
Productive – a force that fuels performance to develop
skill sets and expertise.
Beautiful when developed and channeled in a positive,
caring, comforting, powerful and productive manner.
“Develop a love for learning and discover that learning is
beautiful.” Isaiah Edwards
Prayer oneness worship El Shaddi regularly
• God’s power – Genesis 1:26, Joshua 1:9
• The power of God’s word (Heb 4:12a)
• Principles from the word of God – Gen. 1:3-4A
Biblical standard level of performance
Zachariah 10:12
Proverbs 18:15
Proverbs 22:29
POWER (continue)
• Quattro Power
• Penta-Power
• Septa-Power
• Deca-Power
Mantra: “Faith go to work for me to help me develop the necessary skill
sets to learn to release my God given Intellectual POWER.”
Quattro Power
• Pray and work to develop the ability to recall
information quickly, instantly and accurately
• Mnemonics – become an expert at using mnemonics to aid
with recalling information. (Deuteronomy 6:8-9)
• Super-conscious or sub-conscious mind – the
natural tool that is available 24/7, once developed, may be used to
assist with learning and perfecting information. Works best when
given clear directions or instructions. (See Luke 2:19 NLT)
• Panoramic Super-conscious visual recall – a
picture is worth a 1000 words. Work to develop and perfect your
ability to visually recall information vividly and accurately.
• God given intellectual power to master all of life. Ultra
learning (Gen 1:26, Ultra learning)
• Jesus and Genius course (Download)
• Panoramic Super-conscious visual recall
(Developed ability over time to read both sides of the
page at once.) For the importance of the power of
seeing, visit Joel 2:28-29.
• Deca – Power (The powerful 10)
• Biblical standard level of performance
(Powerful seven, pg. 6)
• Behavior
• Listening
• Linking
• Visualizing (visualize to display, see Joel 2:28-29)
• Mnemonics (Deuteronomy 6:8-9)
• RICCI (Recall, incubate, connect, create and innovate)
• Make PIE (Productive information and successfully employ)
Deca Power
(The Powerful 10)
Panoramic Super-conscious visual recall
SCRAP (pg. 3, also see Proverb 27:12, Judges 7:2-7 the Lord
helping Gideon choose the 300. Always be aware that you are in a
fight to innovate, create, successfully implement, while performing
with skill, speed, expertise, precision and power. Your weapons of
choice are knowledge, wisdom, mastery, skill sets and expertise.)
• MACLLAAVICI (MAC-LA–V- Chee) – Mnemonics,
acronym, connect, listen, link, acrostic, associate, visualize,
incubate, create and innovate
DECA Power (continue)
• Powerful Seven
• SPEED - Spiritual power that engages, energizes and
• HOPE - Higher omnipotent power that energizes
• LOVE - Lock on to victory with energy and enthusiasm
• Passion- The “I got to have it of life”,
See proverbs 16:26.
(A mantra of power)
• Jesus
• Love
• Power
• Sound mind (2 Tim 1:7)
• Skill sets
• Expertise
• Well-trained
• Valor – (the developed ability to perform with skill, speed,
expertise, power, boldness and determination when facing
challenges; the ability to accomplish great feats, see 2 Samuel 23)
Secrets to releasing your God
given Intellectual Power
(work to master LMVP)
• Listening (James 1:19a)
• Mnemonics (Deuteronomy 6:8-9)
• Visual recall (vivid and accurate, see Joel 2:2829)
• Panoramic super-conscious visual
Listening Skill development
pg. 17
“My dear brothers and sisters, be quick to listen and slow
to speak…, James 1:19”
Developed over time through practice.
Requires Practice - most of us are not natural listeners
Discipline - give others a chance to express their ideas
Mental toughness (Proverbs 4:25-27,pg. 20)
Self-control - resist the urge to interrupt or dominate
• Exercising discipline, mental toughness and Self-control (DMS)
provides the foundation to develop, improve and grow (DIG).
• Seek dialogue not domination (see Isaiah 1:18a)
Listening skills (continue)
• Look – body language, look at speaker
• Intuitively – 6th sense, instinct, insight, intuition
• Sense – eyes, ears, sound, movement, discern, etc
• Take in information – mnemonics, visualize, etc
• Engage mentally – focused thoughts
• Nurture – Link, associate, connect information
accurately, incubate (LACI)
Developing your ability to become a
good listener
• Requires discipline, mental toughness,
• Registering and retaining information
• Recall (develop the ability to skillfully use mnemonics
to assist with recalling info.)
• Mimic/repeat
• Comprehend (ask pertinent questions for clarity)
• Display (performing/ being able to do)
• Mantra “Develop the ability to listen, to display.”
(Deuteronomy 6:8-9)
• Anything used to assist with recall
• Makes recall easier and more interesting
• Personal (no wrong way to do it)
• Fun (your imagination is free to roam)
• Practice using mnemonics in as many situations as
possible until your ability to use mnemonics to assist
with learning becomes skilled, automatic, instinctive and
• MVP (Mental, visually and physically practice)
Mnemonics (continue)
CA Linking (pg. 18)
Acronyms, associating and Acrostics
Visualizing (pg. 19, see Joel 2:28-29)
Mnemonic speed games (Amos 5:9)
Stacking, linking and connecting information
Rap, jingles, songs, poems, number
Innovate and create
“Design a system that will lead to success”
• Creative thinking - making new and useful
connection. Jeremiah 33:3a
Innovate – new uses from old info.
Proverbs 18:15 – The intelligent are open to
new ideas
ANGELS - (Psalms 91:11) Protection
• Creative Process
• SIM - make something new, improve a process
or make something old better
(pg. 44)
Problem statement - Why or what happens if…
Add - introduce something new or different
Not in order (change the order)
Generalize (widen)
Eliminate (take something away)
Lessen (make smaller)
Substitute (replace something and test)
• A mantra “Lord help me learn, develop and master the
ability to skillfully use the ANGELS so that I may SEE
greater and greater things.”
The Creative Process
(pg. 43-44)
• Preparation – Pre-work, knowledge,
understanding , actively studying related information.
• Incubation – Pondering, stewing over it
• Divergent thinking – Out of the box thinking
• Insight – God given flashes of inspiration, epiphany
• Verification – evaluate and experiment to verify
Stimulating creativity and
innovation Jeremiah 33:3a
• Why? If only there was a way to…? Let me find
a way to…?
What if I could do….?
How might I make it happen?
Design a system that will lead to success.
Associate and connect information
Read, research, and collaborate with others.
Think all the time, take in information even at rest.
Write down or record your ideas.
• Keep an idea book and/or a portfolio
SWOT Analysis
(pg. 29)
• Strengths – what’s good about it.
• Weaknesses – what’s negative about it and can
those negatives be overcome?
• Opportunity – What is there to be gained?
• Threats – what might I lose if I act or do not act? Is
the loss or gain worth it?
Healthy Self-evaluation
(pg. 28)
• Examine - ask pertinent questions, evaluate the
answers, who, what, why, etc.
• Filter – does it make sense or pass the intellectual
smell test?
• Instantly implement – If the ideas makes it
through your examination and filter, become courageous
enough to wisely, intelligently, effectively, efficiently,
timely and skillfully implement the ideas.
Work (SCRAP) to stay spiritually and mentally sharp.
(pg. 26)
Grasping opportunities and always looking forward with strength
• Main goal - (mixed with short term goals)
• Written - (are more successful)
• Realistic and achievable
• Evaluate and make necessary adjustments
• Accountable - (with supportive people)
• Deadline - (with milestones in between)
Ten Commandments for today
(pg. 27)
• Today I will live for Christ
• I will trust in Christ with all of my heart
• I will work to strengthen a weakness
• I will work to increase my knowledge
• I will work to improve my abilities
• I will walk in love with wisdom, power,
discernment and understanding
Ten commandments continue
• I will listen, discern, and seek to
understand before I speak.
• I will do something good for me
• I will use time as a tool and not as a
• I will pray for others and for me.
• Or create your own Ten Commandments
to get things accomplished “TODAY”
(pg. 32)
Daily seek to build a better vocabulary
Resources (Online dictionaries)
www.dictionary.com and many others.
Home dictionaries, howjsay.com, etc
When reading challenging books
Listening to others (who uses words correctly)
Psalms 119:162 “I rejoice in your word…”
Public Speaking
(pg. 34)
• CA Link your presentation
• Think of your audience, their needs and
not how you are feeling.
• Your presentation needs to be clear,
coherent, interesting and confident.
• Stand on ball of feet, knees slightly bent.
(Helps to reduce nervous movement)
Public speaking continue
• During your presentation, train your eyes
to sweep the audience (3-5 seconds)
• Practice breathing from your diaphragm as
you are speaking. Breathing from your
diaphragm helps to provide depth to your
voice and helps to control the speed of
your speech.
• Practice, practice, practice (Phil. 4:9)
Fuel for the fight
“At some point you got to stop running and start fighting”
(pg. 20 – 21)
• Love (John 3:16, motivates to action)
• Strength, to persevere and persist (Judges 6:12b; 14b)
• Courage bold, positive, powerful and wise in challenges (Jos. 1:9)
• Knowledge, mastery and expertise
• Intelligence
• Wisdom, properly applied knowledge. (Proverbs 8:17-21)
• Insight, innovation and creativity
• Valor – (the developed ability to perform with skill, speed, expertise,
precision, power, intelligence, wisdom, boldness and determination when
facing challenges, the ability to accomplish great feats, see 2 Samuel 23)
Physical Fitness
(pg. 46)
• Assist with good health and make friends.
• Provides energy (a person who is tired may be less
motivated to learn.)
• Encourage both family fitness and individual
fitness. (Working out can be a part of family time.)
Encourage family members to collaborate when
developing a family fitness program.
Mentally empowering – (Mediate on scriptures and
powerful quotes while working out.)
“A learner’s attitude toward professionalism and skill sets starts at
• Teach your family member/members to
view themselves as a professional who is
developing marketable skill sets.
• As a professional, presentation of product
(you/learner), marketability and depth of
skill sets will determine the level of
success you will achieve.
• Proverbs 22:29 (See a person skilled…)
On your journey to Glory,
work to develop the ability to
unconscious competently perform with:
• Skill
• Speed
• Precision
• Expertise
• Love
• Power (innovation and creativity)
• Sound mind (Displaying insight, instinct, intuition,
intelligence, comprehension, discernment and wisdom)
Mighty Heroes
(Help Everyone Realize their Optimum Ethical, Spiritual and academic
• The Lord is with you (Judges 6:12b)
• Go in the strength you have, I am
sending you… (Judges 6:14b)
• “I am what I am willing to work to become, therefore
start working today to develop your HEROES!” Isaiah
• Gen 1:26 (access to unlimited power)
• Prov 18:15 (open to new ideas, innovate and create)
• Prov 16:26 (ride the power of passion to success)
A mantra for behaving like a
Professional learner
“I have access to God given intellectual
power, I am a Professional and I am a
mighty HERO. Whether I am in a learning
environment or in life I will perform with
my God given intellectual power,
Professionalism and as a Mighty Hero.”
Isaiah Edwards December 18, 2010
A mantra for achievement
Mighty Hero
Skill Sets
Well trained
With a sound mind
Panoramic Super-conscious visual recall
Unconscious competence
Bless you Lord you are my rock, you give me strength
for war and you give me skills for battle
Jesus and Genius
If you will give Jesus and Genius your time, Jesus
and Genius will provide you with tools that will
help you develop the ability to learn to release
your “GOD GIVEN”
Mantra: Proverbs 22:6 Teach your children to choose the
right path and when they are older, they will remain
upon it.
Skill set development is about
US and ME (mastery and expertise)
• Unconscious competence (perform naturally)
• Super-conscious (learn to use as a natural tool to assist
with learning)
Mastery and expertise (that is) making our God given
intellectual power automatic, instinctive, natural.
Smooth, effortless, natural, swift, easy
Fast, effective, efficient
Highly skilled, excellent and accurate
It’s about Proverbs 22:29 – See a man skilled in his
labor; he shall perform before kings and not just
ordinary men.
“Those in the know, generally rule over those who
do not know.” Do you want to rule or do you want
to be ruled? If not, then?
Get started today and continue to develop your God given
Intellectual Powers and abilities (teach others to do the
same) or run the risk of being caught by surprise and/or
crushed by life’s responsibilities.
(See 2 Samuel 24:24b)